Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Ashtanga Yoga - Truth & Sharing Enlightenment - Patanjali Yoga Sutra 87

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Ashtanga Yoga - Truth & Sharing Enlightenment: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 87


"Satyameva Jayate! Through this most auspicious declaration, auspiciously, I inaugurate the 34th Jayanthi Brahmotsava". Today, Dec 20th 2010 marks a historical day where Rare Avatar & Living Enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda inaugurated the "Brahmotsava with Dwajarohana - flag hoisting", initiating His 34th Birthday Jayanthi celebrations 2011. Swamiji in ever blissful countenance said that the celebrations have started with so much auspiciousness that the moment He picked up the flag, a beautiful auspicious drizzle expressed the showering from God. The Master, to the delight of all devotees present, and connecting via eNTV from all across the planet, said, "This is going to be an auspicious year. The energy has become so intense in the body. Last year, we expanded 100 times more (i.e. 2010). Mission is not just the number of temples and centers we create, it is actually the energy expressed through the Master's body and the number of people getting transformed". In this breakthrough discourse, Nithyananda, the source of all auspiciousness, declared, "Now only we have started the Sangha. It is time we stand up and celebrate. We will continue to radiate auspiciousness".

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Ashtanga Yoga - Truth & Sharing Enlightenment: Patanjali Yoga Sutra 87