September 20 2011

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Bhagavad Gita

Life is a Psychodrama!

DATE: Day 29: Sep 20th 2011

He who considers the one to be the killer and he who considers the one to be the killed, both do not comprehend that the one does not kill nor is it destroyed.

Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says: The man who thinks ‘I am sanyasi’ can never be sanyasi. The man who does not think I am sanyasi or grihastha or anything, even if he is in householder life married life he is beyond sanyasi; he is more than a sanyasi.

The person who thinks I am sanyasi can never be a sanyasi; that word is enough to make him a householder. The man who does not even feel he is a sanyasi or a grihasta he is the real sanyasi. That’s what exactly Krishna means here.

Arey understand the very idea you are a killer or one going to be killed, both are lies. Somebody imagines they are killers so they go on feeling that they are killing. Somebody imagines they will be killed and they will always experience being killed. It is just your simple decision. See in your life many time you will see…. take this verse as a technique not as a teaching…. technique.

When you are in upper hand in some situations of your life see how you feel/behave. When you are suppressed somebody else is in upper hand just see how your mind behaves. It is just your identification; when you feel somebody else having the upper hand you expect sympathy, when you are in upper hand you are not ready to show sympathy. You say what can be done; this is the way everything is. I am not saying change your way of working or thinking or attitude; No!

See Krishna is not saying change your way; because he is not asking Arjuna to run away from the war field. No! See after all now Arjuna is in the upper hand. He is not saying run away without killing, showing sympathy, no. He is saying understand this whole thing is a psychodrama; at one time you will be in lower mood at one time you will be in the upper hand. It is just flow of life. This is the way it is flowing. The self which is the source neither kills nor gets killed. He is just saying realize that you are beyond both; just realize you are beyond both.

ya enam vetti hantarm yas caiman manyate hatam |

Please understand just like the other day I was giving you a technique to decode pleasure and pain into heat and cold, now I am giving you a powerful process to decode ahankara mamakara. Ahankara is the one always makes you feel you are in the upper hand. mamakara is the one always makes you feel you are suppressed. Please understand you feeling you are on upper hand, you are in the higher position or you are in lower position has nothing to do with outer incident. Like you feeling pain or pleasure has nothing to do with outer incident outer happening. It is something to do with the heat or the cold you feel inside and the software with which you are functioning inside. It is just your coding.

If you are asked to do yoga, you feel all kinds of pain and suffering. But if you are climbing the hill on your own, trekking, that is much more difficult than this yoga, but you feel all pleasure; wow what a great thing. Pleasure and pain are nothing to do with the outer happenings. It has something to do with the way you are coded and the experience of heat and the cold. Same way feeling you are killed or you are killer, you are powerful or weak, you are going to destroy or going to be destroyed, is just something to do with your ahankara and mamakara.

Please understand you feeling you are powerful or you are the killer or you feeling you are weak and you are killed/you will be killed; this both has nothing to do with the outer situation. It has something to do with whether you are caught with ahankara or mamakara. If you are caught with mamakra even if you are killing everybody you will feel you are weak and some…. any moment you may be killed. Same way ahankara also - feeling that you are a killer; your whole army is killed still these fellows are feeling that they will be the killer - like Duryodhana. His whole army was killed. Even the last moment he is shouting eh eh eh. There are some Duryodhanas even when they are sinking they will say eh you are killed you are killed you are killed. This is just a psycho drama.

Understand just like how pain and pleasure has nothing to do with the objects coming in contact with your senses, it has more to do with your software programming - the coding with which you are functioning. Same way, feeling you are killing, you are a killer or getting killed both have nothing to do with the outer situation. It has something to do with your coding; the software with which you are programmed. Decode.

In your life many time when you are crushed by your boss you will feel you are being killed. Just code how you are feeling at that moment. Don’t try to respond to the outer world situation, I am not teaching you that. I am teaching you, how you are feeling…… try to decode. What is exactly your feeling? Same way when you are in the upper hand, your subordinate has done some big mistake and you caught it exactly and he tried to hide from you and you caught him red handed. Now you are in upper hand you are in mood of a killer. Just see how you are functioning, find the pattern of your functioning; the coding the software the programming with which you are functioning.

Understand both the patterns….. you will realize you are beyond both these patterns. That is what Krishna means in this verse. The sacred secret in this verse is you are neither the pattern of the killer nor the pattern of the killed. Both are just patterns. Step back from the patterns. Step back from the patterns. If you are trying to break or justify ‘the killer’ pattern with the philosophy it is not going to work. If you are trying to justify ‘being killed’ pattern with some philosophy it is not going to work. If you are trying to break the pattern of a killer - any logic it won’t work. If you try to break the pattern of the killed with any logic it won’t work; just step back.

A small story:

An eccentric philosophy professor gave a question in final exam. The whole class was seated ready to go when the professor picked up his chair plopped it on desk and wrote on the board - Use everything you have learnt in this semester, prove that this chair does not exist philosophically. And the argument started left and right, fingers flew, erasers erased, notebook were filled in furious fashion. Some students wrote fifty pages in two hours attempting to refute the existence of the chair in all possible way. One member of the class was up and finished in less than a minute. He just answered in just less than a minute.

One week later when the grades were posted, the rest of the group wondered how did this fellow who wrote the answer in one minute got ‘A’ grade. He had barely written anything at all. They all questioned the professor ‘how can you give ‘A’ grade for him?’ The professor said his answer was just two words – ‘What Chair?’ That’s all. Understand by philosophical argument you cannot break the pattern.

If you start philosophical argument over this sutra and say wah what do you mean you are neither killed nor a killer? Can I kill you now then? Then everybody can kill anybody. Then Krishna is promoting a violent immatured or ‘might is right’ kind of a culture or what. Anybody can kill anybody. Neither you are killed nor you are a killer. What is this? It’s almost like giving license to killing. It’s like a barbarous civilization.

Please understand no philosophical argument can make you understand this verse. This verse is not for creating any philosophical argument or theology. It’s a technique. Even Hindu gurus have struggled a lot to decode this sutra, this verse.