January 06 2008

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Meditation Technique to Balance Your Vata, Pitta & Kapha


In this video (26 January 2006), Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains a meditation technique to balance the Vata, Pitta & Kapha in one's body using visualizations and sounds.


Video Audio



Today we are going to do second technique to balance the vata, pitta and kapha. Today we are going to work on verbalization - sound and visualization - light. We are going to add visualization into your meditation technique; very simple change.

First step, same vajrasana, your hands on the hip, and chant the hoonkara from the navel, from the swadishtana. It should come as deeply as possible and as loudly as possible. See, it will literally cleanse the whole pitta, whole pitta energy. Chant the hoonkara.

Then second step, bend the body and let your forehead touch the ground. Chant the hoonkara same way with visualization of white light flowing from your swadishtana. See, when you add visualization, you don’t know how much work you are adding to your inner space. It’s actually, its work-out for your mind. Just like physical exercise, it’s a mental exercise for your mind, so that it will be fresh and alive to go through all the meditation techniques.

First step, sitting in vajrasana, have your hands on the hip and chant the hoonkara from the navel. Second step, bend your body, let your forehead touch the ground and chant the same hoonkara – H-O-O hoonkara sound, but add visualization. Add one more thing, visualize as if a white light is flowing from your swadishtana towards the whole body or just towards your head. Visualize light and add sound.


Please close your eyes. Sit in vajrasana. Have your hands on your hip. Chant the hoonkara as intensely as possible.


Bend your body… touch the ground with your forehead. Be in the vajrasana. Touch the ground with your forehead. Chant the hoonkara mantra and visualize the white light.



Drop the Guilt!


Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana
Title : Drop the Guilt!
Date : 06 January 2008
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda​ Paramashivam speaks on guilt. His Divine Holiness also explores the concept of morality, and we understand what it means to carry guilt, and how it can affect you on many different levels. Swamiji also guides us through a short but powerful meditation technique, which focuses on creating a quiet inner space.

Video Audio



I will enter into the session. We are still working on third layer - still we do not have the meditations. We have done only one process. Few more insights into guilt. Understand. A person who is carrying guilt can never be moral. Please understand. You always have a wrong idea - person who carries guilt only will be only very moral. No. Person who carries guilt - guilt is like a strong samskara. He will be doing the same mistake again and again. Not only that, he can not be integrated - only an integrated person morality is morality. (01:05) Person who is carrying so much guilt - his morality will be, even if he has little - only skinny. As long as he sees the police he will be moral. If he knows that police is - out of police eyes, he will do whatever he wants. I have seen in USA - the moment they see there is no cop - patrol - in the highways roadI, they will press the accelerator. Is actually a kind of a temptation - do something when you are not going to be caught.


Person who does not have guilt, he will be integrated, he will have an authentic morality. Understand. It is good and it is needed to know the country's constitution. You have to respect the countries constitution, as long you are inside of that country, inside that boundary. The moment you land in this country, from that moment you are bound by the constitution of this country - any country you like.


The constitution of the country is important to live the life. But if you understand the Cosmic constitution - as I was telling yesterday, you will be able to live in any country, anywhere without feeling suffocated, without feeling disturbed - you will have unique your own morality. See, all morality is based on non-violence, non-interference. These are the basic things. You will be authentically moral only when you are integrated, when you are centered, when you are fulfilled.


I have seen how people suffer physically, mentally and morally with guilt. Actually, the deep guilt will take away the respect which you have for yourself. And the moment you don't have respect for you, you will start with, "Ahhh, I am this kind of person only. Let me do whatever I want - what is there?" It gives you like a, kind of like a licence. Whenever I speak about this morality or guilt, people think, "No, no, Swamij only with guilt we will be moral."


No, you will never be. Authentic morality will happen only when you are out of guilt. How people came out of addiction when the guilt is taken out. There is a very beautiful story, somebody goes to Ramakrishna and asks, "Master, I am not able to give up the smoking and drinking." Ramakrishna says, "From today, I protect you. Don't have guilt, drink as much as you want, smoke as much as you want."


No, it is very funny. And Ramakrishna says, "Do only one thing: before drinking or smoking offer the drink to Kali - offer your body to Kali and drink." Very funny incident, after one week that guy comes back and says, "Master, I am not able to smoke or drink anymore. Ramakrishna asks,"What happened? He says, "The moment I offered my body to Kali, I don't feel like putting alcohol into this body. Now this become a puja vigraha and I feel uncomfortable. I feel suffocated if I smoke, so naturally it dropped." Ramakrishna says very beautifully, "It's not because of your bhakti or anything. Whenever you drop guilt, that habit it loses power over you. The habit holds power over you as long as you carry guilt. See, we take class - meditation programs in many prisons - in Madurai, in Salem, in USA also. Many prisons will take classes - meditation programs. This ASP and NSP - both programs we give.


I have seen after relieving this guilt, those beings, those prisoners-inmates, they become so integrated - they start planning to live an authentic moral life. I have seen at least one hundred people - when they come out they live an authentic moral life. You see, problem is prisons have become almost like a crime training centers. This fellow goes inside prison doing small mistake but there he sees a big criminals and he gets confidence, courage and business technique.


You see, what else the poor guys will talk from morning to night. They don't go - they are not going to sit and talk, "How to meditate and become Enlightened?" Naturally, they will talk only what they know. So, they will talk only, "Why did you do and what did you do?" And it becomes a prestige. See, in a spiritual community the person who meditates more, or knows more meditation technique - he becomes hero. In an among the community of thieves who will become hero? A big thief become hero. And these guys learn all techniques and they get courage also.


I have spent My time and taking classes with thousands of prisoners. When the guilt is removed they become authentic human beings. Not only that, the power of that activity - the samskara over your being is completely taken away. If you are, if you want to continue smoking, have a deep guilt about smoking - you will never be able to miss, you will never forget. If you remove the guilt about smoking suddenly you will see, it's a simple decision whether to have it or dropped.


Guilt creates a deep engram in you, which leads to more and more immorality, addiction, difficulties and problems. According to Me guilt is the worst poison. If you want to spoil somebody, if you want to punish your enemy just see that he gets into some guilt - that's all; he is done. It's like a fighting with himself, fighting with himself. So, understand these few insights.


Now, whatever you 'relived' yesterday try to pen down, try to pen down. Use the same papers, same booklet in which you wrote your desires. Pen down the guilt, because we are going to analyze how this guilt and desire is connected. You will see so many insides will be revealed to you. When you understand how this two are connected.




...into the meditation technique. Understand. Guilt is like a knot, energy knot. If there is a blood clot you will not have a free blood flow. Same way, if there is a guilt you will not have a free energy flow. Guilt is a very powerful energy clot - energy knot. Now the meditation technique we are going to do will straight away shake your mental layer. Mental layer is the space where you store guilt. See, I was telling you if you just accept you completely as you are, suddenly you will see you don't need to think at all. All your thinking is not accepting you as you are.


Just try now, accept you completely as you are in outer world and inner world. No guilt, nothing needs to be done. Suddenly you don't need mind. There is no job for the mind. Mind exists only because of the tension - guilt. That is the source of mind. Now, we will try to drop the mind, will try to shake the inner chattering. Naturally, you will see all the guilt will drop.


There is a beautifully example in Gita: ‘suddha jnanaika’. Krishna says, "I am the tread connecting all the beads." Inner chating is the tread connecting all your guilt. Let's cut the thread then naturally all the treads will fall apart - they will all disappear. It's a very powerful meditation technique. Forty-two minutes intensely hum - humming for two cycle will completely shake your inner chattering. Only thing, do not stop in between. Not like,”Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm."


See that the humming becomes so intense there should not be any words moving inside you. There should not be any inner chatting, there should not be any words inside you. Try, within 10 minutes you will fall in tune. Only first 10 minutes you will have thoughts and humming, thoughts and humming, thoughts and humming. In 10 minutes you will see you fall into. Next 30 minutes - completely your inner chattering will have healing or a cleaning process.


Please sit straight. Tie the ribbon, I will guide you. If you are heart patient or patient with blood pressure, please don't do. Do it very mildly - a simple humming. Others, do intensely. Participant: In vajrasana? HDH: Yes, vajrasana. Vajrasana for whole 40 minutes. If you really can’t, then sit in ordinary way. If you can try Vajrasana - it will really help you to awaken the Kundalini Shakti or the energy. Please close your eyes. Sit straight.





Understanding Pain in the Etheric Layer Part 1 || NSC


Title : Understanding Pain in the Etheric Layer Part 1
Name of Convention - Nithyananda Spurana
Session on - Etheric Body Layer
Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Date - 06 January 2008

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana conducted on 06 January 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Here Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda​ #Paramashivam​ explains the technique and understanding of releasing the pain engrams and Samskaras which gets strengthened and stuck in 4th layer also known as the Subtle body or the Etheric body layer.


Video Audio



"If one has lost a major organ, can the balance of energy be rebuilt?" That loss of organ has nothing to do with energy - so don't bother. And I wanted to answer one more problem here. People ask Me about donating organs after death - will it anyway affect our rebirth or our journey - spiritual journey? No way it will affect. In three kshana you leave the body. After that whatever happens to body, you are no way connected to it. This shraddha - all this last rights which we do also - not for that soul; for us. It's actually to heal our emotion and to cleanse ourself - disconnect ourself emotionally. It's not for that soul - for our soul.


Somebody is saying, “Thanks brother, the silent is more pleasing than talking to people. Silence makes me feel energetic.” That's the reason I am telling you. Actually it takes two-three days for people even to enjoy silence. We have become so insensitive in the society. We have lost the ability to enjoy the silence - ability to feel connected to silence. You feel in silence you don't exist - you are losing your boundary - big problem. That's why constantly either you nag yourself or you nag others. Nobel price in nagging. Anyhow, in two-three days you will start enjoying the silence.


No, I won't be reading the whole thing and answering. I am just - actually, immediately I don't enter - if you observe from first day you will understand - immediately I will not enter into subject. I will just wait for ten minutes so that your mind will settle down - then I will start the subject. It's a just a method to settle your mind. Just now you are here and there and you would grumbled out something and talking these, that, and your cell phone, and all that - is settling down. It takes some ten minutes. The presence of the Master is very powerful - it will just bring your TPS down - thoughts-per-second down. I am just letting the presence work.


Once your TPS is down then I start talking what I want to talk. The next session is going to be about the subtle body - the etheric layer - fourth layer. It means heightened awareness and intensity. Maybe you can just stand up and stretch your body before we enter into the - especially after food. Up! Fully up! Fully stretch your hand, not half! Fully up! Up! Up! Up! Down. Fully! Down fully. All the people are not bending. Bend down, then up! Up! Up fully! Up! Down. What about these volunteers? They are not doing. And up! After food usually be completely digested. Up, up! Before I say people stand up. Up fully! Just two jump - three more.


Today is a very - it is going to be a very intense day, especially after this. Whole night I will be sitting with you. We will be going through deeper layers. Actually, till now whatever you did, 80% of work is yours and 20 is only My presence. From this layer you can not penetrate - your logic or your awareness has lost its control. From this layer 80% of work is Mine, only 20 is yours, because emotion is not under your control. Only till your inner chattering things are under your control - after this third layer things are not under your control.


It's more subtle energy. So, if I start jumping now session won't end. Just to - now I think now everybody is fresh. Hope they won't sleep for at least for the next half an hour. One important thing you need to know about this layer. Oh, where is this layer? Oh, that side. I don't know where - which shifts where?


Alright, important problem about this layer, you see. In the physical body, samskaras - only if you again and again live them, again and again do the same thing - those samskaras will get strengthened. In the pranic layer and mental layer if you remember those samskara - desires again and again or hit again and again - they will get strengthened. In subtle layer, neither you need to experience, nor you need to remember. Just by the very presence these engrams will expand. That is a very - how to say - bad news. In this layer all painfull samskaras are stored. Please understand. You have three layer pain. Physical pain which you experience during - physical pain all of you know. Second, mental pain - if you are not respected, treated as you think you should be - all the guilt will come under mental pain only. Third, emotional pain - if you trust somebody and that person exploited you, cheated you - the relationship issues; all those things are emotional pain.


Please understand. Most of your mental pain would have been guilt but apart from the mental pain there is two more layer of pains you carry: physical and emotional. All pain engrams are stored in etheric body - stored in the fourth layer; subtle body. One important thing again I want to remind: in this layer the samskaras will expand by itself. You neither need to go through the experience nor need to remember them. See, for example, physical body. What are the engrams? Chronic fatigue - the more you sleep the engram will get more strengthened. If you break that pattern of sleeping, the engram will lose its power.


Second thing: pranic and mental, desire and guilt. Only if you remember them again and again, that engram will get strengthened. If you don't remember at all a particular desire for two years, it would have completely lost its power over you. So only if you remember they will have power. But with the pain - the etheric body - neither you need to remember nor you need to go through the experience to expand the number of engrams - the strength of the engrams over you. That's a - let Me give you a simple explanation - maybe that can give you some understanding about these pain engrams.


A very beautiful movie - hollywood movie. Just a year ago they released, “What the bleep do we know?” Any of you saw that movie? Oh, very wonderful movie and there is a one more movie - the same producers released, “Down the rabbit hole.” It's really - any of you saw the movie, “The Myth?" - “The Myth." I am appearing five minutes in that movie. That's why I am explaining about levitation. That is a - the about traditional levitation. There are two versions presented there in that movie. It's Jackie Chan's movie. So, they requested me to explain levitation. I am giving a very logical, scientific explanation and moreover levitation itself is not something like a great spiritual thing - it's only one power. In West all these things are too big thing. In India if you go every village, somebody will be there to levitate.


No, really! In India go to every village, there will be somebody who will heal cancers and diseases just with one hand full of neem leaves. So, whatever - maybe tomorrow I will tell My experiences with my wandering. Tomorrow, one session I will speak of that. It's a beautiful concept what the - see in the - what I am expressing now, it's the diagrams from that, “What the bleep do we know?” From that movie but the concept itself from Patanjali. From Patanjali I took the concept but the big problem with - they don't acknowledge from where they stole the concept. I am acknowledging their movie. Just because I got the visualization from them, but these guys don't acknowledge the source of the knowledge.


Stealing the knowledge is very popular in the West. They don't have gratitude for the source. They don't have gratitude for the people who spend their time. Now the very - now one movie has become very popular - any of you know that movie? Whole thing, whole thing is straight away stolen from one of My discourse - straight. No, actually the person who is appearing in that movie is our devotee. One guy, he is our devotee, and of course, I said, "I don't want to acknowledging them. You don't have to acknowledge Me but acknowledge the Vedic tradition." It's not Mine - whatever I am talking is also not Mine. It's from Krishna, Budha, Mahadeva - acknowledge the Vedic tradition. Somehow, we Hindus or Indians have no - we don’t - we did not bother about our knowledge and we did not feel pride about it. See, the Japanese Zen martial arts is a big industry in the USA. 72% of the wealth created by the Zen martial arts goes back to Japan, to enrich Japan. Chinese medicine - 90% of the wealth created by Chinese medicine and Chinese kung fu and all these arts - the wealth goes back to China.


But yoga and meditation only 2% of the wealth comes back to India because we never felt pride about our knowledge. We never owned it, we never owned it. The British has abused us so much. These idiots have - they have to abuse us and completely demoralise to rule us. They can't handle our culture, our richness by letting us having pride about it, so they have to make us coolies. That is why for the last five years people are inviting Me to London. I said, "I will not step - put My step in London." The fellows have done too much damage. They have done too much damage to our tradition. See, they have stolen our wealth - all those things I don't mind. Because we are - we are not going to excel with the wealth. We are not going to excel with the - with the richness, that is foolishness. All these western countries have so much wealth, what is there?


They are better dam, better bridge, beautiful road but people are depressed - what to do? 66% of the Americans are taking some form or other psychiatric medicines. What will you do? Means two among three are mad! No, I am stating the fact. Understand. So, we are not going to excel with the - the outer richness. So, when I hear that Ghazni Muhammad took 17 ships of gold from Somnath temple I don't bother - it's ok, let him have it. What is there? But when I hear this British fellows destroyed our Gurukul system or our knowledge sources. Something like a - in 1902 200,000 - 2-lakh Gurukuls; means the Vedic knowledge universities were there in south zone - which they call Madrasi State. In this days they call Madrasi State - 200,000 - means 2-lakh Vedic universities were there. Now they have 3,000. It's just because of these...


And westernised Indians - colonised Indians. You see, we did not have pride. See, understand. Only in USA yoga - meditation industry is 6 billion dollar industry, 6 billion dollar industry- not milion, billion! 6 billion dollar industry. Hardly 2% comes back to India. Six billion is I don't know how many thousand crores.


Secular - secularism means collecting the great truths from all religions and living - not rejection all dharma. Wrong understanding. Collect beautiful things from Christianity, collect beautiful things from the Islam, collect beautiful things from the Sikh religion, collect beautiful things from Hinduism and live together. That is the real secularism. But what have we done? Reject everything and then what will remain? Our idiotic, arrogant, pus oozing ego. That is what they are living. This pus oozing and all new words. Anyhow, we have so much to contribute to the humanity. That is why.. Participant: We never believed patenting


HDH: See, not patenting is one problem - not even creating a authentic center to learn is another one problem. You understand - not even bothered about creating a authentic learning center. Learning center is another one big problem and not even bothered about it.


Anyhow let Me explain this pain body. How the samskaras multiply. See, one important thing you need to understand. Your cells, every cell has intelligence. Understand. Not just life - intelligence. It responds. If you live with joyful thoughts just for 15 days - I can challenge 15 days your passport photograph will change. The quality of your face will change. Best technique to make yourself beautiful and graceful. Just 15 days decide, "I will not bother about anything and I will continuously smile for everything happening in my life. I will smile at my life at whatever happens outside." Take photograph before and 15 days after, passport size photograph. It will change because your every cell has intelligence. Understand.


It updates, it clears, rejuvenates, replaces itself. Constantly your body is changing. Once in 47 days your intestine completely replaces itself. Once in 7 months your heart completely replaces itself. Once in 3 months your liver completely replaces itself. Any - any doctors? Doctors can attest whatever - am I right? Participant: Yes, Sir. HDH: The statistics - these are all scientific data. Once in one year your brain cells completely replaces itself. So, you don't have a brain which you had one year ago. If you never had - if you did not have that time also - no problem. You didn't have one year ago also - no problem. So, once in 365 days all your brain cell replaces itself, means you are embodiment of intelligence.


Understand. You are a great mechanism running with intelligence. So every cell stores some samskaras, memories and responds to the happenings of the outer world based on the samskara it carries. Usually if you are showered by any painful emotions. Whenever painful emotions happen, the toxins shower on your system. Not just the pain - even the toxins showers on your system.


When it showers - few of your cells, not just the toxins - it catches the painful samskara also. When it catches - one important thing, these cells are not dead. You catch,your cells catch these emotions. One more important - you are not able to see? Alright. Oh - you are okay? Usually male don’t complain much. Poor guys - no, no, no. I don't mean female complain. Otherwise, I got 20 letters now, “How come You make comment? How come You can make fun of us?” Whatever comments, jokes I make about male I will never get a single resisting letter. No, I will never get a single resisting letter. See, “ How come you make fun of me?” Nobody writes. It's ok - chalta hai - let's carry on. Somehow....anyhow...



Understanding Pain in the Etheric Layer Part 2




Try to avoid all physical and emotional roller coasters. Reading this violent material and crime novel and enjoying these taboo things - these tabloid thing is the worst thing done to the human beings; humanity. Always, these human beings have a secret joy to know about the other's sex life or other's violence. Whatever these guys can't do, if somebody else does they enjoy it. It's called pen prostitution - that's the right word. Trying to read and listen and enjoy the other’s things - try to avoid. Because the more and more you accumulate these kind of samskaras, this body will create deeper and deeper disease and depression in you.


This layer is responsible for depression. If you are taking medication for depression. Understand. When I say something, I am responsible. Just work on this one meditation for ten days. I can promise, you will see the depression medication - the need for depression medication disappears. Doctors themself will tell. Usually, I don't interfere in medication because legally I can't interfere. I am not a doctor but do this meditation. Go to the doctor, doctor will say clearly, "You don't need medicine." You don't need medicines. I brought thousands of people out of depression, just with this one meditation - one process. The pranic layer process will do de-addiction. This process will do: releasing from depression, releasing from depression.


One more thing: every pain you experience in your body is connected to one strong emotion. Your shoulder pain is directly connected to stress. For example, go and sit in your office - morning. Don't do any work, just meditate on your boss, you will have shoulder pain and knee pain. No, really, just remember your boss. "Nithyanandam Parama Sukhadam" You don't have to even chant dhyana sloka - just if you sit in our chair you will remember your boss. Remember your boss and that stress is enough - you will have shoulder pain and knee pain. It is directly related to your stress and your stomach problems are directly related to worry. Every emotion is connected to one physical suffering. When you go into this meditation and come out, you will see the very root of depression will be shaken.


There is one beautiful book, her name is Louise Hay. Participants: "You can heal yourself.” HDH: "You can heal yourself." She has written some six -seven volumes. I feel she had direct darshan of Patanjali and she's very honest in recognizing - she acknowledges all this knowledge is from Vedic tradition and yogic tradition. One amazing thing, she doesn’t know Sanskrit, she doesn’t know Sanskrit - but how she mastered the Patanjali's commentary. You see, Patanjali's Sutras are translated in English - that's available but not commentaries on sutras. But she has mastered even those technical details and she has connected disease and the emotions very beautifully. Understand. I acknowledge that table which she created - I acknowledge. If you find time, see that table and that table is true. Every connection she created is truth - no doubt about it. She has taken exactly from Patanjali's Yoga Sutra commentaries and very beautiful translated. Very beautiful translated and connected.


I was actually thinking that I should sit and Consciously scan. Because there are many modern day diseases - Patanjali does not speak about those names exactly but he says about the causes - the symptom but not the names of the modern day disease; because this disease did not exist in those days. In India we don't - we did not have so many diseases. One important thing you should know: any psychiatric disorder - if you just create some ten symptoms. You see, in the West one big problem is, the medical industry and the medication industry is private and big lobby. I can’t talk all this thing boldly in USA. You guys are blessed I am talking all these things boldly - learn whatever I am saying is truth but I don't talk all of this in USA - big problem.


No, you don't know. I am - but whatever I am saying is truth - catch and try to save yourself. One more thing, all the guys who are living in the city, you are living in USA. Don't think you are living in India - save yourself. Too much of advertisement for food and medication - too much. How you know? In the TV you will see advertisement, "If you have constant irritation - sometimes symptoms. If you have once in while stomach trouble." The ten symptoms will be such anybody will fall in one symptom. It will be very broad - "Then you may be having this disease. Please find out, call your doctor immediately for help."


See, if they are saying about ten symptom and if you feel connected to one symptom - next day itself you will start thinking, "I have this problem. What about the other nine symptom? I think I should attract." You will attract, you will create it. Other day I was reading an article - any psychiatric disorder create a understanding, study about it and get the symptoms and publish - you will see 20% of the country is suffering in the disorder - means what? Whenever people hear about some symptom, they try to feel connected, “I think I have that. No, you see yesterday I had irritation. Last ten days I am continuously irritated. I think I have that disorder." The moment you conclude you have that disorder - what you do? You attract all other symptoms, all other symptoms and start creating the problem.


This is the same thing happening. Never, ever see the ads of this - all these medication. See, have a regular medical check up - that's perfectly all right, nothing wrong but constantly sitting and brooding over, “I think I have that symptom. I think I have that symptom.” Then naturally what will happen? You are meditating on that symptom. What will happen? You will attract, you will bring that symptom to you - you will attract it. All these difficulties, problems are because of this fourth layer engrams, fourth layer engrams; deep emotion.


Too much of engrams in etheric layer. Maybe later on I will talk little bit detail about the advertisements for food. In, you see - if you drive in Indian highways, the moment you see a temple tower, you know one village is coming. In USA when you drive in the highway, the moment you see the McDonald's tower you know one county is coming. So much of advertising for food. I always felt that McDonalds and pizza should not come inside India but they have come already. They have already come and these fellows are destroy our health. They are just going to...


Participants: Coca-cola. HDH: That's another one worst thing. These fellows are going to destroy our health. Somebody ask Me, “What is the Vatha, Pitha, Kapha?” It's three different energies - you asked the question. It's three different energies which balances your system and runs. Vatha is directly related to your verbalisation. Pitha is related to your visualisation. That's why they say, “I think Pitha has gone into his head" - if he is not able to visualize properly - pitha is related to visualization. Kapha is related to the center energy flowing - balance connecting the visualization-verbalization. If these three energies are unbalanced you will have diseases.


See these two days we have not done anything except different visualizations. With this if your pitha is getting awakened - means it's getting cleaned. Don't take anasin, metasin - all these nonsensical things which you are constantly seeing in the TV. It's actually a sin - that's why anasin, metasin. And relax - try to live, reduce the chemical intake. Try to reduce the chemical intake as much as possible. It will do so much good for you. See, some serious diseases like heart problems. Serious problems, like a - really big problems which you can't handle by mind - at that time take medication because you abused too much, but whatever you can handle with mind in a simple way, try to manage, have patience.


Connect with your body - sit with your body and pray to your body. Understand. Your body is intelligence. How you pray to God - sit and pray to your body - it's a powerful technique. Pray to your liver, “ Please, heal yourself. See that I am living a healthy life.” Pray to your heart, “Please, heal yourself. Function properly. You are independent intelligence. Help me to live happy.” Understand. Every cell in you is a independent intelligence - responds to your thoughts, your desires, your feelings, your emotions and your prayers.


There is a beautiful book,“ Biology of Belief.” Any of you - heard that book? Bruce Lipton. Am I right? Bruce Lipton. Very intelligence research, very intelligence research - 30 years of research. He reveals with the scientific facts, he proves even your DNA system can be altered. Understand. He goes to the extreme of saying, "Your DNA system can be altered by your thought." He says, “Don't think you are living as per your body. Your body changes as per your living.” Completely shifts the understanding, shift the understanding. He goes to the extreme of proving some of the major things like a - if a child is adopted by somebody else - in the young age - neither the parents nor the kids should know that they are not physically connected.


It's like a - change the kids in the hospital. You will be surprised - kids get the disease of adopted parents. The genetical disorders of adopted parents not the physical parents; actual parents. Then what do you mean by the genetical disorder or hereditary diseases? It is nothing but mind, nothing but mind. I was really surprised, shocked to see his report. He has done a thoroughly research - 30 years of research. Every point, what Patanjali says, what I am talking now is proved scientifically. Now all we need to do: reduce the depth of engrams in the etheric layer. We will do it as two-three process. First proc - please understand - one more thing, many of the statement which I am talking, saying - I am not giving scientific references. Only few statements I am giving scientific references because science has evolved only that much. Science has evolved only that much. Understand.


Science is just four hundred year old bachcha. No, true, array we are ten thousand year old R & D - research and development department in the inner science; the eastern rishis. These fellows are just 400 years old bachchas. Just because media is under their control, don't think they are more authentic than us. Our Masters are much more authentic. Actually, now the quantum physicists have understood. They say, ”Swamiji..." The other day I had the opportunity to sit with the Nobel laureate - very wonderful guy. In San Francisco, he discovered, invented the laser-maser. I was talking to him about this science and spirituality. He said, "Swamiji, to tell you honestly there are thousands of questions only mystics can answer. Only - even the scientist who have entered the zone of the mystics only can answer - not the scientists. The science has evolved itself, Swamiji." He says,"By 2012 the science will reach its peak and turn to spirituality".


He says,“By 2012, it will reach its peak - there will be nothing further to explore - especially in the quantum physics line. He says the same speed if we are growing, by 2012 we are saturated - after that nothing can be done. Then the answers can come only from mystics, only from mystics. By 2020 they say, all the sports, the physical activity with the western trend - sports, gym, exercise, everything will reach its peak performance then they will return to yoga. They have to turn only to yoga for anything. Please understand. Whatever science has evolved and proved I am giving references but all other things - what I am talking is much more deeper truth than science; they are yet to evolve, they are yet to evolve to our level - to find out and tell the truth.


Don't think just because I give some scientific researches or supports or references the science is the reference scale, no! Relax. Science is not reference scale. The apta pramana - the words of the Masters is the reference scale. Science can be proud, they can claim with pride that they proved some of the words of the Masters - that's all, not otherwise.


Now we will enter into the process for the pain body. Actually this body we can call as pain body, because all three layers of pain you stored in this, all three layers of pain you store in this. First: physical pain - remember all the pains you went through in your life, childhood fighting. Some mark - everyone will have some mark especially in India. If you had brothers and sisters, you will have their mark on you. You see I carry one mark, this also from my cousin brother. That fellow has become a immortal because of this mark. Young age, especially the Indian villages - I am born and brought in Thiruvannamalai. Those days it was a village, nowadays it has become town - those days it was a village. In the houses they use big, heavy vessels. Nowadays, vessels have become very light. Those days the vessels were very heavy. That fellow just took and had a ball - bowling on Me.


You will carry a mark - start from that pains. Bring every pain back to life. If you had some surgery and had a pain - bring that same intense pain to life. If you had some disease, even if the pain is not there now, even if you are healed now - please do not forget. You may not have that pain now. If you had even once in your life, bring it back to life. Understand. When you open up and bring that pain - can you write later on? Can you drop paper, pen, everything? When you bring that pain into your Conscious layer now, in the presence of the Master - it will be completely burnt away. First day I was telling you: exposing your film - that is what now we are going to do. Bring it Consciously to the Conscious plane and release. One more thing, really this batch is very fortunate batch. Usually in India, whenever I take NSP - at least - in last NSP we had 2,700 people. No, 2000 people in Salem - Tamil program.


Somehow it is english program and we did not do publicity much earlier so you have a less crowd - you have enough time, have enough of space, use it completely, don't miss it. Bring every pain back to life - relive, relive. First, physical pain - all physical pains. If you have knee pain ten years ago and now it is not there, you are healed - even then bring it back; don't bother. Even the dead samskaras I am trying to burn. Even if they are dead it should be burnt otherwise, it will become a place for other samskaras to grow. Dead leaves will become manure Dead samskaras also can become manure - place for other samskaras to grow - it has to be burnt completely, burnt completely.


All physical pains - first layer. Second, important thing - all mental pain, means wherever your ego was hurt - you did not receive respect. You always think, “Do you know who am I? Do you know who am I?” Wherever you go, you carry that big visiting card - some 25 titles will be printed in that. I have seen people carrying visiting cards. Even the former, former, all those posts - whatever they had in their life will be printed. Understand. You carry that visiting card everywhere you go and naturally you will have big blows everywhere - that Is what I call mental pain.


Third, emotional pain, emotional pain is very intimate pains.The deep trust which you had but exploited - the relationship, broken. That kind of emotional pain is a third layer pain. Go into each layer and relive them. Please spread all over the hall - I will guide you step-by-step.



Why Does Master Give Spiritual Name || NSC


Title : Why Does Master Give Spiritual Name
Name of Convention - Nithyananda Spurana
Session on - Q & A Session
Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Date - 06 January 2008

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana conducted on 06 January 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Here Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda​ #Paramashivam​ talks about the purpose and science behind giving a spiritual name to an initiated disciple.


Video Audio


Hinduism Believes in Transformation || NSP


Title : Hinduism Believes in Transformation
Name of Convention - Nithyananda Spurana
Session on - Q & A Session
Venue - Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Date - 06 January 2008

This video is an excerpt from the Nithyananda Spurana conducted on 06 January 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Here Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda​ #Paramashivam​ answers various questions on topics about His earlier wandering years, spirituality, healing, and meditation.


Video Audio