Mandukasana i
Mandukasana i: asana
Asana Type
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Sastra Pramana Source
Gheranda Samhita-II.34
Original Verse
पादतलौ पृष्ठदेशे अङ्गुष्ठे द्वे च संस्पृशेत् जानुयुग्मं पुरस्कृत्य साधयेन्मण्डुकासनम् ॥३३॥
pādatalau pṛṣṭhadeśe aṅguṣṭhe dve ca saṃspṛśet jānuyugmaṃ puraskṛtya sādhayenmaṇḍukāsanam ॥33॥
Taking the feet at the back, the toes touching each other, bring the knees forward. This is known as the Mandukasana. 33
Apta Additional References
- Sacitra Cauryayasin Asane-81; KT-II.46p.249, BrYs-III.43, HS-asana-41, Sri-Yoga-kaustubha-57, Yogasanam(sacitra)-39. - it becomes uttanamandukasana, when forearms are crossed behind head.
1. Bend the knees and sit with the soles of the feet under the buttocks.
2. Keep the big toes together and separate the knees.
3. Rest the hands on the knees respectively.
Stretches quadriceps, groin , inner thighs and knees
Releases tension and stress
Relieves leg pain
Strengthens the abdominals and back muscles
Spontaneously induces the Moola and Uddiyana bandhas
Improves function of digestive and reproductive systems
Improves elimination
Particularly helpful for constipation, diabetes and digestion issues
Relieves stress, anxiety and mild depression
Reduces weight in the thighs, hips and abdomen
Relieves menstrual cramps
Allows Kundalini energy to move up the spine
Stimulates the energy in the palms and spreads it into the chest and heart region
The posture creates a complete energy circuit and brings one’s focus inwards
Removes diseases of the legs
Contraindication – Avoid with low back pain, knee or ankle injuries.
Simple sketch
Mandukasana (Gheranda Samhita-II.png