New Clear Bomb - Implosion and Explosion are Your Game of Life that is Sarva Svatantra

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Implosion and Explosion are Your Game of Life that is Sarva Svatantra


Video Audio


Understand! Universe is not only expanding, it is also becoming intense. You need to know, if it is only expanding, any one day it may just explode, no, it is exploding in the length, breadth, depth, time and it is imploding in consciousness. It is microscospic and telescopic, imploding and exploding. If you can implode yourself using your will persistence into your constant which is the reflection of Paramashiva in you, then you will see, implosion and explosion, both are your joy, your game of life. Implosion in your consciousness raises the frequency of your existence, that is responsible for explosion of your length, breadth and depth dimensions. Implosion or explosion, both are spontaneous, continuous happening. So Paramashiva’s five faces of creation, sustenance, rejuvenation, delusion, liberation is constant, it is continuous, it is spontaneous, it is out of His ‘’Sarva Svatantra’’. Understand!