December 12 2021

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NITHYANANDA SATSANG RETELECAST || The 1st Amendment of the Constitution of Kailasa Nation || NITHYANANDA SATSANG RETELECAST | 12 DEC 2021

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution of Kailasa Nation

The 1st Amendment of the Constitution of Kailasa Nation :
Every citizen has the right to cognize himself/herself as Paramashiva.Every one must be treated as Paramashiva and treat others as Paramashiva.

The mahāvākyā-s
of as per śāstra pramāṇā

1. ऐतरेय उपनिषद् / Aitareya upaniṣad 3.3
प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म / prajñānaṃ brahma
( consciousness is Paramashiva )

2. छान्दोग्योपनिषद् / chāndogya upaniṣad 6.8.7
तत्त्वमसि / tattvamasi
( You Are that Paramashiva ! )

3. बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद् | Br̥hadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 1.4.10
अहं ब्रह्मास्मि | ahaṃ brahmāsmi
( You are Brahman ! )

4. माण्डूक्य उपनिषद् | māṇḍūkya upaniṣad 1.2
अयं आत्माब्रह्म | ayaṃ ātmābrahma
( The Self is Atman - Brahman )

5. सोमशम्भुपद्धति | somaśambhupaddhati verse 35
शिवोऽहमादिसर्वज्ञो मम यज्ञे प्रधानता ।
अत्यर्थ भावयेदेवं ज्ञानखड़करो गुरुः ॥
śivo'hamādisarvajño mama yajñe pradhānatā ।
atyartha bhāvayedevaṃ jñānakhaḍakaro guruḥ
( Shivo'ham = shiva aham = I AM SHIVA )

6. सूर्योपनिषत् | sūrya upaniṣat
सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्तस्थुषश्च . | sūrya ātmā jagatastasthuṣaśca
( Surya Bhagavan IS Atma Who reigns the world both animate and inanimate )

हंसः सोऽहमग्निनारायणयुक्तं बीजम् |  haṃsaḥ so'hamagninārāyaṇayuktaṃ bījam

( soham being one of the bija in this surya upanishad declares ' I AM HE ' )

7. तैत्तिरीय सम्हित यजुर् वेद | taittirīya Aranyakam yajur veda
नारायण परो ध्याता ध्यानं नारायणः परः | nārāyaṇa paro dhyātā dhyānaṃ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ
( The person who is meditating on Narayana IS verily Narayana )

8. कामिक आगम | kāmika āgama verse 112
समाचम्य शुचिर्भूतो सकलीकृत विग्रहः | samācamya śucirbhūto sakalīkṛta vigrahaḥ।
( He should assume the form of Paramashiva through sakalikarana before worship )

9. तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद् | taittirīya upaniṣad
हा ३ वु॒ हा ३ वु॒ हा ३ वु॑
hā 3 vu̱ hā 3 vu̱ hā 3 vu̍
( O wonderful ! I AM food ! In this Upanishad,Sage Bhrigu starts with a cognition that food is Brahman.He is led to enlightenment by Varuna.Upon enlightenment,Sage Bhrigu realises that he is indeed food ( Brahman as cognised )

10. ईषा उपनिषद् | īṣā upaniṣad upaniṣad verse 16

तेजो यत्ते रूपं कल्याणतमं तत्ते पश्यामि योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि  | 

tejo yatte rūpaṃ kalyāṇatamaṃ tatte paśyāmi yo'sāvasau puruṣaḥ so'hamasmi
( this verse ends with so'ham asmi - I AM THAT ! )

Paramashivoham Paramashivoham Paramashivoham
You ARE Paramashiva You ARE Paramashiva You ARE Paramashiva

The State Flag of Kailasa Nation -the ऋषभ ध्वजा ( ṛṣabha dhvajā )

The State Flag of Kailasa Nation -the ऋषभ ध्वजा ( ṛṣabha dhvajā )

It displays the ultimate cosmic form of Paramashiva,as per Agama-s

makuṭa āgamā , carya pāda Chapter 1

चर्यापादे प्रथमः पटलः
कैलासवासी भगवान् महादेवो महेश्वरः ।
महाकैलासनिलयं महाकारुणिकोत्तमम् ।।१।।
पञ्चपञ्चमुखं देवं पञ्चाशद्भुजमण्डितम् ।
पञ्चब्रह्ममयं शान्तं पञ्चकृत्यपरायणम् ।।२।।

caryāpāde prathamaḥ paṭalaḥ
kailāsavāsī bhagavān mahādevo maheśvaraḥ |
mahākailāsanilayaṃ mahākāruṇikottamam ||1||
pañcapañcamukhaṃ devaṃ pañcāśadbhujamaṇḍitam |
pañcabrahmamayaṃ śāntaṃ pañcakṛtyaparāyaṇam ||2||

Meaning :
Rudra, out of compassion and for the welfare of the world approaches and humbly bows to Paramashiva – the Mahadeva, the Maheshvara, the ruler of MahaKailaasa, the supreme among all merciful beings residing Kailasa. Paramashiva, has 25 faces and 50 hands and is endowed with the nature of pancabrahma hymn.He is immutable but is ever engrossed in performing the pancakritya ( 5 fold actions )

The Kaavi colour ( deep maroon ) resembles tyāga ( renunciation with right context ) and sannyās.

The Kailasa Nation encourages all Her citizens to download, print and display the flag to represent the nation of Kailasa as a spiritual ambassador.

The very presence of this flag will cause any space to intensely vibrate with the breathing space of Paramashiva. Let this flag decorate your office, homes, cars and temples.

This flag is directly approved by Paramashiva Himself.
To download the flag : kailaasa-flag-print-2019.png



KAILASA and The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam prays to Paramashiva for the Atma Shanti of Umayal Ramanathan Aachi, well-known educationalist, philanthropist, and only daughter of Padma Bhushan Thiru Alagappa Chetteriar. Umayal Ramanathan Aachi is one of the earliest founding members of KAILASA since 2003 and has been a disciple of The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam for a very long time. Her distinguished services for KAILASA will forever be remembered and honored.

Further, The SPH sends healing prayers to the families of the bereaved souls. Having taken the spiritual responsibility of bringing world peace, Kailasa’s Department of Human Services will be offering Maheshwara Puja at the feet of The SPH for the same on 19th December 2021 (Pournami) Source link :


About Maheshwara Puja:
Maheshwara Puja is Hinduism's oldest recorded ritual prevalent even today in the Vedic tradition. In the Maheshwara Puja, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, the 1008th living incarnation of Paramashiva Himself receives Puja and the naivedyam bhiksha – the food offering.

Maheshwara Puja is performed for intense completion with anyone who has left their body and passed into their new life in a new body, new ambiance but with the same incompletions from a karmic level. The SPH blesses the ancestors to attain liberation and offers them “pinda” or food for the journey to their liberation.

The Somasambhu Patati says, it is thousand times more greater than offering any “shraaddha”, any “pinda”, in any river, any water-body, any lake, any holy land, any holy place. Offering it in the stomach of the living incarnation of Paramashiva is the best form of “pinda tharpana” and 'shraaddha'. In Hinduism, Shraadhha wherein food is offered to sanyasis for the completion with the departed souls, is called Maheshwara puja.

In the Somashambhu Paddhati, Shraadhha vidhi,Sloka 3

लिङ्गिनो ब्राह्मणाद्याश्च श्राद्धीयाः शिवदीक्षिताः ।
liṅgino brāhmaṇādyāśca śrāddhīyāḥ śivadīkṣitāḥ ।

The translation goes “The Sannyasis and Brahmanas who have been initiated into the Shiva deeksha are eligible to be appointed as the representatives of Pitrus in the Shraadhha.”
(The sacred Maheshwara Puja is happening twice a month, each Amavasya and Purnima)

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