December 03 2023

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LIVE SPH Darshan: Bhagavan Sadashiva Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 03



Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 03

Paramashivoham Level 1 - - Day 03🕉️

Session 1:
The Manipuraka Chakra is located in the navel area and named "city of jewels" in Sanskrit. It gets blocked by constant worry. To open this Chakra, break free from the cycle of worrying, which stems from unconsciousness. The Manipuraka chakra is blocked by a constant hangover of worry, representing incomplete thoughts lingering without reason.

Session 2:
In Sanskrit, Vishuddha means beyond purity and impurity. Located at the throat's dip, this cosmic energy seat thrives when we are free from jealousy and comparison. Embrace your uniqueness, avoid comparison, and let this Chakra flourish. Comparison is like a shadow without an object; it fades when exposed to the light of understanding.

Session 3:
Tap into the transformative power of the Ajna Chakra—the Third Eye located between the eyebrows. This Chakra is blocked by ego and opens by transcending identities. Enriching others is the key to opening this spiritual center and awakening to the truth that we are all interconnected.

Session 4:
Unlocking Sahasrara Chakra: Dissolving Dissatisfaction and Awakening Your Divinity
Elevate your spiritual journey by unlocking the Sahasrara Chakra, the "crown" of your being. Dissolve dissatisfaction with gratitude and unblock this energy center. Embrace a life of enriching others for lasting fulfillment.

Paramashivoham Level 2 - - Day 03🕉️🕉️

Session 1:
Embark on a transformative journey towards authenticity and abundance by uncovering and completing your root pattern of suffering, established before the age of 7. Break free from the cycle of recurring challenges, and witness a life of fulfillment unfold. Your breakthrough moment is here—don't miss the opportunity to embrace it!

Session 2:
Transform your life by uprooting the deep-rooted patterns that hold you back. Just like removing a tree's surface won't prevent it from growing again, liberating yourself requires to burn the very root of suffering. Discover the power of "Complete Completion" – burning and purifying your consciousness to the core, preventing the resurgence of limiting patterns. Your potential is not limited to mundane roles; you are designed to experience the extraordinary. Embrace the journey to unleash your inner divinity and live a life of Complete Completion.

Session 3:
Reclaim your life through completion! Break free from tiredness, boredom, and negativity by changing your entire thought current. Say NO to limiting patterns and embrace a transformative shift in perception about life, death, and the universe. Each completion ripples through your family, society, and beyond. Time spent with old thought patterns does not define you; welcome new beginnings and say yes to life's possibilities!

Session 4:
Burn the Root Pattern: the Source of Your Suffering
Embark on a transformative journey as we explore the roots of your mind—the profound 'root-pattern' incidents that shape your cognition. Break free from the grip of powerlessness and regain control over your emotions. Rebalance your cognition to live with powerfulness and confidence. Join us in this empowering experience of self-discovery!

Session 5:
Samskara Dahana Kriya: The Path to Liberation and Inner Peace
Embark on a transformative journey with "Samskara Dahana Kriya" – a powerful technique to liberate yourself from pain patterns. Dissolve emotional, mental, and physical pains, and embrace inner peace. Don't just wait for time to heal; take charge of your well-being and achieve completion. Ready to start your healing journey?

Embark on the Path of Liberation with Ancient Liberated Thinking Trends
Unveil the essence of Paramashiva's five cosmic actions with Shat Darshana! Discover liberated thinking styles which will awaken your intelligence through the six paths of Shat Darshana - Sankhya, Yoga, Pūrva Mīmāṃsā, Uttara Mīmāṃsā, Nyāya, and Vaiseshika. Elevate your consciousness and explore the journey to your highest possibilities.

Session 6:
Awaken Your Innate Intelligence: Access Infinite Memory Unlock the power within your memory! Identify the root beliefs that led you to develop poor memory and unlock your brain's capacity to access the universe's knowledge and extraordinary powers. By nature, your brain is connected to cosmic memory and possesses the ability to grasp any amount of information.

Session 7:
Experience Liberation with the Power of Kena Upanishad's Pure Questioning
Dive into the transformative wisdom of Kena Upanishad's Pure Questioning: "Who am I?" "By whom am I?" and the profound inquiry, "What is the source of all this?" Engage with these thought currents for experiential liberation, joy, and resilience. These profound thought currents will awaken leadership consciousness within you.

Session 7:
Overcoming Restlessness: The Internal Enemy
Discover the profound wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita: understanding the patterns that shape our lives and recognizing the enemies within – desire, anger, anxiety, and panic. Uncover the key to restful awareness and embrace the path of serenity to awaken your Kundalini. Transform restlessness into tranquility for a profound transformation.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - - Day 03🕉️🕉️🕉️

Session 1:
Unveil the cosmic dance of Paramaśiva, orchestrating creation, sustenance, rejuvenation, delusion, and liberation, from Brahma Loka to Vaikuntha and Kailasa. In the earthly realm, Paramaśiva manifests as Guru to bestow liberation. Dive into this cosmic wisdom which will awaken your higher possibilities of Consciousness.

Session 2:
Explore the most profound spiritual teaching, a transformative technique in itself – the Sadashiva Rahasya, the profound Secret of Sadashiva. This revelation will empower you to manifest your potential and great spiritual powers!

Session 3:
In the vastness of existence, everything, from life decisions to cosmic structures, can be distilled into numbers. Numbers govern our relationships, strategies, and the very essence of our being. Embracing the language of numbers is the key to wealth and to manifest any reality we desire– a friendly alliance with them lights the path to prosperity.

Session 4:
Liberating Departed Souls Through Maheśwara Pūja
Discover the cosmic truths of multiple universes and lokas. Reincarnation is a universal reality. Offering Śrāddha and Piṇḍa appeases generations of departed ancestors in Pitṛuloka - the realm of departed souls. Unveil ancient wisdom with Maheshwara Puja, a powerful ritual for the liberation and peace of departed souls.

Session 6:
Infinite Oneness: Navigating the Depths of Divine Unity Discover the profound insights of Infinity vs. Oneness! Hindus don't just believe in multiple Gods; they know their existence through deep relationships. In reality, 'God is Oneness, not One'. Trust in Shastra’s wisdom and realize your own Ultimate nature. Ready to explore? Join now to unravel the mysteries!

Session 8:
Mastering the Law of Attraction: Navigating the Frequency Universe
Unlock the power of manifestation to attract what you want with profound revelations of the Frequency Universe! Experience the transformative power of converting numbers into frequencies and shaping your reality as you desire. Discover the unique wisdom that only Hindu tradition reveals. Join now to unlock the secrets of the Frequency Universe!

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