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Kokilasana: Asana

Asana Type: Supine


Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण Rudrayamalam (uttara-tantram) 23.101-102

"अथान्यदासनं वक्ष्ये येन सिद्धो भवेन्नरः। अकस्माद् वायुसञ्चारं कोकिलाख्यासनेन च​॥२३.१०१॥ ऊद्धर्वे हस्तद्वयं कृत्वा तदग्रे पादयो सुधीः। वृद्धाङ्गुष्ठद्वयं नाथ शनैः शनैः प्रकारयेत्॥२३.१०२॥"

"athānyadāsanaṃ vakṣye yena siddho bhavennaraḥ। akasmād vāyusañcāraṃ kokilākhyāsanena ca​॥23.101॥ ūddharve hastadvayaṃ kṛtvā tadagre pādayo sudhīḥ। vṛddhāṅguṣṭhadvayaṃ nātha śanaiḥ śanaiḥ prakārayet॥23.102॥"


Now I shall talk about another āsana by which one becomes a siddha; That is called kokilāsana by which the breath gets circulated instantly. (23.101) O Lord! raise both hands and stretch both legs upwards; And hold both the big toes, do this in a slow process. (23.102) Do the padmāsana properly by contracting and resting over the knee-joints.


1. Sit in Padmasana.

2. Hold the toes.

3. Lean forward and place the elbows on the ground.