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Releases (New library, website etc)-#NLighten Familia Nithyananda Ecco System Creation#

Event Details
Participants Count 87
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? No
Count of Meals Served
Volunteers Count 5
Event Duration 4 hours

NLighten Familia Nithyananda Ecco System Creation

  1. NLightenFamiliaNithyanandaEccoSystemCreation#

Latin America, 21 Days CHALLENGE Nithyananda Yoga Prathama Vinyasa Krama 108 Asana Sequence

  1. PVK-Nithyananda-YOGA, THE ORIGINAL YOGA with #108 Assanas.

Classes taught by initiated YOGA-Archarya Sri Dridananda Classes translated simultaneously into Spanish by Madre Lokanayaki

@ the end we also had Q&A The difference between watching the video and learning LIVE is that Everyone felt fully taken care off thus the enthusiasm to continue took place.

Videos recorded, uploaded, & shared by Madre Lokanayaki In the level #2 -  all 108 Asanas were given in 3 separate classes - a faster rhythm than basic level but not tooo accelerated. and we also had Q&A The difference between watching the video and learning LIVE is that Everyone felt fully taken care off thus the enthusiasm to continue stay.

Pictures from the day

Videos from the day