January 04 2008

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Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam


In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam introduces the meaning of Nithyananda Spurana. “Nithyananda” means: Eternal Bliss, and “Spurana” means: “constantly overflowing”.

This convention, including watching this video, is not meant to just gain more knowledge. It is created to give a direct experience of what the Great Masters have talked about since time immemorial; life, in other words our essence, or our source, IS bliss. His Divine Holiness shares that even though the masters have talked about it, us human beings hardly ever experience is, there is a gap. This convention gives us the understanding and experience of three things: Where is the gap? Why is there a gap? And how can we bridge this gap? Dive into your bliss by watching this enlightening video.

Video and Audio - Bliss is your source! || NSP

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and respects. First, few words to introduce the program. Let me first translate the word: “Nithyananda Spurana.” “Nithyananda” means the eternal bliss - “Spurana” means constantly overflowing. From time immemorial one group of people, who happened on the planet Earth, again and again, not only saying, emphasizing, emphatically saying, “Life is Bliss.” The life energy which happened in you, the energy because of which you are breathing - you are inhaling and exhaling is bliss. The source which is operating your body is bliss.


The problem is - is a too small group, that is why the problem starts. People are claiming, who are talking, that life is bliss - the source of energy - the energy which is moving your body is bliss; is too small number - not even 1% maybe 0.000001%. One Buddha - one Krishna - one Jesus - one Shiva - one Mahaveera - one Chaitanya - one Ramakrishna; rare beings.


Some human beings who are interested, and who are little intuitiv - they start following these Masters, these beings. Some guys who are inquiring, sportive, they try to play with their teachings, words. Some guys who are antagonistic, they try their best to destroy their bliss or their claim. This is what is happening from time immemorial.


One important thing we need to understand - but nobody is able to reject their words; altogether. Nobody is able to reject, nobody is able to say, “These guys are liars,” because the power of their words or the charisma of their personality, or the strength of their being - you can’t reject them. Either you accept or you fight. You can’t forget them - that’s big problem.


With the Masters, you can’t reject them because the power of their words is so strong - you will not be able to rest. You will not be able to relax, unless you say 'yes' or 'no'. If you have to relax, either you have to say 'yes' or you have to altogether reject; say 'no'.


From time immemorial one group is continuously saying, "Life is bliss, life is bliss - the very source which makes you function, which makes you alive, which runs your system is bliss, is energy." But 99.999% of the people - for them it is not experience. There’s a big gap - there’s a very big gap. The Masters words and your so-called reality - there’s a big gap. Where is the gap? Why there is gap? How we can bridge the gap?


Where is the gap is the first question. Why there is gap, second question. Third, how to bridge the gap. That’s all we are going to experience in these three days. As I told you, you can’t reject their words. If we can reject their words, you can just put the - put their words in the dustbin and rest. We are not able to because it is so powerful - so inviting. Apart from that, the very life they radiate is such an ecstatic life - such joy. You can’t avoid. You can’t forget.


Then - there were hundreds of incidents - when they come and met Me for the first time and go out. Either they have to say some strong positive words, or they have to say some strong negative words - no other way. They just can’t brush Me away. Because the inner space will be penetrated which such a strong energy. If their inner space is light and open - welcoming, it will be a strong, positive experience. If it is too tight, too much is already there in the inner space; arrogant, egoistic - too much solid, there is no liquidity inside their inner being, then anything - everything I do will be repelled or resisting. I have seen people just flowering seeing this statue, and people just resisting seeing this statue - but the statue is same. It is there. I do have a purpose. I play some of My own games with those things.


Anyhow, if I have to give the essence - again and again Enlightened beings are happening in the planet Earth and claiming life is bliss, life is bliss, life is bliss, and it is joy; the very source of your breathing, the very source of your thinking, the very source of your very presence is bliss. The very source is bliss and joy and energy. But majority, I can say almost everybody - 99%, the experience is opposite. They don’t feel it is bliss, they don’t feel it is joy. They feel: sharira - rogamaya, mana - sohamaya, anma - duḥkhamaya. Body is filled with disease, mind is filled with depression, the being is filled with illusions. Why the Master's words are not our experiences? Where is the problem? Why the problem and how we can solve the problem?


Please understand. The whole program is experiential. I am not going to give you more words. In India, the problem is not not knowing; too much knowing. You all know too much - actually, any one of you will speak much better philosophy than Me. In India - in India, all you need is just go to the tea shop, village tea shop - you will listen the greatest Vedantic truths. But not from experience, that has not become experience. To tell you honestly, I run a university because of that I am telling you even a doctorate philosopher in the West will not know that much - a farmer, Indian villager - Indian village farmer, he knows so much philosophy. So I am not going to teach you some philosophy.


I am not here to teach you some philosophy. The whole thing I am trying to do in this four days is to give you at least one glimpse of what I call 'choiceless awareness' or 'thoughtless awareness'. The 'choiceless awareness' word is Krishnamurthy’s word. Maybe, I have my own brand. The glimpse of Enlightenment or the glimpse of Nithyananda - means at least one moment where you don’t have thoughts but pure awareness where you exist without thinking, where you exist without planning, where you exist without what you think as you. As on now you have an idea about you - the moment you remember you, you know - you are this, you are that, you are that. Some way, you have an idea about you. If you can exist without that idea, suddenly you will see, all the fears disappear, all the desires disappear, all problems associated to you disappears.


People ask me, “When will I become Swami?” “When I will I become sanyasi for all my desires disappear?” I don’t say you will become sanyasi or all those things. I can say you will be a new being with the psychological revolution. Your way of thinking, way of living, way of dealing yourself and the world will become different. That is what I expect to achieve through this four days. Usually, I start the evening - it will be three-and-half day session only. First time I started morning, itself because I wanted to spend more time with you this time. That is the reason started early morning.


These four days, all I am trying to do - at least one glimpse, at least one moment because even one glimpse of that Consciousness awareness, one glimpse of thoughtless awareness is more than enough for you to have a psychological revolution. What I call - I used a different word: 'Jivanmukti' or 'Living Enlightenment'. The Sanskrit word 'Jivanmukti' is too big word because it is loaded with too much of meaning. So I use the word 'Living Enlightenment'.


Let Me describe exactly what I mean by the word 'Living Enlightenment'. All of us have too much of knowledge, too much of words - it’s not that we don’t know what to do - we know, we only say that, "I am not able to do - I am not able to do.” If you don’t even know what to do, then I don’t think you will be able to be living. You exist, you are alive, you lived for so many years - this is enough proof you know what to do. The problems happen to face because you are not able to do what you know as right. In these four days all I am trying to do is to give you an experience which will give you the a very solid glimpse - solid truth, so that your being automatically starts using all the great truths in your life.


What I call 'shaastra shastras' - 'knowledge weapons'. You do have enough of knowledge weapons in your being. You have collected so much but only one thing, the courage to use the - the courage to use them. All I am trying to do in these four days is to give you the glimpse so that you will have the courage to use them in your life. Using the knowledge weapons continuously, and keeping yourself in a balanced, cool, relaxed state is what I call 'Living Enlightenment'.


Please understand. You can only bring peace to your being, bliss will happen by itself. You cannot bring bliss - you cannot bring bliss, you can bring only peace. If you try to bring bliss, you will only try to excite yourself. Trying to excite yourself, whether it is a - with a external help or internal help is not spirituality. I have seen people trying to excite themself, with external help - means addiction, drinking, smoking, all those things - with internal help - some fantasy, some visualization, some ideas. Even those things, even those methods, techniques are not going to be helpful, are not going to be permanent, are not going to be really helping you. So let it be very clear, you can bring only peace to your being, silence to your being. Bliss will happen, it just will explode, it will just happen.


Now let's enter into the program or the truth behind this whole program. I was saying that the whole program is all about these three questions: where is the problem? why there’s a problem? how to solve? Exactly, if I have to pinpoint the difference or the gap between you and the Enlightened being. Sometime, people ask me, “I don’t want Enlightenment - I just want health and bliss.” I tell them, that is what I mean with the different words - that’s all. Health and bliss and all is a cheap side effects. Understand. It is a very cheap side effects of Enlightenment. Because you don’t understand that word or it does not become very achievable - you do not have that word, idea that it is achievable; I have to use different words like a 'health', 'bliss', all these things.


But I tell you an important thing, coming here for health or bliss or it’s okay - nothing wrong but I feel meditation has much more deeper things to offer to you than ordinary health and simple things - the physical health or mental health. Meditation is not just anacin or metacin - it has its own scientific taste - much more of that. Getting health, mental health through meditation is perfectly alright - nothing wrong; Okay. But don’t reduce meditation just to anacin or metacin - it has its own sanctity; much more deeper than that. Because you think it is not achievable, I have to use that branding that name, 'have wealth' - 'have bliss'.


Video and Audio - Inspiration or Initiation?

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam explains what it is that prevents human beings to experience the same Bliss that an Enlightened Master experiences. What is it that stops us from experiencing this energy that is inherent to our being? Furthermore, His Divine Holiness shares the difference between “portable knowledge” (understanding) and “non-portable experience", which can be transferred by an Enlightened Master by sitting in His presence. HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam offers both in this convention.

Video Audio



The gap between you and an Enlightened master - gap between you and an Enlightened being - I can say one word: 'samskaras' - 'engraved memories'. Please understand. This word I am going to use, again and again in the next four days - so better you understand this word now itself, very clearly. Samskaras - engraved memories; means the words, thoughts, or ideas which gets in your head and makes you go through that same experience again and again even if you don’t want, is what I call samskaras, engraved memories.


I want to tell you one more important thing - of late I am facing an important problem, very big problem - people finish seeing all my discourses in Youtube or DVD, books - they finish everything and then come here, for just experience. That’s one kind of group. The other group, first time coming inside. So for the people who already read, studied, all my Youtube discourses and books - some concepts may be repetitive. Even when I talk here, when I describe samskara, I will not describe once and leave it - I will tell at least four, five times; the same concept from four, five angles.


Please understand. This is for the sake of newcomers. I do have some people who have not read any book or watched the discourse - so I have to start from the scratch. Earlier I didn’t have this problem because everybody will be new. Nobody will feel bored. Now the mix of crowd has started coming. Youtube has created a big problem. It has brought many people, that is true, and it has brought Me boredom also, sometime, in the classes. Because many things which I am expressing you’ would have already heard from the discourses.


I can tell you one important thing, whatever is said and done, hearing from the teaching materials is different and hearing from the Master's very being is totally different. So don’t even think you know all these ideas already. Just sit, with the beginner's mind. I can tell you these words can directly click with your being. It can just suddenly click. Suddenly you will see, “God, yes! This is what I always thought but He said it.” It will just click - your eyes will light. That click is what I call initiation. If some words comes from the Masters' very being and penetrates your very being, that connection, that click, is what I call initiation.


Initiation does not mean some words which neither you understand nor He understands - uttering that in your, inside your ears, no. Something comes from the being and penetrates your being and suddenly you know, you are going to live this truth - without doubt. You will not even have idea, "How will I execute this? How will I live this? Will I be able to live this great idea?" No, simply you know you are going to live it - it is yours. Any word which is Mine, which is My experience - if it penetrates your being and if it become - becomes yours - it is initiation. My property becoming your property is initiation.


Understand. Initiations will happen only in the presence. Understandings will happen through media, through YouTube or through books - understandings will happen; inspiration can happen. When you read a book, suddenly things click with you and you close the book and keep it down and start contemplating. Inspiration will happen, understandings will happen, but never initiation. Initiation needs presence. So, even if you have heard - in Singapore Airlines they will tell, “Please watch this security video even if you have watched already, earlier.” Even if you have heard, through the YouTube or books - YouTube has rated as a most watched Gur in - of course, that has brought some good things and some bad things.


Because sometimes if I tell some small stories or jokes, nobody is laughing because they already heard ten times in the YouTube. And now big problem I have to collect continuously new, new stories. And it has become like a homework for Me. Earlier whatever I read or heard hear and there - if I tell that is enough. Now the people have mastered Me. What to do? It’s a big homework, before coming to the session I have to sit and go through some jokes book and stories to tell something new. Otherwise, people are just, “Ah we know it, keep it.” They become juice, not Jews, juice. Please put up with my pronunciation also.


I have my own English. Because I did not learn formally, fortunately. Fortunately, I did not learn formally so I keep my own accent and my own - and fortunately I learnt the language at a time where people have stopped judging Me. See, once you become an Enlightened being naturally people don’t judge you based on the language and all. And so I keep My own unique purity of English. See, what do you mean by purity of language? Your uniqueness is purity. See, in Sanskrit we have a very beautiful concept: 'aasha prayoga'; means an Enlightened being does not have any grammar rules. He does not have any grammar rules in Sanskrit.


Many Sanskrit poems and sutras written by Vivekananda does not fit with the Sanskrit grammar. Not only Vivekananda, even Patanjali, Krishna - Gita has so much of grammatical mistakes. No, really! If you read Gita, so much of grammatical mistakes. Anyhow, aasha prayoga - see the problem is I am trying to express something which is not possible to express; very difficult to express. So, naturally, that restriction of grammar or phonetical - all these things does not - it creates more disturbances and more problems. So please put up with my English. But I can be sure I will convey the concept or the truth which I want to convey.


Initiation happens only in the presence. The alchemy happens only in the presence. Never through the discourse, DVDs or books or YouTube or any other thing. All those things are only inspiration materials. People ask me, “Swamiji, what is this?” Actually, the whole NSP is in Youtube. The four days what you are going to listen - the whole thing is already in the YouTube. You don’t have to come here, pay, sit for four days - you can just see in the YouTube and get the whole material - including meditations. Now we started uploading even meditation techniques - even meditation techniques are getting uploaded.


People asked me, many times, especially the - one meditation Guru. He asked me, “What is this Swamiji? If you put everything in YouTube and publish as books,”- all the techniques which you are going to learn or going to do is already published in the form of books. The 'Meditation Is For You' there is a book - in that book all the meditation techniques which I am teaching in ASP, BSP, NSP, CSP, DSP - A, B, C, D, N, P, all set - all SPs; whatever I am teaching, all the techniques I have collected - I think like a 90 techniques is compiled in one book and published already. The book is 'Meditation is For You', you can get it and read and practice.


Somebody asked me, one meditation Guru, “What is this Swamiji? You publish everything in book and DVD, video, or YouTube clips. Then why do people come to your discourses or classes, programs?” I tell them, "That is Okay - I don’t have a problem." Two thing: one, I don’t feel that people should not have meditation and knowledge at all if they are not able to come here. There will be many reason, the people are not able to come and sit here. Maybe they will not be able to get four days out of their routine. Or maybe the religions prejudice, that I am wearing this color and He may be teaching some particular religion - religious prejudice. Or sometime even the age prejudice. I have seen people saying, one very elderly pundit, well educated, well read pundit - he came here, those days my photographs were popular. He came here to see and I was sitting outside the there is a bit rock, on that I was sitting and rocking actually - just rocking my leg. No, enjoying playing with my kids - My Gurukul kids. Those, those days only 2-3 kids, not many, just 2-3 kids. With them I was sitting and playing. This guy came and asked Me, “I wanted to meet Swamiji.” I said please go to the hall, He will come in half an hour.


No, this is not the joke, the real joke is coming, and after half an hour he came and I was about to sit in the chair, he said, “No, no I want to meet big Swamiji.” I said in this ashram I am the big Swamiji. And he thought I am a disciple. I am one brahmachari and Guru is there somewhere else. I said, “In this ashram, whether fortunately or unfortunately, I am the Guru. And you will be surprised, the guy asked me, actually, I healed one of his cousins. “No, no, no, one Swami came and healed my cousin. I heard" - she was actually brought out of coma. "I heard she was brought out of coma by this Swami. I want to meet that Swami.“ I said, "I am that Swami whether you believe it or not." Unfortunately we don’t carry ID card.


I don’t - see you won’t understand, that guy did not speak to Mand he went away - he went away. He said, “I don’t think you can teach me” and he went away. The age prejudice, lot of maybe due to all these prejudice people may not be able to come here. So, I do not want to restrict the initial inspiration or understanding. I don’t feel that they should not have meditation at all just because they’re not able to come here. That’s a reason - published all the books, all the techniques and methods - this a one reason. (13:41)

Second thing, see, with a spiritual Masters there are two things - one is portable knowledge and non-portable experience. The portable knowledge means, you can read, learn, imbibe and go out and tell that this are all as if your own invention. No problem, I don’t have a problem. I always tell people: I don't have copyright or any of My words or thoughts. You can use it half, full, misuse, abuse, mis-change or mix it, make masala and do anything you want and claim it as yours - I have no problem. I don’t have copyright over any of these things. It’s all up to you. Portable knowledge - it is no problem at all, it's available. There’s one important thing: 'non-portable experience' that can be gained only by His presence. Straightaway, sitting is presence is the only way to gain that non-portable experience.


People who do not have this second product with them - non-portable experience, they sell only the portable knowledge that is why so much of secrecy is needed. If they giveaway that they don’t have anything else to offer. People who are afraid. See understand, if they are not releasing their techniques in publication, in the form of books, cassettes, DVDs - be very clear, they do not have non-portable experience to transmit to you. So, all they have is only portable knowledge, that is what they have to continuously sell forever. If they have to maintain their necessity, if they have to retain their need - what to do? They have to sell only portable. So naturally the need for secrecy is needed. Otherwise they will lose their job.


Be very clear, not only I am confident, I have the courage - I know I have something which is non-portable. That is the reason I have offered all of my portable knowledge free of cost in the public media; in YouTube or website or whatever available way. It’s there - all the techniques you are going to practise these next four days, is available on the website for free download - you can download and practise all the words which I am going to utter is available in the YouTube for you to enjoy. But there is something non-portable, which you can’t steal. There’s a beautiful Upanishad word, only an Enlightened being has something which can’t be stolen, which can’t be stolen. Whoever has whatever things can be stolen, including parts of your body. Now they are stealing even kidneys. Kidneys are getting stolen, everything is getting stolen except brain. Because brain nobody - who wants your brain?


Anyhow, except brain everything is getting stolen. Only an Enlightened being has something which can’t be stolen - which is non-portable, that unique; they call it USP, unique selling point. Only Enlightened being has something USP, which is an USP. Please understand. Here, I am trying to offer the non-portable experience. So please understand and start working towards that. Maybe the portable knowledge, you had it or you may not have it. If you had you may feel little boring - relax. You are not listening in - with the same energy. Understand. You might have heard the same words through the YouTube or books, but you are not listening with the same energy. So sit here, intensely, for the sake of non-portable experience. If you are new, then sit with your whole intensity to get portable knowledge and non-portable experience, both.


The whole routine I have created - the whole program I designed - to awaken the potential energies inside your being, the deeper layer being, deeper layer energies. So, the food, intake - everything is designed to cooperate, to help your awakening. If you feel “What is this - this Swami is making us do so many things in these four days.” Understand. For you at least only four days in your life. For Me this is life. Somewhere or other, in some city other - you see the website, you will not see a one day gap. For the alchemy to happen, both of us have to sit. If only you need to sit, I can go and rest. If only i need to sit, you can go and rest. But, unfortunately, both of us have to sit - so, please be seated.


Video and Audio - The Root Cause of All Your Problems Part 1

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam goes into depth about what Samskaras are (Sanskrit for “Engraved Memories”), and how they prevent us from experiencing our true nature of a pure blissful state. His Divine Holiness explains the relationship between miracles, accidents, and Samskaras. The samskaras are stored in 6 of the 7 layers of being that human beings consist out of. In this video, HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam gives a clear description of each layer.

Video Audio



Everyday, somewhere or another I am sitting - maybe different batch, different city that is all but My routine is this only. Understand. For the alchemy to happen, both of us have to sit. If only you need to sit I can go and rest. If only I need to sit you can go and rest. But, unfortunately both of us have to sit. So, please be seated. No other way. And, if at all you feel like grumbling or grudging - just remember only one thing: for you it is only once in lifetime - for me this is lifetime. I am continuously seating -just remember that one thing, you will be able to sit - sit with inspiration.


Understand. One more thing. This is more or less like a churning. This whole program is more or less like a churning. The removing the unnecessary things and throwing out, adding necessary things and seeing that amrita, immortality, the nectar happening. That is what is the whole process. So please, bear with the process. Value the whole program, be inspired, and go with, intensity. Be here with full intensity and inspiration. You will see the experience happening in you; every click.


Understand. One more thing - if you just read from My books or see the YouTube clippings - you will have understanding and inspiration. But you have to start, executing - you have to start living those words. But if the click happens in My presence directly - don't even bother about living those truths. The truths will live through you. They will become so powerful inside your inner space. They will just tell you. The - when they enter your home only, they will be very polite. The moment they enter, they will just say, “Get out.” They will ask you to get out. You don't have to worry, “How can I live these great truths?” No. They will just live through you.


Initiation is so powerful. Whenever the initiation happens from the living being, understand, you don't have to live them - they will live through you. You will just know you are living - whenever needed they will just come up. They will just come up and start living through you. So all you need for the initiation to happen: just be awake, be alive and available. You don't have to be in the state of able or unable - just be available, that's enough. I always tell people, “Just be stable and available - that is enough.” You don't have to worry about whether, “Will I be able to or unable.” No - able or unable just be available. That's all you need, for initiation. Only with the inspiration and understanding you have to be - you have to start worrying about whether, "Will I be able to?" Here, you don't have to bother about 'able or unable' - just be available.


I was introducing a concept to you: 'samskaras' - 'engraved memories'. I can say all - whatever you think as problem in your life, the root cause is samskaras - even your unexpected accidents. Understand. Even your unexpected accidents. There is no such thing as accident in your life. Everything, it's clearly your very programming. Please understand. It may be little unacceptable as far as the things which can be understood by your logic. But don't bother - relax. You will see and experience when we go through step-by-step - the whole program. The engraved memories which you create inside your system is responsible for everything - your physical illness, mental illness or accidents, relationships. Relationships are like everyday accidents. See, accidents are like happening once in your life. Marriage is like everyday accident. You will listen lot of marriage stories in these four days because it is My favorite subject.


See, whenever you escape from some great danger you always enjoy about it - always talk about it. There was supposed to be some accident and fortunately you are saved. You will constantly talking about it and feeling blessed. So, you will listen lot of stories.


We are going to work on removing these engraved memories in the physical plane. Understand. Your being has a seven level. Physical plane is the body which you are carrying in the flesh and blood - this body. You store some engrams, engraved memories in this body - physical body. Usually the chronic fatigue. Anything you try to do your mind will - your body will say, “No, no, no let me rest.” You will just waiting to rest. The moment you take a chance you will stretch your leg. Chronic fatigue is the engram, engram you carry in the physical body.


Next is your breathing layer. Breathing does not mean just inhaling and exhaling. There are five pranas - 'pancha pranas'. You don't have to remember all these words - just remember the idea. Pancha prana: inhaling, staying, spreading - you see the - when the air goes inside, inhaling is one, active, and the air stays inside your body and it spreads all over the body and exhaling, and cleaning; prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana. We have five words for air flowing inside. Air flow is the wrong word but no other word maybe we can use the word 'prana flow'. Inhaling, staying and spreading all over the body and exhaling and cleaning; apana - cleaning. This five prana is a second layer. Understand. Even the pranic layer you do store engrams - samskaras.


That is why - please don't, see, if you understand whatever I am saying that is more than enough. I will give you time, specially for taking notes. Now if you start taking notes the problem is you will stop listening. And usually these notes you don't even look back second time. No, I have seen - you see, many things which I am saying will be shocking to you. Please understand. In this, My last five years - now five years, just day before yesterday we completed - five years of My public life. In my five years of My public life around two million people, students I have directly touched. With that experience I tell you not even 1% of the students have revised the notes which they took from My classes. No, I am just telling you the fact. It will be lying in one corner in your library or in one some old rack. When you shift the house, if you shift the house at all - that time you will take it out, it will be full of dust - you will dust it. “Oh! Oh, in those days I went to that Nithyananda Swami’s program. Alright, put it in dustbin.” Why are you taking notes for the sake of dustbin? Relax. Internalize, that is enough - maybe the gap time, you can sit and take notes.


The second layer is pranic layer - prana flow, you store engrams in the prana flow - desires. That is why whenever you are caught in strong emotions like sex or a deep desires, your breathing will change - your breathing pattern will change. Because those engrams, when they get activated, the breathing pattern changes. Every desire has its own breathing pattern - its own breathing pattern.


Third layer is the inner chattering. First layer is physical body. Second layer is breathing layer. Third is you inner chattering. Inner chattering means whether you are driving or washing or cleaning or eating or cooking or sitting or watching TV - whatever you may be doing there is a 24-hour FM going on inside - 24-hour FM going on inside. Talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking - you don't know what is going on. Understand. Understand an important danger. You are nothing but the totality of your thoughts. Am I right? Unfortunately, you don't even know what you are thinking continuously 24-hours. Then how will you know about your life? People come and ask me, "Swamiji, can you predict my future?” I tell them, “I only change futures, not predict.”


If I have to predict your future, what kind of a life you are living? What ugly kind of life you are living. People come with a small paper to do this matchmaking. This marriage ceremony - matchmaking they come and tell Me, they give a paper, “Swamiji, just see this - whether the male and female - these guys can they marry?” I tell them, “Oh God, if such a big decision can be taken with this two small paper - your whole future is nothing more than this two small paper.” We live in such an unconscious state. That is why you are afraid of future. That is why you are afraid of future. 24-hours you don't know what is going on inside you. That is why whenever things happen in your life which you really wanted, always you think it is an accident because you did not even - you were not even aware what you wanted.


You work for - you see - you invite somebody through phone, email, fax, telegram, and then send somebody and bring that guy. The moment he enters your house, you say, “No, no, no not this guy, I wanted another person.” Because you don't know whom you invited. Diseases are very good people, they don't go unless you force them to come to you. Because they have too much invitation. They are too busy guys, busy people and good people. They don't go - you invite, send email, text message, sms, cell phone, and finally you send somebody and bring him and you say, “No, no, no I did not invite him. I did not think he would be coming. I thought somebody else will be coming.” No.


All your accidents are expected, invited. Understand. In the whole life there is no such thing as accident or miracle. Your inner chattering, you are not aware of your inner chattering, you are not aware of what you are inviting. If you enjoy what you invited unconsciously you call that as miracle. If you resist what you invited unconsciously you called that as accident - that's all. There is no miracle - there is no accident in the life. Everything is clearly invited by you.


The third layer: mental layer - inner chattering is only inviting continuously. You store engrams there also - samskaras there too. And fourth layer is emotional layer. We call it 'sukshma sharira' - intense emotions; that is the fourth layer. Fifth layer is the layer you experience during deep sleep - the peace you experienced during deep sleep. Sixth layer is excitement and joy you experience for no reason. Sometime, rarely you would have experience - this what is called anma sharira; Cosmic body. Rarely, when you really you are in love, when you are really sharing for no reason - not for the reason, not for the sake of some pleasure which you will gain from the other person, no. Just for no reason. That time you experience that sixth layer; very rarely. Seventh layer is Enlightenment which, at least, none of you experienced.


The seven layers - let me repeat: first layer is physical layer - physical body you are carrying. Second layer is breathing layer. Third layer is inner chattering - one is subtler than the other - subtle, subtler, subtlest. Fourth layer is intense emotions. Fifth layer is deep sleep layer - which you experience; the deep sleep. Sixth layer is the peace or the joy you experience. Seventh layer is Enlightenment. In all first six layers you carry engrams; samskaras. All we are going to do is work on those engrams and remove them. It's literally like a operation. Instead of keeping pacemaker I keep peacemaker inside that is all. It's literally a surgery - no pacemaker, just peacemaker.


Video and Audio - The Root Cause of All Your Problems Part 2

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborates more on the power of Samskaras (Sanskrit for “Engraved Memories”). His Divine Holiness explains how all suffering human beings go through is because of Samskaras. The convention that HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam is introducing called “Nithyananda Spurana”, cleans, purifies our “hardware and software”.

Video Audio



The seven layers let me repeat: first layer is physical layer - physical body you are carrying. Second layer is breathing layer. Third layer is inner chattering - only subtler than the other; subtle, subtler, subtlest. Fourth layer is intense emotions. Fifth layer is deep sleep layer - which you experience; the deep sleep. Sixth layer is the peace, or the joy you experience. Seventh layer is Enlightenment. In all first six layers you carry engrams; samskaras. All we are going to do is work on those engrams and remove them. It’s literally like an operation. Instead of keeping pacemaker I keep peacemaker inside that is all. it's literally a surgery - no pacemaker just peacemaker. It is going to be a surgery full awareness.


Go through completely - it will be some time painful because you are going through all the pains, guilt, desire, suffering Consciously - fully. Please go through, go into it. It will be literally an cooking - it’s like a boiling. It should be a big cleaning process. All you are going to do in these four days is cleaning your hardware and software. Understand. Cleaning the software means, software, your inner software has two layer: Conscious and unconscious. Conscious layers will be cleaned by clicks and processes. Unconscious layer will be cleaned by meditation techniques. It’s like a reprogramming and removing the viruses. And purifying the hardware is what I call initiation - means the Energy Darshan.


Please understand. Teachings and techniques cleanses your mind. The initiation - Energy Darshan from the Master straightaway changes your very hardware; brain. Your brain gets programmed, gets to the level of energy where it can retain the changes which happens in your body - in your mind. It looks like too big promise but I know, and I am responsible for the words which I am uttering. The promises which I am giving - be very clear.


Going through teachings and meditation techniques is more like creating new thinking lines - grooves in your brain. And initiation or Energy Darshan is like making strong tracks or the permanent impressions in your brain. So that your whole thinking system and living will happen based on these teachings and techniques. It’s literally purifying your software and hardware. The initiation and Energy Darshan will happen continuously in so many forms. So many ways. Software changing can happen just by website or YouTube or books. Hardware change happens - that’s what I call 'non-portable experience'. It happens only by the Master’s presence. Be ready for hardware change and software change - software change and hardware change. That’s all I wanted to say, as an introduction to this program.


I will give you the essence now. Again and again all the Masters are claiming: life is bliss - the very source with which your body is functioning is energy and bliss. But normal people don’t experience this truth. Now you are going to work - how to make that truth into experience in these four days. And I promise - when I say I really mean - I promise you will have at least one glimpse of that truth in these four days.


Second thing: be intense and inspired to go into the whole program - even though it is physically demanding. Please, go through the whole programme. Third thing: the procedure - we are filled with samskaras; we are going to remove the samskaras. Your physical health, mental health, everything is just because of your samskaras. If your mother has trained - mother has taught you, “Don’t go in the rain, you will catch cold.” If this samskara is put inside your head in the young age - after you grow up, you don’t even have to go in the rain. The moment you see raining through the windows - through the window, you will start, “Ha-choo,” you will start sneezing - you will start sneezing.


Samskara, and not only that - if you are, if you strongly believe you will have headache without coffee; one day if you are not able to get coffee 7 o’clock - you will start meditating on your headache. "What happens? Still I am not having headache. By now I should have had! By now I should have had!" You will meditate till headache appears and gives darshan to you. “Oh, my son I have come. What do you want?” You will continue to meditate till it appears - till it happens you don’t rest. Samskaras are so powerful you bring it back. And the same way - mental health - depression is nothing but a simple habit. Please understand. It’s a very simple habit. Worry is a simple habit. Nothing else.


Same way in relationships - you don’t look at the person as he is or as she is. If you don’t believe you evolve so same way you don’t believe the other person also evolves. You are very clear, "Ahh, I know she is living with me, how can she evolve?" You are very clear the person lives with you can’t evolve. So, whatever you call it as problem the root cause is samskara; engrams. These four days we are going to work intensely to clean the engrams, to remove the engraved memories. So please understand and go through the whole program with inspiration. Above all I bless you all, let you all be successful in achieving and radiating the eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.


Video and Audio - Eternal Truths From the Master Part 1

This video is an excerpt from Nithyananda Spurana conducted on 04 January 2008 in Adi Kailasa, India. In this intimate Q&A session, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with an intimate group of delegates and gives answers to various questions about fear, meditation, Samskaras, parenting, soulmates, and more before He guides into the death meditation process.

Video Audio



I just mentioned to make you understand about the poverty and richness - that's all. Otherwise, I neither live in poverty, nor live in richness. When I - when this organization was not around Me also I was happy and enjoying just like this only. When this organization around Me also I am not proud about it - that's all. Talk to the people who were around Me when the organization was not there.

(00:44) There are so many volunteers here, who are here when not only this organization was not there - there was nothing. Even food has to come from the city, from some devotee's house. So, from that time to now neither something has been added to Me nor that time something was less in M - that's all. That's what I meant - that's what I wanted to convey.

(01:22) "If you are not used to squatting for long time, is it okay? If one then sit on a chair and meditate?" I think, better try to make yourself by sitting - whatever is said and done the effect will not be same in chair. It will not be same in chair. "Are samskaras just long term memories?" No! Memories with which emotional attachment also exists - if there is no emotional attachment those memories are not dangerous. But when there is emotional attachment only those memories are called samskaras or dangerous.

Somebody is asking, "What is inspiration, intensity, and initiation?" Inspiration is something like when you listen to my discourses or books - you feel like doing it. And intensity means really practicing - that is what I call intensity. Initiation means neither you need to feel inspired nor you need to have intensity - just it will happen. That's what I call initiation.

(02:55) "If a parent has planted some hurtful samskaras in child? What age - some ways to remove them when the child has become an adult." The moment you become an adult or understand the hurtful samskaras by the parents - start removing it now - that's all. Now is the time. "Are parents responsible for the samskaras though the children carry with them? Do the parents create patterns in the mind of their children?" Yes, parents are responsible. So if you are a parent - if you are a father or mother be responsible. Let your kids not blame you the same way. So, take care only if you are able to handle them. See, just giving birth - just because physically you are matured, it's not that you have the authority to give birth. No! You need to be psychologically matured to give a right mental setup to them.

(04:02) See, if I have to define 'bringing up' - giving them a vast inner space, through which they will be able to go through any rules and regulations of the society without feeling suffocated, without feeling suppressed - that is what I call 'bringing up'. The definition for 'bringing up' is giving them a vast inner space - in the young age itself, so that any rules and regulations of the society - understanding about the society, they will just go through by internalizing, not by suppressing or feeling suffocated. So, if you are able to do that job to your kids then give birth. Otherwise relax or get ready to be sued - that’s all.

(05:06) You see, practically every child - even in this country sues the parents. By showing the anger and hatred after they become adult - that's all. From where do you think that strong "no"' comes? Only when they say "no" to you they feel that they are living. That is why anything and everything - what the first thing word will come from their mouth? "No! No!" Means they feel that they are suffocated; the suffocation.

(05:45] "Swamiji how is that Saints like Buddha, Krishna, etc. could not save themself from the calamity that they must have known well before them? Kindly explain." Two answer. One: the actual answer - the truth - surely they know very well what is going to happen but it’s time to leave the body. They need some reason, some reason. People ask me, “You say guilt create cancer.” Actually guilt is the main, first reason for any body to start encouraging the cancerous cells. Otherwise, see all of us have a possibility for cancer, you know? All of us have because the dust - so many things - even an ordinary dust particle which goes inside through your nose can become lung cancer.

(06:38) Only thing, if your body is not encouraging those cancerous cells it will not become cancer. If your body is encouraging and entertaining it will become cancer. All of us have the possibility. But, if somebody carries a deep guilt, then the body encourages the cancer. When I told this somebody asked me “Then why Ramakrishna had cancer? Ramana Maharshi had cancer.” Understand. Their cancer is no way like yours.

(07:08) Ordinary persons is different and theirs is different. In their case it's like a - they just drop the body. Somebody asked Ramana Maharshi, beautifully, “Bhagavan, do you have pain?" He had a cancer in left hand, He had tumor in left hand. He says, "There is pain but there is no suffering. There's pain but there's no suffering." So, be very clear - He just stopped using the body.

(07:37) Somebody asked Ramakrishna - Bhagavan - Ramakrishna healed so many people, hundreds of cancer He has healed. And he asked, somebody asked, "Why can’t you heal your throat?" He had a throat cancer. “Why can’t you heal your throat?” He says, “Long before I left living inside this body and I just allow it to relax and rest. I have already started living in Kali. I have left this body. So, practically it's like a I am having a glass in my hand - I just drop it, it falls and breaks.

(08:11) Falling and breaking that is what is their cancer - they decided to relax. They are not interested to protect that body anymore. They feel like they have done their job, then it goes back to nature. Only for you it is a disease and cancer. For them they just already left, they just already dropped.

(08:33) So, surely they know, it is just a leela - purpose is over - now they are doing, they are letting the nature to do its job. This actual answer, the other side when I mention - I mentioned in a very casual way. I just mentioned to you to emphasize a different point - don't expect somebody to come and save you - just save yourself. Means face your fear, face your life. That's what I meant when I said.

(09:08) "Do we choose our life according to our samskaras?" Yes, maybe after this death meditation - night I will speak on life and death and how we take birth and death. That's a next session. Because prana is the place where the life is there. I want all of you to understand - life happens to your body only when you start breathing independently, after birth. That one kshana - when the body comes out, that kshana only life enters into your being - into your body. Till then whatever is there is your mother's life - you are connected through umbilical cord - its mother's heart beating in your heart, mother's breathing is happening in your breathing, mother's food is getting digested in your system.

(10:06) So, when we talk about the prana sarira I will talk about this life, death, and samskara - how it imbibes, how it directly influences your birth. See, whatever you feel as a best thing in your life, you take that body. For example, even though you live in human body for 100 years you spent 80% of your time in sleeping or lethargic mood. You think being lazy, just resting is the ultimate joy in your life. Then naturally what you will do? "Why next life take human body, go for college, school, get educated, get married, go for job, pay rent - all this unnecessary work. Let me just rest and enjoy, let me become buffalo."

(11:03) That's the best part, you see, to enjoy just the whole day you can be resting. Either in your place where you are staying or in the water, inside the water - you can just be resting. So what you think as the strong, joyful experience in your life that kind of body you assume. If you spend your whole life just eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, eating - that is the ultimate joy you felt in your life, then naturally what you will think? "Better let me take the pig body." Because pig has big mouth and constantly you can be chewing and eating - nothing much needs to be done. You don’t have to pay your rent, you don’t have to do so many things.

(11:54) So unnecessarily distraction, you see 30% of your life you spend in working - `why unnecessarily so much time you spent in working and all - job and all that is unnecessary. So naturally what you will think? "Why should I work and create infrastructure for some politician?" No, that is the truth. See, whatever you work and create infrastructure, only certain amount of money you are going to spend in your life. You are going to spend certain amount of money. Then at the most you will have some money for your medical care the last time - over.

(12:27) After that, whatever is there for whose sake it goes? It just goes for the sake of fulfilling the ego of a politician - over. Means the person who rules the country - he feels, "Oh, I have big gut. I have big infrastructure." That’s all. Naturally you start thinking, "Why should I work to fulfill somebody’s ego. Let me become pig." So you decide your body and everything based on your samskara.

(12:57) "Is worshipping a Master also a form of attachment? Yes! It is a form of attachment. Let Me read the question once more. "Is worshipping a Master also a form of attachment?" Yes! It is a form of attachment. There's a beautiful story in Indian villages if you see, they use a big bamboo stick to burn the body - dead bodies. After the body is completely burnt they will throw this stick also inside the same fire. Same way the attachment to the Master's form will be used like to burn all the other attachments. Once all the attachments are burnt - throw this attachment also into the same fire. But the problem is our guys first thing they wanted to throw is Master's attachment only. If you throw the bamboo stick first and burn it how will you burn the dead body? So burn all of the attachment then automatically the attachment to the Master also will be burnt. Drop - Unclutch from everything else then automatically you can Unclutch with the Master.

(14:05) But our guys - first thing they want to Unclutch is Unclutch from the Master. Then how will you Unclutch from the other things? Master is like a inspiration, energy to Unclutch from all other things. Once you do that job, He will automatically Unclutch Himself. I will not stand in your way, don't worry. According to the history and statistics Buddha never stopped Enlightenment - He only encouraged Enlightenment. Okay - I will not stand in your way.

(14:41) "Is the concept twin souls or soul mates true?" Oh, My favorite subject: marriage. There is no such things as soul mates. When you are in love, you feel as if the other person is a fulfillment for you and he also feels you are a fulfillment for the other person. Just have a honeymoon everything will become alright. I always tell people, "Love is blind, marriage is eye opener. Love is blind, marriage is eye opener." So, all the ideas soul mates and everything is seasonal - it is only seasonal; it is not eternal. Soul does not need any second person to be in bliss - by its own presence it is all fulfilling and enjoying and exploding.

(15:49) "Difference between free will and destiny? It’s My, one more favorite subject - this free will and destiny. If a cow is tied on a pole with three meter rope, the cow has free will inside that three meter distance, radius. Inside that three meter he can sit, stand, do whatever he want. But beyond that three meter he doesn't have free will - it's only destiny. If he behaves properly inside that three meter without attacking people. If he behaves properly, then naturally what the owner will do? He will extend that three meter rope into six meter. If he really behaves properly, forever, naturally what he will do? He will just release the cow. He can just go around whenever he wants, wherever he wants and come back for food and again go round.

(17:09) Same thing - if Divine is very sure you don’t have any negativity inside even if you are empowered - it is only good for the world you will be empowered. If the Divine really feels completely clear that there is no possibility for even future negativity then you are completely liberated. But if there is a possibility in your action or in your samskaras then naturally the energy flow in you is automatically restricted.

(17:47) Please understand. There is a automatic mechanism - like a in USA I have seen the automatic - they have the gas connection. The house and all they have this cooking gas connection. Automatically it will get switched off if there is some fire accident or if there is some problem. Same way, if there is some negativity automatically the energy gets closed - it gets blocked. So, free will and destiny depends on your samskara - it depends on your samskaras.


Video and Audio - Eternal Truths From the Master Part 2

This video is an excerpt from Nithyananda Spurana conducted on 04 January 2008 in Adi Kailasa, India. In this intimate Q&A session, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with an intimate group of delegates and gives answers to various questions about meditation, spirituality, and Samskaras before He guides the death meditation.

Video Audio


(00:15) "How can you fulfill your intense desire to be spiritually evolved being with your family and doing your duty?" Just take up some 200 family's responsibility - you will become spiritually evolved - that’s all. I don’t understand - what do you mean? So you think that spiritual - to be spiritual evolved being you have to give up your family? Who put the question?

(00:40) What happened? Oh ghost post - some ghost wrote? How many kids you have? One, only one child? And only three of you live in the house? Husband - one husband, one child - for that you are saying spiritually evolved. Of course, in India, only one husband usually and in other countries also, they divorce more times but they live only with one person. Just one husband, one kid, one child - three persons responsibility. You are saying it's a hindrance for spiritual evolvement. Do you know how many people - with how many people I live? I have 1,200 kids, and all grown up different, different variety - specialist eating my head.

(01:32) Spirituality and evolving is nothing to do with your responsibility. I feel, frequency of your Consciousness if it is raised, you will not feel anything as headache or responsibility. If that is not raised, even small things will be a headache for you. So spirituality has nothing to do with your family, friends, number of people, with whom you are living or responsibility. All these things are useless. All these things are no way related.

(02:06) According to Me just take up some - take up the responsibility of 200 family then you will be spiritually evolved - that’s what. So, wonderful. Understand. If you want to evolve yourself just take up some 20 more family’s responsibility. That’s the best way to evolve.

(02:30) Here is a Tamil question. "Why we should not eat onion, green chili, garlic?" It's traditionally natural steroids - only elders should not eat, even the kids should not eat; he is asking. Even for the kids it is good if you avoid - it's a natural steroid. It gives you excitement, like a steroid - the same way you have side effects of steroids. That's why we avoid.

(03:05) "Why are samskaras negative, why not positive ones?" There is no such thing as positive samskara - be very clear. Samskara by its very nature negative. The pure space without samskara is only positive.

(03:34) Somebody is asking about the leg pain. If you have leg pain it's ok, just sit even with the pain - it will disappear. You may think, "How it will disappear?" You don’t know. No, really - see, the leg pain is nothing but your mind doing straight against you. If you just - if you adamant, stubborn - the second layer energy will open then suddenly you will see the pain will disappear. Till the second layer energy opens only all these problems of pain, this - that.

(04:05) See, pain is nothing but the expression of chronic fatigue - you are bored to do anything. You can see in your life. Anything more than 5 minutes you are bored, “Ah, I have seen this Swami, okay - leave it.” Your mind is filled with the chronic fatigue. Anything will start tiring after two days. Will start boring after few days. So, that is what is pain, that is what comes as a pain also. Don’t bother - when the second layer energy opens after two-three meditation it will become alright.

(04:47) "When we die in your presence, you will wake us up teaching a lesson - taking our fear out. But when this happens in your absence, what will happen?" Understand. Once you die in My presence it's an important thing, you carry My presence into you. Again when death starts happening in you, suddenly the presence will open up. My presence is not bound to My physical six feet body - please be very clear. I am not present as you think. I will not be absent as you expect. Whoever catches - catch it.

(05:38) "You said there is no such thing as soulmates or twin souls but what about Radha-Krishna, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, Rama-Hanuman?" Array, how many Radha and Krishna have you found? Tell me! Why - do not create rules on the based on exception - these are exceptions, not rules. So don’t bother about exceptions and create rules. People tell Me, “Oh, Ramakrishna was married and He was Paramahamsa. Why don’t you also get married?” They just want to push Me into the same problem.

(06:18) See, these guys - they are jealous of My job - freedom and job. No, really - "Ramakrishna was a Paramahamsa, He got married - why don’t you get married?" I tell them, "Array, He got some Sarada Devi and where do you - I will go around and get Sarada Devi?" And not only that, you see, even with Sarada Devi - let Me be very clear - even with Sarada Devi, don’t think He didn't have a problem. It did not get recorded much - that’s all. No, I know. I read many of intimate reminisces - close devotee's reminisces - He have enough of problems and even with Sarada devi - relax. And all these soul mates and all these things are concept only. Array, read Bhagavatam then you will understand how much this Krishna has to go through with this Radha.

(07:09) You guys are remembering only the jumping and dancing and standing romantically next to each other - that part - only that part got photographed. Understand. See, it's like a, when people come to your house and they see the - in the house, always have the group photo, family photograph - seeing that family photograph, they think that you are always living happily like that. For the photograph you smile and who knows before the clicking how much fight you had about that dress, and about the standing - who will stand, and who will sit? Only you know!

(07:49) Array, when Radha-Krishna stood next to each other romantically - only that got photograph. And there are part which is not photographed and not recorded. So, relax. And here also - our Anandeshwara and Anandeshwari - that is the scene I chose to create statue. But I - see, I cannot put the statue of Shiva standing like this, and Devi standing like this - so I have to put some decent murthy. That is why I chose but I - I can be sure Shiva must have done like this and Devi must have answered.

(08:33) See, we recorded the only the conversation which has happened with the word - “Suno." We did not record the conversation which happened - “Sunye.” So, understand. Sunye means in hindi - listen. So that does not mean it did not happen. Read Bhagavatam - how much this guy has to go through with the - with Radha.

(09:08) Baba! This is an instruction to Me, "Your have not learnt any Telugu - learn quickly." Array, only you want something from Me - so you learn the language I am speaking. I don’t want anything from you. What do you mean by giving instruction to Me? And that also in Telugu. The person wrote in Telugu and he translated to Me - “You have not learnt any Telugu! Please learn it quickly!” Wow! As if I do not have any other work - I am just running around here and there, wasting My time from morning till night and now I - this is the only thing missing - I have to get a Telugu teacher and start learning.

(10:03) What all people expect from Me I don’t understand. Other day somebody comes and tells Me, "Why is tsunami is happening - why don’t you stop this? Array, you fools create and I have to stop. I told him, you are the person who created. Why should you create and I should stop. See, people who radiate so much of negativity - all the negativity gathers and becomes a tsunami. Recently, in that beautiful research by this Emoto - I always mention his name. Have any of you read that book? 'Messages from Water' - if you find time, just see the website, wonderful website - 'Messages from Water'; just go through. He proves power of your thoughts over the water in front of you.

(10:50) If you keep a cup of water in front of you and express some good thoughts. Immediately the quality of the water changes. And if you express some negative thoughts - immediately the quality of water become negative, poisonous, toxic. Not once or twice - he has done 300 researches. Now he is updated also - he has updated more and more. How many of you saw the website? Oh, that’s wonderful. Others, if you find time see his website, 'Messages for Water' - very authentic research - very authentic research and I was really shocked. I always use to think why our Masters are telling, “Ganga is holy, Ganga is sacred.” Because it is so dirty - if you go and see; but still that river is healing.

(11:42) In the western countries if somebody sees that river they will die by seeing. Seeing the dirt and pollution they just die by seeing - they don’t have to take bath to get into the river. They will just die in the bank itself. But in our country, not only this is not giving any disease, it is healing people continuously. Still, thousands of miracles happening in that river. Just unimaginable. This scientific research has given a rest - logical truth behind this whole thing. The water carries your thoughts. And not one - 300 researches he has proved. If one person’s thoughts can influence one glass water - six billion people's thoughts - naturally can - will disturb the six billion people negativity; where it will go? It will disturb the ocean. That’s all is happening.

(12:42) Why is the Ganga is holy, you know? Millions of people standing, and praying - creating positive vibration everyday morning - what will happen? Naturally the whole river will become nectar. That is why still that river is doing so many miracles. Never ever think taking bath in Ganges heals or takes away your mental depression is a - just a old fait - I vouch for that. Whether you believe it or not - it's up to you. I am a very logical person and I am responsible for the words which I am uttering. If you have some problem like depression and all and go and take bath in Ganges and if it did not get healed - I will give you the money; money back guarantee. And really it does - it does the job. I tell you it has done the job. I have sent so many disciples - so many of My disciples I told, "Hey, go and stand in the banks of river Ganga and tell all your reasons for depression. Take bath and come out." And they have come out of depression.

(13:49) It does the job - don’t think I am talking something - some illusion or based on some stories I am creating a generalized statement. I tell you I have sent hundreds of people and not a single case is a failure - not a single case is failure. Still the river does its job. That’s why every year I go to Himalayas - every year, I never miss that.

(14:20) "Your explanation, negativity, the intention of samskaras are okay. I want to know the position of mind, ego and samskaras. I think your explanation regarding the other senses individually like ears, skin, etc. is the same." Yes, others - in other all our senses is same, no doubt. "I think mind attends to one thing at a time. But when the formation - when the information reaches the mind - two are more senses sources. How do mind and ego act is an important thing."

(15:05) Please understand, even if two- three sources are sending information - in the manas and chitta process only filed by file. It does not process more than two-three files. Maybe the lower will become more, that’s what we call restlessness. Just the very restlessness sometimes makes you tired. Have you seen - you don’t have to do anything, just collect some dead information and think and give one decision - you will - you have shoulder pain. That is because of the restlessness. You may have restlessness but process happens only by one by one. Not two-three files at a time; fortunately.


Video and Audio - Free Yourself From Fear and Chronic Fatigue

This video is an excerpt from Nithyananda Spurana conducted on 04 January 2008 in Adi Kailasa, India. In this intimate Q&A session, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan #Nithyananda Paramashivam sits with an intimate group of delegates and gives answers to various questions about meditation, spirituality, and Samskaras. HDH then guides delegates into a death meditation to leave the fear, depression, and fatigue samskaras from the system.T

Video Audio



"Initiated from one Master can attend this class? Can it help me to go further in this line?" Yes, no problem at all - if you are already initiated, you can attend. Not only that, after this class you are free to go around and get initiated or learn anything from any Master. I always tell people: collect best flowers from all the gardens and make a beautiful bouquet for you - beautiful garland for you. So, there is nothing like: if you go to that - My shop - don’t go to that shop. If you go to that shop, don’t come to My shop - nothing like that. It’s not a business. One more thing, I always tell people: all Masters are here just to enrich your life - do that. And your ego is not that it will die just by being beaten by one Master. Let it be beaten by 10-12 sources. Only then it will learn and so, I don’t think sources of learning should be reduced. Just don’t go to people who say don’t go to others - that’s all.

(01:19) Go and learn from all sources. Let me tell you, an important story I have to tell you. This a very frequently asked question - let me handle it now itself, once for all. This one group - fanatic devotees, I don’t want to mention the name, these guys called Me for a program. I said, "I am too busy, I will come later on." They gave Me pressure, “No, no, you should come!” I did not understand they are calling Me for argument; debate. When I understood that, immediately I said, “Yes, array, I am coming.” I should not miss this chance.

Usually I don’t go, but if they challenge I don’t leave. Let's have fun. After going there, these guys asked Me, “Do you believe in Gita?” I said, “I - surely I believe - that’s my life”. I spoke on Gita 80-days and I respect Gita in - in the ashram. All my brahmacharis chant Gita - even before food we chant Gita. Such a wonderful scripture - life for whole Vedic tradition. Then they asked, “In Gita Krishna says, 'I am the God' then why do you worship Shiva?" I said, “What do you mean by it? When Krishna says, 'I am God', He means the whole Cosmic Consciousness - not that 6 feet guy who was flirty with all the gopis with the peacock feather and the flute. Array, He means His Consciousness. That is also one form with which he came down."

(02:57) There are so many different forms - you call it - whether Rama, Krishna, Giridhar, Rama, Krishna or Giridhar, Buddha or Shiva or whatever name you give; that’s a Consciousness. Then he said: “No, no, no, no, no when Krishna meant, 'I am the only God', He meant Vasudeva-Krishna, not Parabrahma-Krishna. I told, “No, it is Parabrahma-Krishna, not Vasudeva-Krishna.” Then he said, “What is the guarantee, how will you prove it is only Parabrahma-Krishna, not Vasudeva Krishna." Means the person who took birth for Vasudeva and lived in Vrindavan. I told him, “Be very clear, just read the second chapter of Mahabharata after the Gita."

(03:51) See, Gita is the given in the war - just the second chapter if you read, it’s an important thing. Many of you might not have heard or read about this. After the war Arjuna and Krishna, both of them are going for a picnic. A casual friendly vacation, resting. Then suddenly Arjuna asked, "Krishna, you taught me Gita in the war - because there was a war field I forgot whatever you have taught. Please tell me once more everything. I wanted to remember and memorize in my heart.” Krishna says beautifully, “Understand. Not only you forgot, I also forgot. Because when I uttered those words at that time I was in Samadhi. I was in Superconscious state. From that state I uttered all those words. Now I also forgot. Maybe I can download whatever I repeated that time. Few things I can remember and tell you the essence,” and He repeats once more the essence.

(05:00) Whatever He remembers, it is called “Anu-gita”. That time He says, “During Gita, when I delivered Gita, I was not Vasudeva-Krishna - I was Parabrahma-Krishna.” Understand. When Krishna says, “I am God, He says the Cosmic Consciousness - He means Cosmic Consciousness. That guy who challenged Me, he said, “You are well read. I think I shouldn't have spoken to you.” I said, “Not only to Me, stop talking to this nonsense to anybody, everybody. Don’t add more fanaticism. Don’t add more fanaticism in the name of Krishna. Say, “Krishna is God, perfectly all right. But don’t say, "All the Gods are lower than Krishna." Then what is the difference between you and the Christian missionary - who are saying, “This is the only son of the God, then we are the robber's son or what? What do they mean by the word, “Only the begotten Son of the God?” Array, we will lose our sanctity. Understand. Non-conversion and ahimsa - non-violence is the root of our tradition.

(06:12) We don’t believe in conversion and we don’t believe in terrorism. But these fanatics, these Krishna fanatics will create one more terrorism. If you say that, “Only Krishna!” What nonsense is going on? Then after that they stopped calling Me. I don’t know whether they stopped talking this nonsense. Same way, you see - say Muhammad is the prophet of God - perfectly all right, nothing wrong. He is the last prophet but what do they mean, I don’t understand. Then after that nobody will become Enlightened. See, I have become Enlightened. If I say after Me nobody will become Enlightened, then the path which I travelled I destroy the system. It's defaming Me. If I contributed to the science and left the path open to the next generation, for more and more people to become Enlightened -` that is the prestige.

(07:13) These guys don’t understand when they say this - Muhammad is the last prophet they are defaming him - they are abusing him. Be very clear, there is no last prophet - there is no only one son. Again and again Krishna himself says - that is the beauty of Gita, He says, “Again and again I will come back! Again and again I will happen - sambhavāmi yuge yuge." Understand. In Sanskrit that word means - what He says says, you know - I don't - He does not say, "Again and again I will come back." He says, “Again and again I would have happened" - means Krishna is a Conscious happening, not individual person - He is Conscious happening. He says beautifully, “Sambhavāmi yuge yuge - every generation I happen." He will happen again and again.

(08:12) So be very clear, there is no such thing as if you come to Me you should not go to any other tradition or you should not learn from any other tradition. Learn from all sources and enrich you. See, basically this whole thing, spirituality is what for? To expand you, to enrich you. Sometimes you may find some good flower here, there, here, there. Learn all the good things. Add as much as positive things to your life. There is nothing wrong. That is why all in our temples in USA - not only Shiva, Krishna, Rama - I put even Nayanars and the Jain Tirthankaras, Buddha, Guru Granth Sahib - everything. Almost all traditions I tried to put. Whoever wants to feel connected to anything - please connect.

(09:10) All I need, you see the purpose is to elevate your Consciousness. If you feel connected to Shiva, then pray to Shiva - meditate on Shiva and elevate yourself. If you feel connected to Krishna, then meditate on Krishna - elevate yourself. The purpose is raising your frequency, raising your Consciousness. Any technique is okay, any method is okay. Don’t go to a person who says all other things are lie or lower than them. Don’t go to a person, who says don’t go to others - that’s all.

(09:47) "Do the accumulated karmas of all past births be burnt out in NSP? Yes, even single Conscious glimpse. You see, if you have 1000 bags of cotton - it’s not that you need 1000 days to burn it - one torch is enough. If your inner space is dark for 10,000 years, you don’t need 10,000 years to light it - one lamp is enough, one second is enough. So, when I say yes, I mean it. I will surely answer all the questions but after the meditation. It’s sandhya time means the day and night meeting; the evening. It is time for our meditation technique. Then I will clarify all the other doubts.

(10:38) First thing, I wanted you to understand - really do not think you will come back again. If you are constantly pacifying your mind, "No, no I am not going to die - I am not going to die." You will never enter into the depth. At any one day you have to die, you are going to die. It may not be today - tomorrow or some day. Not only you, I also have to also die. Everybody has to die. Be prepared for it - that's what I am saying. Be prepared for it. Now, with sincerity, whenever your mind says, “No, no, no I am not going to die - I am going to come back. Tomorrow I am going to attend the program.” Just push your mind aside, “No, let me see, if I die now, what will happen?” Meditate on death. Death is such a powerful energy. It will reveal so much about life to you. You will not take your life for granted. You will not take your life for granted.

(11:58) One more thing - an important thing - when you go into the death, you will suddenly realize how you abuse the life. How you do not respect the life. Only when you know you are going to miss it, you will suddenly try to grab it. Till then it is there, you don’t catch, you don’t try to grab, you don’t try to touch the life, you don’t try to experience the life. So intensely step-by-step, take the help of your visualisation power. And whatever you think as negative let it happen in you now. You may think, “What is this, Swamiji? Won’t it strengthen my negative engrams?" No, Consciously if you enter, negativity will leave your system. It won’t strengthen your engrams.

(13:03) Whatever you think should not happen to you, let it happen. Whether losing your wealth or health or money or very life itself. Let everything be lost - let everything be lost. All the fear, pain related to fear - let it come up, let it come up. See, the fear - fear is the main layer, which is responsible for your chronic fatigue. Your chronic fatigue and depression is nothing but the perverted form of the fear which you are carrying.

(13:44) Please understand. The perverted form of the fear, which you are carrying, is what is chronic fatigue and tiredness and depression. Now it is time you face it. One more thing, apart from you trying, I will also be guiding. And the Master's guidance is such a powerful experience - it will put you literally in death. It will just put you in death. Literally you will see for a few minutes, that you lose awareness of the body. You just lose the awareness about your body. You just lose the identification which you are carrying with you. That will release the chronic fatigue samskaras from your body. That will release the tremendous tiredness you are carrying in your body.

(14:42) Do not think tiredness means just the feeling like sleeping - even while sitting, after five minutes what you do? “Ahhhh.” Or you stop listening, you stop being aware. Understand. Even while driving, when you sit in the car, you will be aware you are driving. Suddenly, only when you reach the place where you are supposed to reach and stop the car you are aware that you reached the place. Half-an-hour you would have driven, half-an-hour you would have driven. You only drove, you took the decision, pressing the clutch, pressing the brake - right, left, stopping, everything. But that half-an-hour you have fallen into unconsciousness. That is what I call, 'chronic fatigue'.

(15:34) Chronic fatigue is responsible for the falling into unconscious. Chronic fatigue is responsible for your diabetes and blood pressure. All the disease, understand, all the disease which came from inside, the psychosomatic diseases - chronic fatigue is responsible. Constantly your unconscious wants to lie down. But one part of you is restless to fulfill the desires. This fight only becomes desire, becomes disease. Let this fatigue leave your system, leave your system. I will guide you step-by-step - just go with My guidance. You don’t have to make yourself tense. Just with my guidance, along with my visualisation - go with it. Suddenly you will see, you don’t even have to visualize whatever I am saying. The words which I am uttering is automatically becoming experience in you, automatically becoming experience in you. Just go into that deep state and let the Master's energy guide you into the death. You can just read once more, whatever fears you wrote. Just read it, then please spread all over the hall.


Video and Audio - Is Poverty Spirituality?

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about 10 layers of body and how tiredness and boredom affects our life. Swamiji also further explains that time is uncertain and how only death will make us realise the life which we have taken for granted.

Video Audio


First, you see something through the eyes and the file - actually, eyes are dead mechanism - the energy which sees through the eyes is different from eyes. The file goes to the energy through which you see through the eye. That is what we call 'chakshu'. Please understand. Eyes are, by themself, have no intelligence to see, have no energy to see. There is something else seeing through the eyes. That is why sometimes even if the eyes are open - if you are intensely listening to music, you will not be able to see or even if the ears are open - if you are intensely doing something else, you will not hear. Because the senses are different and the energy which - with which you are seeing is different.

(01:53) The energy with which we see is called chakshu. The whole file goes to chakshu - chakshu sends the - chakshu does the important process - chakshu does the job of 'digital signal processor', like a computers - how the signals are converted into digital file. Any data is converted to digital file. Same way, all the things you see is converted into a kind of a file, with which you can do the inner process. The file is converted and it goes to memory, the file goes to memory - where all your memories are stored. There the identification starts happening, “Oh, this is not, this is not, this...” For example if you are seeing Me now - eyes are seeing, through eyes you are seeing, the file goes to DSP - Digital Signal Processor - there the file is converted into a signals, then it goes to memory. The memory starts analyzing, “Oh, this is not a tree, this is not an animal, this is not a stone, this is not this, this is not that.” The analyzing goes on.

(03:19) Then the file goes to 'manas' - mind, where the identification is done. Identification means, “This is it. Oh, he is a man. He is teaching meditation. He is wearing saffron robe." All these identification starts happening. Then the file goes to the ego - where the decision making happens - that is where the samskaras come into play. Please understand. Ego starts thinking, “What is there for me at this situation?" In this moment, your ego starts deciding, “Should I sit here or not?” If you already had some good idea, opinion or experience - with whatever way you classify Me - if you classify Me as yoga teacher - if you already have a good experience earlier yoga teachers - you will say, “Let me sit!”

(04:18) If you classify Me as a spiritual leader, if you already have a good experience with spiritual leader - you will say, “Oh, let me sit!” If you - whatever way you classify Me - with your past experience you will decide. If you did not have a good past experience, then naturally what you will say, “Oh, this is not for me. Let me get up and go! This is not a place for me, this is not the thing for me.” You will just say, “Let me get up and go!” You will decide based on how you classify Me. That decision making - the problem is - problem to sit has gone. I think all samskaras are disappeared.

(05:00) Anyhow better let me explain with this. This is the area where samskaras stay. The file comes here after the identification and goes to ego. Ego responds how it wants to respond - whether to sit and continue or to move out. When you take the decision, if it is slightest straight simple process, there won’t be a problem. But the samskaras, engrams which sits here, perverts your decision making process. For example, if you are hurt by somebody who was wearing saffron clothe or white clothe, then immediately for no reason without logic the same fear or the same suffering will come out. You can see many time, if you are hurt by somebody in beach - whenever you cross that beach, the same suffering will come up. That is what I call 'samskaras' - unnecessary interference, which perverts your decision making. Unnecessary interference which perverts your decision making is what I call 'samskaras'.

(06:28) Continuously every decision you make is perverted, disturbed, interfered by the unnecessary samskaras - the samskaras which are not needed. This is the way continuously you are struggling with yourself, you are struggling with your samskaras. Let’s start working on the first layer - the physical layer. One more thing I just want to tell you all - If you have any questions, if you are not able to understand some concept or if you are not able to understand some word. Usually all the Sanskrit words which I use I give a translation. If you are not able to understand some word, some technical term or some concept, you can write as a question and put it. Surely I will answer, I will try to respond.

(07:38) Questions are mainly for the sake of in which plane you wanted to relate with Me. See, the programs which I conduct are not the same - don’t think that the same thing I am repeating. There is no such thing as same thing I am - I repeat. Maybe the meditation techniques will be same, but the way in which I present or the way in which the work happens will be dependent on the way in which you are able to relate. The amount of things you are able to receive. So your questions will clearly show Me how you want to relate and how you are relating. It will be - it will add a lot more to the classes and sessions. So any question you have, about the subjects I am talking, please write them, drop in the question box.

(08:40) Better to avoid the questions which are not related to this subject. Otherwise you will be wasting time. I have seen people asking, “Is Jyotisha true? Is Vastu true? Is there something called 'black magic’? Wasting time - I always tell people, people asked Me, “Is the stones have power?” I tell them, "If you are just believing some stone for your life, then your life is nothing more than a stone." Anyhow, there are some truths in Vastu because it’s a great science. But the problem is - in the modern day it has become a business and it has lost its sanctity and truth. That’s the reason usually tell people, “Bother about the vastu - forget about Vastu - bother about vastu" and we don’t have to waist the time in unnecessary questions.

(09:41) And one more thing people asked just to show that they know - that’s another one big problem. Some big, big technical terms and big, big words they use just to show that they know - how to get the attention, please avoid that too. Anything directly related to the subject we are handling - I will surely respond.

This diagram will explain how the samskaras pervert your decision making - how the samskaras misguide your handling your mind; you handling your mind. Because every decision, if it is perverted and disturbed, naturally your life will be going - moving towards more and more pain and suffering.

(10:49) So, understand about samskaras. Here I am just trying to present kind of a - how you have your seven bodies - it’s like a layer by layer. The more you go deeper and deeper, it will subtle and subtle. First the outermost layer is this physical layer - the physical body which you are carrying. The second layer is prana - the breathing you do. Third layer is inner chattering; mind. The fourth layer is emotions and the fifth layer is deep sleep - 'karana sarira' - where all your engrams are silent but not dead. They are - they don’t - they are not active, the deep sleep engrams are not active but they are not dead. They are called - it is called in a seed-form - causal layer - they are in the causal form, seed-form - but they are not active. They call it 'karana sarira' in Sanskrit - they are in causal form. And the sixth body is, 'anma sarira', Cosmic body and the seventh body is 'nirvana sarira' - the Enlightenment body; Enlightenment layer - we can say that the ultimate layer.

(12:16) So this is the way you are structured - actually we have put the circles because every layer you go inside, you go to the core of your being - you reach towards your being. The first layer - let’s understand few things about the first layer. Physical body, the body which you are carrying with flesh and bones is the first layer. The main engram which you store in this physical body is chronic fatigue - a deep tiredness. Understand. Whether it is outer world or inner world, in both you will not be able to do anything if this deep tiredness continues - chronic fatigue. People ask me many time, “Swamiji, should I give up outer world to achieve the inner world?” I tell them, “It is idiotic, just because of your deep dramas, your chronic fatigue, you are asking this question." There is no such thing as giving up or need to give up. To tell you honestly the person who does proper exploration in the inner journey will gather so much of wealth around him because he knows from which plane to work.

(13:46) Understand. Not gathering wealth is not spirituality - relax from that idea. Poverty is not spirituality, then whole India would have been wrong before Enlightened. No, it’s a idiotic idea associating poverty with spirituality. Associate poverty with your nonsensical foolishness and laziness. See, some religions have started making poverty as a spirituality. These guys wanted to give some consolation for the poor guys - it’s actually political. The person who is having has to keep the person who does not have in silence without revolt - doing the revolution or revolting. So he created priests - who will go around and constantly preach, “Blessed are the poor.” What kind of blessing is there - poverty; I don’t understand.

(14:41) No, I tell you I lived in poverty. I lived in utter poverty and still I live in poverty. My whole monthly expense is 45 rupee. That’s all is My monthly expense - My blade and the soap, nothing else. The same food which is given to everybody I eat. Of course, this whole set - dress is three dollar; three dollar means what? Maybe 150 rupees - that’s all, nothing else. And my whole life the average per month expense is 45 rupee it comes. Every day some 2-3 cent and one chappal is 45 rupee - over. I lived in poverty - I tell you - poverty has nothing to do with spirituality. Of course, I lived in poverty as my option, not as anything else. I lived in poverty. I have seen, poverty has nothing - poverty has something to do with your deep laziness. It has something to do with your deep laziness.

(15:43) People who can’t achieve anything, who are caught in this laziness - the chronic fatigue, they will live in poverty. Not only that, they will live in deep inner poverty also. They will have poverty in the inner world and the outer world - both. To remove the tamas only tapas is given. Tapas means doing something which you feel you can’t do. Understand. In Sanskrit we have a word 'aśakya sadhaka'. If you think you cannot walk 100 mile, try at least once and finish walking 100 miles. Take 20 days off from your routine. I tell you if you do something which you feel you can never do - the respect towards you, the respect which you have towards you will just develop; explode. Self-respect is the first important thing for life. Doing something which you think you can’t do.

(16:51) Chronic fatigue is the first samskara - first layer you are carrying. You can see in your life, if you just work for 5-6 hours, you feel you have done something great. And the idea 'you have to become tired after this time', comes because of this chronic fatigue. Understand. One important truth: chronic fatigue comes the moment you take your life for granted. When you don’t celebrate your life fatigue happens - boredom happens; boredom is the root cause for fatigue. You think the same routine you are following. One king, who had this boredom, always kings fall into boredom. See, kings are the idiots who have wealth and doesn’t know how to enjoy, No, really. Let me tell you, without the knowledge or the inspiration to enjoy - if you gather wealth around you and will become like king.

(18:01) You will have depression. Wealth brings depression many time. Whether it is poverty or wealth. The knowledge is the basic thing. Just one - few minutes ago I was telling, “Poverty is nonsense.” Now I am saying, “Wealth is nonsense!” Then what to do? Whether poverty or wealth, have the intelligence. Without intelligence, when the wealth gathers it brings depression or boredom. One guy who is depressed like this, filled with boredom. When the boredom comes, naturally the chronic fatigue - you will not feel like moving out of the bed. I have seen people get out of the bed only when the sun reaches them through the window - not through east side - west side. They will get out their bed only when the sun touches the - them through the window.

(18:58) Chronic fatigue - tired of taking rest. No, you can see in your life many time, “Why are you so tired?” “Noo, I took long rest”. Human being is the only animal who is not fresh after rest. No, really. See the calf, see the cat - that’s why I live with animals. Near my quarters no - no human beings are there. I don’t want to see them in early morning. Who want to see them in early morning? I want to see the calf and cats. I want to see the animals because they are so alive. The moment they get up, they will stretch the whole body - jump around. Even if they are tied with a rope, with that rope they will just jump wherever they are - so fresh. And these fellows, the moment they get up early morning, what they do? Roll and lie down! Just roll in the bed - turn this side and pull the blanket.

(20:00) The chronic fatigue - chronic fatigue comes because you don’t have - you take the life for granted. Remembering death is a very powerful method - going through the death is a very powerful method to remove the chronic fatigue - to remove that feeling of boredom. Then you won’t take your life for granted. Then you know what all you will miss if you will die - what all you were given by the life.


Video and Audio - Don't Take Life For Granted

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam tells a short story to make us understand and realise how we have taken our life for granted.

Video Audio


(0:28) Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

(0:50) I welcome you all with My love and respects… My message for this year 2011 is ‘Sharing Enlightenment’... In 2009, Living Enlightenment; I initiated, started initiating people to live Enlightenment; jeevan mukti. In 2010, we taught people how to radiate Enlightenment. We literally taught how to radiate Enlightenment during all possible struggles and abuses. I am so happy all of you... if you have been here last year this same day and you are here this year same day, be very clear you radiated Enlightenment... Because last year I really got into very practical, not just teaching through words, words, words and telling them face all insecurity, face all negativity, stand through the negativity. I saw people listen, don’t live. Then this year we know only who had the guts to live through the negativity and clear the negativity, only who are able to radiate Enlightenment are here back. Now you guys are really ready. Let’s move to the next step sharing Enlightenment. Let’s start sharing Enlightenment. This whole year let us dedicate it to sharing Enlightenment.

(3:56) Let Me define sharing Enlightenment. Please understand Enlightenment is a constant happening, happening in all of us. For an example, one day you overeat and feel dull and decide not to overeat from next meal. It is an Enlightenment, and you feel the cloth is hurting you, you loosen it adjust it or decide to wear better clothings next time which will not hurt you. It is Enlightenment. Chappal is hurting, you decide ‘Oh I should not be wearing this and change it’. It is Enlightenment. And you feel some particular thoughts constantly harasses you, haunts you, depresses you and you decide let me not have it again or let me know how to handle it again if it comes back; let me unclutch or let me disclutch or let me destroy. This is Enlightenment. When there is useless people are around you in the name of devotees and disciples, just get rid of them. That is Enlightenment.

(5:30) I tell you constantly Enlightenment is happening in all of you. Every moment the updating happening in your body, mind, emotion, consciousness is Enlightenment. If you decide oh I am having back pain and knee pain today, tomorrow I will do yoga and see that my body becomes strong. It is Enlightenment. So any furtherance towards the super consciousness is Enlightenment. Even keeping your body comfortable is Enlightenment. Understand, whenever you add luxury to your body you are destroying it you are not keeping it comfortable. If your clothes are hurting and you are deciding to wear better clothes which does not hurt is Enlightenment, means keeping it comfortable. But when you add luxury you add something’s which will not keep your body and mind comfortable or happy forever. That is luxury. That is not Enlightenment. Understand, anything which furthers your body, mind, emotion, consciousness towards the super consciousness, the ultimate is Enlightenment.

(7:07) So this year decide, every experience which enlightens you, decide you will share it at least with one person; at least with one person. Every idea which clicks your inner world, in your inner world, which awakens your being, which raises your awareness, raises your consciousness, decide, you will have somebody at least one person you will share it. Every step be intense, sincere, honest, integrated, share Enlightenment. You will see completely new door opening in your life. Sharing Enlightenment is million times greater than living and radiating. I tell you this year we are going to have such a strong positive explosion, it is going to be million times more than living Enlightenment year and radiating Enlightenment year. I am telling you, really sharing Enlightenment is going to do a great wonder for all of us and Dhyanapeetam and to the whole world; ultimately whole universe.

(8:57) Share Enlightenment in every possible way. Sharing just Masters spiritual book or one truth about the Master or one truth you learnt from the Master, one enlightening experience you had from the Master or healing; any whatever possible way. I opened millions of ways for you guys. Just share any one concept. Just pick it up; one truth from one morning message, share it with somebody; just one person at least a day. Understand just for sharing you will naturally live and radiate. Living is in the inner world, radiating is inner world and muscle memory, sharing is inner world, muscle memory and to the whole world. Understand, let’s take living Enlightenment and radiating Enlightenment one step further; sharing Enlightenment.

(10:08) Be intense, sincere, whatever possible way pick up the spirit intensity and integrity from your super consciousness. With that strength, share Enlightenment continuously. Create as many centers as possible, as many temples as possible, as many paduka mandirs as possible; paduka mandir means having the padukas in the house, as many ghar mandirs as possible means home temples; ultimately as many heart temples as possible... Build millions of heart temples and lakhs of ghar mandirs- home temples, thousands of vedic temples, common temples; at least few hundred fully Enlightened Beings who can share Enlightenment with the world. We will create all this, this year 2011 because it is going to be a stepping stone year for us; preparation for the 2012 to push the whole world into super consciousness.

(12:12) Share Enlightenment in all possible ways. You don’t need to now bother at all. Now whole world knows My name. Whole world knows My name. All you need to do is just remove their misunderstanding and add the right understanding; that’s all. I have made your job very easy... So understand share Enlightenment with tremendous compassion, tremendous love, tremendous integrity; I am telling you honestly, when you start sharing Enlightenment, somehow, really whatever the knots and the samskaras and granthis with which you are suffering, all that will be broken immediately because that only will be first hit. If you have the inhibition go and start talking to people about Me, you will be beaten left and right and inhibition will disappear; may not be physically but verbally. But by the time you stand that verbal abuse and convince them, your inhibitions will be broken; you are a new man, you will be sharing Enlightenment.

(13:56) Master does training in two way; internal and external. Till 2009 I was doing only internal training. In 11, I started this new amazing training; external also. See earlier you wear mala for your spiritual reasons, over. Now you wear mala and everybody will question. By answering, answering you become clear; you are trained now to share Enlightenment. Stand strong and let us share Enlightenment. It is time we share Enlightenment. Take this as My message very intensely, sincerely. This is My message to all the devotees, disciples, samajis, followers, seekers, brahmacharis, brahmacharinis, vanaprasthis, sanyasis, sanyasinis and everybody who is directly indirectly connected to Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. This year let us dedicate just for sharing Enlightenment. Let us share our understanding, experience, everything, whatever auspicious thing we have, let us share with the world. Let us share with the world. Create beautiful world by sharing Enlightenment.

(15:54) It is time we decide to share Enlightenment very sincerely and take it up as a spiritual practice; not just social service, as a spiritual practice. I invite as many of you as possible to dedicate this year as many ways as possible. If some of you have strength and intensity, I even request you to take off this one year from all other work and dedicate it. Let us all stand together. It is time to save planet earth... in whatever possible way. Let us stand together and share Enlightenment with the world. If you can’t take off the whole year at least part time. If you can’t take off even for part time full days at least evenings, whatever way you can, take time off and whatever possible way share Enlightenment with the world. Nothing, if you just sit everyday, send some 5000 emails of My morning message or our YouTube channel even that is like a squirrel service in the Rama Setu. In whatever way you can spread, spread, spread and share Enlightenment because we need to prepare the world, planet earth for 2012.

(17:36) Understand now itself I am giving you the message for 2012 also. 2012 message is spreading Enlightenment. Share so that it prepares your body, mind and everything to spread. So now learn sharing. Let it be a preparation for 2012 spreading. When we are in the 2012 we need to spread much more faster than any tsunami, any forest fire, any natural calamity. Only then we can stop the natural calamities. We need to spread positivity much faster than any natural calamity, only then natural and manmade calamity, only then we can save the planet earth from natural and manmade calamities in 2012. Let us prepare all of us and the world by dedicating this whole year for spreading Enlightenment; for spreading Enlightenment.

(18:58) I am really, really, really happy that all of you, all of us withstood one of the largest religious persecution of this modern day, modern times... I am proud of you all for withstanding this whole thing, with so much of patience and non violence and standing up with Me, standing up together for sharing Enlightenment. Neither you all have been violent nor you all have left. People who have been violent did not listen to My teachings, people who have left did not even listen to Me; not only My teaching they did not listen to Me at all in any way and people who neither behaved violently nor left, who stood strongly, you are all the gems, diamonds I was searching for. You are all for the people for whom I was, I am, I will be in the body freely doing My mission... I welcome all of you with My heart and being. Let us all share Enlightenment with the world. Let us all share Enlightenment with the world. Do it with a deep compassion.

(21:09) I tell you, I wanted to tell all of you, today morning I saw during the procession, one so called ex devotee; means during the scandal because of the emotional imbalance could not stand by us or sangha, left, but could not forget, leave Me, could not….. Today morning I saw one so called ex devotee in the procession. See the…. with burqa, full burqa; not inside our campus, that’s the funny part. The procession, I just saw, looked and first I couldn’t understand. I thought somebody from the local village from Ramnagar some muslims have come, so they are standing there for My blessings. I was in the palki so I can see lot more than what you guys can see,. Beyond the compound also I can see. I saw and the moment I saw the height and the shape I know who is the person. And then only the eyes were open the tears were rolling in the eyes. I just did this. I don’t know whether air or the person wanted, burqa opened and I just gave a smile and I could see, I could see very clearly the tears and she just fell in the same spot and took the dust and stood up. And see that emotional turmoil during the scandal could not stand with the sangha, left, but could not leave Me. So I could see the hands folded and said the words. Of course I was not able to hear the words because of too much of sound and music, and just only the idea I could catch, that feeling; I can’t forget or be without seeing. Then I smiled. By that time palki left, the person has left, because the person cannot see all our devotee sangha.

(23:59) I know I am showing you one example of that person. But like this there are so many, so many who feel that they missed but could not come back because of ego. I tell you all, I tell the whole sangha, please understand, have open arms and heart and welcome everybody. Whoever comes, do not have any hatred anything. If they have just missed one step, no, don’t worry. Whoever comes welcome them share Enlightenment with them. Have tremendous love and compassion for people; after all human beings, after all human beings. See finally the person could not come inside our campus, just saw from the distance and left. The person is not here now. The person just after the darshan just left. I don’t know how long she was standing there just for that one glimpse. So unfortunate! Not needed!

(25:14) I am sending this message to everybody. Whoever wants to come back, I am here with open heart, open arms and open being. I welcome you all and I am and My sangha is ready to share Enlightenment with all of you, with all of you. Please understand I am telling all our devotees and disciples, let's radiate more compassion, more sympathy, more healing energy, and more supporting energy, and heal the whole world. It is time to heal the whole world and share Enlightenment with the world; not only healing let us share Enlightenment also. So understand it is time we stand together, we give strength to each other. It is time we share our strength with the world, share our Enlightenment with the world. Give our deep compassion, love, and support to everybody, everybody.

(26:44) Understand, who has hurt, let us not bother about that but healing is our job, our life, our responsibility. Let us heal and support everybody even if they have cherished enmity towards us at some part of their life. Now I am updating, even if they cherish enmity towards us even now, let us share our compassion, healing and Enlightenment with all of them, even those who cherish enmity towards us even now; because compassion, love, Enlightenment is more powerful. It will destroy enmity. Light is more powerful than the darkness. Super consciousness is more powerful than unconsciousness. Love, light, non violence, compassion, Enlightenment are all more powerful than any negativity. Let us share Enlightenment destroy enmity, not enemies. If you just destroy enemies, you will have more and more. Some where some more people will be happening. Let us destroy enmity itself so that…… Don’t destroy enemies, destroy enmity so that we radiate Enlightenment, share Enlightenment with the whole world forever. Let us share Enlightenment and destroy enmity not enemies. When you destroy enmity naturally the enemy, the enmity in enemy disappears. Understand then naturally he becomes friend and devotee.

(28:44) So this whole year let us dedicate for sharing Enlightenment. It is time we receive with open arms and heart even those who showed enmity towards us. Let’s share Enlightenment. See I felt all she was feeling, the morning that person who came with burqa and who left, I was feeling she is I could see very clearly she was feeling all alone. But I send a message, surely I know for sure she is watching this satsang now or she will be watching it the moment it is uploaded. I am sending you the message, direct invitation. I am here with open arms and heart to receive you and share Enlightenment with you. Nobody needs to feel lonely. Nobody needs to be alone. So I invite and welcome, ready to share Enlightenment even with the people who showed enmity. So please understand it is time we open our heart, we open our whole being to support the whole world and the whole universe... Share Enlightenment intensely in all possible ways with the world.

(30:53) Please understand, this campus is world living around Me. When you carry this Enlightenment and start sharing in your own way, creating a center in your house or temples in your places; Me living around the world. World living around Me is one and Me living around the world is another one. Let the world live around Me, I will also be living around the world with you all. Share compassion intensely, share love intensely, share your heart intensely, share Enlightenment intensely in all possible ways.

(33:30) I thank all those who stood by us last whole year with so many different kinds of struggles. I remember, recall, thank all of them who stood by us, and millions of ways the sacrifices everybody did; all our devotees, disciples in thousands of ways; Whether it is a mental abusal, verbal abusal or the suffering in physical way, mental way, economical way, social way, millions of you have suffered in millions of ways by the societies negativity and the unconscious harassment and abusal... I thank all of you for going through everything and standing with a deep devotion and sacrifice with Me, by Me, for Me, and the sangha. I honor all your love, respect, devotion, commitment for Me and I give you all My commitment. I am standing with you all forever in all possible ways... Every one of you went through so much, but stood strongly with Me against all the negativities... I welcome you all.

(36:49) I am just picking up, selecting words to describe all the sacrifices all of you did; whether My swamis or brahmacharis or vanaprasthis or devotees or disciples or ashramites or whoever. I am just picking up words to describe. All right… sacrifice is the only word. I don’t know any better word. Sacrifice is the only word the tyaga, tyaga, tyaga is the only word. As Upanishad says Tyagenaike amrutatvamanasu. It is because of the tyaga, only through the tyaga the Eternal Bliss, the eternal state is achieved. The tyaga is so great all of yours, the surprising thing of that, the strength of the tyaga is they don’t even want to be named as tyagis. I wanted to name so many people especially Ranjita who is here with us now. But they don’t even want to be named. But some places I need to name. Of course all My sanyasis, all My sanyasinis, all the devotees, the sacrifice is so much they don’t even want to be named. They just want to be in one corner. But anyhow, some places I need to name so that each one of you understand the sacrifice and the dedication with which all of you stood with Me.

(39:33) Understand when you know somebody else’s sacrifice then the sacrifice the tyaga is awakened in you. Just for that purpose sometimes I tell the names; nothing else. Understand I tell the name of the people who don’t want to be named. I never tell the name of the people who want to be named. If they want to be named then it is not sacrifice, it is a business. Who doesn’t want to be named, withstood, sacrificed, I name them; because our devotees, everyone need to understand each other’s sacrifice. When you know what others went through, you will realize oh! What I went through is too less, leave it it’s ok.

(40:30) So anyhow now it is time I welcome all of you, and I promise and commit I will stand by all of you. Understand for each one, Me and My sangha will stand. Same way for each one Me and others will stand. See for example for ‘A’ Me and all others will stand. For ‘B’ Me and all others including ‘A’ will stand and for ‘C’ Me and all others including ‘B’ and ‘A’ will stand. This is the way the sangha stands. So for every one of you I give you the assurance Me and My sangha will stand with you. Understand Me and My sangha will stand with you for the amazing sacrifice.

(41:23) I could see actually so many people the day before yesterday; sorry 29th... two devotees came with a traditional sacrifice ritual of piercing their mouth through a big trishul. It’s called alaga in Tamil; sacrifice. They said to protect Swamiji, to destroy all the negativity which is working against Swamiji, to create positivity, we are sacrificing. We decide to bear pain. Patanjali says any decision to bear pain is tapas. Any decision to bear pain is tapas; whether it is physical or mental or emotional, decision to bear pain is tapas. Ordinary villagers, ordinary villagers; and they are from Taramangalam. Ordinary two devotees deciding to bear pain; like these thousands….. of course even physical pain is ordinary the mental pain I know how many of our disciples, devotees abused left and right verbally. You all stood by Me. You all stood by Me and the sangha. I bless you all and I commit with you all that Me and My sangha will stand by all of you and support you.

(43:23) Ma yesterday I saw you telling in the interview you are a single woman fighting. No. Me and My sangha is with you. Understand it is not only for her, I am telling all the devotees who stood by Me. Understand there are some moments where nobody else can stand with you. I will stand by you at those moments. Whoever stood with Me, I give you the promise I will stand by you all the time. There are moments where nobody else can stand; neither the family nor the money. Understand the zones where all these things cannot stand, I will be with you. I will stand with you. Where only I can be there, I will be there with you. Understand these are not empty words. I promise these words are solid, integrated, honest, truth.

(45:03) Of course I can’t name. I think if I have to name, I have to name every name. I can see every name because how much you all would have gone through socially. Especially there are so many respected people. Socially how much you would have gone through, how much of abusal people would have done to you. Ehhh you went to that Swami? See what is going on. I am so happy you stood with all that. Now go and tell……… you missed that Swami now what is going on….see. The latest proverb in Tamil is uttu pona ... gettu ponanda. Now go and tell all of them. You left that swami now see what is happening. He is literally blowing away people and giving Enlightenment.

(46:18) So... ok... hmm, it’s time we stand strongly with the strength and tremendous patience and healing energy. Let’s not be arrogant. Let’s not be in the mood of taking revenge. Ohh.. you were talking against Swamiji no, see.... leave it poor fellows. You see, it was a social euphoria. So many were not able to stand, everybody was blown away in that euphoria. It’s ok. Let’s accept all of them. They are human beings, they are human beings. Hmm. And it is time we welcome and receive everybody and share Enlightenment. Not only welcome and receive and share, go and inspire and share. It is time if Mohammed can’t come to the mountain, mountain should go to the Mohammed. There is a proverb. It's time if they can’t come here, we should go there. So go round and share Enlightenment in all possible ways. That is My message. This is My message for eN year, eN Year 2011.

(48:27) I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.



Nithyananda Spurana Coonvention Day 1 at Aadikailaasa, Bengaluru, India

SPH Overlooking Construction Work at Aadikailaasa, Bengaluru, India

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