Dhanurasana 1

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Dhanurasana i: asana

Asana Type


Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source

Tri-shikhi-Brahman Upanishad (43)

Original Verse

"पादाङ्गुष्ठ्औ तु पाणिभ्यां गृहीत्वा श्रवणावधि । धनुराकर्षकाकृष्टं धनुरासनमीरितम् ॥ ४३ ॥ "


"pādāṅguṣṭhau tu pāṇibhyāṃ gṛhītvā śravaṇāvadhi | dhanurākarṣakākṛṣṭaṃ dhanurāsanamīritam ॥ 43 ॥"


Grasping the big toes with the hands and drawing them up to the ear, even as a bow is drawn, is said to be the Dhanurasana (drawn bow-posture).

Apta Pramana Source


Original Verse

"पादांगुष्ठौ तु पाणिभ्यां गृहित्वा श्रवणावधि॥ धनुराकर्षणं कृत्वा धनुरासनमुच्यते॥ ११॥ "


"pādāṁguṣṭhau tu pāṇibhyāṁ gṛhitvā śravaṇāvadhi ॥ dhanurākarṣaṇaṁ kṛtvā dhanurāsanamucyate ॥ 11 ॥ "


The big toes are caught with the hands and are pulled upto the ears (alternately). Thus one assumes the shape of a stretched bow. This is called dhanurasana.

Apta Additional References

Hatharatnavali III.51, KKH-51, same as akarna dhanurasana


"1. Sit up straight with legs forward. 2. The big toes are caught with the opposite hands and are pulled up to the ears (alternatively). 3. Thus one assumes the shape of a stretched bow. "

Atma Pramana Benefits

This asana purifies nadis and overcomes inertia.

Sakshi Pramana Benefits

It helps to have very flexible hamstrings to perform Dhanurasana i. But, this asana is still accessible for many by leaning slightly forward or slightly bending the straightened leg. There is engagement in the upper back, and slight twisting benefit, and a feeling of lengthening through the upper body.

Simple sketch