December 19 2023

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LIVE SPH Darshan: Bhagavan Veerabhadra Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 19



Atma Shanti For All Who Lost Their Lives in Earthquake, China

Atma Shanti For All Who Lost Their Lives in Earthquake, China | December 19, 2023

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam prays to Paramashiva for the Atma Shanti of more than 118 people who lost their precious lives due to the earthquake in Gansu province in China. Further, The SPH sends His healing prayers to the hundreds of people who were affected by this tragic incident.

Having taken the spiritual responsibility of bringing world peace, Kailasaโ€™s Department of Religion and Worship would be offering Maheshwara Puja at the feet of The SPH for the same on 26th December 2023 (Pournami)

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 19

๐ŸŒ… Paramashivoham Level-2

Session 1
Reality is a Dream
๐Ÿ“ฟ Reality is a dream. Your life can transform at any given time; it is not fixed as you believe. When you work on yourself, any change inside you reflects around you. The people around you change, their attitude towards you changes, and you attract new opportunities without effort. This is because reality is not experienced outside you; it is experienced only inside!
๐Ÿ’ซ Are you ready for a spiritual awakening and to bring transformation into your life?

Session 2
Control Your Life with Awareness
๐ŸŒŸ Awareness connects you with the present moment. When you become more aware and conscious, you start making better decisions for your life. The quality of your strategies improves drastically. You gain control over your life, and you can play with it as you want. Awareness is the key that gives you the freedom to live as you wish.
๐ŸŽ‡ Discover techniques and revelations that will help you infuse deep awareness into yourself.

Session 3
The Ultimate Expression of Reality
๐ŸŒ… Most of what you experience as reality and live in your day-to-day lives is created by agreement and remains a reality as long as that agreement exists. In other words, you come to terms with certain ideas and beliefs and accept them as reality. However, it is not THE reality.
โšก You realizing you are the source of all, and any reality of your life is the โ€œUltimate Realityโ€ you can experience! You have the power to exist as you want; your past and the beliefs other people have about you do not define you. At any given time, you can change any or all dimensions of your life!
๐Ÿ’ซ Discover the science of transforming your reality and manifest your true potential!

Session 4
You Are Energy!
๐ŸŒŒ Matter is just energy in gross form. Your mind is the subtle manifestation of your gross body. Two people never perceive reality in the same since their minds function in different ways. Interactions between people are also just an exchange of energy. Because you are energy, you have infinite possibilities; nothing binds you. You can change, transform, destroy, rejuvenate, and alter any aspect of yourself and your life as you wish.

Session 5
Only Your Perception Binds You
๐Ÿ”ฌ Physicists have concluded that the act of observation influences the particles they analyze. In other words, the very act of perception affects the object you observe. The same applies in your life; you never see reality as it is. You see it only through the prism of your perception. When your perception changes, your reality itself changes. Once you realize this, you open the door to infinite possibilities! You can create the reality you want and completely change the way you exist.
๐Ÿ”“ Are you interested in freeing yourself from restrictive perceptions and unlocking your potential?

Session 6
Global Peace โ€“ A By-Product of Individual Bliss
๐Ÿ’ญ All your suffering originates from self-contradictory thoughts. If you can create more self-healing thoughts instead of beating yourself with negative thoughts, your life will naturally become blissful! When more people start doing the same, it influences the collective consciousness.
๐ŸŒ To bring global peace, we must work on every individual's mind. Even in the absence of war, the internal conflict inside you will give birth to conflicts around you! Is it not already? What you nurture inside becomes your life.
๐ŸŽ‡ Learn to harness the power of thoughts to bring peace within yourself and take a step towards global change!

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ Paramashivoham Level-3

Session 1
Time is Your Servant!
โš–๏ธ Poor work-life balance, stress at work, low performance, and related issues are directly connected to your perception of Time. Whenever your perception of Time shrinks, you are stressed, and your faculties decrease.
๐Ÿช The solution to overcoming all these and being highly performant and organized without feeling stressed is to expand your perception of Time. If you meditate on the fourth unit of Time called Kalpa, which is related to astronomical movements, your brain will be awakened, you will feel you have eternal Time, and you will never get stressed even when the demands are high!
๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Break free from your limitations!

Session 2
Kalpa: The Perception of Time That Liberates You
โณ Most of us have a very short vision for our life. By the time we are 50, we are old. Once we reach 65, we retire. The active years of our lives are reduced to no more than 20 to 30 years, within which we have to achieve everything! This ideology has layers of blind spots and is the source of all stress and wrong decisions taken in your life.
โ˜€๏ธ If you understand that you are eternal, that you are a Consciousness beyond death that incarnates in multiple bodies, and you contemplate the higher unit of cosmic Time, extending for trillions of years, you will deeply relax and experience freedom. You will be liberated from short-termism and stress and free to make the best decisions for your future. You will not restrict your life to just a few decades!

Session 3
Access Eternal Time
๐Ÿ”— Breaking free from addictions and self-imposed limitations such as fear or self-doubt is challenging because of their repetitive nature; they gain power over Time. Instead of directly confronting them one by one, you can dive into a more profound process that will expand your capacity to have complete control over your life and give you the freedom to act consciously without negative influences.
๐ŸŒŒ What is this process about? Experiencing the eternal nature of the universe. It is simple. It expands the perception of Time you feel is available to you. In consequence, you gain complete freedom to live as you want!

Session 4
Secrets of the Time-Space Continuum
โœจ The time-space continuum in your life is the percentage of time and the percentage of space you live with. If the percentage of time is higher, you will struggle more. If the percentage of space is higher, you will live with ease and power and manifest whatever you want. Less space means more negative thoughts, depression, and complications.
๐Ÿ’ซ When you raise your consciousness with the powerful teachings of the Guru and by detoxing your body and mind, or with authentic Yoga and meditation processes, you increase the percentage of space inside you. As a result, your entire life transforms.
๐ŸŒ  Are you ready to harness the power of the time-space continuum?

Session 5
Why Raising Your Frequency Matters?
๐ŸŒ— Your life is marked by the duality between your mind and your consciousness. At times, you are caught in deluded thoughts. At times, you experience spontaneous intelligence that raises the quality of your life. Whatever you may do or consume, if it raises the frequency of your consciousness, it is good for you. If it increases the intensity of your mind, it is bad.
๐ŸŽ‡ Raising the frequency of your consciousness leads to a life of fulfillment and bliss. It gives you the freedom to live the way you want and celebrate! It leads you to Enlightenment and liberation.
โœจ Discover how you can raise your consciousness and let go of your mind.

Session 6
Enlightened Beings Can Travel the Universe
๐Ÿ“ฟ The human body is hardwired to experience multi-dimensional existence. With a thorough detox and initiation from an enlightened being, you can activate your body's capacity to travel through the universe into other cosmic worlds. It is possible. Hindu Yogis and Saints have practiced this science since ancient times and it is still available! It is called Navakanda Yoga Samadhi.
๐ŸŒŸ Want to awaken your latent powers and extraordinary capacities?

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