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Daily Update - PDB + Daily pictures-Our Daily Activities

Event Details
Participants Count 7
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? No
Count of Meals Served
Volunteers Count 1
Event Duration

We offered Our Daily Guru Paduka Puja and Shiva Puja, 7 October 2022, giving gratitude to Swamiji

We offered the following online sessions: 7 pm - 7:45 pm AST - Unclutching Session 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm AST - Reading from the scriptures

Tonight we read from the Living Enlightenment Book by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. 🌸 Page 176 to Page 182 - Powerful Cognition - "How to overcome Jealousy. Jealousy is closely related to many negative emotions like anger, greed, possessiveness and depression. All of these emotions will dissolve when we break this cycle of jealousy. 1. Witnessing Jealousy cannot be overcome either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy. All you need to do is just be fully aware when the feeling of jealousy arises. You will be surprised, it simply disappears. The enlightened master Buddha says, ‘Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting peace.’ Just be aware and destroy the jealousy, competition, envy and comparison that have robbed you of your very nature of bliss. Use the light of awareness to reveal the shadow nature of these negative emotions. Otherwise, you are just caught in the rat race. I always tell people, even if you win the rat race, you are still just a rat! The way out of jealousy is not by suppressing it or denying its existence. Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready to face the jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arises in you, how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness and frustration inside you and makes you lose all of your peace and calm. Be aware of the jealousy instead of hating it or the object of your jealousy. Just watch, as if you have nothing to do with it. Look at it with a scientific attitude." Unclutching Session #42- 3 Participants (171 collectively) Living Enlightenment Reading #64 - 3 Participants (299 collectively)

Pictures from the day