December 10 2023

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RETELECAST of Nithyananda Satsang || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 10


Celebrating International Animal Rights Day with Compassion and Ahimsa!

Celebrating International Animal Rights Day with Compassion and Ahimsa!

On this significant day dedicated to the rights and well-being of our fellow beings, KAILASA extends warm wishes to all, urging a collective commitment to ethical treatment and care for animals. The goshala at Adi KAILฤ€SA stands as a beacon for cruelty-free practices, promoting sustainability and non-violence.

As we commemorate International Animal Rights Day, let us echo the words of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism: "Let's not be possessive; let's stop this delusional greed. The Earth is meant for all beings, not exclusively for humans."

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 10

Paramashivoham Level 1 - Day 10

Session 1
Health Myth Busters โ€“ What Hinduism Says About Health
๐Ÿšซ Myth Buster #3: No stress means perfect health.
๐Ÿ“œ What Hinduism says: Even if you donโ€™t have any external stress, if you have a wrong idea about yourself, that self-image can destroy your health.
๐Ÿ’š Discover the ancient wisdom that will challenge the common understanding of health. Uncover the secrets to true vitality.

Session 2
Meditation & Medication
๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™‚๏ธ Meditation and Medication โ€“ both have healing powers. But true healing is about being complete, achieving our wholeness, complete fulfillment, self-realization. The path to self-realization and ultimate bliss lies in unlocking the intelligence within your body.
๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ Your body is more than a bio-mechanism; it is a vessel for reaching a state of deep restful awareness and experiencing profound peace.
๐ŸŒŒ Discover the purpose of your existence โ€“ achieving the ultimate bliss of your consciousness. Embrace the simplicity of meditation, the key to unlocking the extraordinary potential within you.

Session 3
Energize Your Chakras & Unlock Peak Vitality
๐Ÿต๏ธ Chakras are the main energy centers in your body. If they are properly energized and balanced, you will be free from all types of diseases. Pain is nothing but unawareness. Whenever you donโ€™t pay attention to some part of your body, automatically, your body will demand your awareness. Unconscious thoughts and unawareness give birth to negative tendencies that affect your health and block your Chakras.
๐Ÿ’ฎ Ignite Your Inner Energy! Join us in balancing and energizing your Chakras for a healthier, disease-free life.

Session 4
Spiritual Healing โ€“ Heal & Transform!
๐Ÿ’ก Many diseases and physical pains that follow us originate deeper than the physical level, at the level of our thoughts. Residues of past experiences and suppressed emotions trigger harmful chemicals and hormones in our system, negatively affecting our health. If conventional medicine looks at healing only from the angle of medication, a lesser-known fact is that Consciousness can trigger instant healing, transforming your existence by burning the root suffering at the origin of the disease or pain.
โœจ Experience harmony, bliss, and freedom. Begin your journey of spiritual healing through the power of Consciousness!

Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 10

Session 1
Are Leaders Born or Are They Created?
๐Ÿ’ก The answer is both. Leadership is not about position or title in the first place. It's about being self-driven and pursuing a vision that positively impacts the world around you. By taking action, others and resources naturally align with your path. Some have it by birth because they already achieved it in previous lifetimes, while some develop it later.
โœจ Embrace the true essence of leadership. Discover the power within you to be self-driven and attract the resources and people you need.

Session 2
Leadership: State or Status?
Leadership is not defined by the position you occupy or the amount of people under you; it has to happen within you. Leadership means actively pursuing your vision and being self-driven. It means contributing without the need to rely on external assistance, providing solutions, and creating opportunities.
๐Ÿ’ก Ready to redefine leadership?

Session 3
Productivity Hacks for Success
๐Ÿ’ผ Productivity has become the mantra in organizations for the last three decades. While there has been an increase in productivity in companies, it has often come at a significant price on the health and well-being of the employees.
๐ŸŒ‹ There is a whole range of emotions and experiences that are embedded in the unconscious level. It is as though we are sitting on a volcano that is just waiting to erupt any time! If your mind can be freed from these unconscious emotions, you will be creative, and a whole new zone of intelligence will emerge.
๐Ÿง  Heal yourself from suppressed emotions and unlock your innate creativity to increase the productivity of your life

Session 4
Barriers to Leadership โ€“ Identity Constraint
๐ŸŒŸ Most of us run for the status of a leader, not realizing that the true qualification to be a leader is to cultivate the state of leadership โ€“ a matured and evolved inner space that makes you express leadership in whatever you do in the outer world, irrespective of which role or status you are in.
๐Ÿšซ Many times, we struggle to step up to fulfill our aspirations because we carry a restrictive identity, a disempowering self-belief.
๐Ÿ”“ Break free from identity constraints and face your life's challenges with confidence and inner strength!

Session 5
Barriers to Leadership โ€“ Identity Constraint
๐ŸŒŸ Most of us run for the status of a leader, not realizing that the true qualification to be a leader is to cultivate the state of leadership โ€“ a matured and evolved inner space that makes you express leadership in whatever you do in the outer world, irrespective of which role or status you are in.
๐Ÿšซ Many times, we struggle to step up to fulfill our aspirations because we carry a restrictive identity, a disempowering self-belief.
๐Ÿ”“ Break free from identity constraints and face your life's challenges with confidence and inner strength!

Session 6
Responsibility Awakens Leadership Consciousness
๐Ÿ”„ Blaming or resolving and taking ownership, the choice is always yours. All successful individuals are solution-finders, not just for themselves but for others too. To become a leader, learn to take ownership of every situation, even when you are not the cause. Taking responsibility is the key to leadership and making your aspirations into reality.
๐Ÿ’ช Unlock your path to leadership. Learn to transform every situation into an opportunity for growth!

Session 7
You Create Your Reality โ€“ Will You Create Leadership?
๐Ÿ“œ The Bhagavad Gita reveals: If I do not keep performing actions, then I become the creator of confusion that affects mankind, and these men will go to ruin. Being continuously active is not only the key to success; it is the essence of life. Unless you create wealth, you create poverty. Unless you create connections, you create aloneness. Being actively involved in creating the life you want naturally makes you a leader.
๐Ÿ† Walk the path of leadership by being actively involved in shaping your destiny.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - Day 10

Session 1
Experience Unclutching: The State Beyond Thoughts
๐ŸŒŒ Unclutching is a powerful meditation technique designed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism to help you experience the state beyond your mind called Samadhi. It helps you tap into the pure energy of Consciousness inside you to gain profound clarity, inner peace, and silence. Unclutching allows you to realize your existence beyond the body, as pure Consciousness.
๐ŸŒŸ Experience the power of Unclutching and tap into your inner Consciousness. Start your journey beyond the mind today!

Session 2
Lingodbhava Murthy โ€“ Experience Liberation
โœจ In ancient times, Paramashiva assumed the form of an infinite light shaft. Brahma and Vishnu sought its ends in a quest to prove who among them was the greatest but failed. They finally surrendered and accepted Paramashiva's supremacy. This story highlights the truth that wealth and knowledge are not the Ultimate. Liberation, Enlightenment is the Ultimate.
๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ Discover the profound wisdom of Hinduism. Join us on a journey towards Liberation and Enlightenment!

Session 3
Become the Lord of Your Existence
๐Ÿ’ช Life is about conquering the fear of expansion. All the sufferings and impossibilities you face can be traced back to the fear of expansion. If you can conquer this fear, you will easily manifest the best health, abundant wealth, and beautiful relationships.
๐Ÿš€ Discover how to overcome all your fears through visualization and introspection processes to manifest the life you want.

Session 4
Uncovering the Mysteries of the Universe
๐ŸŒ  The cosmos is not a space deprived of life. The universe itself is conscious; as alive as you feel you are alive. Grasping and meditating on cosmic happenings and principles guiding the universal creation, rejuvenation, and other phenomena trains your brain and awakens subtle brain grooves to experience Kundalini Awakening and demystify the happenings of your life.
๐ŸŒ€ Uncover the secrets of the universe that will awaken your Kundalini energy and activate your brain's full potential.

Session 5
Exploring Ancient Astrology
While modern science strives to discover the secrets of the Universe, Hindu civilization has unraveled these mysteries and documented them in ancient texts like the Surya Siddhanta, which describe complex astrological phenomena with precise mathematical details. Contemplating those cosmic truths and revelations awakens your brain's fullest capacity and liberates you from tons of problems!
๐Ÿ”“ Unlock ancient wisdom, liberate your mind! Awaken your brain's potential and free yourself from all problems.

Session 6
Unveiling the Spiritual Science: Breakthrough Guaranteed
๐ŸŒŒ The universe is a liberating thought current. The more you tune yourself to the cosmos, the more the thoughts within you become positive and liberating. If you seek to rid yourself of negative or restrictive thoughts, discover and contemplate the truths of universal reality. Your mind will become a cosmic mind, and every aspect of your life will transformโ€”your problems will just get solved.
๐ŸŒ€ Transform your mind with the universe's positive energy!

Session 7
Basics of Vedic Astrology: How It Helps You
๐Ÿช Hindu astrology, or Jyotisha, has been used for thousands of years to assist human beings in understanding the course of their life, liberating themselves from the malefic effects of planets, and helping them identify and fulfill their life purpose to manifest their true potential.
โ˜€๏ธ Unlock the secrets of your life journey with Hindu astrology! Explore the ancient wisdom of Jyotisha to understand your path, overcome planetary challenges, and fulfill your life purpose.

Session 8
Super Science of Paramashiva: Revealing the Cosmic Secrets
๐Ÿ›ธ Enlightened civilizations above and inside the Earth, aliens coming down on the Earth, reviving ancient civilizations, why does the Moon not rotate, Akashic Records, millions of years of human history, get ready to dive into mind-blowing revelations in today's Paramashivoham Level-3 program!
โœจ Dive into the mysteries of existence! Join today's mind-expanding revelations in Paramashivoham Level-3. Unearth secrets about enlightened civilizations, ancient mysteries, and more

Session 9
Overcome Negative Influences of Planets
๐Ÿช The Navagrahas, the nine planets, strongly influence your life's path. Each planet is associated with a specific internal organ in your body and certain life experiences. By detoxifying your mind from negative thoughts, embracing liberating thought currents, and humbly connecting with the planets, you can gain their support and protection and nullify any negative influence they exert on your life.
โญ Discover how to nullify the negative influences of planets in your life and overcome all limitations.

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