September 16 2010

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Ananda Gandha chakra source of super conscious healing: Nithyananda's morning message for 2010Sep16


Ananda Gandha chakra source of superconscious healing: Paramahamsa Nithyananda's morning message for 2010, September 16

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Ananda Gandha chakra source of super conscious healing: Nithyananda's morning message for 2010S


In Slovak: Nithyananda on 2012


This video is the 2012 short video dubbed in Slovak.

Link to Video:

Audio Link

In Slovak: Nithyananda on 2012ep16


Vedic Tradition The Science of Holistic Living: Nithyananda


In this short discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks on the Vedic Tradition and the science of holistic living. He describes how scientific the Vedic tradition is

Link to Video:


Live it to Leave it (PYS69): Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras (16 Sep 2010)


In this discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on the 69 sutra of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Link to Video:


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Thursday, September 16, 2010 Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Live it to leave it! All the auspicious things should be lived so that you can leave without any yearning. Without the feeling that you are missiong something. Without the feeling that there is something not happening in your life. All auspicious things should be lived so that you can leave. Living and leaving are two sides of the same coin. Please understand, if you have not lived you cant leave. If you don’t know how to leave, you can’t live. Unless you don’t know how to leave the past, you cant live. Any hangover you have inside you of the past will reduce the ability to live in the present… Whether it is living or leaving, both should be complete. Here is Patanjali’s sutra, today is the 18th sutra in 2nd chapter. Overall if you see 69th sutra. Prakasha Kriya Sthithi Seelam Bhoota Indriya Atmakam Bhoga Apavargha Artham Drushyam Vivekananda: the scene which is composed of elements (5 elements) and organs (indriyas), characterized by illumination and action and intertia is for the purpose of the experience and realease of the seer. The scene is created so that you can experience it and be released, be out of it Satchitananda: the seen is of the nature of the gunas, illumination, activities and inertia… Prabhava: the object of exp is composed of 3 gunas – the principles of illumination, activity, inertia. From this the whole universe has evolved… I will just remind you yesterday’s sutra. The last sutra says – Means the cause of the misery which is to be avoided is the junction of the seer & the seen. When the seer & the seen overlap each other, samyoga happens in each other, that is where the suffering starts. That is when the suffering starts. In the last sutra, the samyoga is the keyword – union or overlapping or misidentification. That is the keyword. Now in this sutra, we have many keywords. Prakasha means illumination, satva, kriya means activity. Sthithi inertia – tamas, seelam bhoota indriya atmakam bhoga apavargha artham drushyam. Beautiful truth. This whole world is made out of elements – pancha bhootas – earth, water, fire, air, ether – pancha bhootas. Experienced by organs sense organs – they are not 5 as you think. It is actually 11. Karmendriya and gnanendriya. G is 5 which receives things inside, karmen is 6 which does the action. Your tongue when it receives it g, when it tastes – k Genital organs when it releases waste – k, when it is used in sexual active – G. your hands when active – K, legs – k, G -5, K -5. Mind which plays between all these 10 continouosly is the 11th. So all thes put together 11 things are called organs. The world which is made out of the 5 elemtnes …. Then understand the chaos going on. This is made out of, the medium of experience is made out of 11. Then the 5+11 = 16 are playing with the 3 gunas 16x3 – understand the chaos happening in you. If in any of these, if any one shifts the guna,immd the expe will be totally different. So if in 5 anyone changes its gunas or 11 if anyone changes, expe about you and the world will be different. It is like a huge chaos. You don’t know what is happening. That is why patanjali says we are established in 3 – prakasha – life, sthithi – inertia – dull, kriya – activity. When the energy shifts, organs or elements shift, happens chaos. This whole thing is made so that the seer, the consc in you can exp and liberate it. Ramakrishna says anybody who is a Paramahamsa has to go thru all experiences. Nastradamous predicted me – in 8 things – 1. Parental name will mean Chandra – based on moon (Raja)One of them is he will go to prison once. He says he will create largest spiritual center in the world. I can see very clearly we will fulfill Nastrdamous prediction. It will be the largest spiritual center in the world. Paramahamsa has to go thru all experiences. That is what Patanjali means here - this whole thing is created so that we exp and get liberated. The problem, we try to exp but never feel the need to be liberated. Exp with the clarity to get liberated. Und, world is given to you as free so that you can be Free! I have few one liners – There was a Guruji name was free free Guruji. Its ok. I am not going to read these one liners. Leave it ☺ World is given to you as free, so that you can be free. Unfortunately, you go on try to experience to get entangled to get more & more into experience. The moment you enter have the clear awareness it is for liberation. When you enter it with the clarity for liberation, nothing can bind you. Just a simple understanding it is for liberation. When you enter into the same activity, whether eating, listening, touching. Any process, understand, experience it with all your 11 organs – g – 5 which is seeing, listening, smelling, tasting, touching – this G – 5. K – 5 means your hands working, tongue talking, genital organs reprod, legs – walking, Excretion - cleaning. K – 5 + mind – all 11 whatever you exp, pl remember, I am experiencing just to free myself. I tell you any experience you go through in life is enuf. Smarana is enough. When you stop smarana you are in marana,. Simple rememberance thru all these 11 and enjoying all these 11 is enough. Remember. This one rememberance will awaken vyana energy in you. Vyana is nothing but more awareness in your actions. Just remember, I am expeirnecing all this to be free. When you walk, talk, eat, touch, smell, listen, anything remember, I am experiencing all this just to be free. That’s all. The whole way in which you function will be shifted. Suddenly, your understanding about you is shifted. So no exp will entangle you. You will not be entangled in any exp. It will be a complete experience. Pl understand, biggest problem human beings have is you become so hypocrite, you yourself don’t belive whatever practice you do will have any effect on you. You don’t need to change the way in which you do things, you need to change the way in which you think. Unfortunately, if you are brought up in a orthodox way, you will have a deep guilt in you. If orthodoxy happens with deep understanding, that is enlight that is diff. but if it happens based on laws and rules – just orthodox upbringing – you will suffer terribly. It is worst conspiracy done to humanity. Becos you don’t feel respect on you. Und, the way in which you perceive things and remember is enough. That will work. But we are so arrogant and so deeply suffering with guilt, we know we don’t mean what we talk, not only that you don’t even mean what you think. It is almost like a corp world. If you don’t mean what you talk, you will be successful in yoru relationship, if you don’t mean what you think success in corp world. Layers of hypocrisy. It is almost like a structure built just by straw, no backbone. That is why you yourself think what you are thinking. You don’t know what you mean actually by your thinking and by your words. I tell you simple rememberance will do 2 things – collapse 1st layer of hypocrisy- you don’t mean what you talk to others-outer layer of hypo. You don’t mean what you talk to yourself – 2nd layer of hypocrisy – inner layer of hypo. Remembering all thes eexp are just to feel free will collapse 1st layer of hypo. Then the 2nd layer will automatically dissolve. Collapsing the 1st layer hypo is real imp thing. You go on try to fight with outer layer hypo. When you don’t mean what you talk to others, you try to change it, but it never happens. It is more or less like make up. You do it and it comes back again. Collapsing the 2nd layer hypo is like plastic surgery. You may not need to do it everytime. Und, collapse deeper layer hypo. You don’t even mean what y ou think. That layer of hypo needs to be destroyed, collapsed. The change in outer layer hypo never happens unless you exp change in inner layer hypo. I have few one liners on hypo – What they really mean in management circles when they say something to toehrs and themselves When they say - We will do it – they mean – you better do it You have done a great job – watch it you have more work coming - we were working on it – we have not even got started - tomorrow 1st thing in the morning – next week maybe - what is your opinion – this is my view, you better shut up and listen Lets call a meeting and discuss it – I don’t hav time to talk to you now Why don t we do it together – I am going to hang around while you do the job That’s a wonderful question – I don’t have a c lue how to answer you All the best – you are in trouble buddy

Understand, the double layer hypo . if you have the hypo you don’t mean what you tell others – you will be successful in relationship. But if you don’t even mean what you tell yourself you will be succ in corp circle. Inner & outer hypo. Collapsing of the inner hypo happens by constant rememberance. That is why all spiritual tech have some techniques that insist on remem. In all techniques. Hinduism has great practices – soham, hamsa mantra. Christian – practicing presence of god, zen – awareness. I give you this as process from patanj today. Rememerb, all experiences are just to make you free. With this und, wake up early morn, wow, I am exp cool breeze, comfot bed, cosy exp, light early morn sun because I have to be free from all this. I am eating becos I have to be free from al this. I am touching, becos I hav to be free from all this. I am breathing, beccos I have to be free from all this. Let all exp be added with one rememberance. This is provided to me to be free. World is free to make you free. So life is free free ☺ Remembrance of this one truth will liberate you from both hypocrisies. Liberation ffrom both hypo is enlight. If you really mean what you think and talk you are enlight. When you don’t mean what you talk and think, you are bound. That is where the hypo and suffering starts. You have almost become a tabloid journal for yourself. That is what is media. They don’t mean what they talk. Don’t be media for yourself. Be medium to yourself. Either you are media or medium to youself when I say medium I mean higher consc. Better be medium for urself not media for urself.

Few one liners for media –

Oh god this media – this is the title. These are actual newspaper headline which appeared

Something went wrong in Jet crash expert says safety experts say school bus passengers shud be belted. One news paper headlines read – prostitutes appeal to pope Miners refuse to work after death Two soviet ships collide, one dies Is there a ring of debris around – no need relax – I cant read out that word Typhone rips thru cimmetry – 100s dead. Sex education delayed – teachers request training Kids make nutricious snacks Astronaut takes blame for gas in the space craft Include your children when baking cookies

These are real headlines happened in press and magazines. How unconsc ppl are when writing. I don’t think they read what they write. I think they are free from what they write. That is why they write whatever they want.

When you write a spiritual book, what you do is called proof reading. When you write a tabloid or yellow journal, what you do is fool proof reading, FOOL – proof reading.

Collapse 2 layers of hypo just by this one smarana. Rememberance of all these exp are given to you to be free.

Sutra again –

The seen which is composed of elements, organs …is for the purpose of exp and release of the seer, liberation of the seer. Remember, evgerything is given to you for exp and liberation of yourself. Remember to liberate yourself, you will be liberated. Today this is the process. Go around exp everything just by remembering it is all for liberation. Whatever you exp in the skin, in the mind, in the smell, in the sound, everything is for liberation. Close your eyes and sit. Let you all experience …

Don’t move your body, just let the eyelids drop.