Nirahara Samyama-discover your body’s possibilities

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The Master of Nirahara, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shares with you – all about what Nirahara Samyama is and what it is not! Let’s begin understanding this extraordinary science.

Nirahara Samyama means to explore and discover your body’s possibilities without having any external input like food or water.

Your body is the miniature of the Cosmos, with all possible intelligence in it. If a fish can swim, you can swim, if a bird can fly, you can fly. Just, you need to rediscover those possibilities from your bio-memory, reawaken those possibilities in your bio-memory.

Our Love Connection with Food


Food is equal to Love and Love is equal to Food.

Every human being associates fear, greed, attention-need and love with food. That is why if somebody gives you food, you will feel ‘wow’ this person loves me. Food is very closely associated with love all over the world.

In Indian culture food is equal to love. Love is equal to food. That is why in Indian culture, whether it is joy or suffering, we share food. If it is marriage we share food, if it is death also we share food. So food is directly associated with love and the same way all the patterns related to love, attention-need is also connected with food.

Food is Emotional. Nirahara is Excitement

Food is emotional. When you try to liberate from food and the patterns created by food, first thing will happen to you is – those unnecessary sentiments, emotions associated with food will break.

So the reasonless excitement, a kind of subtle joy, will be constantly happening in your system.

What Nirahara Samyama is NOT


No – Will Power or Control at Play. Yes – Conquer your food hangovers

First instruction in this Nirahara Samyama is you do not control your hunger or thirst by your will power. In this whole process if your ‘will’ comes inside, it will replace food. You will not be successful in your ‘Niraharatva’ (the truth of being food free).

You cannot control food or water through your ‘will’. In your ordinary life, by ‘will’ if you try to control instead of conquering food pattern, you will create one more pattern of trying to control through ‘will’, which is not good. Throughout this Nirahara Samyama, you will not be controlling your eating or drinking habit by ‘will’.

Here no ‘will’ is allowed, only awakening your bio-memory happens.

When your bio-memory is awakened, you don’t need your ‘will’. You will feel highly energetic and highly excited. Mainly you will be liberated from the patterns that you created through the food.

Be assured, the power of the Samyama is such, you will be so excited. You will not have hangover of the food. You will not have the hangover pattern of eating. So the Nirahara Samyama should be practiced without hangover.

It is Not to Save Your Food Bills

Understand, this Samyama of BFOODFREE is not to save your food cost or your food bill. This Samyama is aiming at many of the basic root patterns with which you suffer, which is directly associated with your food pattern.

When the food pattern is removed, many of those basic emotional patterns with which you are suffering are broken and you are liberated. Many of your fear, greed, attention-need that is associated with the food can be broken through Nirahara Samyama.

While, the Nithyananda Niraharis do find abundant time saved from their super-market visits, to cooking, to eating, BFOODFREE is not to save your food bills, or time. Infact, many of the Niraharis, cook food for their families and enjoy enriching others with food.

No Falling Sick, Only Rising in Health, Bliss

You should not feel sick or break your health through this Samyama. This Samyama process should only make you more healthy, excited, joyful and blissful. Understand, this Samyama should not make you fall sick.

Neither Fasting nor Feasting, or Starving, Its Wake-up Call to your Natural Intelligence

This Nirahara Samyama is neither fasting nor feasting or starving. It is completely different. It is just awakening your capability to produce food directly from the sun-rays and the air. Because you have put too much of solid food into your body, you never allowed your natural intelligence of creating food directly from the Sun to function, from many of your past births. (as per the Vedic truth of reincarnation).

The moment you assumed the solid body like pig, buffalo, bull and when you evolve to that kind of bodies, in your life journey – you stopped your natural intelligence functioning.

When you were in the body of the plants, trees, you had this natural intelligence of creating food directly from the Sunrays and the ether. Now, when you evolved your body to the next level like animal body, because of the taste for the solid food, putting so much of solid food in your system, you made your bio-memory to forget that the original intelligence of creating food, creating energy out of the sunrays, air, space and ether. What Nirahara Samyama Really Enriches You With Now with Nirahara Samyama you again re-awaken the original intelligence in you.It is not just an extraordinary power, it is getting into a new Consciousness.When you are free from the patterns of food, such new Consciousness will be awakened.

Medical benefits from Niraha Samyama Medical studies were performed on participants before and after the Nirahara Samyama. The table below shows the results.



Science tells us that fat cells shrink when we lose weight, then expand again when we re-gain weight. What we don’t do is re-move the recorded messages in our cells. Messages from our past…emotional messages of low self-esteem, depression and fear pollute our fat cells!

Abusive self-talk like “you’re a failure, “you can’t win for loosing” and years of listening to the emotional abuse of parents, siblings, bosses gets planted in our fat cells. We record our self-inflicted abuse in our bio-memory, In the DNA, the building blocks for Dis-ease or Health every cell in our body has a tiny built-in tape-recorder.

In Nirahara Samyama, fat cells are vacuumed out…all the debris/trash is gone for good!Weight loss programs are external, Nirahara is internal. It removes the root pattern of the body’s imbalance deep in the bio-memory.

Swami Nithyananda states: “the basic destructive food pattern is removed, emotional patterns are broken, fear, greed, attention patterns vanish.”

All participants remarked that they observed the gradual melting of destructive “holding patterns.” Patterns that had caused relationship issues, irritation, impatience, jealousy, attention need, worry and fear, simply disappeared. The Process of Nirahara Samyama The whole process takes 21days. All participants need to devote some time in the morning to come any Satsang center to attend the meditation under the guidance of Swami Nithyanada on 2 way conference. The process is broken down to 3 stages so that the body can adjust to the "no food" state. The first stage consists of no food for 2 days. The Second stage consists of no food for 7 days and the third stage consists of no food for 12 days.

Participants can drink little fluid at any point during the samyama. As long as there is no chewing action, fluid can be sipped. One is advised to sip juices, herbal juices and water. If one feels hungry or tired they have to break the samyama immediately to prevent them from creating any patterns of resistance to the process. You should not continue the samyama without the daily guidance of Swami Nithyananda through the 2 way web conference facility at the center.

Normally participants will loose weight within the first few days and there after will maintain their weight. There will be tremendous energy flowing in the participant. They will feel energetic enough to continue their normal daily routine. Nirahari creates a space of possibilities The normal logical mind will not be able to fathom how one can live without consuming any solid food as a lifestyle, let alone thinking of new possibilities!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a living incarnation, reminds a story about the evolution from monkey to Homo Sapiens. It was about an expansion that happened when a few monkeys tried to become man and started to attempt walking straight on two legs.

When the first group of monkeys tried this new possibility, all other monkeys would have said “No, it cannot be done!” Naturally all the other monkeys would have asked “Aye, what is the use of walking straight? What is wrong with being a monkey? Why are you unnecessarily struggling instead of enjoying?”

And naturally, the small group of brave monkeys who tried to walk straight would have had thigh pain or knee pain as the body started to go through transformation, they would have taken a lot of risk and hard work! The monkey society would have called them crazy! There would have been a huge bunch of monkeys criticizing these few monkeys. But there would also have been a few intelligent monkeys saying “What he says may be practical, why not try?” Just like those monkeys cannot understand what it means to become a human being, in the same way modern men cannot understand the possibilities of living without solid food. Now a small group of brave human beings, who had experienced the space of new possibilities, have taken the first step in becoming a new man, a new species! This group is called Nithyananda Niraharis, a community of people living this solid food-free lifestyle. (Check out who they are and be inspired by their testimonials @

In order to fully understand the yogic science of Nirahara (no-food) Samyama, these are some basic truths.

First of all, from the sacred scripture – Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, Chapter 3 Sutra 110 Verse 3, Samyama is defined as the technology through which the extraordinary experiences and power, which are in our super consciousness, are expressed through our body to the world. You may be aware that our super consciousness is all knowing, all pervading but preparing our body-mind to radiate these great powers and expressing the powers, that yogic technology is Samyama. Samyama can be considered the ‘applied science” of pure yoga science. The applied science is a part of Hindu Vedic tradition, used to inspire people towards pure science. Pantajali, a Siddha sage explains that through the attainment of Samyama comes the light of knowledge.

Secondly, if you understand the Yogic psychology of evolution, all beings evolve from different bodies till they reach the ultimate space of liberation as divine beings. When we were in the body of plants and trees, we had the natural intelligence to create food by ourselves. However, after taking many animal bodies and human bodies, we stopped this natural intelligence from functioning. We started to dump so much food in the system that caused our body’s bio memory to forget this original intelligence of creating food from prana (ether). With the divine grace, Paramahamsa Nithyananda gifted the world the Nirahara Samyama, a yogic technology which awakens our natural intelligence to create food from space and opens up a space of many new possibilities that will rock the false order of the world. New possibilities after Nirahara Samyama 1) Eradicate obesity – If we look at the trend around the world in both developed or developing countries, the humanity is suffering with 2 problems related to food – eating too much and eating unnecessarily. In fact, over-eating has become a modern disease. In the recent report by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Feb 2012, they found that more people living in the developed world are obese than ever before, they estimated about 500 million people worldwide are obese, or 1 out of every 10, is obese. United States, has by far, the highest obesity rate in the world – about 30.6% of its total population! The Nirahara Samyama makes one lose all the unncessary fats and achieves the healthy BMI range. From my personal experience, for almost 10 years since the birth of my son, I had not been successful in losing the extra pounds which were gained during the pregnancy despite trying different methods! My BMI was hovering between 23.9 to 24.3; a range which was skewed towards the high side of the normal range, tethering close to being over-weight. It was only till I was initiated into the Nirahara Samyama in June 2012 and The Samyama in Dec 2012 that I finally achieved the healthy lower end of the normal BMI of 19.8. This powerful science will get so many people in the world out of obesity and the disorders and diseases related to wrong eating patterns.

2) Growing Healthier & Younger. The amazing aspect of this transformation is it is permanent because the body goes through a mutation of muscle memory and bio memory. The brain starts to develop new pathways to accommodate the unfamiliar perspective, the subtle brain grooves will proliferate to support the expansion of intelligence. So many people who completed the Nirahara Samyama simply walked out of the health problems they had been suffering for ages ranging from arthritis, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, imbalance of hemoglobin level, etc as shown in their medical reports. In addition, the Niraharis simply grow younger with a new yogic body, radiant skin and shinny hair. This possibility is beyond our human mind comprehension!

3) Change the world’s false order. When more and more people take up this lifestyle of living without solid food, the implications on the food chain and its ripple effects on other industries will be enormous! Imagine the mass production of unhealthy and unnatural indulgences by unconscious food manufacturers will be forced to stop and re-think their whole business strategy. The animals slaughter in poultry industry and over fishing in oceans that feed the human desires for taste will drastically reduce the imbalance of our eco-system. Nature will again create a right balance of animal species and marine life on planet earth and their co-existence with human beings become possible. What we see in our current dis-eased society will also decrease as more people become healthy, joyful and productive. Health care industry can be relieved from the heavy burden of treating people and channel the national resources to other possibilities. The pharmaceutical industry starts to lose its power and grip on people’s lives. I am really looking forward to seeing these possibilities.

4) Non-violence towards self and the world. We heard this saying “A hungry man is an angry man.” Our constant need for food creates a bondage which results in certain irritation and violence within us and it gets expressed in the outer world. The moment our belly stops demanding food, we liberate ourselves from the constant irritation towards our belly due to the need for food/greed for taste. Nirahara Samyama is not only a powerful technology that can liberate us from this basic hatred towards our need to work for food, it is also a direct technique to elevate our consciousness. Paramahamsa Nithyananda says that “True non-violence (Ahimsa) happens when you first liberate yourself from anger towards you”. When people become healthy, joyful and energetic, naturally their awareness will also be high with greater sensitivity towards others and mother earth. The world will see a tremendous reduction in violence, in that space a flowering of love and compassion happens.

5) Respect food as nourishment. In the Vedic tradition, food is God or the Lord of Creation. It is from food that living beings receive nourishment. It is with the help of food that living beings are nurtured and stay alive. Unfortunately humanity has lost the respect for food as a form of nourishment for our body, the temple of our soul. When we eat regularly, often we are distracted into some multi-tasking activities and the awareness will be missing. As a Nirahari, it is not that I completely stopped eating, I still do eat once a week to nourish and maintain this body. The main difference is eating once a week puts me in awareness of my 5 senses, in that awareness, sensitivity and respect for food blossom. A new possibility opens up – an ability to develop a respectful relationship with food.

Explosion of Creativity. One obvious thing I noticed after becoming a Nirahari, there is no tiredness, instead I feel a constant bubbling of a vibrant energy and creativity. If this is the state that most people are feeling, imagine the high level of productivity and creativity which can happen alongside with an increase in energy and health. So much more creativity will be expressed in different fields of art, music and scientific discoveries in research and development etc. This is when humanity takes a quantum jump into a higher collective consciousness where creativity is the life-breath.

6) From Humans to Superhumans. When the above possibilities start expressing on a grander scale, when our subtler brain grooves in the brain system start developing, these happenings will facilitate the experience of enlightened consciousness i.e. living in no-mind state with a healthy body and a highly creative mind with extraordinary visualization power. The old patterns of suffering and bondages that suffocate our innate divine nature will be removed and we evolve as Superhumans. The new species of Superhumans has the ability to both express power in creating whatever life they desire as well as being centered on the path of Self realisation.

Life is all about the choices we make and being a Nirahari was a conscious choice I made because I believe the enormous possibilities in front of me and humanity – both imaginable and unimaginable by our human mind right now. Fundamentally, everyone has to decide for themselves whether they are ready to create a new space of possibilities in their life and ride on the waves of happenings.