September 13 2015
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Kumbh Yatra. Day 04. Post 01
13 September 2015
Swamiji, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, took a holy dip in the waters of the Godavari River early this morning along with a thousand or more of his devotees from more than 20 countries around the world. Prior to the dip Paramahamsa Nithyananda led a 2 km long colorful procession from the headquarters of the Mahanirvani Akhada to the Triyambakeshwar temple where the sacred bathing tank is present. Flags of a large number of countries from around the world including the USA, UK, Singapore to smaller countries such as Guadaloupe, Oman and others filled the skyline as the devotees from those countries waved them as they sang and danced to spiritual, devotional music. The air was full of excitement, joy and divine celebration.
After the Kumbh dip, Swamiji visited the Triyambakeshwar temple to have darshan of Lord Shiva – Mahadeva – the presiding deity of the place.
The Kumbh Mela is the largest gathering of humanity with more than 100 million people attending the Kumbh Mela is Prayag last time in 2013 and more than 80 million being expected to attend the Simhastha Kumbh celebrations in Nasik this year. Today’s Snan (holy dip) is the second and most important of the three major Snans where the spiritual energies of the Kumbh are at the peak.
Swamiji's discourse yesterday night of the significance of the holy dip:
"With millions of seekers, evolved sadhakas, enlightened beings and at least one incarnation will be taking a dip into the water, the whole quality of the water is literally nectar. You can do three things tomorrow. You can break the very thought currents - Karma patterns - with which you are stuck. Complete with all the incompletions you are not able break. And wash away all the past sins - including things such as killing a mosquito - you want to get rid of.
Mahadeva gives the boon to Godhavari, that other than Guru Droha all other sins she can wash away. When an incarnation enters into water the entire water gets purified. You are all fortunate that you have the feeling connection that an incarnation is going to walk into the water. That feeling connection is enough to give you the result of the Kumbh Snan.
Sit and few minutes and pen down and tomorrow drop everything in Godhavari. Leave it and come and you will be a new being. I am responsible for that. "
Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swami
Simhastha Kumbh Mela, Nasik, 12 Sep 2015
Sakshi Pramana
Along with Many celebrations this day is full of power manifestation of blindfold reading trough the third eye.
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