September 04 2016

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Manifest Ishvaratva - Responsibility for Your Life's Purpose


Today, the Ganesha Brahmotsavam, ninth day, Ganapati is gracing all of us on Svarna Nagavāhana, golden snake vehicle and Sarvālankara in Sarva Nagavāhana. Let’s receive His blessings

Listen, earlier I expanded, the Sacred Secrets about Vaak Shakti, then Mano Shakti. Now listen carefully. Ishvara Shakti, Ishvaratva. Please understand, one of the eight siddhis, Sadāshiva talks about in Upanishads and Agama, is Ishvaratva. Patanjali talks about it much later, originally Sadāshiva talks about it, in Agama. Ishvaratva means power of leading, power of ruling, power of being a head. Listen carefully. Ishvaratva is one of the eight important powers. I do wanted to describe little more detail, about Ishvaratva. Only when you become Ishvara of your life, you will have Completion. For example, any small thing can lead to incompletion, if you are not Ishvara of it.

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Shuddhadvaita participants, Inner Awakening Graduates, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Living Shuddhadvaita Process participants, Satsanghis, Kotharis, Thanedars, Everyone, sitting with us all over the World, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live, whatever medium.

I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Today, the Ganesha Brahmotsavam, ninth day, Ganapati is gracing all of us on Svarna Nagavāhana, golden snake vehicle and Sarvālankara in Sarva Nagavāhana. Let’s receive His blessings, then we will enter into the LASP session.

(Arti performed to Ganesha)

Yes, let’s enter into today’s Living Shuddhadvaita process.

Listen, earlier I expanded, the Sacred Secrets about Vaak Shakti, then Mano Shakti. Now listen carefully. Ishvara Shakti, Ishvaratva. Please understand, one of the eight siddhis, Sadāshiva talks about in Upanishads and Agama, is Ishvaratva. Patanjali talks about it much later, originally Sadāshiva talks about it, in Agama. Ishvaratva means power of leading, power of ruling, power of being a head. Listen carefully. Ishvaratva is one of the eight important powers. I do wanted to describe little more detail, about Ishvaratva. Only when you become Ishvara of your life, you will have Completion. For example, any small thing can lead to incompletion, if you are not Ishvara of it. One of My disciple, was very reluctant to take Sannyas. I saw he has an amazing qualification. I was trying to find out, what is the reason, when he has all the qualification, he was little reluctant. Then, I found out, all his small, small cute desires, like walking in the street, having a cup of coffee, freedom to go, what he thinks as a…instead of the word ‘freedom’, I think… you should…. I should use the word, ’choice’, choice to go and lie down, in the beach, I was laughing, yes. Even this small, small decisions, if you are not Ishvara, it leads to incompletion.


Prime Minister, even if he wants, he will not be able to walk in the platform, be like ordinary person because security, lot of things involved, but being in the street and lying in the beach, and… just ordinary things alone, is the not the purpose of his life. I’ll give you one example. Even sometimes, I feel…. I used to feel, just lying alone with one small blanket in railway platforms, sleeping in the railway platforms in the night, happily. Morning, getting up and sitting, covering that blanket and two, three other Coolies and Porters, will come and light the fire, for the early morning cold, to manage the cold. Sitting with them and then chai will come; the Chai wala will come, bring the chai and having a chai. All this were great, sweet, beautiful moments of my life. I don’t miss them, because I decided to give up on…. give up that, for the responsibility I have taken, I’ll not be able to do that and one more thing, one day it is a cute thing, but that is not My life’s purpose. Second day, it will be boring. Understand, Choices, are something, which will bring boredom in few days. Freedom is something, which will keep you powerful forever. But, if you mix and mess, listen carefully, choices are brought to you, freedom - you bring it to you. There is a big difference. I gave up many of my choices, but I brought freedom to Myself. Freedom is realizing your life’s mission and living it. Realizing your life’s mission and living it. Choices are not freedom. Listen carefully to this story. You need to internalize this story. Tons of people miss even their purpose of life for small choices.


When I was about to leave the house, once for all, to do My Mission, My family sat around Me and said….first thing they said, “You will miss Arunachala, going around the hill.” It was a very valid reason, because I was just in love with Arunachala, and it was… it’s like a lifeline for Me. Whether something is happening in the temple or something is happening in the Arunachala, whole town, but I realized, that is not going to be purpose of My existence. Just sitting there is not going to be fulfilling My purpose, I need to create thousands of temples like that. I took My birth there to have training, not to stay there. I have to create thousands of temples, if I am sitting there, I will not be creating. Listen carefully, sometimes the juicy choices pose as if they are freedom but they are not. Freedom means every single decision is by YOU, Ishvaratva only that brings Completion. Listen carefully, many time, the choices which you think as freedom was inserted into you by the advertisements and promotions, or the other’s opinions, false views, wrong remembrance. Please understand, you always think your college hostel period was a golden period of your life, but actually when you were living there, you are so much all the time, afraid of the Warden and the whole life was hell. You just want to get out, and get the job as early as possible. This is what I call ‘wrong remembrance’, which was not joy; you remember it as joy, because you forgot how it was originally, when you lived. Always the wrong remembrance of the past makes you take wrong decisions about future. I have seen. I have seen. I’ll give the essence. Listen.

Choice is not freedom. Choice or freedom, everything has to be from your decision, only then you will be in the space of Completion. When you start making your decision about everything, what you give up, you will not feel missing that. I am not feeling, I am missing My morning chai and night sleeping alone, in railway platforms. That was a beautiful moment, no doubt, but that was not My purpose.


So, when I assumed the responsibility of the purpose, not missing the choices is Ishvaratva. Listen, listen. Assuming, fitting yourself into your own shoes, life’s purpose and because of that maturity, not missing the so-called choices, brings Ishvaratva to you. I have seen many people, useless, stupid, wrong remembrance reasoning choices. Listen, wrong remembrance reasoning. When you are in college, you think your school days were golden period. When you are in the job, you think your hostel days were golden. No! Wrong remembrance, when actually you were in the hostel, you had so much fear of Warden and what not. It was not golden, as you remember. Yes, you may be having some photographs of your tourism, tour and vacation with your friends, where you guys are smiling. Yes, photo shows all of you are smiling, only if you remember, look back, dig deep, you will understand, with how many of them, you had incompletions and fight and….you have to put up the smile. Photos are great, to tell your history to others, but if you yourself dig out, it may not be true. It may not be your real experience. So understand, many time, when choices, multiple choices, try to pose itself as your freedom, you need to understand multiple choices, is not the purpose of your life. Fitting into the shoes of the purpose of your life is freedom.


I think if you do an assignment on this, only then you’ll understand, how many times instead of fitting into the shoes of your life’s purpose, you decided to retain the multiple choices, as freedom, understand. The biggest delusion, with which humanity is suffering now is – multiple choices, are being believed as freedom. You think multiple choices are freedom in gadgets, multiple choice - in relationships, multiple choice - place to live, multiple choice - vehicle to drive, multiple choice - jewelry to wear, multiple choice - food to eat, multiple choice- clothes to wear, multiple choice, you call that as a freedom. No! No! Ability to stand up to your life’s purpose with Completion is freedom. Yes, sleeping in the platform, early morning sipping chai and having a fire, is great. There are tons of beggars, doing that everyday, am I born for that? Understand, fitting into your responsibility with Completion is Ishvaratva. That’s a method for Ishvaratva. Listen, Vaak siddhi, Vaak Shakti. Shakti is the right word. Vaak Shakti is a power. Integrity is the technique to manifest that power. Mano Shakti is the power. Authenticity is the methodology, technique to manifest that power. Ishvaratva is a power, Ishvaratva Shakti is a power, Responsibility with Completion is the technique for it. Every Jeeva, every Jeeva comes with the software of Ishvaratva. Understand, every Jeeva is programmed. He carries the seed of Ishvaratva in him. Every Jeeva, every soul, carries…... every Jeeva, every soul carries, the program of Ishvaratva.


First, decide to take responsibility for your life, fit into the shoes of your responsibility about life. Second, bring Completion about it. That is the major thing, bringing Completion about it. Please listen, anywhere you do not bring Completion for the responsibility you have taken, you may be dragging, never winning. If you see everywhere the victory, you are bringing Completion to what you took as responsibility. Responsibility, if it invokes incompletion in you, you will be worker forever, never the Ishvaratva manifests. Whether it is your public life, personal life, secret life, economic life, social life, spiritual life, every dimension and aspects of you, the Completion with which you assume your responsibility, brings victory, Ishvaratva. Listen, every time you taste victory, Ishvaratva blossoms in you, blooms in you.


If you remember the Lion and Cub story:

The lion is trying to push the meat, into the mouth of the cub, because if the cub tastes the blood and meat, his opinions about himself changes. When his opinions about himself changes, lion does not need to train the cub for hunting. The moment he tastes the meat, he knows now he has to hunt.

The moment you taste success you know, now you have to become leader. Understand, all do’s and don’t based training will never be successful, only if your Being shifts, if your cognitive shift happens, the training will be successful.

As long as the cub believes, he is a sheep, lion can go on be grooming the hair, teaching to roar, rrrrrr rrrrrr …. Asking the cub, “Aye, from here you have to jump, seven step, where the prey is there and you have to attack. Three inch, your teeth should go deep, into the neck of the prey. Five inch skin, you have to tear and first you have to remove the heart, so that the prey dies.” Science will not work. Understand, till the cognitive shift happens, no science can train you. The moment, lion makes the cub taste the blood and meat, now the cub knows - “Aye, I am lion. So, now my ambitions, the powers, I need to manifest, the body language I need to express, the way I need to carry myself, the responsibility I need to have, the way I need to hold myself, the way I need to project myself to others, the way I function, operate, the way I exist, whole thing has to be different. Whole thing has to be different. I can’t go on, as sheep.” Listen, yes, when the cub becomes a real lion, it misses, cozy protected ambience of the sheep and the sweet tasty grass in the early morning. Yes, the lion, the cub, may not have grass to eat, but it will never miss. If it is missing, still the trace of sheep is there in the cub. Look into your life, wherever you are missing because you took the responsibility of your purpose of existence, in all those places you have not taken responsibility, you have not brought Completion. Listen. If the cub realizes, its life is lion and it is Complete about not missing the grass, it will manifest the Ishvaratva, the power of being leader. I tell you, at least for your life be Ishvara, at least for yourself be Ishvara. You may not be Ishvara for the whole world, at least for yourself be Ishvara that only will bring Completion.


Whether it is small or big, only if you make decisions for yourself, you will be Complete and you making decision for yourself, should happen from the space of you fitting into the shoes of your responsibility. You deciding to become responsible about your existence. Understand, you deciding to become responsible about your existence, you deciding to be Complete about your responsibility, this two makes Ishvaratva happen in you. Understand, nothing, there is nothing to be achieved in the life – other than living Sadāshiva and making the world, live Sadāshivoham, everything else, everything else, is simple waste of life, waste of life. You are born, deluded into the concept of money and you run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, suddenly collapse. Whether you are successful in saving or not…. unsuccessful in saving, whether you had it or did not have it, both doesn’t matter. You have not even done good to somebody. Delusion covered by delusion. Understand, money is great, if you use it to fulfill your purpose, if you generate it, to fulfill your purpose but without a purpose of life, money, relations, people, influence, everything is delusion. By its own existence, which does not bring power, is delusion. By its own existence, svayam prakasha, which brings power is Ishvaratva. Understand, this is the scale. Sit and do the postmortem of your life. Till the last moment, whatever has happened is past. Sit and try to do postmortem of your life – what is the component of me, which does not empower me by its very existence, what is the component of me, which empowers me, by it’s existence?


Purpose always empowers you by its very existence. Infrastructural support, never empowers you by its existence, it can empower you, only if it is added to the purpose. Purpose is the one, everything else is zeros. All zeros will have value, when the ‘purpose’, is added to it. Be responsible, for your purpose of existence. Understand, look brings beauty. Purpose brings personality. Look brings beauty. Purpose brings personality. Beauty can never be permanent component of your life. Personality can be the permanent component of your life. The relationships, which are built because of your personality, are the most stable, permanent, empowering relationships. The relationships, which are built because of your look, will collapse the moment the look changes. Look changes, every twenty-four hours. Forget about twenty-four hours, the distance changes look. From the distant looks ‘hmmmmm’….. Just the reduction in the distance, takes away the look. So, all look based relationships, look based decisions, will bring powerlessness and instability into your existence that is choice. Listen, all these words, understand, choices, multiple choices, look based decisions, instable relationships – all these words somehow it will be connected, infrastructure without purpose, influence without purpose, money without reason – all this can go on stealing your life, because it is delusion. It will show as if you have something, but you don’t have. You don’t have purpose, purpose, purpose. Responsibility for your purpose – that empowers you.


I tell you, next secret. All this delusion, the maya has no life. Purpose and responsibility for the purpose, has life. If the life starts happening, all this just follows you. If the life starts happening, all this just follows you, because matter has to follow life, its law of life. Matter has to follow life; it’s law of life. If you have found your purpose and you decide to take the responsibility for your purpose - matter, material has to follow you. It’s a law of life. Dhyanapeetam is not it’s money or infrastructure, it’s purpose. I have a purpose and I have a right to exist to fulfill my purpose. If this hall is there, I’ll be sitting in the throne and doing what I am doing. If it is not there, I will sit in the platform and continue to do what I am doing. I have a purpose and I am taking responsibility for it. How much we are relevant to our purpose and how much our purpose is relevant to the world makes somebody ‘leader’, not wealth and the influence or the infrastructure accumulated. How much we are relevant to our purpose and how much the purpose is relevant to the world, that makes somebody Leader. That makes you ‘Ishvara’. That makes you ‘Ishvaratva’ as your very bio-energy, your very bio-memory. Understand, neither multiple choices make freedom, nor your ‘look’, makes your personality or the infrastructure, does not make you a leader. Ishvaratva - you being the master of your life, happens only by the responsibility you assume for your purpose of existence and the Completion you carry, about your purpose of existence and the responsibility you assume. Listen, it is your responsibility, makes you a leader. It’s your responsibility, makes the power of Ishvaratva, manifest in you.


Neither the infrastructure nor the ‘look’, or the influence or the relationships or the multiple choices. No! They are all matter. Matter does not matter in real matter. Matter does not matter; it is the purpose of existence and your responsibility towards it. Your responsibility for it, that matters. Understand, when you feel responsible and you are Complete about your responsibility, the way you manifest powers, you yourself will feel like a... miracles are happening around you. Cub which taste the meat and decides that he is a lion, no more a sheep, when he looks back he feels, “Wow, two days before I was sheep, only last two days, I am lion, so much is manifesting through me. It must be a great miracle. I think my Guru lion must be God.” Yes, Guru lion is God. Understand, the biggest miracle He caused, is shift in the cognition, not the training. Shift in the cognition, is the biggest miracle. So, catch the shift in the cognition. Means, deciding to stand up for the purpose of your existence. Understand, for all the Jeevas, if you are in the human body, male, female, gay, lesbian, all the eleven gender, the purpose is only one - living Sadāshiva and making people live Sadāshiva. Living Sadāshiva and making people live Sadāshiva. Breathe Sadāshiva, make people breathe Sadāshiva. Manifest Sadāshiva, make others manifest Sadāshiva. The responsibility you take for purpose of your existence, makes you manifest Ishvaratva. That makes you manifest Ishvaratva.


Essence: let every part of you, your words, your thinking, your emotional currents, your cognition, your muscle-memory, your bio-memory, your….everything, everything…..your everything…...let it be aligned, let it breathe and live your purpose of existence, responsibly with Completion, manifesting Ishvaratva. This is the essence, most Sacred Secrets Science of Living Shuddhadvaita. The Sacred Secrets Science of Living Shuddhadvaita. Fortunately, it is sacred, unfortunately secret, in reality it is science. Fortunately, it is sacred, unfortunately secret, in reality it is a science. Live Shuddhadvaita. I wanted all Living Shuddhādvaita participants to do this assignment. What all the decision you made just to retain choices and foolishly you missed fitting yourself into the responsibility of your purpose. Many time, the small, small cute pleasures, small, small cute pleasures take away you fitting yourself into the responsibility and purpose of your life. How many times you missed it, look in, analyze, Complete. Decide to take the responsibility of your life’s purpose and live it, completely with Completion, you will manifest Ishvaratva, you will manifest Ishvaratva. It’s like one fellow came and told, “He really wants to take Sannyas and live this life of being a spiritual leader, but he can’t give up his jeans.” I said, “Okay, if that is your….jeans is a choice, if that is your life, that is your purpose, then rock like a jeans.” Or, if you are going to stand up for your purpose and be Complete about some choices, you may not need for your purpose, you will manifest Ishvaratva or go on holding to your gunny bag, colored gunny bag, that’s what I call it. You should not use, too decent words, colored gunny bag. Hold on to the colored gunny bag. In our, in My hometown, one siddha used to be there…one very famous Master, gunny bag Swami, they used to call, because he’ll wear all the time, the gunny bag. Now I am seeing thousands of gunny bag Swamis. Colored gunny bag. He used to be called as Saaku Swami because he’ll wear the gunny bag, all the time. So, now I am seeing lot of colored gunny bags.


You see, when you choose the purpose of your existence and responsibility, naturally some choices need to be redundant, irrelevant and being complete about it, being complete about your responsibility, manifests Ishvaratva. That is the methodology to manifest Ishvaratva. In any existence, in any existence, whether your existence of social life, social leader, political leader, spiritual leader, religious leader, or in your personal life as a father, mother, brother, sister, head of the family or in your secret life, your relationships, thought currents, joy, pain, right, wrong, good, bad, everywhere, fitting yourself into your responsibility with Completion, manifests the power of Ishvaratva, that, manifest the power of Ishvaratva. So, all the Shuddhadvaitam participants, who are sitting with us, all over the world – do your assignment. The assignment is projected now, in the screen - What all the decisions you made….project it. What all the decision you made, just to retain choices and foolishly missed, fitting yourself into the responsibility of your purpose. Many times the small, small cute pleasures, take away you fitting yourself into the responsibility and the purpose of your life. How many times you missed it, look in, analyze, Complete. Decide to take the responsibility of your life’s purpose and live it completely with Completion, you will manifest Ishvaratva. Please do this assignment.


So, today’s Facebook status for all of you, the essence of Satsang is – freedom not choices, personality not the look, responsibility and not stupid, cute pleasures, right not the pleasant. So this is the Facebook status for all of you. Today we have a long day, tomorrow we have Ganesh Chathurti, the appearance Maha Ganapati. We will be celebrating. We have Rathotsava in Bangalore Aadheenam and today we have the kara seva, under the Banyan tree. Every week Sunday, all the Aadheenavasis, Balasants are going to spend whole day with Me. Every Sunday, I have decided I’ll make Myself available for all the Aadheenavasis. Today, holiday for all the departments and the Gurukul. All the Balasants and all the Aadheenavasis, we will be having Kara Seva under the Banyan tree, means we’ll clean up, the Banyan tree area, for all of us to sit and meditate. So, today whole day, all departments other than the survival departments like Welcome Center and Annalaya, all departments today holiday and all over the World, all the Ashrams, I wanted all of you, to start this tradition of Sunday Swachh Sangha, cleaning up. Sunday, means gather and clean up the campus. All over the world, all the branches, all the Aadhenams, all the temples, all the Gurukuls, all the Bala Vidyalayas, all of you, please gather on Sunday and clean up the campus. Make it livable. Make it livable, cleaning up and decorating it, is Sunday’s Kara Seva. So, today all the Aadheenavasis, Nithyanandoham participants, IA teamily, IA volunteers, Ananda Yogam, Aadheenavasis, Balasants, Sannyasis, Bramacharis, the whole team will join under the Banyan tree, after the morning Nithya Kirtan and Ganesha festival. Today is ninth day of the Brahmotsavam, tomorrow is tenth day, the appearance of Maha Ganapati. We will get ready. Jnanatma has few announcements. After the announcements, I’ll continue, I have few more things to share and then we have Kalpataru Darshan now. Jnanatma will announce the next program.

(announcements by Jnanatma)


Listen; yesterday when I was going through this whole structure to approve, I saw very clearly, even in Kailasha, this is practiced. Understand, even in the Kailasha, the practice of the organization structure is there. I got this structure directly from Kailasha. Maybe for…. some of the names, I am using it, for the human….for the planet Earth. Otherwise the structure is from Kailasha.

(announcements by Jnanatma)


And actually, this will help you to fit into your purpose of your existence and take responsibility for your purpose, which I was talking all along now. Whatever I have spoken is more like a Upanishad. These courses are like Agama. This is applied science. What I spoke is pure science, this is applied science.

(announcements by Jnanatma)


So, with this we will move to Kalpataru Darshan and Kirtan, the Ganesha Utsava Kirtan and today there will be Kirtan and tomorrow there will Rathotsava Ganesha will go around the Aadheenam in Ratha as Ganesh Chaturti, the appearance of Maha Ganapati. I request all the Aadhenams to participate through Nithyananda TV and this Aadheenam, Bangalore Aadheenam will physically participate and also all the temples all over the world, please conduct Ganesha Brahmotsava Puja, tomorrow for Maha Ganapati.

So with this, I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaitam Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

Photos of the Day:

Living Shuddhadvaita Process

Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Ganesha Brahmotsavam Ganesha Brahmotsavam Ganesha Brahmotsavam Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process

Kalpataru Darshan

Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan

Kirtan and Performance

Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance

Swachh Sangha

Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha Swachh Sangha

MahaGanapathy Homa

Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple - Ganapathi Homa Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple - Ganapathi Homa Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple - Ganapathi Homa Nithyanandeshwara Sadashiva Temple - Ganapathi Homa

Photos Of The Day:




