April 20 2012
Master Breaks Your Laziness Patterns
In this discourse from 20 APR 2012, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks on the presence of the Master. His presence breaks all tiredness, laziness and boredom patterns and even increases the quality of one's sleep while reducing the quantity needed. Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals what is one's responsibility to parents, teachers, priests, and Guru. He reveals secrets about Paramashiva in Kailash.
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Take Responsibility For Your Enlightenment
In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) gives answers to the questions of Inner Awakening participants. One devotee asks for Vedic wisdom on our duties to parents, teachers, priests and Master. Paramahamsa describes each: for parents, to give emotional support, but not surrender our lives to them; for teachers, keep the knowledge they gave us fresh and growing; for priests, use their teachings to achieve enlightenment; and for Master -- become enlightened. Another participant asks whether Inner Awakening can give the ultimate push into enlightenment. Paramahamsa's answer is Yes! The third question concerns losing sleep in order to meditate before work. Paramahamsa replies that any sleep beyond 4 to 5 hours is entrenched laziness and boredom. When we increase our productivity and become excited, we reduce our need for sleep. The final questioner asks why Kailash is such a special energy field. Paramahamsa responds that Shiva administers the cosmos from Kailash, therefore the area radiates uniquely intense creative energy.