December 12 2023

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Re-Telecast of Nithyananda Satsang || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 12


Heartfelt congratulations to the wonderful people of Kenya on the joyous occasion of Jamhuri Day

Heartfelt congratulations to the wonderful people of Kenya on the joyous occasion of Jamhuri Day. May the spirit of freedom and unity continue to shine bright, propelling Kenya toward prosperity and well-being for all its citizens, wishes from the SPH on behalf of the United States of KAILASA.

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 12

🌌 Paramashivoham Level-1 πŸ•‰οΈ

Session 1
Achieve Inner Bliss & Positivity
😌 By your existence, you are pure bliss. What stands in your way of living blissfully and spontaneously are the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and physical toxins that pull you down. If you can detoxify these, you will achieve inner bliss and deep confidence to manifest your true potential.
πŸ’« Detoxify yourself to live positively and in the present moment.

Session 2
Stop Your Mind's Chatter, Live in the Present
🌬️ Most of the time, you do not live in the present moment due to obsessive thoughts in your mind. The chatter of your mind takes you away from this moment. As long as your mind exists, you will be disturbed; you will not be in bliss. When your thoughts reduce, you experience the zone beyond your mind, and you live in bliss, undisturbed by anything.
🧘 Discover the technique that reduces the chatter of your mind and frees you from the grip of thoughts to live in the present moment!

⭐ Paramashivoham Level-2 πŸ•‰οΈπŸ•‰οΈ

Session 1
How to Form Your Teamily & Heal Your Relationships
πŸ•‰οΈ Duality is the root of suffering. Both fear and greed spring from the feeling that the other is separate. The perception of duality causes you to doubt and struggle in your relationships. If you can shift your mind to experience non-duality or Oneness, you will transform your life and manifest deeply fulfilling connections with everyone and everything around you!
🌌 Experience non-duality, a reality beyond your mind, and manifest fulfilling relationships around you!

Session 3
Oneness Gives You the Ability to Control Everything in Your Life
πŸ’– Oneness is the key to falling in tune with anything. If you can be in Oneness with your body, you will naturally be healthy and feel great physically. If you can be in Oneness in your relationships, you will enjoy amazing relationships. Oneness gives you the ability to design your life as you want.
πŸŽ‡ Tap into the power of Oneness to shape your life as you want!

Session 4
You Are God! Discover the Greatest Secret Among Secrets
πŸŒ€ You are the Ultimate! Your thoughts create your reality. To manifest what you want, you do not need any effort; you need to nurture the right thoughts. Your Kriya Shakti, your work energy is only required to celebrate your life, not to create it. This is the secret known only by a few, which empowers you with limitless possibilities!
🌠 Learn the greatest secret known only by a fewβ€”the secret of manifestation.

Session 5
Cause the Reality of Others: Your Own Reality Will Manifest
πŸ”„ Everything always comes back to you, good or bad. One of the most transformative decisions you can ever make is becoming a cause for the reality of others. By making other people's reality happen, the universe will revert the same back to you; miracles will suddenly unfold, and opportunities will spontaneously open up in your life.
✨ Discover the most transformative practice for a complete breakthrough!

Session 6
Mind Agitates, Consciousness Grounds
πŸ’« Everything in your existence is Consciousness, irrespective of good or bad. Consciousness is beyond change, eternal. It is the agitated nature of your mind that makes you perceive reality as transient and ever-changing. If you can reduce your mind's influence and increase the expression of your Consciousness, you will grow deep roots and unparalleled inner strength.
🌿 Experience the grounding power of Consciousness!

Session 7
Awaken the Ability to Reinvent Yourself
πŸ’« Life is nothing but the science of reinventing yourself. Whenever one dimension of your life is not manifesting as you want, never get stuck; decide to drop the past and re-organize yourself to make it the way you want it to be.
πŸŽ‡ Discover the science of reinventing yourself to bring profound change in your life:

Session 8
Right Attitude of Prayer: How to Connect with the Divine
πŸ“œ From the very beginning, Hinduism teaches you the truth that you are God! You are not a sinner, and you are not lower than God. You are the Ultimate.
πŸ“Ώ Discover the liberating essence of Sohamasmiβ€”the right attitude of prayer from the space of Oneness with the Divine. Empower your self-image to live with confidence and a deep trust in your existence.
πŸ’« Embrace your divine nature and liberate yourself from the notions of sin and inferiority!

🌌 Paramashivoham Level-3 πŸ•‰οΈπŸ•‰οΈπŸ•‰οΈ

Session 1
Experience the Cosmic Oneness
πŸŒ€ There is a space, a deeper level of reality in which there is no separation within all of us. We exist like cells of a larger organism. If you can glimpse this experience, all your fears will dissolve as you realize your presence in everyone. It will empower you to live with authenticity and confidence.
πŸ’« Experience the interconnectedness of all existence and dissolve your fears. Unlock your authenticity and confidence.

Session 2
Bring Depth to Your Relationships
πŸ”„ Any conflict you face in your relationships reflects the conflict you have inside. The key to bringing depth to your connections and relating with others at a deeper level is to open your own depth by solving your internal conflicts.
⭐ Transform your relationships and experience lasting fulfillment!

Session 3
Oneness: The Secret to Successful Relationships
πŸ˜ƒ Experiencing Oneness and being in tune with the collective is the key to attracting fulfilling relationships and succeeding in any environment. You never attract what you desire; you manifest what you believe. As of now, you may be experiencing Oneness with a reality you do not like and making that your life. To attract the relationships you want, you need a potent method to reprogram your inner space and tune yourself to what you want to manifest.
πŸ’« Discover the secrets of relationships and manifestation!

Session 4
Controlling Your Hormones Awakens Your Spiritual Potential
⭐ Chastity is the capacity to balance the hormones and chemicals of your body at will. Your body does not push you to the act. Instead, you dictate your body to obey your will. Chastity makes you immovable. Moreover, it makes your body a perfect vessel to receive spiritual energies and Kundalini Awakening.
✨ Discover the hidden power of chastity that awakens extraordinary spiritual abilities!

Session 5
Success in Relationships Can Make You Enlightened!
🌘 Relationships always reveal the unknown part of you. Whether your good qualities – being a friend or a beloved, or your bad qualities – the negative emotions you carry inside, people around you always reveal your hidden dimensions. Give the other person the same space you want to receive for yourself; your relationships will lead you to Enlightenment.
❀️ Fulfilling relationships is your birthright! Learn the science of creating the meaningful connections you wish for.

Session 6
Science of Giving Birth to Divine Beings
πŸ”₯ In the ancient tradition of Hinduism, birth transcends biology. Rama and His brothers were born after a Yajna, not from physical relationship. Meenakshi and Draupadi were born of sacred fires, exemplify this mystical process. Subramanya Himself originates from Paramashiva's own Third Eye.
🀰 Discover the possibility of conscious birthing and how to give birth to Divine beings!

Session 7
Oneness with the Guru: The Ultimate Relationship
🌸 The relationship with the Guru transcends all other connections. Unlike normal relationships, your connection with the Master blossoms from the core of your being. It is a communion that elevates your Consciousness and allows the deeper dimensions of your existence to blossom.
πŸ’« Experience Oneness with the Guru, the ultimate relationship that transforms your life.

Session 8
How to Fix Broken Relationships
πŸ’ Only two things can fix broken relationships: time and friendliness. To heal any damage done to your relationships, you need to take the initiative to approach the other person from a space of friendliness. For that, you need to bring Completion within yourself; you need to let go of the past and the emotions inside you, as these trigger the other person's reaction.
😊 Learn the science of Completion that will help you heal yourself and your relationships to restore harmony and joy in your life!

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