About Kailasa

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Template:Kailasa KAILASA, is the revival of ancient enlightened Hindu civilization as a macrocosmic borderless Hindu Nation by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

Vivekananda visualised, Aurobindo aspired (1920), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi mandated (2000), with all their blessings, 200 years of their effort and the hard work for 26 years - Nithyananda manifested KAILASA on Planet Earth - the Hindu Nation.

KAILASA’s supreme aim is to serve the religious and spiritual needs of 2 Billion Hindus and the whole of humanity. Therefore, KAILASA is a consortium of multiple micronations, educational institutions including Hindu universities and school (gurukul), de facto spiritual embassies, temples, temple monastery complexes, nunneries, food banks (Annamandir), animal shelters (Goshala), libraries (Jnanalaya), organic agriculture.

The Reserve Bank of KAILASA has issued gold based currencies to revive the hindu economy as it used to be in 56 Hindu nations. The currencies are known as Por kaasu (Tamil), Swarnamudra (Sanskrit) and KAILASHIAN Dollar (English).


The predecessors of KAILASA are the 56 Hindu states, 200 Hindu kingdoms, 1700 Hindu samasthana (provinces) and 10,000 Hindu sampradaya (traditions). Enlightenment based, successful, all inclusive, absolutely empowering, powerfully contributing nations ever existed on Planet Earth.

Hinduism was the governing principle for 56 nations across the globe.

Hinduism has stood for over 10,000 years as an enlightened civilization and has been a global beacon of spiritual and timeless wisdom, technology and culture. The ancient Hindu civilization geographically contained in India produced more than 40% of the world’s GDP .

“During the time of Mahabharata, we (Hindus) had 56 desas (countries), 200 states, 1700 samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000 sampradayas (traditions). Included in these were Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Tajikistan, Bulkh, Turkmenistan, Kyrgystan, Tibet, Iraq, Gomantaka (now Goa), Malaysia, Iran, Burma, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Pakistan, Maldives, Singapore and Afghanistan ... In all 56 we (Hindus) are persecuted. SHRIKAILASA is the country for all the persecuted Hindus. Now we have lost all of the 56 … the last one to fall was Nepal. 56 countries we had - and we don’t have a single one now. I am the collective voice of all the persecuted Hindus. I will revive and rebuild a Hindu nation built on Vedagamic principles as a refuge for all practising and aspiring Hindus, a safe haven for all persecuted Hindus.” - The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism

Ancient Indian civilization based on Hinduism produced over 40% of the world's GDP


KAILASA is a macrocosmic borderless nation whose vision is enlightened living on all humanity. KAILASA's mission is to share with today’s world the practical applications of the science of enlightenment including revival Hindu cosmic physics, Hindu alchemy, Hindu cosmology, Hindu biology, Hindu mathematics, Power Manifestation as revived by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

Global adherents of KAILASA spread across over 100 countries, form one of the most successful communities in the world as KAILASHIANS because they practice the sciences of Living Enlightenment as revived by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. These followers have created KAILASA to bring that successful life and lifestyle to the world as a service.

Towards this goal, KAILASA is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and revival of an enlightened culture and civilization based on authentic Hinduism that was once practiced freely in over 56 nations across the continent from Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, all the way to Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia , but is now facing extinction due to persecution over a millennium.


SHRIKAILASA is created by a group of dispossessed people who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries. They found freedom to practice Hinduism as revived by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, and subsequently because of that, achieved enormous success in other countries. Though the SHRIKAILASA movement is founded in the United States, and spearheaded by members of the Hindu Adi Shaivite minority community, it is created for, and offers a safe haven to all the world’s practising, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed, where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference and violence.

These people created SHRIKAILASA with the determination to not just preserve and protect this science and share it with the entire world, but also to share the Hindu Holocaust that is yet unknown to the world. The vision of SHRIKAILASA is the enlightened living of all humanity, a lofty goal that can be achieved only if we function as a sovereign nation that is not under any one country, but works with all of them. Based on its principles SHRIKAILASA supports causes such as gender equality, fight against global warming, universal access to holistic education and healthcare, vegetarianism etc.

In a world ravaged by war, ecological destruction, hatred and division, SHRIKAILASA stands as a bold vision of human potential, co-existence, organic living and alignment with nature. Without the protection of political legitimacy, there is imminent danger that the great tenets, scriptures and science of creating an enlightened civilization which spanned 200 states, 1700 samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000 sampradayas (traditions) will be forever lost to humanity. As a stateless nation, it does not seek new territory but rather diplomatic recognition as the legitimate representative of the ideology of enlightened humanity. SHRIKAILASA is bringing spiritual, religious, social, cultural, historic, economic and political legitimacy to Sanatana Hindu Dharma so that it may benefit all of humanity


KAILASA is peaceful, sovereign, service-oriented and represents an ideology, rather than a territory. It is rooted in the fundamental principle of Advaita or Oneness - the idea that all beings can live in peace and harmony, and that all human beings are equal and divine, and can reach their highest potential irrespective of their color, nationality, religion, gender or race.

The Hindu civilization is the world’s oldest living civilization that exist until today. It is this world’s ancient, indigenous civilization that spanned across the globe as a nation that secured all the good that exist in the world today in various forms and traditions, including the sciences of Vedic mathematics, astronomy, navigation, medicine, yoga, and above all - the sacred science of living enlightenment.

Advanced in mathematics (e.g. Indian addition of the digit ‘0’ revolutionized mathematics, advanced concepts such as the Pythagorean theorem was already known), astronomy (they knew that the earth revolved around the sun, and had developed advanced sidereal charts), science, architecture and construction (e.g. the flush toilet and complex sewage system was developed), medicine (the scientist Sushruta had developed cataract and plastic surgery, advances in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine) are just a few examples of the scientific and economic revolution unleashed by the enlightened civilization.

Such advances were possible due to the science of enlightenment (also known as Yoga) which formed the basis of the civilizations. Arising from deep knowledge of body, mind and nature, Yoga was the science of uniting humans with the divine potential inherent within them (also called Advaita or Oneness) which led to extraordinary achievements.

Hinduism is also the only civilization to produce a living lineage of Avatars (living incarnations) and enlightened beings that continue to grace our planet till the present day. It was the living lineage of Living Incarnations (Avatars) as per Hinduism that safekept these result producing, scalable and reproducible sciences of Hinduism. Persecution on Hindu Gurus is the reason for destruction of Hinduism, explaining why the Hindu Holocaust - world’s longest, oldest, worst record of cruelty and violence of mankind kept hidden systematically from the common mass.


Hinduism comprises many indigenous spiritual traditions coexisting peacefully for millennia. There is no one sacred text of Hinduism, no one spiritual head, no one concept of the divine. Hinduism makes a clear statement that “it empowers every individual to start their own spiritual tradition and practice,” uniquely tailored to suit that individual in alignment with the original source scriptures of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, known as the Veda-Agamas.

The Avatar as guru or teacher descends time and again from the universal cosmic consciousness to provide beings with conscious breakthroughs for their spiritual enlightenment. Hinduism, therefore, accommodates many spiritual masters and spiritual paths to meet the diverse needs of humanity. It is from within this framework that the lifestyle and teachings of the Hindu Adi Shaivite Minority Tradition (“ASMT”) evolved.

The Veda-Agamas provide clear instructions on how beings may realize the ultimate awareness of the cosmic oneness or Advaita through yogic sciences. Every being can manifest powers from the space and state of oneness to create the reality that they desire. These principles constitute the integrity of the ASMT community and the ethos of the nation of SHRIKAILASA: nonviolence, blissful coexistence, vegetarianism, worship of nature and living beings, organic lifestyle, temple-based living, yoga, and yogic sciences.

ASMT is a completely orthodox Hindu tradition and aligned to the ancient Agama scriptures yet in doing so maintains a remarkably progressive stance when it comes to the rights of women, and the rights of members of the LGBTQ and transgendered communities. In this regard, ASMT represents one of the most progressive ideologies in the world as it freely ordains women into sanyaas (the monastic order), recognizes all genders, and performs specific temple rituals for same-sex marriage, all from the depth of the more than 5,000 year old indigenous spiritual tradition.

Historical & Political Roots of KAILASA

Hinduism that was once practiced freely in over 56 nations across the continent from Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, all the way to Singapore, Malaysia, and Cambodia and Indonesia , and in 200 states, 1700 samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000 sampradayas (traditions). Over several centuries the combined forces of foreign invasion, political upheaval, colonialism and religious persecution systematically ended millennia of Hindu Swarajya, or self-rule. Today Hindu temples remain in Afghanistan and Cambodia, but the Hindus who worshipped in them have been ethnically cleansed.

Lands of Hindu Kingdoms Usurped

Until the 19th century India was represented by a patchwork of hundreds of autonomous sovereign kingdoms. However, in the mid-1800s, the British Empire established the Doctrine of Lapse whereby Hindu kingdoms were unilaterally annexed by the British East India Company in situations where a clear patrilineal heir was not available to take the throne, or where the British decided the kingdom was otherwise being misgoverened. Under the Doctrine of Lapse the British took direct control of dozens of Hindu kingdoms occupying vast swaths of India. Though other kingdoms, such as Surangi were recognized as independent by the British, they were often ruled indirectly under the suzerainty of the British Empire. The final blow to indigenous Hindu rule in India was dealt in 1947, upon independence from the United Kingdom, when the remaining 500 Hindu kingdoms were forced by the Indian National Congress, under threat of military intervention, to renounce all political and territorial sovereignty. This occurred despite the fact that most of those kingdoms had signed agreements with the British guaranteeing their sovereignty and independence even after British withdrawal. In the decade following independence the Indian government, led by Sardar Patel, proceeded to systematically secure and extend the central government’s authority over all erstwhile Hindu kingdoms until by 1956 there was little difference between those parts of India that had formerly been a part of British India and those that had been autonomous Hindu kingdoms. Lastly, in 1971 the Indian Government amended the Constitution of India to withdraw official recognition of all official symbols of princely India, including titles and privileges (despite the fact that many Hindu monarchs only agreed to join India provided that such titles and recognition were honored and maintained). As a result, all vestiges of traditional indigenous Hindu rulership and traditional self-governance in India were wiped out by executive fiat. Nevertheless, the Royal lineages of these Kingdoms with their innate sovereign authority remained intact. Despite the fundamental wrongs done to their Kingdoms, these kingdoms co-existed peacefully in India without conflict.

The unilateral usurpation of the independence, authority and status of India’s indigenous rulers was in direct contravention of Hindu law, which dictates that kings are merely regents of the guru or presiding deity of their respective kingdom. They had no authority to renounce the sovereignty of their kingdoms, and in cases where they abdicated their thrones, rulership fell back to the guru or spiritual head of the kingdom until a suitable replacement could be installed on the throne. Globally, the final vestige of Hindu political autonomy was erased in 2008 when the last constitutionally declared Hindu kingdom on the planet, Nepal, was abolished after a decade long Maoist insurgency in favor of a secular state.

Political Legitimacy of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism

The spiritual head of SHRIKAILASA, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, is the duly coronated monarch of three Hindu kingdoms: the Kingdom of Surangi in Andhra Pradesh, the Kingdom of Swargapuram in Tamil Nadu, and the Kingdom of Madurai in Tamil Nadu. His status as a sovereign and official successor to these kingdoms has been legally validated and documented. His Divine Holiness is also the duly coronated monarch of 10 other minor kingdoms namely: the Kingdoms of Tiruvannamalai, Dhyanapeetha Matha, Mahanirvani Peetha, Atal Peetha, Thondaimandalam, Bhagya Nagara, Eambalam, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Vedaranyam and Panchanathikulam. Moreover, His Divine Holiness is also the spiritual founder of numerous temples, monastic orders and ancient religious organizations that were traditionally recognized as sovereign, politically independent entities under Hindu law.

Kingdom of Surangi

The Kingdom of Surangi near present day Orissa, India was ruled by the illustrious Suryavamsa (“Solar Race”) Dynasty. The Suryavamsa royal lineage is among the world’s oldest and can be traced back thousands of years. Its illustrious kings populate India’s most beloved scriptures and ancient epics as well as medieval and pre-modern history including Harischandra, Rama, Buddha, Mahavira, Raja Raja Chola, Maharana Pratap and Chatrapati Shivaji. Surangi was recognized by the British as a sovereign state with a territory spanning 212 square kilometers comprising 129 villages. In 2004, the king of Surangi, Raja Hrudaya Chandra Deo Harishchandra Jagadev, died unmarried and childless leaving his sister, Rani Sana Jema Manjula Manjari Devi (Mrs. Manjula Pooja Schroff), as sole heir and Queen Mother of Surangi. Unsure how she would manage the duties of administering her ancestral properties, she offered her title, property and claim to rulership to her guru, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. In 2004, she crowned him as monarch of Surangi, in a formal Hindu coronation ceremony, which she subsequently legally validated and documented with a Deed of Coronation in 2019.

Kingdom of Swargapuram

The Swargapuram kingdom dates back to the 5th century B.C.E. and was ruled by the Chera Dynasty. In the 13th century a Chera king bequeathed the kingdom to a Hindu saint, Sri la Sri Azhagiya Thiruchittrambala Desika Pandara Sannidhi, who established a lineage of pontiffs who ruled Swargapuram under the title “Sri La Sri Maruthuvana Swami” from 1200 C.E. to present. In 2015 the 22nd pontiff of Swargapuram formally coronated His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam as the 23rd pontiff and ruler of Swargapuram, and formally filed a Coronation Deed documenting the succession on March 21, 2019.

Kingdom of Madurai

The traditional seat of ASMT is the city of Madurai, which is in the present state of Tamil Nadu, India. Prior to colonial rule, the South Indian Adi Shaiva nation with Madurai as its capital was one of the most culturally, spiritually, and scientifically advanced and wealthiest civilizations of the time going back several thousand years to earlier than 200 B.C.E. The Adi Shaiva nation was ruled primarily by three dynasties of rulers – the Cholas, Cheras, and Pandyas. At their peak around 1000 C.E., they ruled all of what is currently Southern India, including Sri Lanka in the South, the Maldives and Lakshadweep to the west, and then extending east all along the coast of the Bay of Bengal across Southern Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and parts of Cambodia. The Khmer Kingdom in Cambodia was established with the help of Rajendra Chola, one of the Chola Kings. Artisans from the Chola Kingdom built the largest Hindu temple in the world at Angkor Wat in Cambodia under the auspices of Suryavarman II. The Chola kings also built magnificent temples throughout India like the Brihadeeshwara temple in Tanjore for Paramashiva, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In the Adi Shaiva community, often the kingdom’s spiritual head was its political, economical, and cultural head. The political rule (Arasatchi) was not separated from the economic rule (Porulaatchi), and neither of these were separated from the core principles of ASMT. The Pandyas considered the Kamika Agama of ASMT (scriptures on the science of living an enlightened life) written by Paramashiva (the original author of yoga) as the core spiritual guide for the people and the kingdom. Thus, the political understanding of the people and the nation could only be made with someone who was a master of the Kamika Agama, and who understood its principles deeply. The spiritual leader of the nation or community was known as the Madurai Aadheenam Guru Maha Sannidhaanam, who has always been considered as the incarnation of Paramashiva in ASMT. In the 7th century C.E., the saint Tiru Jnanasambandar revived the Madurai Adheenam and established a lineage of Guru Maha Sannidhanams which continues unbroken to this day . The Guru Maha Sannidhanams were recognized as political rulers during the British Empire and conferred the title, Rao Bahadur. On the 27th of April 2012, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam was formally coronated as the 293rd Guru Maha Sannidhanam of the ancient Madurai Aadheenam (in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, South India) by the 292nd Pontiff, Sri La Sri Arunagiri Gnana Sambanda Desika Paramacharya Swami. By virtue of his being the current Pontiff and heir of the Madurai Aadheenam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is therefore the lawful successor, descendant and inheritor, invested with all the powers, duties and obligations, to perform the rituals and customary rights, vested in the Madurai Aadheenam.


KAILASA’s supreme aim is to serve the religious and spiritual needs of 2 Billion Hindus and the whole of humanity. Therefore, KAILASA is a consortium of multiple micronations, educational institutions including Hindu universities and school (gurukul), de facto spiritual embassies, temples, temple monastery complexes, nunneries, food banks (Annamandir) , animal shelters (Goshala), libraries (Jnanalaya), organic agriculture.


SHRIKAILASA has de facto spiritual Embassies and NGOs in over 100 countries. Striving to unite nations for the global good the past 26 years, the SHRIKAILASA UNITING NATIONS Initiatives, through its de facto spiritual Embassies globally strives to unite all nations in the world for global peace, eradicating poverty, religious tolerance, gender equality, women empowerment, child welfare, towards development goals, eradicating illiteracy , sustainable development, animal protection, food bank, holistic healthcare, revival of ancient heritage of Hinduism, protecting and reviving the science of enlightened birthing and pregnancy, democracy and uncorrupt elections, ethical environmentalism, protection of monks, organic and sustainable agriculture, recovery of drug abuse, sexual abuse victims, vegetarianism and climate change, uniting nations against contemporary forms of slavery, animal rights, deforestation, ancient heritage, ancient sciences, nutritious food and hunger free world, indigenous aboriginal nations, feminine empowerment and gender equality.

Operating as a sovereign nation which works with all countries, and is not under any one nation, we can create a strong diplomatic network that will enable SHRIKAILASA to work directly with national and international governments and organizations, to develop and administer humanitarian projects aligned with the world’s needs.


KAILASA’s economics is the revival of Hindu economic policies, banking, commercial jurisprudence, import export, etc. KAILASA’s predecessors - the 56 Hindu states, 200 Hindu kingdoms, 1700 Hindu samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000 Hindu sampradayas (traditions) are the proof that mankind has ever witnessed of an enlightenment based, successful, all inclusive, absolutely empowering, scalable and reproducible system created based on Hindu economic policies.

KAILASA’s commercial jurisprudence entails the rules of transacting finance or other economic activity in a Hindu compliant manner, conforming to the Hindu sourcebooks (Vedas and Agamas).


On 14 August 2020, the Hindu Fiscal Structure of KAILASA was introduced to the world.

Hindu Impex (Hindu Import Export)

For strengthening and promotion of global import export of HINDU products, HINDU goods, HINDU services that support Hindu principles - HINDU international trade is the exchange of capital across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of HINDU goods, HINDU services or HINDU products. In most countries, such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product.

Hindu World Trade Centre

A HINDU World Trade Center is an apolitical organization that can be located in any country. It functions as a network for HINDU businesses with access to international trade services and facilities and seeks to simplify and stimulate trade by bringing together governments and industry that serve and carry on trade as per Vedagamic Principles.

Hindu Compliance Body

HINDU Compliant: An act or activity that complies with the requirements of the Vedagamas, or “HINDU” law. The term is often used in the HINDU banking industry as a synonym for “Vedagamic“ for example, HINDU compliant financing or Hindu compliant investment.

Hindu Holdings

HINDU Holdings is a company that owns the stock of other HINDU companies. A HINDU holding company usually does not produce goods or services itself. Its purpose is to own shares of other HINDU companies to form a HINDU corporate group.

Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/August_14_2020


The KAILASHIAN Currencies are gold based currencies. The KAILASHIAN Dollar was ritualistically released on the 22nd of August 2020. Each dollar is 1 Tola (Hindu measurement unit) equivalent to 11.66 grams gold. 1 Tola would be known in the three official languages of KAILASA as: 1 KAILASHIAN Dollar; English. 1 Swarna Mudra; Sanskrit 1 Por Kaasu; Tamil

Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/August_22_2020

RESERVE BANK OF KAILASA Introduced to the world on 22 August 2020, the Reserve Bank of KAILASA has signed an MoU with a nation that has graciously agreed to host them. The Reserve Bank of KAILASA would be functioning as a legitimate body in that country. RBK is banking and financial services which adhere to the Hindu economic policies as laid down in the Vedas and Agamas, the sacred texts of Hindus and cater to the Hindu diaspora across the world. KAILASA's currencies will be used only in the countries with which KAILASA has signed Diplomatic Treaties.


The Eastern Headquarters of KAILASA is the Adi Kailasa Sarvajnapeeta located in Bangalore, South India. The Western Headquarters of KAILASA is KAILASA Los Angeles, USA.


KAILASA began the revival of ‘KAILASA - the enlightenment ecosystem in 1994, starting with a temple monastery complex in Thiruvannamalai, South India. Today, KAILASA has its presence across over 100 countries with over 1 Billion ecitizens. Enlightenment based ecosystems and inspired purely by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

The temple monastery complex of KAILASA in Adi KAILASA Sarvajnapeeta, India stands to be one of the most prominent, successful and systematically reproducible revival of authentic Hinduism.


Towards reviving the enlightened civilization for global peace, KAILASA is administered through 18 of its departments and agencies based on the Hindu principles of governance as described in the Vedas and Agamas.

SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations aims to unite all nations towards the 108 humanitarian, charitable, sustainable goals declared based on universal human values and world peace as revived by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam since 1994.



The Indian Post and Telegraph Division on the occasion of the Simhasta Kumbh Mela, issues a postal stamp of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam who is ranked among the world’s top 100 spiritual leaders and spiritual head of Nithyananda Peetham and Mahamandaleshwar of Mahanirvani Akhada.

Quantum Breakthroughs using the Science of Enlightenment

Using the science of enlightenment we have had breakthroughs in education, health, and human potential. SHRIKAILASA has created special schools for children and youth (even those who came from backgrounds of violence and drug abuse) that have taken ordinary children and turn them into extraordinary leaders and achievers. 35% of students in his schools have IQ in the gifted category, and 50% of students study 1-3 years ahead of their age. SHRIKAILASA has designed and conducted meditation and yoga programs for relief from various ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, (called “Kriyas”) and programs to help pregnant women have healthier pregnancies. The health benefits of his meditation and yoga programs, especially the 21-day meditation and yoga program, are recorded and analyzed scientifically to show a significant increase in mitochondrial, telomerase activity and gene expression directly leading to significant improvement of health.

SHRIKAILASA represents followers who are highly successful around the world. They form the dispossessed diaspora who have been driven to other countries because they are unable to practice their religion authentically in their own country. They have flourished in countries where they have been allowed to settle with religious freedom. For example, in the United States, Hindus are the most educated and highest earning community with 77% of them holding a bachelor’s degree, and 48% having an income of $100,000 or more . Although they are only 1% of the population Hindus have 8 launched 13.5% of startups in the USA . They hold leadership, technical and creative 9 positions in companies such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. This success has been repeated around the world - in UK, Canada, Australia, etc. James Kirkup in his 2015 Telegraph article says “British Indians are not just the most successful immigrant group in this country’s recent history, but the most successful group of people full stop” . He continues: “More extraordinary than the rise in 10 numbers is how it has taken place so harmoniously and profitably for this country and those in it… British Indians, quite simply, are among the most industrious, accomplished and creditable among us – the best of British, if you like.” The same article says that British Hindus are barely 2% of the population but 12% of all the doctors. Australia and Canada have understood the ingredients of fast economic growth of the country and are doing everything to attract the educated, rich Hindu community. Hindus are the fastest growing migrant population in Australia - In 2017, 11 200% more Hindus have received invitation for Canadian Permanent Residency program . The success of this group speaks to the effectiveness of the science of 12 enlightenment and the positive impact of SHRIKAILASA.


SHRIKAILASA represents the revival of the ancient enlightened civilization based on Hinduism, which believes in the Oneness of all beings, and the highest potential of all human beings irrespective of their race, religion, country, color, gender or background. SHRIKAILASA stands as a bold vision of human potential, peaceful co-existence, organic living and alignment with nature, echoing the ideal that once thrived in the enlightened civilizations from India. And it is offering the Science of Enlightenment as a master key that can solve society's major ills. SHRIKAILASA wishes to share the practical applications of the science of enlightenment as a service for the enlightenment of all humanity, a lofty goal that can be achieved only if we function as a sovereign supra-national entity that is not under any one country, but works with all of them.