Bhadrasana 2
Bhadrasana: Asana
Asana Type
Apta Pramana Source
Gheranda Samhita II.9-10
Original Verse
"भद्र्äसनम् गुल्फौ च व्åञëअस्य्äधो व्युत्क्रमेëअ सम्äहितù | प्äद्äìगुञ्öहौ कर्äभ्य्äïच ध्åत्व्ä च प्åञ्öहदेçअतù ॥ ९ ॥"
"bhadräsanam gulphau ca våñaëasyädho vyutkrameëa samähitaù | pädäìguñöhau karäbhyäïca dhåtvä ca påñöhadeçataù ॥ 9 ॥"
Placing both heads upside down under the testicles, cross the hands behind the back and hold the toes of the feet, as in Padmasana. Taking the position of Jalandhara bandha, fix the gaze on the tip of the nose. This is called the bhadrasana and its practice destroys all diseases.
1. Sit in bhadrasana i with the sole of the feet together
2. Turn them upside down, toes pointing back and sit on the heels.
3. Take hold of the feet from the back with a finger lock.
4. Apply Jalamdhara bandha by contracting the throat.
5. Fix the gaze at the tip of the nose."
Atma Pramana Benefits
Rids one of all diseases.
Simple sketch
Bhadrasana (Gh.S).JPG