May 09 2020

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Happiness Versus Bliss - Which Is Real?



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Happiness Versus Bliss Which Is Real


[00:15] || nithyānandeśvaraparamashivasamārambhām nithyānandeśvariparāshaktimadhyamām | asmatācāryaparyantāmvande guru paramparām ||

[01:06] I welcome all of you and all the living and practising Hindus from all over the world, Sarvajnapeeta Kartas, Yajamans, Manifestors, Sarvapari Tyagis, Shri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedar, everyone sitting with us through Kailasa TV, Kailasa’s Nithyananda TV, Kailasa’s HNTV, Kailasa’s NLighten App. I welcome all of you with My love and respects. [01:44] Paramashiva’s message directly from Kailaasa - Happiness is delusion. Bliss is real existence. Whoever asks you to pursue happiness, is deluding you. Happiness is binary logic based. Today happiness is, getting a car. Tomorrow happiness is, getting a house. Day after tomorrow happiness is, getting a wife. The next day, you know what is happiness…where you landed. Happiness is the word society, mass media cult, entertainment industry cult, is using to exploit you and keep you in delusion continuously. Biiss is cosmological reality. Happiness is societal delusion. Understand? Bliss is, when you know absolutely you are in tune with the whole existence. Even if you think you are not in tune and accept that as a reality, you will be in bliss. Bliss comes from powerful cognitions. Happiness comes from the opinions of the people, who make you powerless and those powerless cognitions. I tell you, each time when you cognize powerful cognitions of the cosmic truth, cosmological truth, truths as per cosmic logic - you manifest bliss. [04:44] Bliss is based on cosmic logic. Happiness is based on binary logic. Society keeps you deluded with the idea of happiness. If you understand bliss... it is too easy to start experiencing bliss, it is not at all difficult. I tell you, that’s the first powerful cognition you need to know. Bliss is too easy to experience. That is why society never wants you to experience bliss, because bliss liberates you, makes you independent of exploitative grid-based lifestyle. Bliss is the source material, out of which Paramashiva is made. Actually, bliss is the source material, out of which this whole Universe is made - 6:12“आनन्दो ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात् - ĀNANDO BRAHMETI VYAJĀNĀT”. Upanishads declares very clearly - out of Ananda, the stuff called Ananda, this Universe is made. Don’t waste it, without experiencing it. 6:33 “ĀNANDO BRAHMETI VYAJĀNĀT……-TATITREYA UPANISHAD. Actually I am chanting the first lines of the different paragraphs. Tatitreya Upanishads very clearly declares - 7:07“आनन्दो ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात् - ĀNANDO BRAHMETI VYAJĀNĀT”. Understand. The whole Universe is made of the stuff called Ananda, made of the stuff called Ananda. 7:33“आनन्दो ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात् - ĀNANDO BRAHMETI VYAJĀNĀT”. It is indeed of Ananda, all the beings have happened. I wanted all Kailasavasis and 8:35Kailasavisvasis, devotees, disciples, followers - cognize Ananda. [08:47] Experience the powerful cognitions of Ananda. Do not miss understanding about Ananda, because once you understand Ananda, you will not be exploited anymore by this stupid, stupido…. stupid happiness concept. Understand. This happiness idea is inserted into you, by the society or the mass media cult, entertainment industry cult, which wants to exploit you. They put the ideas like income, healthy life, expectancy, social support, freedom trust and generosity and all this. I tell you, happiness is logic binary based. Bliss is cosmic logic based. The experience of powerfulness, not feeling suffocated, experience of non-violent. You see, a person who is fulfilled, will never be violent, will only feel like giving, giving, giving - how can I give more? How can I contribute more, to everyone’s life? Actually when you are in bliss the moment you wake up, to whoever you see, you feel like hugging and blessing them. If you are not blissful then, whoever you see you will feel biting them, so falling in the eyes of the people who not blissful is a curse. Be 10:58 inaudible……. “ANANDA ATMA.” The soul, the self, which is made of the material - Ananda, only that soul should be experienced, it should be seen...actually, when you see that soul, you experience Ananda in you. [11:24] “ANANDAM BRAHMANO VIDYAT”. Bliss is the primary manifestor of Paramashiva. Listen. “ANANDAM BRAHMANO VIDYAT” - the Brahman, Para Brahman, Paramashiva, the primary manifestation, immediate manifestation of that Paramashiva - is Ananda, Bliss. Understand. By Jaati you can be anything, but by Varana - you can become Brahmana. Same way, by social conditioning you would have felt happiness or you may not have felt happiness, but as per the cosmo logic... cosmic logic, the multi-dimensional logic, reality, the real reality - You are blissful, you are qualified to be blissful and that is your very nature and quality. I tell you, even if you think you are happy as per the society’s standard, you are not successful. That is more like a operation success patient’s guide, because you are happy as per others. Even if you are happy as per yourself, it is not eternal or permanent. It’s all relative measures, which changes everyday, every minute, not everyday but every minute. 13:44“आनन्दो ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात् - ĀNANDO BRAHMETI VYAJĀNĀT”. Ananda is the stuff out of which all of us are made of. I tell you, start eating Ananda, start living in Ananda. Powerful cognitions about Ananda should be meditated and manifested. [14:09] Just simple three principles - decide to accept everything inside - outside and decide to unclutch from everything inside - outside. Decide to experience peace first, because when the peace is filling, your muscle memory, biomemory, then the bliss grows in bioenergy. Understand. Bliss, Ananda, is a intense excitement from inside you, when you start experiencing bliss. I tell you, Joy is success based - Success is joy based. Ananda is excellence based - excellence is Ananda based. There is a big difference between Joy and Bliss. There is a big difference between success and excellence. Stop chasing joy. Stop chasing success. Start looking for Ananda. Start looking for excellence. For example, yesterday I was talking about that, the Nithyananda Hindu Library project. If you ask Me to define that project, based on your idea of success, I can never define, because it is going to be unending work. Like “Adi Shankaracharya started a revival, then Shankaracharya 2, Shankaracharya 3, Shankaracharya 4, Shankaracharya 5. Now I think, Kanchi Parampara has almost 70 Shankaracharyas. The other 16:36 Shankarian and all - different numbers. But Kanchi Parampara is almost like a 70 Shankaracharyas. They are continuing! Same way, this revival of Kailasa Nithyananda Hindu Library, it starts! [16:52] It can never end. I tell you, it starts! Based on the scale of success, I can never measure, based on the scale of joy - I can never measure. I can only measure this whole revival of Nithyananda Hindu Library, based on excellence. It can never be measured on the idea of success, it can only be measured based on the excellence, because we are collecting, collecting, collecting. I started this work, maybe when I was three. When first book was given to Me, I don’t even know, to read write alphabets and I just started playing with it and started picking up. Understand. From that time I am collecting the scriptures and I am only working for excellence, means, I am very clear, I am going to collect everything related to Hinduism. The source scriptures, various commentaries and translations, good or bad. Some translations are true to the originals, some are eighty percent true, some are seventy percent true, some are some are absolutely distorted, but I am going to collect everything, organize, index. If you Hindus who are interested, if you spend your time, treasure, talent on it, I’ll do little early, if not, I will do all alone by Myself. I don’t have a problem, that is what it is My Tyaga. If you come along with you, if not alone, if you oppose, in spite of you, I’ll do what I have to do. That is what is excellence-based strategy. I don’t have the idea of success inserted inserted into Me. [19:15] I am very clear. I am Ananda based person. I am excellence based person. I am not so-called success based person or joy based person. I am excellence based person. I am bliss based person. So understand. Happiness is binary logic-based. “SUKHAMAAPATITAM SEVYAM, DUKKHAMAAPATITAM YATHA CHAKRAVAT PARIVARTANTE DUKKHAANI CHA SUKHANI CHA” - Hitopadesha. This line from Hitopadesha. Happiness is followed by sorrow and sorrow is followed by happiness and happiness and sorrow rotate like a wheel. “ “SUKHAMAAPATITAM SEVYAM, DUKKHAMAAPATITAM YATHA CHAKRAVAT PARIVARTANTE DUKKHAANI CHA SUKHANI CHA”. Always work for excellence. I tell you, If I complete the mission, which I am supposed to complete in this birth, then I’ll not come back. I’ll reside in Kailasa. Send Shivaganas to continue this work and revive and keep it alive, reach out to the whole humanity. If I feel I have not yet completed, then I will assume one more body, come back and continue this work, like a Nithyananda Acharya 2. Then they will call Me as an Adi Nityananda Acharya. Then Nithyananda Acharya 2, Nithyananda Acharya 3, Nithyananda Acharya 4. It will continue, but the revival will continue forever, because it is excellence-based mission, not success-based mission. We are not conversion based organization. We are transformation based organization. [21:31] Hinduism is transformation based, neither we promote conversion nor we promote terrorism. Neither we bother to convert, nor we promote any terrorism. Hinduism is transformation based tradition. Excellence based, not success based. Understand. This one example - the Nithyananda Hindu Library Project – Jnanalaya Project. Roughly I am feeling that, we have two crore Source books. Collecting all of it – that itself is a humongous task, happening continuously. Mahadevaswarupa is leading with his wife and so many volunteers are now joining. I welcome more and more people. Hindu Youth should understand one thing – stop looking at this so-called joy based life and stop destroying your life. Stop destroying your life! The idea of joy, the idea of success, inserted into your head, by the mass media cult and entertainment cult, destroys your very purpose of existence. The Hindu Youth, should look beyond this IT job, one house, one wife, two kids, one car,” Wow… retire.” You should start to look beyond this lifestyle. I really request the Hindu Youth, to consider and start thinking in the direction of the lifestyle of Adi Shankaracharya, Jana Sambandhar, Vivekananda - the cosmic logic centred lifestyle. A real Hindu lives powerful cognitions - cosmic logic centred lifestyle. At least ten percent of Hindus, which is twenty crore, means two hundred million. Twenty crore is two hundred million. At least ten percent of Hindus should decide to become Brahmanas. [25:19] Only then, all the source scriptures of Hinduism can be collected, organized, indexed, translated, practised, presented, reached out and enriching. I tell you, again I wanted to repeat. Varna is different. Jaati is different. Vipatti - derivation of the word of Varna and Jaati - both are absolutely different. “VARNYATE ANENA ITI VARNAHA”. That which is based on description of quality and action is Varna. Jaati - “JANANAAT JAAYATE JAATIHI”. That which happens out of birth is Jaati. By Jaati, you can be anything. You can be - Naidu, Patel, Reddy, Saiva Vellalar, Gounder, Thevar, Shivacharya, Brahmana, Dikshitar. Any…you can be any Jaati, but if you decide to take up the responsibilities of the Brahmana, you become Brahmana Varna. Understand. I sincerely feel and invite, request, all the two hundred crore Hindus, two billion Hindus, at least ten percent of Hindus, which is twenty crore, 200 million, should become Brahmanas by Varna. You can be from any Jaati, that is not a problem, but Brahmanas by Varna. Your life is dedicated for this Veda Mata - Hindu Scriptures - collection, organizing, indexing, taking it out, translating into international languages and reaching out to the whole world. More than that, making it user friendly, like for example, Hindu medicines scriptures - doing, making those medicines and conducting clinical trials, organizing the scientific evidences, sharing with the whole world free of cost. [28:54] Whatever we need to create for these medicines available to the whole world free of charge. Understand, this is the vision. Clearly I am describing because in Hinduism, food and medicine cannot be sold and I still strongly believe Hindu economy, can be revived and the beautiful thing is, in Hinduism medicine is food based. You can just grow in your backyard. That is the beauty. In Hindu tradition, we strongly believe food and medicine should come from land not from lab. Both should grow around your home. Food and medicine both should grow around your home – come from land, not from lab. I tell you, most beautiful, most sweetest Beings I have ever seen on the Planet Earth is, the Hindu Visionaries - Rishis - what a humongous knowledge and unselfishness – Tyaga. Some of My kids appreciate My Tyaga – saying,” How much ever mood swings we go through, how patient you are, training us, spending time with us, supporting with whatever we are going through and holding us together.” But I tell you, if you read Hindu scriptures and understand the extreme Tyaga of Hindu Rishis, I tell you, they did not even bother to record their names. “Dhatu” – the verbal root of the word for Varna is Vru - means to choose. Vru, which means to choose. The ‘Dhatu’ – the verbal root of the word Jaati is Jan. Jan means to be born. Derivatives of the words based on the verbal root – Varna is choice, Jaati is out of birth. [32:22] See, out of birth you are a….Jaatis belongs to a Brahmana or Vaishya or Kshatriya or Shudra – does not matter. An Acharya, Incarnation, Avatara Purusha has a right to declare which Varna you belong to, whether you are a Shudra by Jaati, Vaishya by Jaati, Brahmana by Jaati or Kshatriya by Jaati, don’t worry, decide to change your Varna to Brahmana Varna, by taking up this responsibility of Nithyananda Hindu library. I tell you, whoever takes up the project of Nithyananda Hindu Library, formally I will declare all of you as Brahmana Varna. By Varna you are a Brahman and Kailaasa gives you all the status, accorded to a real Brahmana to you. Understand. Manu Dharma Shastra, is only dharma in other countries, but for Kailasa it is a law. For Kailasa - Manu Dharma is law. I am going to bring this revival. When you come to Kailasa, you will be treated as Brahmana, if you take up this project of Nithyananda Hindu Library - Jnanalaya Project. Kantha Maha Purana, Nagara Khandam - Chapter 239, Verse 31, gives authority. I will recite the Sutra. “जन्मना जायते शूद्रः संस्कारात् द्विज उच्यते। -JANMANO JAAYATE SHUDRA, SAMSKARAAT DVIJA UCHYAT”. By birth, one may be born as Shudra, but due to samskara initiation, he can become Brahmana - he is called Brahmana – he becomes Dvija. Acharya, an Avatara Purusha has a right to initiate everyone, anyone and make them as Dvija, based born Brahmana. [35:05] I tell you, Hinduism really really needs, two crore Hindus, ten percent of Hindus, taking up this responsibility of Brahmanas - collecting all of scriptures, indexing, organizing, as I was telling, Hindu medicine, let’s do the clinical trials, organize them and take it to the world. Support the world in a non-violent way. Make the world, humanity, understand Hindus have so much to contribute. Then, same way, the Hindu conscious machines, organisms... understand this word - only in Hindu religion – something called consciousness based machines exist – like Pushpaka Vimana. Consciousness based - weapons exist. Consciousness based - machines exist. Consciousness based - tools exist. Consciousness based - battery, the energy, forces and resources. We need to do all this as a reality, to demonstrate and make it user friendly. Reach out to the world and we should clearly divide, which can be economically monetized, which has be given free of cost, which can be bartered, as per Paramashiva’s vision in Vedas and Agamas. The Hindu economy should be revived. This whole work needs at least ten percent of Hindus becoming Brahmana. Understand. I will do this work of ten percent of Hindus becoming Brahmana. Either I do it as Adi Nithyananda Acharya, this body, this Incarnation or I take multiple times again and again - I come down. Either you use new bodies or the bodies of My disciples, but I will complete this work of ten percent of Hindus becoming Brahmanas by Varna, and collecting and reviving all the Hindu scriptures, because I am excellence based person, not success based person. [38:32] We need to contribute to the world. This is the most non-violent way, we can reach out to the world and make them understand - Hindus have something great to contribute to all of you. There are enough scriptures, talks about quantum, quantum biology. We need to revive all of it and reach it out to the world. Fortunately, Paramashiva has given Me the powers to decode them and I can initiate all of you and make you all decode them, not just understanding, decoding and mapping it to the human consciousness. That is what is called Sarvajnatva. I am successfully making that Sarvajnatva, as a science for a batch of Gurukul kids and I will make it successful for more. There are some people in the social media trying to tell,” Oh Gurukul is legal in India.” Stop! Stop telling, stop advising Me. When I suffered all alone and this Father Edward Thomas, invades My Gurukul, in the name of child rights - no one was there to even tell that Nithyananda’s Gurukul is Hindu Gurukul. The ecosystem made in India is such that, mass-media cult and entertainment industry cult, is absolutely occupied by anti-Hindu terrorists and anti-Guru Hindu gangsters. I…I am telling you, in next twenty years, in next twenty years, understand clearly, mark My words, you will not have any Hindu Gurus left in India. I want all Hindus to wake up to this. Maybe a few Hindu teachers, just who conduct the rituals and few classes, in a very socially polite way - the diluted version of Hinduism, just with few symbolic ritualistically, keeping it alive like a museum and that also, as per the guidance of the anti-Guru Hindu gang and mafia. [42:00] Understand. The anti Guru agenda, is deeply inserted into many of the powerful Hindu organizations. Maybe that is their agenda itself and those anti Guru Hindu organizations becoming powerful, is equivalent to anti Hindu organizations becoming powerful. Both are strangulating the Guru-Shishya Parampara, Guru-Shishya Sampradaya of Hinduism, which is the root and core of Hinduism. Both gangs are working overtime to eliminate Guru-Shishya Parampara from India and they are already successful eighty percent, because eighty percent of the work is brainwashing the mass - which is done, which is done! Even a devoted Hindu, do not understand or appreciate this whole jewellery and ornaments I am wearing - is literally reviving Hinduism. Array, it is seven Kg weight, whole thing put together. I will be sitting almost three hours today – morning Darshans, Satsang, Question-Answer, everything and then by evening again, maybe another five, six hours. It is not that I have a pleasure in carrying this, seven Kg weight, but I know it is joy for Me, it is bliss for Me, to revive this tradition. I want the next generation Youth Hindus to know, our ancestors used all this to raise the bioenergy and share it with the whole world – the Kundalini Shakti. This all have a great spiritual significance and artistic significance. [44:30] Let’s enjoy the spiritual and artistic dimensions of Sanatana Hindhu Dharma. Even the devout Hindus have become so deeply anti-Guru, “ Eh, why should a Guru wear so much of jewellery?” Aye!, I am not wearing jewellery, I am wearing rudraksha. “Even Rudraksha, Why? What is the need to have so much? Why can’t we just be simple?” Actually, this is the most simplest way of existing. Things you are wearing is ten times more costly than what I am wearing. The chair you are sitting is more costly, than the chair I am sitting. The food you are eating, is ten times more costly than the food... of course, actually I am not even eating nowadays. Only the prasadam that is offered to the deities I am having. So, listen carefully. Anti-Guru Hindu mafia and anti-Hindu terrorists - both of them have nicely ganged up in India, strangulating the Guru-Shishya Parampara, absolutely! Twenty years. I am telling you, if you Hindus don’t wakeup, in twenty years, there will be no Hindu Guru left in India. Maybe secular Gurus will be left. I can’t understand one thing, you see, in politics, secular politicians can exist, no doubt. How can in Hindu Gurudom, secular Gurus can exist!? I am really not able to understand. The Guru word belongs to Hinduism and it has a clear definition and if you are a Guru, you should be rooted and based on Hinduism. How can “secular” Gurus exist? - I can’t understand . The very definition does not seem to be something right. Okay, let Me come back to the subject. Maybe secular Gurus will be left to survive, alive and or some Gurus who are very polite, just doing their puja, locking themselves inside the room, almost quarantined for life, those kind of few people maybe left. Just set a trend, “Hey, we are not against all Gurus. We are against active Gurus.” To make that statement – “Oh, we are not against all Gurus. See, see, see. We left that Swami. We left this Swami. They are all there.” [48:04] Anyone who revives, who is active, who is intelligent, who evolves the think-tank around him will not be left to live in India. Mark My words. Either he will be killed or he will be in jail forever, because the anti-Hindu terrorists and anti-Guru Hindu mafia, both have ganged up so strongly and they are eliminating every single effort to revive the Hindu Gurukul system and this Father Edward Thomas was persecuting My Gurukul, in the name of child rights, when not even one small right is violated. They create laws only to attack us, even through the law they were not able to find anything illegal, but Oh God, literally they dismantled the whole Gurukul by making parents shiver, “There is something wrong going on.” And these so-called ‘dash dash’ fellows, come to teach Me, “Oh, Hindu Gurukul is not banned in India.” What do you mean? I am telling you, Gurukul is banned in India! You can’t run a Gurukul in India, that’s the truth. Legally they may have not banned it, but practically it is banned. If you try to run, they will just file a false kidnap charge, Pocsco charge, whatever they want. I never visited Gujarat. Gujarat police just invented…You see, I have seen so many stupid false FIR, but this is the most ‘ faltu, faltu, faltu’ false FIR. Gujarat police files an FIR that I kidnapped two kids. First of all, the kids are not kidnapped. They were with her… they were with their major sister…sister who was a major and legal guardian. We have the letter, that sister is a legal guardian and the sister gave the leave letter to the school and took both the... her sister and brother. No kidnapping has happened. Second, I am no way involved. I have not even visited the Gujarat for two years. Funny fellows….not really funny, dangerous fellows. [51:23] Now, they also know, they cannot convict Me in the court, but they already successfully destroyed the Gurukul, I built in Gujarat. Of course, I never visited Gujarat, at least the last two years, but successful Gurukul which was evolving and flourishing and serving. They destroyed it, dismantled it completely and so much of violence. They bulldozed and demolished the building. Can you imagine, as if they demolished all the illegal constructions. First of all, this is not illegal construction. Second of all, as if they demolished all illegal constructions all over Gujarat. No! But, so much of violence and anger, they demolished the building and as per international standard, death sentence or demolishing a living place, can be done only by after going the apex body of the Superior Court of that Country, for legal remedy. Without exhausting all legal remedies, neither you can put somebody into death sentence, because that is irrevocable damage, irreparable damage. Same way, a living place cannot be demolished, unless the highest legal remedy is exhausted. Here, no legal remedy was allowed and these 53:14 Nadu…..Hindus... Hindus by birth, but brainwashed by anti Hindu terrorists and anti Guru Hindu mafia, those ‘seedless’ Hindus… I call them ‘seedless ‘ Hindus like seedless grapes. Let’s create a new brand, ‘seedless’ Hindus. Those seedless Hindus tried to tell Me “No,no,no, in India Gurukul is not banned, not illegal.” Come on, stop telling Me. [53:55] Anyhow, fortunately by the grace of Paramashiva and the protection of Kalabhairava, now I have safe place, where beautifully the Hindu Gurukuls, can run as per Hinduism. I request all Hindus, even if you are not able to be part of this great work, give birth to a few more kids and send them to Kailasa’s Nithyananda Hindu Gurukul, so that at least in next few years, we will have twenty crore Hindus doing this Brahmana work – the Brahmana Varna work. I tell you, we really need do this work, to stop the Hindu persecution. World need to understand, if you allow the Hindus to live, humanity will be enriched continuously. Humanity will become better and better, if you allow Hindus to live and survive and flourish. I tell you, this is the most non-violent way of stopping the Hindu persecution. Hindus need to start experiencing and manifesting Ananda and stop looking for this stupid so-called joy or success based lifestyle. Start looking for Ananda and excellence based lifestyle. Tyaga brings excellence and bliss. The new world order is going to be excellence and blissed based - not joy and success based. It is going to be excellence and bliss based. Essence of today’s Satsang - “Start manifesting Bliss through powerful cognitions – JNANA VIJNANA.” Stop looking for joy and success. Start manifesting bliss and excellence. Start manifesting bliss and excellence through JNANA AND VIJNANA. Stop looking for joy and success about which you are brainwashed by mass media cult and entertainment industry cult. [1:01:04] With this, I bless you all, let’s all Radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, and Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Living and Radiating the State, Space, Powers, Beings of Superconsciousness and Kailasa of Paramashiva, Paramashivoham, Aum Nithyananda Paramashivoham , the Eternal Bliss - NIthyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful. [1:01:55]


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