Ishavasya Upanishads - Seek The Truth With Love And Patience

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Seek The Truth With Love And Patience


Today’s (29th April, 2015) Nithya Satsang on Ishavasya Upanishad in Living Advaita Series. Paramahamsa Nithyananda intercepts into the context of verse 10, by which Upanishad Rishis are divulging the subtle difference between ‘grasping’ and ‘grabbing’ the truth; through the ‘context’ and ‘act’. Only by constantly keeping your seeking alive, makes you grasp the Truth by approaching world, God, Guru and yourself with tremendous love and patience and not grab them by keeping a result, agitation and fear and greed in mind. He stresses the context of any action is key to seeking. When Enlightenment is not the first priority, then it is not true seeking and that religion is only a socio-political cult, which grabs the truth. Isha Upanishad – Verse 10 anyad evāhur vidyayā-anyad āhur avidyayā | iti śuśruma dhīrāṇaṁ ye nastad vicacakṣire || 10 || Today’s Vakyartha Sadas, topic for spiritual explorations on Truth is — Seeking. Seeking, seeking, seeking. How to approach with love and patience the world, God, Guru. What is the difference between grasping and grabbing. This is the subject for Vakyartha Sadas. Difference between grasping and grabbing.

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Seek The Truth With Love And Patience