Sustaga kapali asana

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Sustaga kapali asana: Asana

Asana Type



Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source

Yoga-Asanamala Sacitra (ms.)-97


äsaëa kau guëa kapäla ächau hoé


In kneel down position lower the head on ground and place palms on ground for support. Raise the whole body on head. Now cross the legs in this position.


"1. Kneel down and place the palms on the ground.

2. Bring the head on the ground.

3. Raise the whole body on head.

4. Now cross the legs in padmasana."

Atma Pramana Benefits

Purifies the forehead region

Sakshi Pramana Benefits

Brings blood flow/energy to the sahasrara, release in the hips/back while feet in padmasana

Simple sketch

Sustanga-Kapaliasana (YMS-97).png