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Asana Type



Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण  

Apta Pramana Source

Hatharatnavali (II, 69)      


atha vicitrakaraëénämäsanam - çayitapaçcimatanasthe hastau tatra prasärayet ॥ pädau daëòasamau kåtvä vicitrakaraëé bhavet ॥ 69 ॥  


Stretch both the legs on the ground. Hold the big toes by the respective hands. Extend the hands and straighten the legs. This asana is caled vicitra karani.supposed to be an advanced sayita- pascimatanasana, similar to langalasana

Apta Additional References

supposed to be an advanced sayita- pascimatanasana, similar to langalasana


1. Lie on ground

2. Bring the legs up overhead, toes touching the ground

3. Extend the arms overhead towards the toes and straighten the legs.

Atma Pramana Benefits

Enhances gastric fire and gives good health. Engages the 3 bandhas. Brings flexibility to the spinal cord. Releases stress,tension, anxiety and mild depression held in the body.

Simple sketch

Vicitra-Karani-Asana (HR-II.13and69).jpg