January 25 2022

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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam pays His respects to Sri Radheshyam Khemka, patron of Kashi Sarvagjnapeeta.

Sri Radheshyam Khemka who contributed tremendously to Kashi Sarvajnapeeta and Hinduism has been posthumously honoured with the Padma Vibhushan award in the field of literature and education. Sri Radheshyam Khemka had left the body in Varanasi in April 2021.

Sri Radheshyam Khemka was the Chairman of Geeta Press Trust, and editor of its famous monthly religious Hindu magazine ‘Kalyan Patrika’ since 1982. Sri Radheshyam Khemka was instrumental in the publication of various spiritual and religious books of Hinduism through Geeta Press including the Puranas and Upanishads.

In 2002, Sri Radheshyam Khemka established ‘Veda Vidyalaya’ in Varanasi for children in the age group of 8 to 12 years. He had been the trustee of many other charitable organizations such as the Marawadi Hopital, Mumukshu Bhawavan, Marwadi Seva Sangh, and Ran Gau seva mission for the welfare of people and upholding Santana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism).

Source: https://www.thelocalreport.in/gita-press-radheshyam.../

The governance of KAILASA nation is a parallel to the Cosmic governance of Mahakailasa

The governance of KAILASA nation is a parallel to the Cosmic governance of Mahakailasa.

As per Hindu scriptures, Paramashiva who has 25 heads and 50 hands performs the five fold action - Pañcakṛtya ( 5 Actions of the Cosmic Divinity )

sṛṣṭi - Creation
sthiti - Maintenance
saṃhāra - Rejuvenation
tirobhāva - Delusion
anugraha - Liberation
Unmanifest – Ajomukha

This Cosmic Governance of Pañcakṛtya is conducted by Paramashiva through the 5 avaranas :
(1) Mantreshwaras - who are dissolved in Him as mantras
(2) Vidhyeshwaras- who are Initiated into Ishwara Tatva
(3) Ganeshwaras - Operate with Maya Tattva - Illusion, Kaala Tattva - Time, Niyati Tattva - Casuality, Vidya Tattva- Knowledge, Raaga Tattva - Desire, Kalaa Tattva - Power
(4) Lokeshwaras - Operate with Purusha Tattva, Prakriti Tattva, Buddhi Tattva - Intuition / Intelligence, Manas Tattva- Mind, Ahamkaara Tattva - Ego
(5) Astreshwaras- Operate with 5 Jnanendriyas, 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Tanmantras and 5 Mahabhutas

In the constitution of KAILASA nation ;
Mantreshwaras - Govern Nithyananda Sabha (House of Supremes)
Vidhyeshwaras- Govern Deva Sabha (House of Cosmocrats)
Ganeshwaras - Govern Raja Sabha (House of Lords)
Lokeshwaras - Govern Kanaka Sabha (House of Prosperity)
Astreshwaras- Govern Chit Sabha (House of consciousness)

Shastra Pramana
भगवन् देवदेवेश पशुपाश विमोचक। सृष्टिस्थिति तिरोभाव लयानुग्रह कारक॥ वियदादि महामायावृत्तेस्साक्षात्प्रवर्तक। सहजानन्द सन्दोह स्वसम्विल्लक्षणात्मक॥ परसंवित्स्वरूपिण्या शक्त्या परमया युत। दिग्देशकाल निर्मुक्त जगदाह्लाद कारण॥ वयं नियुक्ता देवेश त्वयेज्यायां शिवस्य तु। तदर्थं सारभूतं तु शास्त्र शिवमुखोद्भवम्॥ वक्तुमर्हसि देवेश भक्तानां अनुकम्पया ।6-9||

bhagavan devadeveśa paśupāśa vimocaka। sṛṣṭisthiti tirobhāva layānugraha kāraka॥ viyadādi mahāmāyāvṛttessākṣātpravartaka। sahajānanda sandoha svasamvillakṣaṇātmaka॥ parasaṃvitsvarūpiṇyā śaktyā paramayā yuta। digdeśakāla nirmukta jagadāhlāda kāraṇa॥ vayaṃ niyuktā deveśa tvayejyāyāṃ śivasya tu। tadarthaṃ sārabhūtaṃ tu śāstra śivamukhodbhavam॥ vaktumarhasi deveśa bhaktānāṃ anukampayā ।6-9||

~ Kamika Agama Purva and Uttara Pada verses 6 to 9 ~
Translation :
"The Sages: O, Lord, the possessor of six potential qualities (Bhagavan)! You are the governing Lord of the gods of lower realm and the higher realm. You are relieving the bound souls from the bonds which constrict them. You are performing the five cosmic actions- creation, maintenance, dissolution, concealment and bestowal of grace. You are the one who directly maintains the evolutionary process of space and other categories issuing out of the great maya. Your form is of the nature of auspicious mass of bliss springing forth from within your own self and of the nature of your own pure consciousness. You are unseparated with supreme Sakti who is in the form of supreme consciousness. You are eternally free from the limiting factors such as direction, space and time. Through your pervasive presence, You exist as the perennial source for the delighted state of the worlds. O, the Lord of all gods!, we have been directed by you to engage ourselves in the systematic worship of Siva. In order to perform that worship perfectly, be favorably disposed now to instruct the principles enshrined in the Scripture which is the quintessence of the Scriptures revealed from the faces of Lord Siva. O, the Lord of all gods!, you are with such a compassion which spontaneously flows towards your devotees. Be kind enough to insruct those principles."

~ Kamika Agama Purva and Uttara Pada verses 6 to 9 ~

Is time travel possible ? Can I alter my past ? Can I gain control over time ?

Join KAILASA this weekend for another scintillating webinar on decoding time and space.

Is time travel possible ? Can I alter my past ? Can I gain control over time ? How did the Hindu sages alter the law of physics to visit other universes access the vertical timezone ?

Have your questions answered in this webinar !

In addition, have your personal queries answered by The SPH directly in this live conclave ! When space dimension enters into time, time literally manifests everything that space wants and when time dimension enters into depth, depth manifests everything that time wants.

I will give you all 108 great gifts I brought from Kailasa - DNA of Paramashiva, Paramashivatva, Completion, Paramashiva’s state, space, powers, every dimension I brought I will give it as an experiential initiation to all of you through these webinar

-The SPH

pauṣkarāgamaḥ vidyāpādaḥ, pāśa paala samāpta :
नाकाले जायते कश्चिन् नाकाले म्रियतेपि च॥ ४९
चक्रादिवघटोत्पत्तौ तस्मात् कालः प्रवर्तकः।
घटस्संजायमानोयं जातोनेतः पुराक्वचित्॥ ५०
सतिमृत्पिण्ड चक्रादौ कुम्भ कर्तरि सत्यपि।
यत्तत्र कारणं कालः पदार्थानां प्रवर्तकः॥ ५१
काले तु सति जायेरन् सर्वेभावाश्च सर्वधा।
न कर्म कारणं तत्र तद्धि काले प्रत्र्तकम्॥ ५२

nākāle jāyate kaścin nākāle mriyatepi ca ||
cakrādivadghațotpattau tasmāt kālaḥ pravartakaḥ|
ghatassamjāyamānoyam jātonetah purākvacit || 50
satimſtpiņda cakrādau kumbha kartari satyapi |
yattatra kāranam kālah padārthānām pravartakah || 51
kāle tu sati jāyeran sarvebhāvāśca sarvadhā ||
na karma karanam tatra taddhi kāle pravrtakam || 52

In the absence of time, nothing originates. In the absence of time, nothing goes out of existence. Just like the potter's wheel, clay and such other things are the causes for the creation of pot, even so, the time serves as the cause for the origination of worldly objects. With regard to the created pot, it was not seen before its creation even though the lump of clay, wheel and other such things and the potter were there. In spite of the presence of all these, that in the absence of which the pot was not created is to be known as time. That which serves as the cause for the appearance of the object is known to be time. Time prompts and functions for the origination of things. By all means it is seen that all the objects such as pot, cloth and so forth originate in appropriate time only because of the presence of Time. In the creation of objects, concerned activity(karma) is not the cause. Even that activity does not take place in the absence of time. Every activity takes place only because of the presence of time.

Significance of Indigenous, conscious-centric lifestyle of Hinduism During This Pandemic

~ Significance of Indigenous, conscious-centric lifestyle of Hinduism During This Pandemic ~

Viral load reduction is evidenced with proper nasal irrigation - studies say.

Jala neti ( nasal irrigation ) comes from the charya-pada of the Agamic scriptures of Hinduism. The agamic guideline on jala neti application matches the procedure of nasal irrigation done in latest studies.

In KAILASA, every initiated disciple of the SPH is required to perform the pancha kriya as a mandatory daily routine, which is inclusive of the jala neti.

KAILASA nation stands to revive the ancient practices of the enlightenment ecosystems of Hinduism, where every routine is rooted in consciousness as directed by Paramashiva.

Today, millions of Kailasavasis around the globe from various nations practice panchakriya, yoga and puja as per agamas under the initiation of The SPH as their daily routine.

Glimpses Of The Glorious Past

~ Glimpses Of The Glorious Past ~

Kala Bhairava Akashic Reading By The SPH on 21.04.2012
Q: Is Rama Sethu still existing ?
A: Yes Rama sethu is still existing. 70000 vanaras and other animals built the sethu. Lord Shiva Himself came to lay the foundation. Still the sethu was not sufficient to take all the army. Then all the sea animals joined to build the sethu for all to cross. When Shri Rama was walking on the sethu crossing the sea, even Ravana admired the grandeur of the sight. For this one moment of Ravana's admiration, Shri Rama gave Ravana liberation, immediately after killing Him.

~ Glimpses Of The Glorious Past ~

Kala Bhairava Akashic Reading by The SPH on 28.04.2012
Q: Where is Shri Hanuman ?
A: Hanuman is in Rameshvaram temple, living with physical body , meditating and taking care of Rama Sethu.

Be part of KAILASA which is reviving the shakti-s of Hinduism, including the ability to access the akashic records. Be a patron and join the upcoming Paramashivoham Level 3 to receive 108 initiations from The SPH directly !

Link to Facebook Page
