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RETELECAST of Nithyananda Satsang || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 04


Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 6 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 04

Paramashivoham Level 1 - Day 04

Session 1
Nithyananda Spurana: Your Path to Eternal Bliss
Embark on a transformative journey with Nithyananda Spurana, discovering the everlasting energy of bliss (Ananda) within you. Unlike fleeting joy, Ananda is constant, untouched by time or space. Life and death are interconnected; realizing the liberating nature of death awakens profound bliss within us. Join us to cleanse your inner space, shedding emotional burdens, and embrace a life of bliss.

Session 2
Unveiling the Essence of Life and Death
Each of us goes through four states of consciousness in our lives: life, death, and in-between states. Our concept of death strongly influences our perception of life and how we experience the in-between states. This is why ancient civilizations placed great importance on understanding the nature of death.

Session 3
Liberate Yourself from Restrictive Patterns & Memories
Embark on a transformative journey towards true living by breaking free from the chains of engraved memories that subtly govern your experiences. Liberation lies in cleansing these memories and freeing yourself from the patterns that create suffering in your life. Picture a life where you can sit with yourself, enjoying your own reality. This is your invitation to take the first step towards a life unrestrained.

Session 4
Overcome Fear and Achieve Optimal Health
Fear is deeply rooted in your DNA. It creates strong chemical reactions that imbalance your system and are challenging to control. Conquer the fear of death, the root of all fears deeply embedded in your DNA. Overcoming this fear is deeply transformative and bestows optimal health. Imagine a life where fear no longer dictates your choices.

Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 04

Session 1
Unlock Your Spiritual Powers!
By your very existence, you possess four inner powers: Words, Thoughts, Feeling, and Living. Rooted in spiritual principles, these powers act as catalysts for shaping your reality. Manifest Integrity to wield the Power of Words, infuse Authenticity for the Power of Thoughts, embrace Responsibility for the Power of Feeling, and adopt Enriching to unlock the Power of Living. By weaving these practices into your daily life, you pave the way to manifest the reality you desire.

Session 2
Unlocking the Magic Within: A Journey to Oneness
Embark on a transformative journey by embracing the profound power of integrity. Honoring every word and thought is a key to manifesting Paramashiva's state, space, and extraordinary powers. Reflect on the interconnectedness of your internal dialogue and external expressions. Every word and thought carries the potential to shape your reality. Are you ready to experience the magic of Oneness? Make a conscious commitment to live in integrity, and watch as your life unfolds with unprecedented authenticity and power.

Session 3
Unlock the Transformative Power of Authenticity
Discover the transformative power of Authenticity – the key to living at your peak in every dimension of yourself. Your beliefs, projections, and how you fulfill others' expectations shape your authentic self. Taking responsibility for the image you project not only destroys the fear of failure but also opens the door to a life of heightened awareness. With authenticity, you navigate your journey with consciousness, turning the 'impossible' into endless possibilities.

Session 4
Unlock the Power of Thinking to Live Life to Its Peak
Tap into the transformative Power of Thinking to sculpt your mind's highest potential, just as you control your body. Decide who you want to be by aligning your thoughts with your highest possibility. Unlock the Power of Thinking with the Power of Authenticity for consistent peak performance.

Session 5
Embrace the Transformative Power of Responsibility
Embrace the transformative power of Responsibility—Upaayanam—recognizing yourself as the source of everything in your life. Responsibilism is the law of the cosmos; whenever you decide to take responsibility for what happens around you, the universe always supports you. Open the doors to divine energies by wholeheartedly accepting responsibility.

Session 6
Responsibility Transforms You
Choose responsibility over mere commitment! The cosmos does not function based on communism or capitalism but Responsibilism. Your chosen responsibilities and the context you set determine the cosmic manifestation in you. It's a shift in consciousness, not just a commitment. Responsibilism is the cosmic law, and embracing it grants extraordinary powers.

Session 7
You May Not Be the Cause, But You Are the Source!
Unlock the Power of Feeling; you may not be the cause, but you are the source of all events. This understanding grants profound control over your destiny and empowers you to influence others. Responsibility is the key to unleashing this power and elevating your consciousness. Embrace responsibility, transcend into divine leadership consciousness, and unlock your true potential.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - Day 04

Session 1
Awaken Your True Potential by the Grace of Mahasadashiva
Mahasadashiva is the ultimate cosmic form of Paramashiva. Understanding His existence leads to becoming one with Him. Mahasadashiva is depicted with 25 heads and 50 hands, symbolizing our 25 dimensions. Infusing awareness into these dimensions allows us to manifest our Divinity. Through visualization of Mahasadashiva's cosmic form, our brain is awakened, leading to the manifestation of spiritual abilities and powers.

Session 2
Power of Consciousness: Transform Chaos into Purpose
Many times in our lives, we feel like things are falling apart. We feel that nothing is going the way it should and beyond our control. This problem is easily solved when we manifest "Conscious Elasticity"; the capacity to conceive larger ideas and principles. We then come to understand that everything in life is organized, happening for a purpose, and supporting our existence.

Session 3
Awaken Your Divinity: Exploring Shiva Vidya from Mrigendra Agama
Everything in the universe has space at its core. Solid matter is essentially energy in vibration. The space within us, outside us, and the space that makes up Paramashiva Himself are not different. You are Paramashiva, as you are of the same substance, and your inner space impacts the outer space. This is the essence of Shiva Vidya.

Session 4
Rewire Your Brain to Manifest Your Potential
Embark on a transformative journey to rewire your brain through practices like surrender and Unclutching. Elevate your brain's ability to grasp higher truths and manifest extraordinary powers. Discover how to unlock profound states within you to live with awareness and empowerment.

Session 5
Methodologies to Develop Subtle Brain Grooves
Awakening the dormant parts of the brain and unlocking its full potential has been a quest explored by many ancient and modern traditions worldwide. Among these, Hinduism has excelled in developing powerful methods to nurture subtle brain grooves and awaken the untapped potential of the human brain.

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