April 14 2002

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Ananda Spurana Program | ASP | Day 1 | 14 Apr 2002


A unique treat for everyone - one of the earliest video recorded programs conducted by HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam - the Ananda Spurana Program conducted as part of the Ashaktha Poshaka Sabha at VV Puram in Bangalore, India in April 2002!

His Divine Holiness Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam started travelling around the world when He was 25 years of age in 2003 with the clear vision of establishing Kailasa, the enlightened civilization and greatest Hindu nation. In 2004, He undertook His second world tour, covering three regions - Malaysia, USA and South America. He visited 10 cities in the USA, conducting meditation programs, delivering free satsangs, and initiating the people with the Hindu Truths. In just His second world tour, He ordained 50 acharyas (teachers) who would carry forth the tenets of Hinduism to humanity at large.

Video and Audio - Ananda Spurana Program | ASP | Day 1 | Session 1

This video is the introductory session conducted as part of the program on 14 April 2002. Designed by HDH, ASP (Ananda Spurana Program) helps us break from the cycle of negative emotions that affect our daily life, our relationships, and our work. It is designed to cleanse 7 major energy centers (chakras) in our body. It empowers our life with an understanding of the chakras that directly reduce stress, improve sleep, overcome fears and worry, improve relationships, increase clarity and joy and create high energy levels bringing success in life.

Video Audio



||Brahmanandam Parama Sukhdam kevalam jnana murtim dvanvatitam gagan sadrasham tattva masya di lakshyam ekam nithyam vimalam achalam sarvadhi sakshi bhutam bhavatitam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namami||


Knowledge is of three types. Only basically intellectual- Logic, Arithmetic, Mathematics, the things of the outer world. All this knowledge comes under the intellectual knowledge which you can learn from head, using the head. You just use the head, that will be enough to learn, to pick up this knowledge. If you just use your mind, that will be enough. You just use your mind, that will be enough. If you want to learn some arithmetic, if you want to learn some mathematics, if you want to learn something to do with outer world, some calculations which you learn from schools, which is your regular academic system, you want to learn these few things, if you use your head, that will be enough. If you are concentrated, that will be enough.


The next type of knowledge is something to do with the heart. It is called art. If you want to learn art, poetry, music, head will be of no use. Head is no use. You think the head, you won’t be able to learn art or poetry or music. There is a tale. One potter, he is doing pottery work, making pots. His son also picked up the art. He also started doing the…started making pot. Somebody asked him, “How did you learn from him? How did you learn this from your father?” He said, “No, I did not learn. I simply be with him. Seeing everyday that he is doing, I picked it up.” It cannot be taught. It is the art something to do with heart. If you have to learn something from the head, something like arithmatic, mathematics, or science, you have to use the head.


If you have to learn something from heart, something of the music, that is the reason in ancient time, music cannot be taught by class system, it can be taught only in Gurukul system. How the big musicians you can see they are trained in Gurukul system. Students will be left with the master, teacher. He will stay there. He will see everyday how the teacher thinks, how the master thinks, how the life itself is a poetry. When he sees the master’s poetry, master’s life, he picks up something from that. It became poet. If the poet starts in the way of intellectual, in way of arithmetic, the man who learns the poetry will write poem, not poetry. There is a big difference between poem and poetry. He will write poem but it will not be poetry. It will be a big decision of poetry. There is a tremendous difference between the intellectual learning and emotional picking up.


There is a third type of knowledge. First is intellectual, second is emotional, third is spiritual, from being level. This knowledge can neither be taught nor be picked up. It can only transmitted. See the word very clearly, it cannot be taught. It cannot be written. It can be only transmitted from being to being, a thing which cannot be taught. We are speaking about the things which cannot be spoken. That is the basic. You are not here to learn any philosophy. Be very clear, I am not going to give any philosophy. I am not going to teach you any system. I am going to give the light which I have in My heart. That is what is going to happen all these six days. The glimpse of the Samadhi, you can call satori or spiritual or material whatever you may call it. The glimpse of your being I am going to give. This is what is going to happen in these six days.



How to Have Right Listening to HDH Satsangs? (ASP 14 Apr 2002)

Link to Video:



Actually if you listen with an open heart that will be more than enough. That will directly go in. I will be writing in your heart.

Participant: Even five sentences what you said….

Swamiji: There is no need. One thing, if you try to recollect, if you recollect, please be very clear, you have heard intellectual knowledge. If you are not able to recollect, if something happens in your life, if you feel so satisfied I have learnt something beautiful things, if you feel that you are happy when you leave the class, you have heard something unique, which will enter into transform your life, that is more than enough. Then you will see, these ideas have entered into your unconscious.


That is why, this time I am not doing that homework. Last class in Tamil Nadu class I used to tell them to summarize the whole class. Whomsoever summarize, next day I will ask them, “Where is your homework?” There will be some people who will beautifully summarize and bring it to Me. I will tell them, “You will not be useful. You will not be useful to this class. You will not have anything from this class. You will not have anything from this class.” They will wonderstruck, “What is this Swamiji, I have written so beautifully. Why are You telling me I will not be useful to this class?” Because you have listened with head. You have not listened with your heart. If you have listened with your heart, if you have listened with your being, you will not be able to repeat. You will not be able to recollect. You will be able to only remember.


Please be very clear, there is a big difference between these three: recollect, repeat, remember. The other two are intellectual. Remembrance is something being level. You will remember the essence, what I said. You will be remembering Me. You will be remembering My being, not the simple words. If you follow, if you live, if you memorize these words they are not going to help you for long. Either today or tomorrow they have to be forgotten. They will be forgotten. But if you remember, if you carry My energy, if you carry Me in the being, that will continuously, permanently transform your being. There is no need to remember at all. Just allow, just sit in a relaxed way as if you are chatting with your friend and chat. That's what I told, I gave the instruction first day itself. Just participate making some comments. Listen with life, listen with life.


Just listening that way, a right listening will happen. I will be working. There is no need that you should go and workout. It is not some project I am giving to you to go and workout. It is some deep experiences I am sharing with you. If you know that if I touch fire I will get burnt, do you practice that thing or what? If you know the theory do you tell that, “Yes, now I got the truth. Now I will practice this for ten days.Then only I will come to the conclusion that if I touch the fire I will get burnt. Then afterwards I will stop touching.” Can you say that? If the things are clear, you will be directly experiencing it. Truth is there. Only when you listen from a direct person, you don't need any practice. That is enough. The Shravana is enough.


Chandogya Upanishad beautifully says, master is telling disciple, Shwetaketu, “Tatvamasi, Shwetaketu, Tatvamasi.” “Tatvamasi, Shwetaketu, Tatvamasi. ”Nine times he says Tatvamasi- You are that.The listening is enough. He got the experience. It can be spiritually effective. He attained the spiritual experience just by listening. There is no need for.... there is no need to undergo any practice. Listening is more than enough. The shravana, the right shravana, right listening will be more than enough. There is no need for anything else.


Participant: Swamiji, when you automatically practice…

Swamiji: Yes, you will automatically practice. There is no need. That is what I mean. That is not that you will not go and practice meditation. You will go and practice. You will go and practice but you will not be forcing yourself to practice. Just it will be happening. Whatever you do is not worth doing. Whatever happens is only allow, only allow it. If it happens in your life then only allow, it's worth. It is working. It is working. If you have to do, it is not worthy at all. So, just listen with a open heart, open being. I will trash your intellect. When your trashed intellectually... You will fall into the abyss of heart. I will be there holding you. The energy with which I am delivering these words, the authenticity with which I am giving you these words, that energy will be holding you. That will be more than enough. There is no need, there is no other extra preparations, there is no other extra needed to workout these things. It is more than enough.


Video and Audio - Ananda Spurana Program | ASP | Day 1 | Session 2

In this session, HDH sheds light on the Manipuraka chakra - The Navel center - this is where the connection to Mother energy is situated. All other Chakras receive only one or two energies, but the Manipuraka Chakra receives all energies. The energy flow in this Chakra gets blocked by worries, suppression and depression. The inner chatter caused by these is the Mind. HDH reveals that Mind is actually a simple mechanism which grows when you get habituated to have a shrinking feeling at certain times and in certain situations based on your past experiences. Mind is like a stuck record which surfaces just one thought at a time. In the ASP program, the deep insights He reveals and cleanses the chakras by power meditations. Even as you watch this video, you will tangibly experience His omnipresence and energy.

Video Audio



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