International Remembrance of Hindu Holocaust

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#WeRemember Denial of the Hindu Holocaust

International Remembrance of Hindu Holocaust



The man-made famine of 1943 in Bengal where 7.4 Million indigenous Hindus were starved to death


== Hindus are amongst the most peaceful and contributing people on the planet ==

Sanatana Hindu Dharma - Hinduism - comprises many indigenous spiritual traditions coexisting peacefully for more than 10,000 years without invading or colonizing any other nation or civilization. Important Hindu principles for shared prosperity, peaceful multilateralism for combating xenophobia such as ‘वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्’ (vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam) – “Entire world - from Mother Earth (Vasudha) - is my family” resulted in Hinduism being practiced freely and peacefully in over 56 nations across the continent from Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, all the way to Singapore, Malaysia, and Cambodia and Indonesia, and in 200 States, 1700 Samasthanas (provinces) and 10,000 Sampradayas (traditions). Most ancient civilizations that today we know of, such as the Egyptian civilization, the Roman civilization, the Mesopotamiam civilization are now extinct. The only ancient civilizations to be still alive isthe indigenous Hindu civilization which has lived peacefully for more than 10,000 years without invading, terrorizing, converting, or colonizing any other nation. Indigenous religions such as Hinduism are rooted in a deep spiritual connection with existence that has allowed them to contribute selflessly without any hidden agenda to life. Indigenous Hindu communities have the most stable families, are amongst the educated ethnic group, are least likely to be substance abuser, have the least crime rate and the lowest prison population in any country they settle, are known as the most contributing ethnic communities with the highest number of philanthropic doctors, and are known to be amongst the happiest ethnic groups in any country they settle.

Indigenous people such as Hindus are the most persecuted people of the planet

There has been a systematic, egregious and ongoing genocide over the last 5000 years on the most ancient living civilization on the planet. Denied by the historians and untold by its victimized survivors, the Hindu holocaust is one of the biggest “crimes against humanity” in world history. Hindus have time and again suffered religious persecution in the form of forceful conversions, massacres, demolition and desecration of temples, confiscation or destruction of property, incitement to hate, imprisonment, torture, murder, destruction of universities and schools and crimes against women and children. Over the past few millenia, religious intolerance, terrorism, invasions, political upheaval, colonialism and religious persecution systematically ended millennia of Hindu Sovereignity - Swarajya. Today Hindu temples remain in Afghanistan and Cambodia, but the Hindus who worshiped in them have been ethnically cleansed.

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The Ruins of the Martand Sun Temple, Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir (Photographed on 1868)


1971 - Hindu Genocide in Bangladesh
(30 million Hindus displaced, 3,000,000 Hindus massacred)

Genocide of indigenous people worldwide

The Hindu Holocaust is the biggest physical and cultural genocide of indigenous people on the planet Earth, where more than 500 million indigenous Hindus and indigenous people were killed, massacred, raped, starved to death through manmade famines and and brutalized in the most barbaric ways.


The man-made famine of 1943 in Bengal where 7.4 Million indigenous Hindus were starved to death.

The Hindu Holocaust is a stark epitome of a ‘‘campaign of race extermination’’ through ethnic cleansing, forced relocation, double killing through genocide and genocide denial. Hindus are the victims of the double killing of Holocaust and denial of Holocaust. Denying the largest Holocaust which has been shockingly going on for more than one millenia of modern history will continue to go on in the future unless cognized first and corrected thereafter. It is a stark fact that the denial of the Holocaust through distortion of history and ideological indoctrination is the last act of a crime in the Holocaust and the heralding of the next crime. The unbroken continuum of annihilation of the Hindus is testimony to the strategy is to first obfuscate and obliterate a people; then obfuscate and obliterate their memory; and, finally, seek to obfuscate and obliterate the memory of the obfuscate and obliteration.

Hindus have over the past 2000 years been subject to mass murder, multiple perpetrator rapes, forced indoctrination, artificial famines, child abuse, identity distortion, resulting in a systematic physical elimination of over 500 million Hindus and ideological elimination of over a billion Hindus across all Sampradayas (traditions).

The trauma and misfortune of the largest genocide of indigenous people has been shared by the entire human race - the victims include - 500 million indigenous Hindu agricultural tribes of Asia, the Native Americans tribes (the Mayans, Aztecs, Navajo, Cherokee etc.), the Indigenous people of Canada (the First nation peopIndians, Inuit), the indigenous people of Europe such as the Roma and Gypsy, the indigenous people and tribes of Asia such as the Kalash people in Pakistan, the Australian indigenous tribes such as the Maori and Polynesian people, etc.

An indigenous Hindu Kalash girl, Pakistan.
A indigenous Kashmiri Hindu child
A persecuted indigenous Hindu Sri Lankan Child
A victim of 2002 Bali Bomb blast

Loss of Sovereign Indigenous Territories

Around 3200 BCE, 56 Indigenous nations spanned over an area of 61 Million Km² protecting the human rights and religious freedom of more than 10,000 indigenous people groups in Asia, these included:

Parashu (Iran),
Balhika and Gandhara (Afghanistan),
Yadu (Multan, Pakistan), Tristu, Vasha,Ushinara, Ambashtha, Anu, Puru, Bhalana (Pakistan), Shiva and Vrichivanta (Balochistan),
Khambhoja (Kashmir, India),
Bharat, Kuru, Panchala, Krivi, Matsya, Magadha, Kosala (North India),
Kashi (India and Bangladesh),
Kunti, Vidarbha, Maharashtra (Central India)
Andra, Chola, Kerala, Pandya, etc (South India),
Uttara Kuru (Kyrgyzstan), Uttara Madra (Uzbekistan), Mahavrisha (North East India),
Jawa Dwipa (Indonesia), Champa, Dvaravati, Funan, Gangga Negara, Chenla, Kalingga, Kutai, Majapahit, Langkasuka, Pagan, Pan Pan, Singhasari, Srivijaya
(Malaysia), Tarumanagara, Devaraja, Harihara, Angkor, Borobodur (South East Asia) etc.

During the last 5,000 years of the Hindu Holocaust, not more than 3,000 of these indigenous people groups remain alive, and the total land of Hindu indigenous nations is reduced to ZERO.

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Left: The 56 erstwhile indigenous Hindu nations indicated in orange, spanning over an area of 61 Million Km² Right: The current map of South Asia with all indigenous nations wiped off their sovereign land, political and religious rights.

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January 25, 1998: The Massacre at Wandhama, Kashmir.

In a much similar way the indigenous people of Canada, the US, Mexico, the Mayans, Aztecs and throughout the world have lost their ancient indigenous territories and civilization during past genocides of their respective traditions.

Cultural Genocide of spiritual traditions and monastic orders


200px|One of the 400,000 birangonas (brave women), who was raped as a sex slave (prisoner of war) during 1971 Hindu Genocide. link

Hindu Holocaust was a complete cultural genocide of 10,000 indigenous Hindu tribes in Asia of which not more than 3,000 indigenous people remain remain alive. The Hindu Holocaust was a complete cultural genocide of female monastic orders such as the 64 Yogini spiritual orders, the Rudrakanyas, the Devadasis. This has happened not just with indigenous Hindu tribes but has also happened with indigenous women in Europe and the US, through several witch trials. Indigenous women have been labeled as witches and burnt alive or trafficked into forced sexual slavery

Cultural Genocide by Destruction of Indigenous Education

There was one indigenous school in each village in the Asian subcontinent two hundred years ago. During the colonization of the last two hundred years, the entire indigenous education was unrooted - one million indigenous schools - the Gurukuls - were destroyed and 10,000 indigneous Hindu universities (Peethams) were destroyed. Thousands of Temples and libraries containing rare manuscripts were destroyed. This destruction of indigenous education system and family values is not just limited to Asia, but has been seen in Canada, Europe and worldwide.


From 500 CE to 1700 CE, more than 10,000 of the top most Hindu Universities (Peetham) were destroyed by the barbaric invaders. From 1700 CE until 2007 there was not even one functional Hindu University in the entire Asia.

Unknown, Untold, Unrecognized, biggest ongoing genocide of indigenous people and Hindus worldwide

Yet the Hindu Holocaust is the only holocaust in the history of humanity matched in the scale of its colossal destruction and extermination only by the equally massive magnitude of the sinister conspiracy to distort and deny it. It is a classic cold-blooded application of the principle that concealing or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without bandaging it. The Hindu genocide is the only genocide across centuries where survivors, family, monks, nuns, children, women, have been subjected to the ongoing outrage of a massive, well-plotted, aggressive campaign of Holocaust and Holocaust denial, brazenly sustained and openly funded by the Hindumisic forces who over the years have sophisticated their blatant brutal attacks to the current state of a multi-step, multi-level sophisticated science of persecution.

One of the means and intent of Holocaust is genocide in various forms. The Genocide Convention defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of that group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part…”. The Hindu Holocaust which has witnessed genocide over the centuries is a black blot on the face of humanity itself. And in the case of the Hindus, it wasn’t done to a part of the Hindu population but to the whole.

The Hindumisic terrorists and invaders eviscerated several indigenous tribes and Hindu traditions from the face of planet Earth which fact is borne out by the emotional scars of the descendants of its survivors who still face the ethnic cleansing and persecution through ideological brainwashing and systematic destruction of the cultural and religious identity of the Hindu peoples, which has led to the deaths of about 500 million Hindus and ideological slavery of about a billion Hindus on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, cultural, religious, political, economical, social, and much more.

The Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA – the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational nation - the First Nation of Hindus - led by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has made resolute efforts towards recognizing and legitimizing the Hindu genocide that has received scant consideration by global leaders and international bodies such as the United Nations. Recently on December 2nd, 2021, KAILASA Nation delivered a historic speech on the unspoken persecution of Hindus at the United Nations in Geneva. ​​This was the first time the plight of persecuted Hindus was represented in the UN.

In continuation of these efforts, SHRIKAILASA requests the United Nations and it’s member states world-wide to declare and observe 2 March as the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Genocide of Indigenous People and Hindus, as per the declaration of the Uniting Nations of Shri KAILASA -