April 12 2011

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How To Walk on Water Patanjali Yoga Sutras 146

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'Description: How To Walk On Water Patanjali Yoga Sutras by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 12 apr 2011'


Prayer. Welcome. Meenakshi is really rocking all over the world! Chittirai Brahmotsavam, the vasantha Brahmotsavam the presence of Meenakshi is being felt all over the world. Day before yesterday I announced Meenakshi’s Dig Vijaya means she conquers all over the world and she goes to Kailash and has Shiva’s darshan and gets enlightened! I said her presence will be felt all over our ashrams across the world. Just in 1 day kumkum was there in 5 places. New Jersey had kumkum in paaduka, smell of Jasmine and sound of anklets – all these 3 are Meenakshi’s presence. Today I will continue on the same sutra. Today’s subject is 146th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 40th verse Udaana Jayaath Jala Pankha Kantaka Aadishu asangha udkaanthischa The method of doing samyama on Udaana and achieving the powers of walking on the water, swamps, thorns, fire, etc and the ability to leave the body whenever you want. Yesterday I gave you all homework to work on the different engrams of death. Today spend little time share these engrams with others. See when you spell it out it comes to your consciousness. The other can guide you. the other need not express any words, just you sharing with the other you will have the right click. People who finished this samyama can share with your partner. I gave you 4 instruction – 1. First ideas and engrams you received about death. 2nd the first death you faced in your life. 3rd the first death of the near & dear one of your life – death of somebody who was partner closely associated in your life. 3rd your changed ideas about death. Sit facing with each other. When your insecurity comes out, your breathing becomes deep & strong. Please understand, these are some of the basic laws. With insecurity you will take more air but you will not take more praana. Without insecurity you will take more praana but less air. Every day I am going to guide you guys into the whole samyama. I am not just going to give you the process. But guide you into doing it. If you were not present yesterday and did not do the homework, it okay be here. If not, you should not be here. Every day I am going to lead you into different samyamas and make you experience. Find your partner and share the insecurities you have. Sometimes the insecurities are very illogical and animalistic. I have seen people who live inside the mountains inside the interior land not near the ocean will carry such a deep insecurity regarding tsunami! If you were not present in yesterday’s satsang, now you can take time and finish writing. Dig out it is time for you I am guiding you into different samyamas. If you come out of your insecurities, your Udaana function will be perfect. Straight away you will be healed of all diseases related to lungs and heart and upper body vital organs. Now I am sharing deepest sacred secret from this sutra. 3 basic truths on death – What Yoga declares as death is your will getting disconnected from the air flow of the upper body. in the upper body there is a kind of air flow. The air going up. Your will means the feeling that I exist. That will and that upper body air flow getting separated is what is death. If that will and air flow Udaana Is completely in tune with each other it is health. They are not separated but they are not in tune with each other it is disease. Please understand your will and the upper body air flow Udaana – these 2 if they are in tune with each other it is health, if they are not separated with each other and not in tune it is disease, if they are separated from each other it is death.

Your will needs to be attuned with Udaana by tuning with right ideas and removing the insecurity from your understanding and your Udaana can be tuned by this samyama. If either of them is not connected with the other, you will be in trouble. Your will - will be tuned only if it understands and removes the insecurity. Udaana the upper body vital air flow can be in tune with the samyama. One of the important truth is your insecurity is the only reason why your will & Udaana gets separated. If you don’t have insecurity even after your body stops functioning, your udanna and will will not be separated and you can assume another body just like that. It is like changing clothes then. Your fear makes your will and Udaana separate. When the fear is not there, even if your body stops functioning due to old age, your will will immediately assume another body just like changing your shirt. Do you have any insecurity when you are changing your shirt? No. You know you are going to wear another shirt immediately after you remove this one. Same way you will just flow into another body immediately after you leave this one after death.

Just exactly like what the Bhagvad Gita says it is nothing but like changing clothes. I will give you the technique. Udaana’s colour is red. Visualize this whole upper body is alive with a cool red energy. The description of Udaana is red colour cool effect air flow. Visualize this whole upper body means between the neck and the anahata. From anahata till the vishuddhi this whole area visualize the deep cooling shining red light. Very deeply cooling and alive. Visualize this energy. Please understand this will drastically bring down your insecurity, make your will and Udaana in tune and make you experience a deep breathing. In this samyama straight away 2 thing will happen. The air inflow will reduce drastically but intake of energy will increase. Your eyes white portion will become too white. You will feel deeply rested. If you sleep for 12 or 15 hrs deeply how your eyes will be bright and shining and fresh, same way practicing this Udaana samyama for 20 minutes you will feel. Actually if you practice for more than 20 minutes even your nails will become red and shining. Udaana cleansing is the process where without taking the air just taking the praana in.

First understand all your insecurities are nothing but fear.

Sharing – My sister committed suicide and I feel I am responsible and feel guilty…

Swami: You feeling responsible for her death is another thing. But the angle in which I want you to think is when your sister dies that part in you is dying. Whenever somebody around you is dying, that part of your identity is dying. That is why so much of suffering. I am trying to bring your attention from various other angles to this insecurity angle. Why the relatives or near & dear ones death causes so much of insecurity in you. it causes insecurity because the very you which is identified with them dies. Sharing – every time when I do the eNkriya, the samana kriya, I feel I am dying. So every Sunday morning I have this fear that I may die that day. So every opportunity I have to stop my breath I feel I wil die. Swami: See this fear stops the Udaana flow and the improper Udaana flow gives you fear. The only way to break this insecurity is do the eNkriya. Nothing else can be done. So many weeks you have done eNkriya. You did not die did you? then why fear? Just continue doing the eNkriya, that is the only way of coming out of it. Sharing – I have fear that my children will die before me… Swami: Children are more like your ambition before you. one of the greatest unconscious habit in planet earth is giving birth to children and expecting them to live as you want and trying to live through them for extended years than living in your own body! trying to live extended years through the extended body of their children is a strong unconscious desire that planet earth is suffering with! Why should children inherit your property that you earned your whole life? Just because they were born to you, why should they inherit all that you accumulated in your life? Whether it is health, power, social influence, we always feel we should live in our children’s body after we die! That is why we feel our children should be healthy, wealthy. Also whenever your children do not fulfill your ambitions, your ideas you will have so much of anger and hatred towards them. you yourself feel they should die quickly. It is nothing but your unconscious desire that you should live forever and ever. Your children’s death gives you an idea you are not going to live an extended life. It is like after retirement the government officials trying to extend their service through some means. That is again nothing but your own insecurity of your death. I tell you, you don’t need to live through your children’s body. you can live through your own next body. there is a big discussion going on in the media and all spiritual circles. I have received important questions related to Satya Sai Baba’s organization. They are asking me Swamiji why did he not appoint a successor. I said he is an incarnation and he is very clear he is going to come back. He only wanted a group of people to take care of his social service activities. He does not want to live through somebody else. Because he is very clear he has made his decisions. Unconscious fellows think there should be a successor as per their expectation. For normal man, he should have a son or daughter who is expected to fulfill your ambitions and keep your name and fame alive and that is what you fulfill through them. understand that is exact unconscious insecurity. If you understand and liberate yourself from insecurity, you don’t need to use Udaana with your children’s will to experience extended life. No you can keep your Udaana and your will together and have another one body and extend your life! Sharing – swamiji from your teachings I understand there is fear when a close person dies…but even now I feel a sad heavy feeling when I think about a close person’s death. Swami: if you share again & again about those incidents, those engrams will leave your body. actually if you talk to the same person about whose death you are directly afraid of, sit and share with that same person – I am afraid you will die one day. Complete with that very person. suddenly you will see the insecurity will disappear. It will become love. It will not be an emotion but a conscious understanding. Sharing – earlier memory from age 2 is fear of dying. That persisted ….this fear overlay my whole life. Swami: Come to India when you can. Go to a place called Valangaimaan in Tamilnadu where they enact your death ritual very systematically and the deity there has ability to liberate people from death fear. From the moment you know you are alive if you carry a death fear, this deity can liberate you. just like that you will be liberated. Actually I wanted to install one kaala bhairava in our Bidadi ashram. I can get the team from that place who can support us with this ritual which will remove the causeless innate fear of death that you carry with you from the time you know you are alive. There is no reason, no cause or particular responsible thought trend. These kind of fears will be completely removed from you. in that ritual you will be made to lie down on the stretcher which is used to carry bodies to the cremation ground. The priest gets into an altered state of awareness and get into the awareness of that deity Mariamman. He sprinkles some water. Literally the whole 5000 or 6000 fellows who undergo this ritual literally each of them become dead bodies! They don’t sneeze, cough or move! I have asked many actors & actresses who have enacted death scenes. They say it is very difficult you will feel like laughing, coughing, itching only at that time. But in this ritual all of them including children will literally be like dead bodies – frozen, chill and will not move! It will take 1 hour to 3 hours for the whole ritual. When it is over, he again sprinkles water and they just sit up, take bath in the water tank and go that’s all. I have seen 1000s of people walk out of cancer, diseases and phobias. For no particular reason from the moment you know you are alive from age of 2 or 3 you carry fear of death, come to India and go to this temple. I guarantee you will come out of it. Sharing – I never felt sad when someone died in my house. But I have fear of my own death… Swamiji: Don’t worry about your own imagination. If you are not having fear, celebrate it. if you are suppressing it will come out some time. If you don’t have just celebrate it. that’s all. Alright. Let us now enter into the samyama. Sit in a very relaxed way. You can stretch your leg also. if you want your upper body to function well, you lie down or stretch your leg. Don’t lie down but sit comfortably. Ladies who have periods and are pregnant can also do this samyama. If you are pregnant this samyama reduces the engrams and creates pure energy in the baby. Visualize your upper body. it means between the anahata and vishuudi intensely cooling red energy flow. Just visualize inside the intense cooling red energy is flowing. That’s all. Close your eyes. Slowly you will see the volume of the air intake will come down. That’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Almost you will feel like you are not breathing but energy is taken inside. ` Relax. Try doing this samyama at least 2 times during the day today. Sharing – I have constant drowning and breath stopping suffocation. Also my breathing is impacted by anxiety and fear. Don’t do more than 10 minutes. You will see your breathing becomes shallow, you will take less air and more praana inside! Do eNkriya and you will come out of this completely. Blessings!

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