Nadishodana Kumbhaka with Pranava Mantra (2)

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Nāḍīśodhanam: Pranayama




Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण


1)Darshanopanishad VI. 7-10

2)Yoga-Cudamany Upanishad 36-39

Original Verse


"पुनः पिङ्गलयापूर्य मात्रैः षोडशभिस्तथा |

अकारमूर्तिमत्रापि स्मरेदेकाग्रमानसः ॥ ७ ॥

धारयेत् पूरितं विद्वान् प्रणवं संजपन् वशी |

उकारमूर्तिं स ध्यायन् चतुःषष्ट्या तु मात्रया ॥ ८ ॥

मकारं तु स्मरन् पश्चाद्रेचयेदिडयानिलम् |

एवमेव पुनः कुर्यादिडयापूर्य बुद्धिमान् ॥ ९ ॥

एवं समभ्यसेन्नित्यं प्राणायामं मुनीश्वर |

एवमभ्यासतो नित्यं षण्मासाद् ज्ञानवान् भवेत् ॥ १० ॥"


"ऋजुकायः प्राञ्जलिश्च प्रणमेदिष्टदेवताम् ।

ततो दक्षिणहस्तस्य अङ्गुष्ठेन्ऐव पिङ्गलाम् ॥ ३६ ॥

निरुध्य पूरयेद्वायुमिडया तु शन्ऐः शन्ऐः ।

यथाशक्त्यविरोधेन ततः कुर्याच्च कुम्भकम् ॥ ३७ ॥

पुनस्त्यजेत् पिङ्गलया शन्ऐरेव न वेगतः ।

पुनः पिङ्गलयापूर्य पूरयेदुदरं शन्ऐः ॥ ३८ ॥

धारयित्वा यथाशक्ति रेचयेदिडया शन्ऐः ।

यया त्यजेत् तयापूर्य धारयेदविरोधतः ॥ ३९ ॥"



"punaḥ piṅgalayāpūrya mātraiḥ ṣoḍaśabhistathā |

akāramūrtimatrāpi smaredekāgramānasaḥ ॥ 7 ॥

dhārayet pūritaṃ vidvān praṇavaṃ saṃjapan vaśī |

ukāramūrtiṃ sa dhyāyan catuḥṣaṣṭyā tu mātrayā ॥ 8 ॥

makāraṃ tu smaran paścādrecayediḍayānilam |

evameva punaḥ kuryādiḍayāpūrya buddhimān ॥ 9 ॥

evaṃ samabhyasennityaṃ prāṇāyāmaṃ munīśvara |

evamabhyāsato nityaṃ ṣaṇmāsād jñānavān bhavet ॥ 10 ॥"


"ṛjukāyaḥ prāñjaliśca praṇamediṣṭadevatām |

tato dakṣiṇahastasya aṅguṣṭhenaiva piṅgalām ॥ 36 ॥

nirudhya pūrayedvāyumiḍayā tu śanaiḥ śanaiḥ |

yathāśaktyavirodhena tataḥ kuryācca Kumbhakam ॥ 37 ॥

punastyajet piṅgalayā śanaireva na vegataḥ |

punaḥ piṅgalayāpūrya pūrayedudaraṃ śanaiḥ ॥ 38 ॥

dhārayitvā yathāśakti recayediḍayā śanaiḥ |

yayā tyajet tayāpūrya dh ārayedavirodhataḥ ॥ 39 ॥"



"Again, filling up through the Pingala, similarly, for a duration of sixteen Matras, should he here also remember the form of the letter ""A"" with the one pointed mind. The Knowing One should hold the filled in air, muttering the Pranava, with full control (over himself), meditating on the form of the letter ""U"" for a duration of sixty-four Matras. He should then expel the air through the Ida, remembering the letter ""M"". The Knowing One should repeat again in this manner, filing through the Ida and in this manner practise Pranayama daily, O mighty Sage !"


With body erect and palms closed (in the attitude of prayer), he should salute his tutelary deity. Then, with the thumb of the right hand obstructing the Pingala (Nadi), he should fill in the vital air little by little, through the Ida (Nadi). Then should he perform Kumbhaka without intermission, as far as it lies in his power. Again should he expel the vital air gradually and by no means with force. Again, drawing on through the Pingala, he should fill his belly gradually. Holding (the vital air) as far as it lies in his power, he should expel (it) through the Ida, gradually. Then, filling in through that (Nadi) wherewith he expelled (the vital air), he should hold (the vital air) without detriment.