April 11 2011

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Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

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Prayer. Welcome. I feel maybe some 250 people outside this campus are practically living with me. I can just see what these guys do the whole day. Today’s subject – I will continue on the sutra I was talking on Saturday. 146th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 40th verse Udaana Jayaath Jala Pankha Kantaka Aadishu asangha udkaanthischa This sutra gives you the technique to levitate on water and to die at will. I already spoke on the technique, sacred secrets on levitation on water, swamps, thorns, fire, etc. today I will guide you into the techniques and methods to leave the body at will. I think more than just giving you sacred secrets I will guide you guys. I can work with you guys directly now. From today I tell you I will start working even on the samaanaas continuously and make you experience how in the eNwealth I made you go through the process. This leaving body at will is related to your capacity to hold life energy in the upper body Udaana in the vital organs especially lungs and heart. It is directly related to the ideas and concepts you carry about death. Just like eNwealth, I will guide you guys, go through the process, give you enough time. Not only I will give you the technique, I will make you guys go through it so that you get the glimpse. Udaana is nothing but ability to hold the life energy, the breath energy in your lungs even while you are not thinking, while you are not breathing. Liberating you and your life energy from breathing. Earlier Patanjali gave technique to liberate you from eating. Now he is giving you technique to liberate you from breathing. If you are having the right understanding about death, you can be liberated from breathing. I can say drastically the need for the outer air can be reduced, life energy can stay in your lungs as long as you want without change in alteration of your system. Actually you take too much of food inside only take little energy from that food and dump all the remaining food out because of your insecurity and greed for taste. Same way you take lot of air from nose because of your insecurity that you may not get air and your greed for smelling. Greed for food and greed for air can be removed easily. But this insecurity should be analyzed and removed from your unconscious. Why should you be insecure about food – at least food you have to earn, why should you be insecure for air? It is available all over. This is because of your insecurity for life. Easily you can hold your nose 30 seconds outside water. But try the same thing inside water. Within 10 seconds you will come out because of insecurity and fear that you may not come at all. Insecurity plays a major role in your breathing pattern. Sit and write the earliest concepts and beliefs you received about death. Your childhood memories and beliefs you had about death. First death you directly attended. All the impacts you experienced in your personal life by the first near & dear one’s death. The 1st death may not be from a near and dear one maybe some distant one’s death. But all of you may have had a memory of your near & dear one’s death whose impact was there on you strongly. I want you to pen down that memory. First all the earliest ideas & concepts you received and started believing about death maybe from your school, teachers, mother, family or your church. That is why I am saying growing up with wrong concepts is almost like growing up by swallowing poison. 2nd first death you directly attended and the impact of that on you. 3rd first near & dear one’s death somebody with whom you live and after his death he is no more a part of your life. You should have lived with that person. I remember my cousin brother. My father’s elder brother’s first son. He is dumb and deaf. So all other children will boycott him. I need an assistant for all my pujas, homas and rituals. In the whole house only 2 people are not in the main stream playground. See my house is a huge joint family. So all kids will be on one side and only we two on the other side. I want all of you to know not even once in my life I played or participated in any sports or games – no cinema, no TV, no entertainment because this world itself is a game why engage in another game? From the moment I landed on planet earth I engaged straight in the mission work. No question of wasting time. Busy with the mission. After this scandal, after everybody has swindled everything, everybody has swindled practically every possible thing from me and after everything, still what is remaining even that is too much of achievement for my age – 33. Because the moment I landed I started working! No other entertainment like sports or games. He was my assistant first sevak. He will do all the work very properly and beautifully because I am the only one who will engage with him. When he died, first time I faced death. I said oh God! Somebody who is living with you till few days before will not be part of your life anymore? He went to one of my relative’s village for summer holidays. In the village well by accident he fell & died. So just few days before bhe was there around me assisting me in the puja. And another one thing any number of hours I sit and meditate he will not disturb me because he cannot talk! I was already conscious enough to face his death. So I handled it. it gave me the first taste of death, the idea of death. So many of you had an experience of a near & dear one’s death in your life. What it taught you and other major lessons you learnt from death – hurt, suffering, understandings of sometimes maybe happiness you felt. Sometime whole family wait for somebody to die. They feel great relief when somebody dies. So write all those experiences and understandings. If your ideas about death have changed recently after listening to my discourses or reading spiritual books or maybe other spiritual experiences. Many of you may have had near death experience – NDE sometimes when you are about to wake up from sleep, you are aware but cannot move the body. so even these experiences write down. Get back to me tomorrow. I will make you guys share the ideas you have and guide you into the right understanding you can get and show you that when you lose insecurity, your breathing will become more deep and less air will go into you. you will assimilate more energy directly from the air which is the praana. My mentor Isakki Swami used to say if you are going for urine or excretion, then you are eating more than what you want. I have lived with him and even Yogi Ram Surat Kumar I lived with him too both of them never went to urine or excretion! Same way if you are releasing the remaining air if you are exhaling, you are inhaling too much means too many insecure engrams are there which are responsible for taking too much air while inhaling. I will guide you with this tomorrow. Blessings!

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