Shakti-Chalan Mudra

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Shakti-Chalan Mudra: the Giver of All Powers


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.53

Original Verse: "अथ शक्तिचालनमुद्रा । आधारकमले सुप्तांचालयेत्कुण्डलीं दृढाम् । अपानवायुमारुहय बलादाकृष्य बुद्धिमान् । शक्तिचालनमुद्रेयं सर्वशक्तिप्रदायिनि ॥ ५३ ॥"

Transliteration: "atha śakticālanamudrā । ādhārakamale suptāṃcālayetkuṇḍalīṃ dṛḍhām । apānavāyumāruhaya balādākṛṣya buddhimān । śakticālanamudreyaṃ sarvaśaktipradāyini ॥ 53 ॥"

Translation: Let the wise Yogi forcibly and firmly draw up the Goddess Kundali sleeping in the adhar lotus, by means of the apan vayu. This is Shakti-Chalan Mudra, the giver of all powers.

Shakti-Chalan Mudra: Increase life, Destroy Diseases


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.54

Original Verse: "शक्तिचालनमेवं हि प्रत्यहं यः समाचरेत् । आयुर्वृद्धिर्भवेत्तस्य रोगाणां च विनाशनम् ॥ ५४ ॥"

Transliteration: "śakticālanamevaṃ hi pratyahaṃ yaḥ samācaret । āyurvṛddhirbhavettasya rogāṇāṃ ca vināśanam ॥ 54 ॥"

Translation: He who practises this Shakti-Chalan daily, gets increase of life and destruction of diseases.

Kundalini Goes Up with Shakti-Chalan


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.55

Original Verse: "विहाय निद्रा भुजगी स्वयमूर्ध्वे भवेत्खलु । तस्मादभ्यासनं कार्यं योगिना सिद्धमिच्छता ॥ ५५ ॥"

Transliteration: "vihāya nidrā bhujagī svayamūrdhve bhavetkhalu । tasmādabhyāsanaṃ kāryaṃ Yoginā siddhamicchatā ॥ 55 ॥"

Translation: Leaving sleep, the serpent (i.e. the Kundali) herself goes up; therefore let the Yogi desirous of power practise this.

Obtain Vigraha-Siddhi with Shakti-Chalan


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.56

Original Verse: "यः करोति सदाभ्यासं शक्तिचालनमुत्तमम् । येन विग्रहसिद्धि स्यादणिमादिगुणप्रदा । गुरुपदेशाविधिना तस्य मृत्युभयं कुतः ॥ ५६ ॥"

Transliteration: "yaḥ karoti sadābhyāsaṃ śakticālanamuttamam । yena vigrahasiddhi syādaṇimādiguṇapradā । gurupadeśāvidhinā tasya mṛtyubhayaṃ kutaḥ ॥ 56 ॥"

Translation: He who practises always this best Shakti-Chalan according to the instructions of his Guru, obtains the vigraha-siddhi, which gives the powers of anima, etc., and has no fear of death.

Even for Short Period of Time, Shakti-Chalan Mudra Gives Success if Properly Practised


Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.57

Original Verse: "मुहूर्तद्वयपर्यन्तं विधीन शक्तिचालनम् । यः करोति प्रयत्नेन तस्य सिद्धिरदूरतः । युक्तासनेन कर्तव्यं योगिभिः शक्तिचालनम् ॥ ५७ ॥"

Transliteration: "muhūrtadvayaparyantaṃ vidhīna śakticālanam । yaḥ karoti prayatnena tasya siddhiradūrataḥ । yuktāsanena kartavyaṃ Yogibhiḥ śakticālanam ॥ 57 ॥"

Translation: He who practises the Shakti-Chalan properly for two seconds, and with care, is very near to success. This mudra should be practised by the Yogi in the proper posture.

Introducing Sakticālanam


Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Apta Pramana Source: Haṭharatnāvalī 118-123

Original Verse: "पुच्छे प्रगृह्य भुजगीं सुप्तामुद्बोधयेदभीः ॥ निद्रां विहाय सा ऋज्वी ऊर्ध्वमुत्तिष्थते हठात् ॥ ११८ ॥ द्वादशाङ्गुल द्ऐर्घ्यञ्च विस्तृतं च षडङ्गुलम् ॥ हठज्ञ्ऐः मृदुलं प्रोक्तं वेष्टनाम्बरलक्षणम् ॥ ११९ ॥ विस्तारितेन तां जिह्वां वेष्टयित्वा ततः सुधीः ॥ अङ्गुष्ठतर्जनीभ्यां च हस्ताभ्यां धारयेद् ध्रुवम् ॥ स्वशक्त्या चालयेद्वामे दक्षिणे च पुनः ॥ १२० ॥ मुहूर्तद्वयपर्यन्तं निर्भीअश्चालयेदस्औ ॥ ऊर्ध्वमाकृष्यते किञ्चित्सुषुम्णां कुण्डलीगताम् ॥ षण्मासाच्चालनेन्ऐव शक्तिस्तस्योर्ध्वगा भवेत् ॥ १२१ ॥ सूर्येण पूरयेद्वायुं सरस्वत्यास्तु चालयेत् ॥ शब्दगर्भाचालनेन योगी रोग्ऐः प्रमुच्यते ॥ १२२ ॥ येन सञ्चालिता शक्तिः स योगी सिद्धिभाजनः ॥ किमत्र बहुनोक्तेन मृत्युं जयति लीलया ॥ १२३ ॥ "

Transliteration: "pucche pragṛhya bhujagīṃ suptāmudbodhayedabhīḥ ll nidrāṃ vihāya sā ṛjvī ūrdhvamuttiṣthate haṭhāt ll 118 ll dvādaśāṅgula dairghyañca vistṛtaṃ ca ṣaḍaṅgulam ll haṭhajñaiḥ mṛdulaṃ proktaṃ veṣṭanāmbaralakṣaṇam ll 119 ll vistāritena tāṃ jihvāṃ veṣṭayitvā tataḥ sudhīḥ ll aṅguṣṭhatarjanībhyāṃ ca hastābhyāṃ dhārayed dhruvam // svaśaktyā cālayedvāme dakṣiṇe ca punaḥ ll 120 ll muhūrtadvayaparyantaṃ nirbhīaścālayedasau ll ūrdhvamākṛṣyate kiñcitsuṣumṇāṃ kuṇḍalīgatām ll ṣaṇmāsāccālanenaiva śaktistasyordhvagā bhavet ll 121 ll sūryeṇa pūrayedvāyuṃ sarasvatyāstu cālayet ll śabdagarbhācālanena yogī rogaiḥ pramucyate ll 122 ll yena sañcālitā śaktiḥ sa yogī siddhibhājanaḥ ll kimatra bahunoktena mṛtyuṃ jayati līlayā ll 123 ll"

Translation: "Just as one catches hold of the sleeping serpent by the tail and pulls it up, similarly, one should awaken the kuṇḍalī from its slumber. Then she suddenly rises up. 118

An expert of Haṭha should cover the tongue with a thin, smooth and clean cloth of twelve digits in length and six digits in width. 119

After spreading and covering the tongue with the cloth, a wise should firmly catch hold of it with thumb and index fingers of both the hands and frequently move it to right and left to the capacity 120

If one fearlessly undertakes this practice for six hours, kuṇḍalī rises a little and enters into suṣumnā. A six month´s practice alone makes the śakti rising upwards. 121

One should inhale air through right nostril and activate the sarasvatī (kuṇḍalī), by manipulation of the tongue. Thus, the Yogī frees himself from the diseases. 122

A Yogī, who stimulates śakti (kuṇḍalī), accomplishes supernatural powers (siddhis). He easily transcends Kāla (death). 123 "