September 26 2016

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Technique to Detoxify Third Eye


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, The Avatar as the Source of Yogic powers and embodying the space and expressions of Sadashiva – is gifting the Third Eye Science to humanity. In Nithya Satang of 26th Sept 2016, He reveals the important sacred secrets and technique to detoxify the Third Eye to prepare us for the ultimate experience of SADASHIVOHAM 2016, coming up from Nov 20th 2016. In this ultimate experimental program, He is going to awaken the Shaktis, powers and expressions of Sadashiva in all. Detoxification of your Third Eye in the physical, physiological, emotional level, in every level will be done. To prepare us, He reveals that INTEGRITY is the key to detoxify the Third Eye. Being integrated to the Source, Sadashiva. Watch this video to learn how in our daily routine, we can experiences the higher powers or Shaktis.

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsanghis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kothari, Visitors, Viewers, Everyone, sitting with us all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Two Way Video Conferencing, having Nayana Deeksha, all over the world. I welcome everyone of you. (1:27)

I wanted to share, this one of the important Sacred Secret, to detoxify psychologically, your Third Eye. Please listen. Detoxification of your Third Eye in the physical level, physiological level, psychological level, emotional level, in every level, we will be doing in the Inner Awakening. We have already started the work. Whether you are going to be participating in Sadāshivoham, preparing yourself for Sadāshivoham 2016, or you are attending this Inner Awakening. Listen, for both of you, it is very important. INTEGRITY. Morning the moment you wake up, be integrated to pancha kriya. Pancha kriya means, cleaning your body, through jala basti, cleaning the nostrils, cleaning the eyes, in the night having Haritaki powder, to clean the intestine, the upper intestine. Doing this pancha kriya, be integrated to it. When you come here for yoga, or do the yoga there itself, or wherever, be integrated to it. When you come here for Rudra Abhishekam, be integrated to it. Don’t try to do half game. Having water itself and saying, “dhupam samarpayami, deepam samarpayami.” Then, if Sadāshiva, also does the same thing to you? And throws one gold coin towards you, let you have enlightenment, one more gold coin, let you have Shiva Kailai Pathvi and he keeps quiet. He goes on telling, “Let you have Shiva Kailai Pathvi,” and gives you only few gold coins and few pieces of copper. He will say, “That is what you did, let you have the same.” Understand, even for Jnana Sambandar, because he did not physically bend his body and do the service, He gave 18 carat gold. For Thirunavukarasar, he gave 24. For Jnana Sambandar, He gave 18. If you want to know the story, listen to my Adi Shaivam Satsang. I have explained, the story elaborately. Even for Jnana Sambandar, He gave 18 carat gold. If you just play with water itself, do dhupa, deepa everything, you may not even get copper coin, understand. You may not even get copper coin. You may get aluminum coin, which is not even accepted by the land, law of the land, which even the country’s reserve bank has outdated it. You can keep as an antique piece, in museum. But, not for day-to-day use. (5:24)

Be integrated. Before the puja, collecting the materials for puja itself, is puja. That itself is preparing you for Bhava Samadhi. That is why the great devotees sang songs, which need to be sung, during the collecting puja items. Thirunavukarasar, beautiful songs. When you grind paste, for that a separate song. When you pluck flowers, a separate song. (???5:59 tamil words) In every level, even preparing yourself for puja, is a great devotional practice. Preparing the sandalwood paste or the bathing…. sacred bathing powder. (???6:24 tamil words) Even preparation, is a spiritual practice. No, sometimes I wonder, in our own Rudra Abhishekam, people apply sandalwood paste on the Shiva Linga and all around, so dirty, they don’t care about it, then what kind of integrity you have? (???6:54 tamil words) There is a proverb. The dog, which licks will not bother, whether the oil is coming from Shiva Linga or the oil mill. That much of awareness, is there in people, when they do the Rudrabishekam. Clean the whole area, clean the Deity in which you are going to invoke Sadāshiva. Have everything prepared properly. Do it with Integrity. He is there. The way you behave with Sadāshiva, that’s exactly the same way, He will be behaving with you. He is a mirror. He is a mirror. Be integrated to it. (7:58)

Same way Kirtan. Be integrated to it. Actually, the steps of that Gummi Song, the Kirtan, will churn your stomach and clean up all the Pitta. You will enter into Bhava Samadhi. All this five - morning pancha kriya, Guru puja, Shiva puja, Kirtan, Satsang, yoga, all, is aiming at putting you, in Bhava Samadhi. Bhava Samadhi, is the space where you realize SADASHIVOHAM, internally, radiate the bliss. Just Integrity to this morning routine, will put you in Bhava Samadhi. Understand. The best thing you can earn, the currency which will be useful when you are outside the Matrix, is Bhava Samadhi. That is the only currency, which will be useful for you, outside the Matrix. No other currency will be useful to you. Be integrated to every step. The way Sadāshiva wanted you to live. When you sit for Shiva Puja or Rudra Abhishekam, be aligned, whether the way you are dressed up. Man, means no upper cloth, yagnopavitam, the clear rudrakshas. And don’t create, new, new tradition, in wearing the rudraksha in cross and all that. Only the yagnopavita, should be worn cross. I am seeing many Kotharis, Mahants, Sri Mahants, wear the mala, the cross. No. Everyone, who is in this campus, residing in this campus, whether you are IA participants, IA Volunteer or Nithyanandam Yogam student or Aadheenavasi or Balasants, if you are not exempted from the spiritual routine, due to illness or any other serious sickness, you should be there, doing the…. all the 5 activities. (10:57)

Integrity, to all this 5 matters. Integrity, to all this 5 matters. It detoxifies, psychologically your Third Eye. It detoxifies psychologically your Third Eye. When you are back to the Bhu Loka, Planet Earth whether you will do it or not is up to you. At least when you are in Kailasha, do it. If you taste it here itself, the powerful of detoxification, even if you go to Bhu Loka, you will continue. If you taste it here itself, even if you go to Bhu Loka, you’ll continue. So when you are Kailasha, learn to taste Bhava Samadhi. Be integrated to all this 5. Come here, only to be integrated to all this 5. Even, if you want to do IA volunteering, decide, “if I go there at least for 1 month, I can nicely tune myself, to all this and I have the place and space and time and support to enjoy all this.” All the Nithyanandam Yogam participants who are coming, I think, around 100 of them are coming, for this batch, for this second batch. Please come mentally prepared, you are going to be completely integrated to all this 5. So the detoxification of your system happen. Psychological detoxification. (13:20)

I wanted, this INTEGRITY , to the morning 5 spiritual routine, to be followed very strictly, in all the Aadheenam, including the Aadheenam where the people of Prayaschitta stay. This is your Prayaschitta, detoxification – physically, psychologically, emotionally. Prayaschitta is not punishment, tuning yourself, is Prayaschitta. Same way to the session. Yesterday, I saw when you were doing the re-living of pain body, I started having pain. Not really, it is just…. No, the way, so superficial. Literally, get into the drainage, only then you can clean it up. You can’t learn swimming, just by studying 25 volumes. Not just your feet, get your whole body wet. Jump into the water, only then you can swim. Be integrated. Really get in and relive, only then things will break, and you will start re-living, relieving. I saw today some of this, Indian middle class kids, wearing this stupid jeans dress here. That middle class dress. Whether you are Nithyanandam Participants or Inner Awakening, please be informed, it is a traditional Indian monastery. So dress yourself in Indian traditional attire. It’s very easy. Actually, people who come from other country, other cultures, they enjoy this. For this weather, wear some dress, which lets your body, breathe itself. (16:19)

Be integrated, to where you are and what you are doing. Be integrated, to the whole program. Because, now the foundation, you create by achieving, the Completion, only forms the basis or the frequency, of your spiritual life. Only based on that, I can manifest powers through you. Completion is the fundamental condition, for any growth. Completion, is the fundamental state for any experience. Completion, is the fundamental space. Yesterday, My Gurukul Principal was talking to Me. She said, talking about some of the kids, “Even if I tell anything, Swamiji, finally they will come back and say, “No, I will complete and do it.” I am seeing only those kids, are radiating Me. The Will Persistence, towards completion. Will Persistence, towards making it happen. That makes them, a different species altogether. Very soon, even medically, I will declare my Balasants, are different species altogether. I’ll establish it. This is the ground where, next new generation is evolving. Understand, how from monkey, the breakthrough of Human Beings has happened. Here from Human Beings to Shiva Ganas, the breakthrough is happening. This is the land. This is the land, where I am breeding Shiva Ganas. (19:02)

All together different species are being grown. I am putting them in the throne and making them available, making all the powers, I am manifesting through, them available to all of you, from tomorrow. From tomorrow the Balasants are going to perform Akashic Readings, for anyone and everyone in the world. Today, they are already ready. Today, they are going to perform for all the Inner Awakening Volunteers and Aadheenavasis. Whoever wants to ask something, they can go. For Inner Awakening Participants, Volunteers, Aadheenavasis, whoever wants to ask anything, today’s session is for the residential people. From tomorrow, anybody from anywhere, whether you can come physically, if you want you can come physically here…..understand, they will read past, present, future of anything. I am making the whole Cosmic Archives, available to them. And I am responsible, for the authenticity of the information, they are sharing. I am responsible for the authenticity, of the information, they are sharing. And, I am responsible, and I know what I am doing. (21:20)

So today, they will start the Akashic Readings, for the residents, who are here in the Chit Sabha. Everyday after the Satsangs, they’ll be doing in the Chit Sabha. From tomorrow, it is open to the whole world. Anybody anybody, can come. Either physically or two way. We have many Balasants, in whom this power has opened up and manifesting. They will give you the readings, you can ask about anything, past, present, future, about anything – they will just read out the Akashic Records and give you. The service is available free of cost. For the whole world, it is available freely. It is free of cost. Spiritual service opened up, and I am responsible for the information, they are sharing with you. The authenticity, for the information, they are sharing with you, I am responsible because I know, the level of integrity and authenticity they hold and the way they are able to read the records as it is. Bring integrity, in everything you do. Bring integrity, in everything you live, Bring integrity, to the whole life, to the whole life. (23:17)

The Inner Awakening Participants, today you have Samskara Dharana Kriya, first session, so we will not separate time for breakfast and session. Quickly have breakfast, grab your breakfast and start writing. We will have the session immediately. Let us do from today, no break Inner Awakening. Let us use the whole time. If you guys cooperate with me. Everything I have prepared, kept it ready for Sadāshivoham, I will share with you guys, in IA itself. Because, I am the giver. I am not the guy who will hold and say, “Let me share only there.” The moment I have prepared, it is yours. That’s all. If something is Mine, it is yours. That’s all the is the space from which I operate. I only want you guys to finish this basic things, intensely. Understand, not with less intensity, INTENSELY with Integrity. Let’s finish, the basic, completion you need to go through. Completion with yourself and completion with others. This basic completions. So I can share more and more. (24:41)

With this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Shaivam, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

Photos Of The Day:

Vaidya Sarovar Abhishekam

Pada Puja and Nithya Satsang

