November 02 2018

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Revelations on Matter-Antimatter

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(02Nov2018) HDH Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the secrets of Matter and Antimatter from ancient Hinduism, an area that modern-day Science is baffled by and is spending billions of dollars to understand. His Divine Holiness reveals that there is as much antimatter in the cosmos as Matter, and when Matter and Antimatter get out of balance is when Big Bangs and Black Holes happen. A highly conscious lifestyle structured on the balance of Matter and Antimatter is the lifestyle of Hinduism.



nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kothari, Visitors, Viewers, sitting with us all over the world, through Nithyananda TV and Paschima Kailasa, Adi Kailasa. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Subject for today Webinar - Matter and Anti-Matter. Around the world, different researchers, scientists, who are working on Cosmological principles, physics and theoretical physics, trying to understand Universe, the wonders of Existence, in the level of principle, philosophy, science, research, in every dimension, people who are working on Big Bang, Black Hole theoretically, trying to understand on matter and anti-matter. I’ll reveal some of the important most important revelations from Paramashiva, about the Universe.

Please understand. Few days before in the satsang, I was telling - time, the speed of the light is not constant; it is the Super Consciousness, it’s reflection on the space only is constant. Listen. Even space is not constant. Be very clear. Actually the Big Bang and Black Hole is happening so intensely, even the space is moving. Even the space is not constant. Understand. Also you need to understand the difference between static and constant. Even if something looks static, that doesn’t mean it is constant. Even if something is extremely vibrant and shaktimayā, energy- mayā, does not mean it is constant. Here, for all practical purposes, the highest constant, Cosmic constant, you can realise, is the reflection of the Super Consciousness in the space. When I use the word ‘space’ - Parakasha, Mahakasha and Chidakasha - all the three is one and the same. All three put together only I call it as a space. The Super Consciousness reflecting on the space you experience as the dimension and the space which feels ‘I’ ‘I’ ‘I’ in you. The Chidakasha, the consciously where you feel as you, your existence, in that space and the whole space of Mahakasha, both spontaneously simultaneously reflects Paramashiva, the Super Consciousness. What reflects here [gestures inside] is called ‘self’ - what reflects here [gestures outside] is called ‘life’ for you; that’s all. Listen. ‘Self’... the reflection of the ultimate Super Consciousness - that reflection is Cosmic constant, nothing else is a constant; not space or not something in time, nothing else is a constant.


Many people, who are working to understand the secrets of the Universe, try to raise a doubt, “When there is so much matter generated during the Big Bang, why so much anti-matter is not generated.” The question is wrong, please understand. Matter and anti-matter is always in balance. If any one gets imbalanced, immediately the Big Bang or Black Hole has to happen to balance it. Understand. Overflowing matter - overflowing anti-matter need to be in samana for maintenance, means Stithi. Please listen carefully. From the influence of the anti-matter, matter manifesting is Big Bang. From the influence of the matter, anti-matter manifesting is Black Hole. If there is a sustenance, life perception, matter and anti-matter is balanced. Enough and equal amount of anti-matter also is produced, when matter is produced.

Anti-matter means….listen carefully. Paramashiva clearly defines - all the thought currents, emotions, patterns, which is there in all of us, which is responsible for our functioning, but which is not perceived as material is Anti-matter. Listen. Which is there in all of us - patterns, emotions, thought currents, feelings, experiences... which is responsible for our functioning, our existence, which matters for our existence, but which is not perceived as material - is Anti-matter. Enough quantity of anti-matter also is released along with matter. Person who understand anti-matter matters for life, starts making the cognitions related to anti-matter. I tell you, how much you avoid poison, poisonous food, toxics in your system, that much you need to avoid toxic patterns and poisonous patterns. But unfortunately, you always recognize matter as existence and never recognize anti-matter. You don’t give the due right to the anti-matter in your life and fail, land in accidents and collapse.


Ignorance is not cute. You claiming, “Oh, I don’t know about anti-matter. I am too simple man.”... Simple Beings are not successful. Ignorant Beings are not successful. It’s only integrated Beings are successful. One of the biggest contribution of Hinduism is making human being understand from the beginning - there is enough anti-matter in you equally to matter, so how much you give importance to matter, give importance to anti-matter. Unfortunately we have been brushed aside with that stupid title of – “Oh, these are other worldly guys.” Yes, we have lost all the territory on the Planet Earth. There is no….there was no Hindu nation, but I tell you, we have something great to teach to the world. We have something great to contribute to the world. We lost all the territories, does not mean we have nothing to contribute to the world. We have something to contribute to the world.

Some of the great truths about the Cosmos, about the anti-matter and lifestyles structured on the balance of the matter and anti-matter, is the lifestyle of the Sanatana Hindu Dharma. People always brush Hinduism aside, in the name of, “Oh, failure guy. Once upon a time, they had 56 countries and now they don’t even have one territory for themself. Losers, what is there to learn from them?” Understand. Some of our principles were not brutal. They were so life positive. We were too life positive! That does not mean we have nothing to contribute. Yes, we might have lost territory. As I made the statement - Ignorance is not cute. Our ignorance about the violence of the human beings was not cute. Even in the war, we were principled warriors. We didn’t know the enemies don’t have any principles. They were brutal. We might have lost the territories, but we have something great to contribute to the world, in the field of Consciousness.


If you cognize the higher reality about the anti-matter, your life will be a powerful manifestation of completion, fulfilment, higher form of existence. Understand. The first powerful cognition you need to cognize - “Whatever you perceive as matter, existence of your life - equivalent amount you need to perceive, cognize the anti-matter component of your life.” Anti-matter, Avyakta, unmanifest drives the matter. Anti-matter is the energy source of the matter. The Avyakta manifests as Vyakta and avyakta continues to be the driving force of the vyakta. Unmanifest continues to remain as the driving force of the manifest. If you are diabetic - how seriously you avoid sugar and other food items which can trigger diabetes, to the same level you need to avoid to stress. Unfortunately, the importance to the anti-matter cognitions are less, far less, than the matter cognitions. In every level, you can’t be complete life negative in your thinking filled with fear and expect grand successes to follow you. No! Fear need to be used like a pickle wherever required, not more than that. If you know how to use fear as pickle, you know the realistic threats and unrealistic lies. Then life will never cheat you, life will never cheat you. You’ll never be cheated. In every level….understand, I am repeating. Ignorance is not cute. Yes, the ignorance in the level of the political strategies our ancient kings had is not cute. That is why we lost all the territories. We had once upon a time 56 desas [hindu countries] on the Planet Earth. Almost all the population, all the civilization was Hindu civilization; and if you go to the small, small kingdoms, more than 150... large kingdoms itself 56. Today we don’t have even one, not a single Hindu nation. I think, it is My responsibility, to bring not just spiritual legitimacy and religious legitimacy and social legitimacy, it’s My purpose; purpose of My life, My happening, is to bring spiritual, social, religious and political legitimacy to Hinduism. It’s My vision to have at least one place where Vedas and Agamas and Manu Smriti is practiced legitimately, as the constitution and law of that land, with the Paramashiva’s grace. With the grace of Paramashiva, hope we will be successful. Yes, our kings due to their ignorance, they lost territories, but that does not mean we have nothing to contribute. Surely Hindu tradition has something huge to contribute, especially for over mattered materialistic civilizations. Many of the problems the modern civilization suffering in all countries, whether East or West, all countries of the modern civilization, the whole humanity is suffering in the modern civilization, the materialistic, too matter based materialistic civilization’s problems. Almost all the problems of the modern day humanity, all the problems of the modern civilizations is because of the pure materialism based cognitions. Understand. Materialism has gone to extreme. It’s almost like a chronic capitalism. Materialism has gone to its extreme and making people mad. The only solution for the materialistic sufferings, materialistic cognitions sufferings, is the pure truths of anti-matter, pure principles of anti-matter. Hinduism brings the right balance between matter and anti-matter. Constantly analyze the kind of the cognition you cherish, the kind of a cognition drives you. The cognition inspires you, drives you - matters. Understand.


Today, Parliament of World Religions has started in Toronto. Nithyananda Hindu University has Booth # 1229. We are representing Sanatana Hindu Dharma. I request all the devotees, disciples, to gather, volunteer and enrich all the seekers from all the world religions, about the important contribution of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. I wanted to tell the Parliament of World Religions – The biggest contribution of Sanatana Hindu Dharma is the life... very balanced between matter and anti-matter cognition. Sanatana Hindu Dharma does not allow you to tip the balance. It doesn’t let you fall into the over exploitative nature of the materialistic civilization. The modern civilization’s biggest problem is too much of materialism and exploiting all the nature, all the natural resources. The balanced life and Super Conscious breakthrough is the real message of Sanatana Hindu Dharma to the Parliament of World Religions. Hinduism has solution for all the problems modern day civilization is facing. It is all because of too much of materialism - matter based thought currents, matter based cognitions, not recognizing the importance of the anti-matter, which is the driving force of life. All the Paramashivoham participants, the people who are preparing themself for Paramashivoham, I request all of you to give importance to how you feel with your cognitions about life, how your higher cognitions are important for your existence. Your higher cognitions are too important for your existence. You need to understand. Give more and more importance to how you feel, how you cognize your whole day. Your higher cognitions matter, for the balanced life between matter and anti- matter.


Just like how you eat and workout to maintain your matter, constantly feed yourself with the higher powerful cognitions through Nlighten App. Download Nlighten App, become member of Nlighten App. Whole day spending….whenever you can, spend time with Nlighten App. Listening to the satsangs and incorporating powerful cognitions, raising your anti-matter to the higher cognition, to the higher level of existence. I tell you, raise your anti-matter inner space to the higher level of existence, simply your outer existence will raise to the higher level. If you try to raise by raising your matter level, you’ll be failure. Raise the anti-matter level cognitions, you’ll be successful, exactly rightly with the completion and fulfilment as you want and something more. Understand. If you raise the status of the matter, you will not be successful in raising the state of the anti-matter. If you raise the state of the anti-matter, you will be successful in raising the status of your matter.

Every minute you spend with Nlighten App, you are directly talking to Me, you are in My Presence, you are in the Satsangha. Whole life should be Satsangha, Nithya Satsangha. Let your life become eternal satsangha. Constantly, whenever you can, spend time with Nlighten App; it’ll enlighten you... because the anti-matter component of you needs to be fed continuously with powerful cognitions and I have delivered enough of powerful cognitions. I have revealed enough of powerful cognitions. It’s all available now in the Nlighten App. It’s getting added, added, added and loaded. Spending time with Nlighten App is the solution for a balanced life of matter and anti-matter.

So everyone, who is preparing themselves for Paramashivoham experience, My sincere request - today join the Nlighten App and whenever you find time, even few minutes spend time with Nlighten App. Just spend time with Nlighten App. That’s all I am saying, enlightening you is My responsibility.


So with this, I bless you all, let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.


Photos From The Day:

Uttamotama Seva


Sri Nithyananda Swami Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadāshivoham, Mahadeva, Paramashivoham, Matter and Anti-Matter, Cosmological principles, physics, theoretical physics, Universe, philosophy, science, research, Big Bang, Black Hole, Super Consciousness, space, Parakasha, Mahakasha, Chidakasha, life, self, Stithi, thought currents, emotions, patterns, Ignorance, Hinduism, Hindu nation, Cosmos, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, life positive, Consciousness, Vyakta, avyakta, diabetes, life negative, spiritual legitimacy, religious legitimacy, social legitimacy, political legitimacy, Vedas, Agamas, Manu Smruti, Hindu tradition, modern civilization, materialistic civilizations, modern civilizations, Materialism, chronic capitalism, pure truths, Parliament of World Religions, Nithyananda Hindu University, balanced life, Super Conscious breakthrough, matter based thought currents, matter based cognitions, powerful cognitions, Nlighten App, difference between static and constant, definition of Anti-matter, happening of Big Bang and Black Hole from the angle of matter and antimatter