September 03 2010

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Himalayas: Heaven on Earth by Nithyananda


In this discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on Himalayas - heaven on earth. He describes how Himalayas are a cradle to the Vedic civilization, enlightened masters and spirituality.

Video and Audio

Himalayas: Heaven on Earth

Video Audio


Sadashivasamarambamshankaraacharyamadhyamaam Asmadaacharyaparyanthaamvande guru paramparaam.


I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today’s subject is Himalayas, the heaven on the earth. Only one word I need to alter in the title they gave; the heaven on heaven. It is never on the earth; it’s never on the earth. You may be able to reach from earth that does not mean it is on the earth. There is nothing earthly in Himalayas. Even the earth in the Himalayas is not earthly.


I don’t know what all I can describe about Himalayas; maybe I will describe the greatness of the physical existence of Himalayas. That’s a most happening place in the consciousness. Just like New York, Tokyo cities, most happening cities in the outer world, same way, most happening place in the consciousness is Himalayas. All the biggest happenings, happened, happening in Himalayas, as far as the consciousness concerned; whether it is the greatest masters landing in the body or greatest masters taking over the bodies. See great masters take over the prepared bodies to do their mission. That’s what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment can be described even in this way. Great masters just vacate the ordinary will and make that will wither away and take over the body and start doing what they want. Whether great masters landing with a new body or landing on the existing bodies or relaxing from the physical body; all the great happenings go on happen in Himalayas.


Even physically Himalaya is never same; fastest growing mountain range is Himalayas; 5 millimeter per year; 5 millimeter is not a small joke. Other day I was seeing that BBC’s that Ganges documentary. It was just an ecstasy, how they describe Himalayas and Ganga. Only one thing you can say that if you have not seen Himalayas, it’s almost like you are missing one great dimension of your senses. See it’s like a born blind guy; you can’t make him understand what he is missing, by being blind from birth. You can’t make him understand; just indescribable. Same way if you have not visited Himalayas you can’t even understand what you are missing in the level of senses. Same way, if you have not lived in Himalayas, you can never understand what you are missing in the level of mind, because living in Himalayas teaches something completely different to the mind; completely different.


The other day I was talking that if somebody is not able to settle in my community for some reason, if they ask for other option, I said that Baul lifestyle will be the lifestyle I will prescribe. Same way if somebody is not able to, is not happy with this place and wanted the second option, any place, I will prescribe Himalayas. The second option community they ask, I will prescribe Bauls and second option place they ask, I will prescribe Himalayas and Baul in Himalayas; because it does something totally different.


One winter if you spend in Himalayas, so much can happen in you. You have to become Hatha yogi, nothing can be done. You just become Hatha yogi. If you want to become a vedanti just talking, talking, talking, all lousy talk, go and settle in Kashi. You want to become Hatha yogi, means really achieving yogi, Himalayas is the place, because very lifestyle will make you yogi. Even to have a cup of water you need to climb up and down. For anything your body needs to move. That’s why they say that Tibetans are the people who live longer in the whole earth because their very lungs and the body is capable of living with less oxygen. The whole body evolves in such a new way it can live with less oxygen. Life in Himalayas itself is tapas, yoga.


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens in Himalayas in you stays with you, not just stays in Himalayas. Understand, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens in Himalayas in you, stays with you. It doesn’t just stay in Himalayas. Himalayas is the place, the most conscious happening. Its again such a, such a experience, it’s one of the biggest problem. When the experience goes beyond certain frequency it only expresses as a deep joy and sweetness in the body, never as words and I will have to pick up the words here and there, here and there, here and there like this some statement, what happens in the Vegas stays in Vegas. You will be shocked how can he connect Vegas and Himalayas. Because I don’t have any words I have to pick up all outrageous words. I have to look out of the box and all, all outlandish expressions. What to do hmmm?


All the best things available in the planet earth are gift of Himalayas to the civilization whether it is a great spiritual enlightenment philosophy or the amazing, unimaginable, amazing Saraswati civilization, civilization in the banks of Saraswati, the first civilization, the extraordinary metaphysical discoveries of rishis, the yoga science, astrology, astronomy, vaastu, gemology, what not, anything worthy, anything worthy in the planet earth, it’s from Himalayas. It’s Himalayas which gave birth to the science of ahimsa, co existence. It’s Himalayas which gave birth to all great sciences available to the human beings today; Ganga which still feeds 1/10th of the world population. 10% of the world population lives in the lap of Ganga, please understand, it’s from BBC's Ganges documentary. Even now 10% of the world population lives just on one rivers lap; Ganga, and Himalayas is responsible, Ganges is responsible for the rishis to have so much of free time and to contemplate and come up with the great metaphysical discoveries. All their basic needs are fulfilled just like that and grand Himalayas in front, what will you do? You go on get awestruck, wonder struck. Your logic gets slapped every time, by the unimaginable expression of the cosmos. So naturally you start diving into the mysteries of cosmos.


I tell you, the geographical place where a religion originates plays a major role in the depth and purity of religion. Himalayas cannot be ruled by any socio-political laws. That is why the Upanishads and vedic tradition is completely devoid of any socio-political rules. There is no socio-political part in Upanishads; pure spiritual science, metaphysical discoveries, that’s all; just science that’s all. That is why still even now the sadhus who stay in Himalayas they consider themself as the sadhus of the head quarters. See, it’s like ashramites who stay in this ashram, they always have the pride they get the news first, they get the information first, they are in the centre of the cyclone, most happening place. So they always feel pride and feel they are little more than the ashramites who are staying in the branch ashrams, because anything is received by them after these guys receive. So the same way still in Himalayas that sadhus who stay in Himalayas, they say, they claim that they are the headquarter sadhus. Whether in Kumbha Mela or any where they get the first right. They are worthy; they are worthy of getting it because whatever is said and done Himalayas is Himalayas. Hmmmm.


I tell you, spending little time in Himalayas really shakes completely your idea of that whole life is secure. See staying in cities where you know thoroughly how you are going to get into the car and what turn and everything and how you are going to come back and lie down in your bed safely and by and by living this same thing for two - three years you forget that your life can have some turn and you feel almost like everything is under your control. That is why a small ticket, speeding ticket shakes your whole being; people shiver. I have seen if they get 100 dollar speeding ticket they have to pay 200 dollar to a psychiatric doctor. No...Really I have seen people. I have seen people just one speeding ticket, they have to visit immediately their psychiatrist for that fear stroke or fear attack and what not and pay few hundred dollars for that guy or even that anger and vengeance they cannot tolerate, they go to a lawyer and spend little more money to stop that speeding ticket; because unable to handle even a small change; too secured, secured.


I tell you, spend little time in Himalayas, either visit or spend little time in Himalayas. It will teach you life, because every moment it is different. When you go, the road will be open, in after one hour when you want to come back, the road won’t be open, not only open, road will not be there! No….. Really, just it will not be there, that’s all and you do not know how many more days it will take for the new road to be created. Suddenly you may need even to be air lifted through helicopters. Those helicopters are bought before the Indian independence; they are brought specially to give independence and freedom to people!!!


Just life, you will just face life, face to face. We do arrange so much, take care, but even then just life is life in Himalayas. You will have taste of adrenalin in your very tongue, not just in your body, the adrenalin release will be so much you will taste adrenalin in your tongue, just a roads just see this side and the speed with which Ganga is gushing you will directly reach Calcutta before any 911 you call. and India there is no 911, now they are trying to do 108, in some states they are successful. Very efficient states like Gujarat and all they are successful, but even then in Himalayas nothing… no 108 no 911, may be you can chant 108 times Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva that’s all. That can give you much better help than any other 108. You’ll just face life face to face. It’s good to have the taste of life as it is without any of your pseudo securities; 911’s and any other pseudo securities.


Even if your vehicles hit some other vehicle, I have not seen in Himalayas any anybody fighting for these accidents. They will hit, they will say it’s OK baba, bye. They will not even get down to talk to each other; bye and they will go, this guy will go, that’s all, because they know that’s a that’s a way roads are, nothing can be done and not like this secured cities where the ambulance chasing lawyers make more money than the people who got injured. No really, this contingency ambulance chasing lawyers they make more money than the persons who are injured.


This is the, you will have just taste of life and how people coexist, that’s another one extraordinary thing, just to be lived, to be lived, just to be lived and the extraordinary silence which you would have never ever experienced in any city even if you are staying in a suburb in one corner of any developed country; unimaginable silence. You can just touch and feel the silence, the heaviness of silence. Once I lived without hearing any artificial sound for seven days; not human voice, no artificial sound, means no sound which happens by human existence, not even my own sound. Seven days I lived. I just wanted to catch this anahata dhvani, that is a sound which is uncreated, happening in your inner space; so wanted to catch that sound. So I went and sat in one corner for seven days. I could catch the glimpse of the anahata dhvani.


I'll really recommend everybody to have at least one visit to Himalayas. You see, understand I am not promoting our trip, of course this guy wanted me to talk about Himalayas for mainly just to introduce this Himalayas to the world. If you can come with me that is OK otherwise also at least make one trip. Don’t miss Himalayas in your life, then you will really feel that you missed something really, really which need to be seen. Himalayas is the Las Vegas created by rishis. I tell you it’s a extraordinary experience. It will just give you the taste of life. It will teach you life is not just under your control, life is larger than what you think.


I can say the Himalayas is not a just geographical journey, it a psychological journey. When you go and come back, by the time you are back you are a different personality, because your pitta, liver is completely churned and your adrenalin is just blasted and all hormones, I have seen people just falling into the extraordinary ecstasy and extraordinary joy because in such a right proportion all these things are created and churned, when the understanding, spiritual understanding is also added by the master, it just puts you in ecstasy and bliss. Especially this trip the theme is ‘TRUTH IS’. As I said you are all going to appear in a documentary which is going to go to the international film festival. So live Himalayas that’s all. Let you all experience and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda.

Thank you.



2012: Truth, not Just Prophecy by Nithyananda


Video and Audio


(00:00) [intro]

21st December 2012, the most searched word in the internet today, the subject for countless articles; the end of time in the Mayan calendar reiterated by the I-ching. A yet to find in the predictions of Nostradamus; a dreadful climax in the forecast of science. Yet, a few say it is a stunning leap in human Consciousness. The world waits with bated breath for a definitive direction. Is it an end or a beginning for humanity? A rare living incarnation, spiritual beings, guiding light for millions, most watched Guru on, Paramahamsa Nithyananda unleashes the truth of 2012 as is.

(02:01) [Swamiji]

I welcome you all with My love and respects. 2012, one of the most talked subject in the whole world in all medias; not just in Hollywood or Bollywood or Gollywood or TV, even in the internet. One of the most talked about mysterious subject. I was surprised to see the statistics. More people come to internet for 2012 than pornography. Understand, porno is the largest internet based industry. But more people come to internet now in search of 2012 than porno. I can go on giving you many statistics.


The importance of 2012. Almost all the ancient civilizations except the vedic civilization, all the ancient civilizations calendars are ending by 2012; Mayan, I-Ching, so many prophecies. Even the modern day prophecy methods, prediction methods, Web-bot, even those things. Web-bot is the system which studies all the softwares, languages and words and collective unconsciousness of the world and predicted 9/11 attack, Katrina, many accurate predictions have been done by the Web-bot. Even the Web-bot program predicts the end in 2012. So much is spoken continuously about 2012 by so many ancient civilizations and so many religious groups, spiritual groups, religious leaders, spiritual Masters. So, everybody wants My prediction about the 2012.


Understand, I am not interested in prediction. I will just tell you exactly what is going to happen. You understand the truth as it is. Just few months before I had a very strange, strong, experience, I wanted to share with you all. From that I can tell you exactly what is going to happen. One day morning I was trying to jog, run, do some exercise in treadmill. Usually when I am in the ashram, I try to walk early morning. If I am not able to come out due to some program, if too much of crowd in the ashram, I try to do little running in the treadmill, because I cannot do any Yoga. If I do Yoga, body falls into Samadhi. So, I can only do something which I can hold on to some structure. So I was doing little running. Usually when I move My body in particular postures, if the body sets in particular postures or if the breathing gets activated and falls in particular rhythm, body falls into Samadhi.


Falls into Samadhi - means, just goes out of My control, kind of I will feel being inside a big balloon. But I was shocked and surprised, My body is constantly falling into Samadhi when I was trying to jog, but things are not out of My control. Please understand, I was jogging means the breathing naturally gets altered, and body is falling into Samadhi continuously. I counted within 60-second, 42 times body was kicked into Samadhi; almost like every alternative second. But the funny thing is it is not getting imbalanced; I was completely balanced. I got so much of confidence, I thought, "Oh, God, body is really settled, very well." The physical body is nicely matched, settled with the Samadhi state of Consciousness. Then I tried little risky things like a yogasana, bending the body and doing some Trikonasana; Trikonasana puts your whole Kundalini in one line; the Kundalini energy in one line; Trikonasana and few surya namaskar. I was shocked, body gets kicked into Samadhi, but I am not imbalanced. First time this kind of experience because whenever My body falls into Samadhi I will get imbalanced, but body is falling into Samadhi, but I am not getting imbalanced.


I started contemplating, how come? Why? When I meditated one important truth was revealed inside Me. I realized, see the center of the earth, globe center, which is the center of the whole rotation, centrifugal force. See the earth is continuously rotating constantly, because of its centrifugal force only the gravitation is created, and the earth is, the center of the earth is constantly attracting everything towards it. I realized the center of the earth is slowly losing its power to pull the things towards its center, means the gravitation is reducing; the power of gravity is reducing.


Please understand, by nature your weight is getting reduced maybe .001 milligram. Physically you will not experience it now, physically it may not be big for you; but one important you need to understand, it will have a huge psychological effect because even your thoughts have mass. If the gravitation power in a subtle way, if its starts reducing, your body can move with less thoughts more actions. Please understand, your body can experience a space of less thought more actions.


For example now, for you to get up from here, go to kitchen, have dinner, and come back, for this action, if you need hundred thoughts, by next year you may need only seventy thoughts; you without doing any spiritual practice. Please understand, because the center of the earth is reducing its power over things to pull everything towards its center; the gravity power is getting reduced. I was really shocked, "Oh God! What is going to happen? What is its effect on human beings?" That is what I started contemplating. It is continuously reducing. The center of gravity, the center which has a, which is constantly attracting everything towards itself, is losing its power over everything. I can say maybe consciously itself, the center is deciding to relax little bit, reduce the gravitational force. So by 2012, at least 6 milligram all objects will physically weigh less; understand, physically will weigh less. When I say point, sorry, 6 milligram it’s like a, if something is one-ton now, by 2012, 6 milligram will be less; physically measurable weight. But 6 milligram may not be a big thing in the physical plane. It is something extraordinary in the inner space.


See, even the thoughts have mass. When the pull is getting reduced your body can act with less thoughts. It is going to have a huge effect on human beings. I wanted all of you to know this important truth. By 2012, even if you don't do anything you are going to weigh less physically, second, less number of thoughts for same action. Now this is going to have two effects, two different effects on people. If you are habituated to be with less number of thoughts, if you are in tune with that feeling less number of thoughts, you will call that as peace and bliss. If you are not habituated for less number of thought life style, you are going to name that as depression. Understand, people who are not Conscious enough, intelligent enough, aware enough, to be comfortable with the less thoughts more action, is going to brand, label that experience unconsciously as depression. If you have prepared your body and mind for less number of thoughts, you are going to experience that as Enlightenment. Choice is in your hands.


Understand, I already described the effect what is going to happen; whether the 2012 is doomsday or Enlightenment day, your choice. This is what is going to be effect. How you are going to prepare yourself is going to decide whether it is a doomsday or Enlightenment day. Understand, all civilizations which are thinking based, constantly driving you to think, think, think, think, think, and feels thought is productivity, is going to just disappear into depression. You need to understand it very clearly. All the civilizations and societies which goes on emphasizing on thinking, where thinking is celebrated, where thinking is equated to productivity, where thinking is equated to being alive, even for entertainment thinking is important, thinking becomes an entertainment. It is almost like a, in Tamil we have a proverb; taking a fire stick and scratching your head because it is itching. Most of our entertainments are picking up of firewood, burning firewood, and scratching your head because it is itching. Even for entertainment, people think more. So all thinking based civilization is going to hit one of the worst depression, means it is going to be doomsday for them.


All civilizations which prepares human beings to be comfortable with non thinking zone, that being zone, the Unclutched zone, for them it is going to be the greatest celebration and liberation. Suddenly your nervous system is going to be having less load. If you think the load on the nervous system is your productivity, the goal of life, value of life, utility of life, it is going to be depression, doomsday, hell. If you think less load on the nervous system is ecstasy and joy, if you are prepared psychologically and Consciously to be with the less load on the nervous system, it is going to be celebration and liberation.


Understand, we may think why the great civilizations like a Mayans, I-Ching from China, there is a book called Book of Change, I-Ching. Why all of them predict huge destruction? Understand, usually prophecies are created not to tell what is going to happen, to prepare how you need to be prepared for the happening. It is not that they are saying exactly there is going to be huge destruction as shown in the 2012 movie. No. Don't think there is going to be huge tsunami and the ships are going to be on the Washington as shown, and the LAX airport is going to give way as shown in the movie. No. It is not going to be physical destruction, but it is going to be a huge change. It is in our hands whether to use that as a jumping pad and enter into Enlightenment or fall into depression and suffer.


There is going to be a huge change in the Consciousness. That is why no eastern tradition has predicted, no Vedic prophecies has predicted end of the world by 2012. No. It is only going to be end of the low Consciousness. The possibility for huge; the Enlightened civilization is opening up by 2012. And I tell you, people who learn the science of Unclutching and prepare themself, will just use this as a jumping pad and become Enlightened. We are going to have millions of Enlightened beings without much effort, without much effort, millions of Enlightened people. All you need is just sit 20-30 minutes a day and be comfortable with the space of Unclutching, that’s all. When the number of thoughts reduces automatically, don't be depressed saying that somebody has stolen your property. You reduced your luggage. Don't have that fear, oh, somebody is taking away your property. Don't have that insecurity, less thought means less productive, less being alive, no. Be comfortable with that less thought more action space, that’s all you need. This is the greatest preparation, best preparation for 2012.


I am not only telling you what is exactly going to happen, I am giving you the choice, all possibilities, so you can choose what you want. All thinking based civilizations and societies are going to face terrible depression because they do not know what to do. When automatically number of thoughts is reducing on their nervous system, they think they are becoming inefficient and depressed. They are going to use all kinds of medicine and alcohol and addictive drugs and everything and going to get into the self destruction; destroying their body and mind. But the civilizations, societies which are comfortable with that non thinking zone, is going to take a quantum leap and get into the space of Enlightenment.


See, there are three zones. One: less thought less actions, its called tamas, depression; more thought more actions, that’s called rajas, activeness, restlessness. There is a third space: less thought more actions, satva. All of us know this first two space less thought less action; lazy, feeling dull, weekend mood, and we know more thought more actions; Monday mood. Unfortunately, we do not know a space called less thought more actions; satva. Now by nature you are going to fall into the space of less thought. What are you going to do? How are you going to handle it? Are you going to end up with less thought less action or less thought more action? It's a road, two different roads. Are you going to pick up tamas, inertia, depression, less thought less action or less thought more action? The choice is in your hands.


One more thing, please understand, one of the rarest happening of nature reducing its force and reducing the number of thoughts in your inner space; rarest happening. After this 2012, again this visible reduction may happen only after 2000 years. So rare possibility to get Enlightened! You are on the planet in right time with right person, in right time with right philosophy, right person. It's a huge possibility. Don't miss it. Don't miss it. I know some people who missed last time when it happened; when Krishna was in the body it happened, once, and all these grahas, planets had the same alignment when Krishna was in the body. If you study astronomically, you will find it; astrology and astronomy if you study you will find it; the reason for this energy to happen on the planet earth.


The aligning of certain planets happened when Krishna was in the body once. But people who missed waited for 5000 years and landed again on the planet earth. Many have landed again. Don't miss this time, because it is such a natural lift, it's almost like a, all you need to do is just open the flag in your boat and go with the air, go with the trend. Automatically your number of thoughts will get reduced day by day. Don't associate depression with less number of thoughts. Unfortunately, from the young age you are constantly taught by the thinking based civilizations that less number of thoughts means depression. You feel I am missing something, I need to put something into my system to excite me, whether it is a drug or food or coffin or coffee or, or thoughts to excite. No, relax. You don't need anything to excite you. Feel comfortable with that less thought space. That will get translate itself into more action space, less thought more action, satva, the peace, restful awareness.


So much of prediction about this 2012 all over the internet; this is going to happen, that is going to happen, that is going to happen. All thinking-based civilizations are predicting doomsday. All being-based civilizations are predicting Enlightenment. Actually both are true. If you are thought based person unable to catch up with the reality of less thoughts, it is going to be doomsday, heavy depression and there is going to be huge mass suicide and all the countries and societies ruled by the depressed people are going to have war with the others, blaming others responsible for their suffering. There is going to be huge destruction.


Understand, you have the responsibility to become Conscious, Enlightened and choose Enlightened beings as head of your civilization and society, country. So, we need urgently few million Enlightened beings in all major fields of bureaucracy, politics, in all major fields to protect planet earth. Understand the urgency. Anyhow, the Enlightened beings are not going to be affected, disturbed, but I wanted to warn the human civilization, you need immediately at least few million Enlightened beings; people who are very comfortable with the less thought zone, Unclutched space; people who don't fall into depression.


You see when there is less thought, when you fall into depression even the small mistakes which others do looks too much, too much and you just go for war. War is nothing but a friction...explosion of friction. You don't need a big reason for it. The friction goes on getting built, built, built; just one reason, "He stared at me" is enough. You will slap...start slapping and one slap is enough for the other person to repeat, to respond. Nothing else is required. You don't need a big reason to go for a war.


If you want to save yourself, just learn the science of Unclutching. Be comfortable with less thought space. You will not be harmed by 2012. If you want to use this great opportunity of 2012, just get Enlightened and if you want to save the planet earth, see that all the people who are decision makers for your life, head of your country, head of your civilization, head of your society, your religious leader, your political leader, people who think for you, people who decide for you, political decision, social decision, religious decisions, inspire all of them to get Enlightened. Inspire all of them to be in tune, be comfortable with the less thought space, so that they make right decisions for you.


Understand, now you have a huge social responsibility. Important part which Vedic tradition people were avoiding continuously, especially in the Hindu tradition, people were always thinking if you get Enlightened that is enough. Now that is not going to be enough. That is not going to be enough. What are you going to do, sitting in just empty island all by yourself, having few trees which will give fruit for your food? Not only you escaping, save few people so that you can celebrate your life with them.


Save planet earth. We have put our ancestors, our elders, our predecessors put too much energy to create this huge infrastructure. Let it not be destroyed by foolish unconscious politicians and unconscious religious theories, theologies which goes on creating hatred amongst each other and becoming base for terrorism in the planet earth. Two thing, one: you falling in tune with the less thought space, means learning the science of Unclutching and using this 2012, less thought more action zone for Enlightenment. Use this as a jumping pad to get Enlightened. This is the first thing. Second thing: now itself go all out, work hard, put at least 4-5 hours to save planet earth, by spreading this science of unclutching.


That is why I am saying all the important science and the technology which is needed to save planet earth and raise its Consciousness, I am making it completely freely available in the social media and mass media and internet. I am not asking you to popularize My name as author. No. I am requesting you, take this science and spread it all over the world like a wildfire. This science of Enlightenment, feeling comfortable with less thoughts through Unclutching. So if you spread this science, especially the decision makers, people who decide for you, your political leaders, your social leaders, your religious leaders; give them all this science. Give them all this great truth of what planet earth is going through. She is really delivering; she is just delivering new consciousness.


See, during the Krishna’s happening, this same thing happened. People who are not able to evolve them self to the level of less thought more action, Krishna saw, these guys are going to be dangerous. So he just created the war under the controlled conditions and finished all of them off. Understand, if Krishna wouldn't have created that Mahabharata war, there would have been huge uncontrolled chaos. So Krishna managed. The whole chaos was in his controlled condition. It's like a, still now the western countries, during the fire season, they do something like a controlled fire, and finish off, so that the fire does not become wildfire; it does not go out of control; out of hand. So, particular areas they will burn it and make a fire line. It's called controlled fire. Same way Krishna created an ambience where the chaos is under the controlled condition and created and finished everything.


Understand, now in 2012 you are entering the same space. I feel from now to 2012, if we create at least two million Enlightened beings; people who are comfortable with less thought more action, by 2012 to 2015 we will have at least 20 million Enlightened beings on the planet earth. We will have Enlightened civilization. Please understand, I am not playing with your fear or greed. I am not giving you the dream of Utopia. No. I am not giving you the dream of paradise. No. I am not threatening you; I am not frightening you with some fear, prediction. No. I am just straight away stating the simple fact knowing well, I am going to be available in this body alive, 2012 and 2015 and all, and this video record will be used by people to question Me. Knowing this I am making all these statements. Very responsibly I am talking.


Understand, planet earth is entering into a space where automatically we are all getting into the zone of less thoughts. All you need is prepare your body and mind. If you prepare your mind with Unclutching science, you will feel comfortable with that less thoughts and you will not fall into depression, you will become Enlightened. If you feel, if you prepare your body also with Hatha Yoga, not only you will become Enlightened, you will start expressing extraordinary powers like levitation. I tell you the levitation is going to be more easy by 2012.


Let me announce now itself, by 2012 end, I will make 10,000 people levitate in one space and create a huge positive Consciousness. That is going to big a push for the human Consciousness to enter into the divine Consciousness. That will be the opening of Satya Yuga, the age of Enlightenment. See, actually what happens when you levitate you know, it's like a, Master's body is a light, radiating light. All your body and mind, when it just sits Unclutched way, it's like a 10,000 mirrors reflecting the Master’s Consciousness. Then what happens? 10,000 fold the same light gets zoomed, 10,000 laser beams gets centered. Come on, then imagine. It is equivalent to 10,000 Enlightened beings sitting in Samadhi; Shambala in planet earth; Shambala in planet earth. When you levitate, exactly that is what happens. Your body and mind is like a mirror. It just gets focused, properly placed towards Master's Consciousness. So His bio memory is transmitted into you. Your body becomes light and just flows in the ether, flows with the nature.


So if 10,000 people, 10,000 body and minds focuses itself into the Master's Consciousness, you understand, you see, in front of one light if you keep five mirror, the light is going to be five times more, fivefold, because five mirrors, it’s reflecting and the whole area is lit intensely. Same way, in front of one Incarnation’s Consciousness, if 10,000 mirrors are kept; so 10,000 fold that Superconsciousness is going to reflect and intense energy field will be created; Superconscious energy field. So I am planning, by the divine grace, I know, it will be fulfilled successfully with all auspiciousness to have 10,000 Enlightened body and mind levitating in Enlightened Consciousness, radiating Enlightenment, to push the whole consciousness of planet earth to the next level, to the Cosmic Consciousness, to the next level of the divine Consciousness between 12/12/12 to January 1st, 2013. In that 21-days we will have an intense inner awakening program where 10,000 people will be just focused on the Master's Consciousness reflecting it and radiating, experiencing, beautiful levitation into the Cosmic Consciousness, so that we push the whole Consciousness into the next level. So understand, this will completely heal all the negativity created by political differences and ideological differences.


This is My humble gift to the planet earth and human Consciousness. I invite all of you to be part of this great, joyful, successful journey of pushing human Consciousness into the next level; transforming the human Consciousness into divine Consciousness by 2012. Let us prepare our self and prepare the planet earth to enter into that space. Between 2012 and 15 only I am seeing the great positive explosion in Consciousness. Let us get ready, liberate and celebrate. I wanted this to be the theme for the 2012. Liberate and celebrate. I invite all of you for this great journey of transforming our individual Consciousness and the global Consciousness entering into the great Satya Yuga; 2012. Let’s experience the enlightenment which 2012 is waiting to share with us, which 2012 is offering to us. So let us march towards 2012.

Thank you.



Best Exercises To Build Muscles , LEP Day 11, 3 Sep 2010


In this video,Swamiji guides into process called Antarmathruganyasam for levitation. A complete muscle workout through simple sounds with breath in and breath out process.Each muscle gets activated by a particular sound.

Video and Audio

Best Exercises To Build Muscles , LEP Day 11

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