February 23 2006

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Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 1 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 1
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

SPH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (SPH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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Video Audio



Namashivaya. I welcome you all, with My love and respects. This beautiful book starts with the word, Sri Bhairav uvacha means Shiva said. Straightaway Shiva is entering into the techniques. He is not giving any intellectual introduction. He is not giving any teachings. Let’s enter into the sutra, then we will see the meaning. We will understand it. sri bhairava uvāca | ūrdhve prāṇo hy adho jīvo visargātmā paroccaret | utpattidvitayasthāne bharaṇād bharitā sthitiḥ || 24 ||

Straight he is entering into the subject. He is not giving any intellectual introduction. To tell you honestly the 1st spiritual book without introduction. Straight to the point of enlightenment. He is not interested, wasting his time. He is not interested in giving you words. He is not interested in giving you any teachings. No teachings, no words, straight to the subject, straight to the point of enlightenment. He is not interested in convincing. Let Me be honest, all teachings, almost all teachings are given either to convince you that teacher is a great person or to convince himself that what he is believing is something truth.


Incident which happened maybe one year ago. I went to an interreligious conference. In that I was sitting next to a father. I was boasting that I have a training center for meditation teachers in our Bidadi ashram. I said, “More than 200 people are having the training.” He laughed and told Me, “Swamiji I have 16 training centers, only in Bombay.” The conference was in Bombay, “Only in Bombay I have 16 training centers. Each training center trains more than 400 preachers.” I was shocked and then I started saying, “You will have more people because you guys convert. We don’t believe in conversion. Naturally you will have more people because you convert people.” Somehow Sanatana dharma, Hinduism does not believe in conversion. We don't believe in conversion. So I said because of conversion you have more people. Then slowly goes on conversation. After some time he understood that I am teaching meditation and helping people and giving life solutions. He asked Me “Swamiji I want to sit with You privately for some time.” I said “you are welcome.” He came and we spent more than one hour. He was asking some solutions for his own personal problems. Anyhow I tried to help him and he was very happy and he is helped. After everything is over he was about to leave. At that time I asked him, “See one thing: you yourself don’t have solution from what you are teaching, then why are you teaching so aggressively?” And I know he teaches, he goes on condemning other religions. See saying you are… your religion is great is beautiful, nothing wrong, but saying that nothing else is truth. That’s where the problem starts. He goes on condemning all other religions.


I told him, “You yourself don’t find solution for your own life, why do you preach so aggressively?” By the time he was very, he has become very open and he started speaking the truth. He told Me, “Swamiji I feel tremendous fear what I am preaching is truth or not. I feel completely insecured. But when I see 10,000 people following me I feel little secured. All 10,000 can't be fools. All 10,000 can’t be fools.” No, it is true. Please understand. I am saying the truth. He told Me this very word, “I am deeply, I am feeling the insecurity Swamiji, but when I see 10,000 people are following me, when I am able to convince 10,000 people, then I feel little confident. ‘Oh I can be fool but 10,000 will not be fool. All 10,000 will not be fool.’” I was shocked; but understand, this is the truth. Teachings are given either to convince you the teacher is a great person or to convince himself what he is teaching is something great. Only then teachings are given. If there is no need for convincing, only techniques are given. Here Shiva doesn’t have any need, he doesn’t have to convince Uma. He doesn’t have to convince Devi. He is straight away giving the technique. Let you be very clear, never learn from a person who has to convince about his authority to you. Then he will be talking too many big things which neither you understand nor he himself understands. Because he is in a big job of convincing you. That is why...


There is a beautiful story, one more story. One great Kasmiri shaivite pandit, actually this book is from Kashmiri Shaivism. The only, I can say the only living religion or the only living tradition which carried the light of shaiva, light of shaivism, the light of Shiva till today. One Kashmiri Shaivite pandit, he went to the king and said “King I wanted to teach you the Shiva sutras and I want to initiate you”. King said “I don’t feel like having it. First you read and then come to me”. Pandit was taken aback. He said “I have read for last 12 years, I have mastered it completely.” King again said “No, go back and read, then come”. After 6 months the pandit again came. “Now I want to teach you, now I have read everything”. King said “No, go back, read little more then come”. After 6 months again the pandit came. King said “No, go back and practice then come”. Pandit was shocked. He started thinking ‘I think somewhere I am missing.’ He went and started practicing. After 6 months he did not come back to the king. He was sitting in his place, blissfully.


Then king said, “Please go and find out what has happened to the pandit”. All the servants of the king came to the pandit and they said, “Sir, are you not coming to the king, are you not coming to the palace to teach?” Pandit said “No, I am not interested. No I don’t feel like”. The king said “Yes, now I can go and learn from him. Now it is time, now he is riped. I can go and learn from him.” Now Pandit doesn’t have any need to convince the king about his greatness. If there is a need to convince the disciple, if there is a need to convince the student, be very clear truth cannot be expressed 100%. If already the bridge, trust has happened, then sharing the truth is possible. I always tell people, do not think to doubt you need intelligence. To doubt you don’t need intelligence, just intellect is enough.


Yesterday one devotee was asking Me, “What is this Swamiji, always You encourage doubting and questioning. But suddenly You changed the whole trend. Yesterday You started telling only fools doubt, only fools question.” See doubting, questioning is good to learn, but not to experience. If you just wanted to learn, if you want more and more words, if you want teachings, doubting is beautiful. Questioning is beautiful. But when it comes to techniques doubting or questioning is not going to help. Straightaway if you want the experience, only the trust can help you. I always tell people when intellect is riped, it becomes intelligence. When emotion ripes it becomes trust. When your being ripes it becomes enlightenment. If your intellect has reached its peak it becomes intelligence. If your emotion has reached its peak it becomes trust. If your being has reached its peak it becomes enlightenment. To doubt you don’t need intelligence, just intellect is enough. You can doubt anything. And the more you doubt, the more you question people will start respecting you. No, it is the truth. If you just wanted to show yourself as a great person, simply start doubting everybody, start criticizing everybody. It’s a beautiful technique. Start criticizing everybody, start doubting everybody, start questioning everybody, you will become a great pandit. People will start respecting you.


Here no teachings, straightaway he enters into the technique. He is not even saying, now I am starting meditation techniques. Even that much he is not saying. Straight to the technique. He says ‘start doing it.’ He is not speaking about anything else. No introduction, no teachings. Yesterday, one devotee asked Me, “What is this Swamiji? When You spoke about Gita, You said Gita is the ultimate book and yesterday You pulled the Gita completely down. And now You say Shiva sutra is the ultimate book.” See Gita is a beautiful book to start, it has got some little bit of shastra, little bit of stotra, a little bit of sutra. There are some techniques and there are some stotra, the glory part, and there is a shastra which gives you the intellectual base. It’s like a mix of everything. But the danger is you may miss the essence. You may get caught in the shastra or the stotra, you may lose the sutra part. You may lose the technique part. It is a mixture. Whenever you mix there is always problem. You may miss the essence. You may miss the truth.


But here you cannot miss the truth. It’s a foolproof book. Anybody goes through this book cannot miss. So foolproof technology. You can’t escape. You can’t miss the truth, because here nothing else is there, no sugar coating. Nothing. Straight away he gives the truth. No teaching. No intellectual stuff. There is no need to avoid anything. There is no need to use your intellect to separate, to analyze what is truth and what is not truth and you don’t have to use your intellect at all. As far as this book concerned straight away open and start, start practicing. It’s a practical manual. It’s a practical manual. That is why, no teachings. This is not for the people who are yet to be convinced. It’s a straight book for the people who want to practice.


I have brought to you stories to tell you all about the teachings, how teachings work. A patient goes to the psychiatry doctor and says, “Doctor, it is too much I can’t run my life. I don’t know what I can do. But one thing, I can’t live my life in this same way; too much of problems.” Psychiatrist says, “Yes, we all have problem, I know. Let’s try to help each other. I will start 4 sessions in a week. 100 dollars per session. We will start from tomorrow.” Patient says, “Yes doctor, I understand. This will solve your problem. What about mine?” 😃 So teachings may solve the problems of the teacher, but not the student. Teachings may solve problem of teacher but not the student.


All teachings, either it is given as a commandment or given as a theory. One thing at least with commandment, you know directly commands are given to you. But when you start reading theologies, in a very cunning, subtle way the commandments are inserted into your inner space. Logically you are convinced. Logically you are convinced to follow these rules. Logically you are convinced about these teachings. Then great damage, permanent damage is done to your consciousness. Let Me be very clear, unless it becomes your experience, any teaching, it does only damage to your inner space. It does great damage to your consciousness. It is better to escape from teachings than having them without the experience.


I have one more story. Suddenly one day a farmer noticed that one of his cow is missing and there is a railroad near his farm. And he sued the railroad company, thinking that cow has died. Company hired the best lawyer, big lawyer in the city to settle the matter out of court. Somehow lawyer convinced the farmer. Farmer accepted 50% of what he was claiming and settled. After the settlement, after farmer signed the release form and took the check, lawyer felt really happy and he was not able to keep quiet. He was talking about his victory and he said, “I am really happy I won the case. Because I don’t have a single witness, I can’t stand in the court. I am happy that we have, we have settled out of court. Farmer said “Yes, I am also happy. I was also worried yesterday, how to take only half of the amount but today morning cow came back to the home. So I agreed”.😃 Be very clear neither the farmer knows nor the lawyer knows what is going on. He is trying to cheat the other person, the other person is trying to cheat this person. Lawyer is thinking he is cheating the farmer and farmer is thinking the other way.


In the teachings also, the person who teaches, he is thinking people are all listening, he is talking for them. People who are sitting, they are thinking, ‘Anyhow he is talking, what to do. I have to sit, I have come.’ It becomes a sort of a routine. It becomes sort of routine. ‘Anyhow we are not going to do anything, he is going to speak. Let’s have some good time.’ Please be very clear, neither teacher knows what he is saying nor the student understands what he is hearing. All teachings, it adds only more and more words, more and more trouble. That’s the reason, here Shiva is not here to convince you. He is here to give the experience.



Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 2 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 2
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

SPH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



One more thing, I have always seen a deep inferiority complex in all teachers. Teachers suffer with inferiority complex. To hide their inferiority complex only they start teaching. See when you are teaching you can show you are big guy. Really it’s a big addiction, you don’t know. It’s a big addiction. Let Me tell you the story. It’s not a story, it’s a history, history. Shah Jahan, when he was arrested by his own son Aurangzeb, put in the prison, he fell sick. Not only he fell sick, he was just deteriorating. Aurangzeb went to see him; after all father, he went to see him. And he saw he is practically dead. He asked, “I know you are missing your kingdom, I can’t give the kingdom back. But tell me something to bring you back to the life. I can do something to bring you back to the life, to make you alive, to keep you alive. But I can’t give you the kingdom; except that ask anything.”


Shah Jahan said, “I don’t want your kingdom, but just give me 30 boys. I will start teaching them, to take class.” Aurangzeb said, “That is not a big thing, I can give you 100 boys, have 100 boys.” He sent 100 boys. Shah Jahan… after a month Aurangzeb came to the prison, he saw Shah Jahan is alive, just like a king. Aurangzeb was not able to understand what is happening. He is so alive, he’s back. He is just like a king again. He asks the officers, his prison officers, “What is happening? How come he is so alive now?” The officers said, “Lord, everyday morning he makes all the 100 people to sit in front him and he starts conducting his court. One behaves, one acts as if he is minister and another one is acting he is a spy in charge; each one is coming and reporting. He makes them do everything what he does in the court. And in the evening he makes them as 2 groups and makes them “Hey start fighting” and the fight goes on. Practically he does everything, whatever he does… whatever he was doing in the court he does everything now. So psychologically he is again king. That is why he is so alive, active.”


Be very clear, teaching give you a big strength. You feel you have become a big guy. Your ego is strengthened when you teach. That is the reason you will found 1000’s and 1000’s of teachers but not a single student. Be very clear, never think people who are sitting in front of the teacher is their students. No, they are learning just to become a teacher. They are not students. They are just waiting to catch that seat. You can’t directly catch the seat, you need to know something. So just for that they put up with the teacher’s teachings. ‘Anyhow alright, tell whatever you want. I will have to sit on that chair; for that I also need to repeat all these things. Let me listen.’


Students are polite, they relax, keep quiet so that they can start their turn. That’s all. Never think somebody is a student just because he is sitting in front of the teacher. All teaching is just pure ego game. He is trying to show his greatness and student is just waiting so that he can show his greatness to somebody else. He is just putting up with the teachings so that when time comes he can start. That is why, I have always seen, the moment class is over people go back to their house and start teaching. If you have digested, you will never feel like opening the mouth. You are even… I have seen, even when people listen, in the mind they take notes, ‘I should go and tell this to my mother in law. I should go and tell this to my father in law. I should go and tell this to my friends. I should go and tell this to my wife.’ Of course you can’t tell your wife. That’s different 😃. At least I should go and tell this to my husband. You just develop your intellect, so that you can use it on your family and friends. And you just use all these teachings to support what you want to express; what you want to express.


And one more thing, I have seen people sharpening their intellect with My teachings and using it to fulfill their wishes. Whenever they couldn’t get something out of somebody, they’ll start using these teachings in their own form. In the mind they will have all the notes. Whatever is said, when they go back they will manipulate as they want and use it to get what they want. Let Me be very clear, that’s the reason here Shiva is not interested in giving any teachings. He’s straight, I think he doesn’t want to contribute to the already existing confusions. To tell you honestly whenever I go to the spiritual bookshops I feel bored to produce more books. Oh god, millions of books, what am I going to write… what am I going to do writing some more books. Then I decided I should write books at least to tell people don’t read books. At least to tell that, I have to write books; to convince them not to waste their energy in unnecessarily reading, I have to write book. At least to do that, I have to write . That’s the reason I have written so many books.


Actually… Ramana Maharishi says beautifully, “Whenever you can, be in the state of atman, that enlightenment, be in that same ecstasy and bliss. Whenever you can’t, read the books which again and again tells you ‘don’t read, go into the experience’, which encourages you to go into the experience” means books written by a great enlightenment masters. Books written by enlightened masters will always convince you not to read the books and enter into the experience. I can say Rishis are the only courageous people who said vedas are not ultimate authority. Our books are not ultimate authority. They are just guides for you to experience. Rishis are the most courageous people. Let Me be very honest. They are the most courageous people to declare ‘The books are not ultimate, our words are not ultimate authority. It is just help to reach the experience.’ And one more beautiful thing, Rishis are the only people who kept the possibility of updating open and available for the next generation. You can update our scriptures. There are smriti’s continuously you can update. Updating is possible.


If you read the Gita, Krishna is so beautiful. He says whenever dharma declines यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भव- ति भारत । अभ्युत्थान- मधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्- ॥ Yada yada hi dharmasya Glanir bhavati bharata Abhyuthanam adharmasya Tadaatmaanam srijaamyaham He keeps the possibility open. He says, ‘Again and again I will come down’ means he is keeping the space for next generation enlightened masters. He keeps the whole thing open. The next generation, next master can come up, and say, “Yes now I have experienced Krishna Consciousness. Now I am speaking from the same truth, same experience, come up, let’s update. Let’s grow.” The possibility for growth, the possibility for next generation is kept open with the Rishi’s. They never say, they never claim we are the ultimate authority. Even softwares can be updated. Be very clear, anything which can’t be updated will be outdated. Either update or get outdated. If some scripture can’t be updated means, it has to be outdated. It has to be outdated. Anything which can be updated only that can keep the life. The important change which came after the IT revolution, the recent days, 2 important changes: knowledge is free and possibility of updating. These two, 5000 years ago our masters have thought about it. Still in India knowledge is free. Still in India knowledge is free.


Even in our ashram we have programs - one year we give them complete free food and stay and cloth and books to study the spiritual philosophy. Anybody who wants to come and stay they can come and stay and practice for one year. Full one year we give complete free food, stay and syllabus, the atmosphere, the ambience which is important thing, and teachers, provide teachers. In India we believe knowledge is free and possibility of updating. Rishis don’t claim they are the ultimate. They don’t claim they are the last, they are not killing. They are not stopping the growth or the expansion of spiritual intelligence.


Ramana Maharishi says, beautifully, “Read the books of enlightened masters who are constantly saying ‘drop books go into experience’. Try to be always in that ecstasy or bliss or the no mind space. When you can’t, read the books which again and again inspires you do go into that state.”


Here in this book, Shiva is not even convincing you, he is not even saying go into experience. Straight away he gives the technology. Straight away he starts with the technology. Beautiful sutra, 1st sutra, let’s enter into the sutra. ūrdhve prāṇo hy adho jīvo visargātmā paroccaret | utpattidvitayasthāne bharaṇād bharitā sthitiḥ || 24 || Shiva replied, “Oh radiant one” he is addressing Devi, he is addressing Devi, “Oh radiant one this experience may dawn between 2 breaths. After breath comes in, down and just before turning up out the beneficiance”. If at all we have to choose among the meditation techniques, if somebody asks Me, ‘Swamiji there are millions of techniques’, if somebody asks Me ‘which one you will prescribe for anybody.’ If there is going to be a tsunami and all books will be washed away, all books will be, all books will disappear, only one technique can be kept alive, if God gives Me the choice, I will keep this technique alive. This technique is so beautiful except this technique, in the whole spiritual literature if all the techniques are taken away from the planet earth, even then planet earth can survive, it can have a spiritual growth and it can have enlightened masters with this single technique.


Except this one sutra, if God takes away all spiritual literatures, all meditation techniques from the planet earth, suddenly overnight everything is over, gone. Even if that happens, we will be able to produce enlightened masters on the planet earth with this single technique. According to My experience this is the technique which created millions and millions of enlightened masters. No other technique has helped so many millions of people like this technique did. Whole Asia, whole Asia, China ,Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, whole Asia became enlightened with this single technique. Buddha uses this same technique in the name of Vipassana. Whether it is upasana or vipassana; Upasana means sitting with the God, Vipassana means sitting with yourself. Whether it is Upaasna or Vipassana, technique is one and the same, because you are god. Sitting with yourself or sitting with God is one and the same. When you don’t trust yourself you sit with God. When you trust yourself you sit with yourself. That’s all. If you trust God it is called Upasana, when you trust yourself it is called Vipassana. That’s all. But this single technique has liberated millions of people. The one and only technique which Buddha promoted; the whole Buddhism is only this one technique. The 1st technique of Shiva, and the 1st line of Shiva is the whole essence of Buddhism. And the whole Asia had enlightenment, produced so many millions of enlightened masters, only based on this single technique. Whole Tibetan Buddhism is only this one technique. Throughout the Tibet if you go round you will hear only about this one technique. And no other country has spent so much of energy, did so much of research like Tibet in the field of consciousness. In the field of consciousness no other country has done so much of research like Tibet. And if at all Tibet is brought back to its original glory and given the freedom of the spiritual research and development, and it can contribute to the planet earth so much. It can, it has got, it has so much it can contribute really lot.



Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 3 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 3
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

SPH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam Nithyananda Paramashivam (SPH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilisation and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Breathe Into Enlightenment || Part 4 || Shiva Sutras || 23 Feb 2006


Name of Convention: Shiva Sutras
Title: Breathe Into Enlightenment Part 4
Venue: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Date: 23 February 2006

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism #Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces to his devotees to the book of the Shiva Sutras - the first spiritual book without any intellectual introduction. Before going into the technique of the sutra, an explanation on why Lord Shiva did not bother to give an intellectual introduction as he believes that no teaching is required. Just go straight to the point to enlightenment. Teaching is a reflection of ego. Find out why teaching can damage your inner peace & your consciousness , When intellect reaches its peak, it becomes intelligence; when emotion reaches its peak, it becomes trust; when your being reaches its peak, it becomes enlightenment!

SPH mentioned that Lord Shiva has expressed the essence of enlightenment with minimum words, and started to explain the 1st sutra of Shiva Sutras. There are 5 elements in our body and breathing is the basic thing we do without any discontinuity in our lifetime. Find out how the technique of the 1st sutra can be experience within the space between two breathes - the Shiva consciousness!

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


SPH Delivering the Shiva Sutras Series at Los Angeles, USA

Photos Of The Day: