Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule - 360
Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 360 (Skandashram Visit, Vazhumvaralaru Program, 03 Aug 2008)
03 August 2008 kicked off an iconic program, Valumvaralaru, where thousands of devotees had the opportunity to experience Bhagavan’s life through His own eyes. His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam Himself conducted the program and took participants on a tour of His life. In this video, you can see participants visiting Skandashram along with Swamiji. Skandashram, situated on the Arunachala Hill, is where Sri Ramana Maharishi spent time meditating and where Bhagavan Himself meditated. Swamiji has mentioned that He considers Sri Ramana Maharishi one of His first Gurus. Throughout the program participants visited the sacred places in Tiruvannamalai that witnessed the young Avatar’s childhood. They relived the stories of Bhagavan’s tapas, training by His Gurus, experience of Advaita (Oneness) with Arunagiri Yogeshwara, and much more, directly recounted by Bhagavan. Participants enjoyed Oneness with The Avatar in the sacred foothill of Arunachala, an experience of lifetimes. They saw where Bhagavan began the groundwork for His Avataric mission which has led to the movement of KAILASA. KAILASA is a nation created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries. Though the KAILASA movement is founded in the United States, and spearheaded by members of the Hindu Adi Shaivite minority community, it is created for, and offers a safe haven to all the world’s practicing, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed, where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence.