Year 1994 His Divine Holiness At Age 16

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During His polytechnic studies, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) came down to Tiruvannamalai when in His final year. At that time through an official letter of initiation, His Vedānta Guru Mātā Vibhutānandapuri (also called Mātāji Kuppammāl) officially adopted Him as her only disciple and successor in the Arunācala lineage, conferring upon Him the title 'Brahmasukhi'. She also organised to take a series of pictures of Him at that time. Below you can see some of the pictures from the year 1994 which includes the above Happening, as well as from HDH in the Rajagopal Polytechnic, Gudiyatham and a few other pictures from this year.

Photos Of The Year

With Vedānta Guru Mātā Vibhutānandapuri (also called Mātāji Kuppammāl). During initiation, a few traditional items are given to the disciple as part of the coronation. The staff that HDH is holding is one of the items which is given to aid in the 'spiritual wandering lifestyle' useful for various purposes.

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This photograph of The Avatār was organised to be taken by His Vedānta Guru Mātā Vibhutānandapuri (also called Mātāji Kuppammāl). You can see, there is a conch and kamandalu (water pot) to the left of HDH and a wooden staff to His right, all of which were given by her as the traditional items that are handed over alongwith the official induction as successor into the lineage.

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24 May 1994 | During His polytechnic studies, The Avatār came down to Tiruvannamalai when in His final year. At that time, His Vedānta Guru Mātā Vibhutānandapuri (also called Mātāji Kuppammāl), through this official letter of initiation, adopted Him as her only disciple and successor in the Arunācala lineage, coronating and conferring upon Him the title 'Brahmasukhi'. His Gurus thus coronated Him when He was 16 years of age (1994) immediately after which The Avatār commenced the expansion work of Kailasa. It is thus 26 years of public life till date (year 2020). The Avatār stepped out of Tiruvannamalai the very next year in 1995, which is the same year His Gurus left their body. The purpose of their life was complete.

The translation of this letter is thus:

Om Satguruve Thunai

Maha La La Sri Sri Sri La Sri Panchamukha Yogi

(Myself) Servitor of the Lord, Brahma Yogini Vibhuthai who has attained the elevated State by the Grace of Brahma Rishi Isakki Maha Munivar, with the wish to adopt as my disciple, Rajashekaran, the Divine child of Lokanayaki and Arunachalam, and who is an instrument of my love, initiated Him and coronated Him with the new title on this full moon day of Tuesday in the Bhava year, the 10th day of the month of Vaikasi during the Vedic star Visākha.

His given Name after initiation: Brahmasukhi


Disciple of Isakki Maha Munivar, Vibhutai alias Kuppammal

Brahma Yogini


24 May 1994

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This is a spatika bead string, an energy bead string given to The Avatār by His Vedanta Guru Mātā Vibhutānandapuri (also called Mātāji Kuppammāl).

It was her own string which she gifted me. You can see her wearing it in her solo photographs from this period.

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The Avatār's Vedānta Guru Mātā Vibhutānandapuri (also called Mātāji Kuppammāl) gifted Him this conch.

The conch is also used as a begging bowl in Hindu Tradition by sādhus (ascetics). Food is received in it. When you live as a sādhu, sanyāsi, the Cosmos provides you what you need for the moment through the appropriate people. So 'begging' here is referred in this context.

When the conch is handed over by the Guru to the disciple in the lineage, it indicates official disciplehood for the latter.

The Avatār recalls, "On this conch, Kuppammal's Guru Isakki Swamigal had personally applied beeswax. I have seen it. This was his conch that he used to blow. He had handed it over to Kuppammal to symbolise her disciplehood with him. Their's was a single guru-single single-disciple tradition. She was his single disciple and she took me as her single disciple.

Due to often blowing it, the wax had become distorted, so he asked Kuppammal what to do, and she removed her silver toe ring and gave it. He placed it on the mouth of the conch and it became firm to blow without disturbing the wax."

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1994 - 15, 16 July |

In The Avatār's own words:

"These are diary papers written by Me, revealing deep self-introspection.

The sequence that led to this writings is as follows:

I used to regularly meet a Siddha, an eighty-year-old man with mystical powers, who used to sit in a small mandapam – 4-pillared roof - on the Arunācala mountain path in Tiruvannamalai.

That was also the time I internalized a number of tantric techniques from Narayanasamy Thatha, and I was indulging in its play heartily.

This Siddha admonished Me and kicked Me for My indulgence. He said I was prostituting myself, and that I should give up all these practices since they were stalling my spiritual growth. He compared me to Pattinatthar, a famous Tamil personality, who lusted after women despite his spiritual inclinations.

I then threw away all the mantras I had written down and the talismans given by Narayanasamy Thatha, and dedicated Myself to meditation."


15 July 1994:

I opened up the talisman given by K.S. Narayanasamy Thatha, read the papers, tore them up, and threw it in the well and in the garbage pile.

16 July 1994:

Today is the auspicious day when Brahmasukhi was beaten by a man, reformed and attained complete wisdom, just like how Saint Pattinatthar attained complete wisdom through the blows of a woman! After an hour and a half of meditation, mind became intensely focussed.

(Brahmasukhi was the title given to me by Kuppammal in her letter of initiation.)

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1994, April 25 | This is a 5-rupee Indian currency note.

In The Avatār's words:

"When I was around 16 years, our team did a sandalwood paste decoration for Arunai Nayaki Amman, a deity in Tiruvannamalai. As part of the decoration we had offered a garland made of 5-rupee currency notes to the deity. This is a note from that garland!"

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A photograph featuring The Avatār (extreme right) in a stage play during His polytechnic studies at the Rajagopal Polytechnic, Gudiyatham where He graduated with a diploma in Mechanical Engineering through a three-year program. The play was from the Life of Lord Yama, the presiding Hindu God of Death. The Avatār was a part of it because the play had its roots in Hindu History and the Enlightenment Science.

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1994 June | This is a text book during the 5th semester of diploma in Mechanical Engineering of The Avatār at the Rajagopal Polytechnic, Gudiyatham for the subject: Heat Power Engineering

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1994, 20 Sep | This is the laboratory record note book of The Avatār during His 5th semester of diploma in Mechanical Engineering at the Rajagopal Polytechnic, Gudiyatham for the subject: Heat Power Engineering

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In this diary, The Avatār's autograph and message to His classmate during His Polytechnic studies can be seen.

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Root of a Nagalinga tree. This root can suck out any type of snake poison and change colour to blue. This root runs Northwards always. The Avatār's Yoga Guru Ragupathi Yogi picked this root from the Nagalinga tree inside the Krittika Mandapam in the Arunācaleśvara temple where He trained in Yoga with him. Ragupathi Yogi did spiritual alchemy with this root and gave it. The Avatār recalls, "He said that if I scratched my liver area with this when hungry, hunger would be dispelled. He gave this to me shortly before I left home."

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Rudraksh ornament used by The Avatār Photos - 8.jpg Photos - 9.jpg