New Clear Bomb - Have Powerful Cognitions from Paramashiva & be Humble to the Grahas

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Have Powerful Cognitions from Paramashiva & be Humble to the Grahas


Suddenly, may be the reasons known only to Him, He decided to teach the whole Science of NavaGrahas, showing directly the Grahas to me and He just did something like this ( Swamiji showing with His hands). I do not know whether He took me to the Space of Kailasa or He brought the Grahas to Arunachala, where i was sitting with Him. I was sitting with Him in the Temple, in Arunalesvara Temple, whether he brought them here or He took me there, i don’t know, but suddenly i saw like a chess coins on the NavaGrahas, alive, living, moving and i immediately bow down to them, the moment i realized they are alive i immediately bow down to them. Then He started talking about every Graha and explaining who holds what energy and who does what responsibility and… the whole Science He transmitted into me, the whole knowledge of Jyotisha. As i said, the words He uttered and the quantity and quality of the information transmitted was unimaginable. He also taught me an important sacred secret, if you can bring a powerful cognition in you and do Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi, on that powerful cognition and be humble to the Grahas, understand, humbleness pleases the Grahas. Humbleness makes the Gahas happy with you.

Original Satsang ( 16 Nov 2018 ) : Erase Malefic Effects of Planets through Superpowers

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