1988 - Standing Parashakti Deity Carved by SPH

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Sovereign of Archives Details
Date/Year 1988
Item Name
Origin of Item Pushpa Samadhi
Item Type Deity
Item Dimentions 5"w x 10"h x 2"d
Item Material Soapstone
Age of SPH 1
AssociatedGuru Arunagiri Yogishwara and Yogananda Puri
Location Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, South India
Role in the Revival of KAILASA The first deity birthed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and the beginning of KAILASA'S Sacred Arts Univercity. This deity of Parashakti is the first of over 4000+ Hindu deities birthed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and now established as the centers of enlightenment eco-systems around the world, as embodiments of the Ultimate Superconsciousness.
Associated Kingdom Kailasa Paramparagatha Sripura Sarvajnapeetham

In all the puranas, and epics of Hindu History, whenever Vishnu incarnates and takes the form- He worships Paramashiva. Whenever Paramashiva comes down to Planet Earth, He worships Devi. From the time of His advent, today Paramashiva - in the form of His Divine Holiness -  continues to devotedly worship Devi Parashakti and teach and guide millions in the same path.  At the age of   10 years old during the Navaratri celebrations in the Arunachaleshwara Temple  of His birthplace,  His Divine Holiness  was in the Devil Unnamalai amman shrine after having taken bath in the temple holy water tank  on His Guru  Yogananda Puri Instruction. After receiving the initiation into the bheeja mantra for Parashakti, suddenly, in the shrine itself His Divine Holiness  had the darshan of the  living, breathing form of  Devi Parashakti.

In the words of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism:  “Simply like a flash  I saw Bhuvaneshwari”

Please understand, the day I started carving the Devi deity after my vision of having Devi Darshan. Birthing of the pDevi deity, birthing of Devi in the form of deity: when I started, that day Sacred Arts University has started. Understand. Fortunately, that was the time I used to be seeing Arunagiri Yogishwara physically. So he himself has helped me, literally he birthed and he taught me. He taught me through that birthing of the deity, He taught me how to birth the deity. So from that day, the Nithyananda Sacred Arts Hindu University, the Sacred Arts University has started.

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