Nadi Shodana Pranayama by Goraksh Paddhati

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Nāḍīśodhanam: Pranayama




Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source

Goraksh Paddhati (1, 96-101)

Original Verse

"बद्धपद्मासनो योगी प्राणं चन्द्रेण पूरयत् ।

धारयित्वा यथाशक्त्ति भूयः सूर्य्येण रेचयेत् ॥ ९६ ॥

अमृतदधिसंकाशं गोक्षीरधवलोपमम् ।

ध्यात्वा चन्द्रमसो बिम्बं प्राणायामी सुखी भवेत् ॥९७ ॥

दक्षिणे श्वासमाकृष्य पूरयेदुदरं शनैः ।

कुम्भयित्वा विधानेन पुनश्चन्द्रेण रेचयेत् ॥ ९८ ॥

प्रज्वलज्ज्वलनज्वालापुञ्जमादित्यमण्डलम् ।

ध्यात्वा नाभिस्थितं योगी प्राणायामी सुखी भवेत् ॥ ९९ ॥

प्राणांश्चेदिडयापि चेत्परिमितं भूयोन्यया रेचयेत् पीत्वा पिङ्गलया समीरणमथो बद्ध्वा त्यजेद्वामया ॥ १०० ॥

सूर्य्याचन्द्रमसोरनेन विधिना बिम्बद्वयं ध्यायतां शुद्धा नाडिगणा भवन्ति यमिनां मासत्रयादूर्ध्वतः ॥ १०१ ॥"


"baddhapadmāsano yogī prāṇaṃ candreṇa pūrayat ।

dhārayitvā yathāśaktti bhūyaḥ sūryyeṇa recayet ॥ 96 ॥

amṛtadadhisaṃkāśaṃ gokṣīradhavalopamam ।

dhyātvā candramaso bimbaṃ prāṇāyāmī sukhī bhavet ॥97 ॥

dakṣiṇe śvāsamākṛṣya pūrayedudaraṃ śanaiḥ ।

kumbhayitvā vidhānena punaścandreṇa recayet ॥ 98 ॥

prajvalajjvalanajvālāpuñjamādityamaṇḍalam ।

dhyātvā nābhisthitaṃ yogī prāṇāyāmī sukhī bhavet ॥ 99 ॥

prāṇāṃścediḍayāpi cetparimitaṃ bhūyonyayā recayet pītvā piṅgalayā samīraṇamatho baddhvā tyajedvāmayā ||100||

sūryyācandramasoranena vidhinā bimbadvayaṃ dhyāyatāṃ śuddhā nāḍigaṇā bhavanti yamināṃ māsatrayādūrdhvataḥ ॥ 101 ॥"


"The Yogin [seated in] the bound lotus posture should fill in the life force through the lunar [nostril] and then, after holding it according to his capacity, expel it again through the solar [nostril]. (1.96)

Meditating on the moon disk, the nectar that resembles [white] curd or is like cow’s milk or silver, [the Yogin practicing] breath control should be happy. (1.97)

Drawing in the breath (shvâsa) through the right [nostril], he should fill the abdomen gradually. Having retained it according to the rules, he should expel it again through the lunar [nostril]. (1.98)

Meditating on the solar circle, which is a mass of brightly burning flames located at the navel, the Yogin practicing breath control should be happy. (1.99)

When the breath is filtered through the idâ [i.e., the left nostril], he should expel it again through the other [nostril]. Sucking the air in through the pingalâ [i.e., the right nostril] he should, after holding it, release it again through the left [nostril]. By meditating on the two disks-of the sun and the moon, according to the rules, the host of channels become pure after three months. (1.100)

By purifying the channels, [the Yogin] achieves health, the manifestation of the [subtle inner] sound (nâda), [the ability to] hold the “wind” according to capacity, and the flaring up of the [inner] fire. (1.101)"