July 19 2016

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Celebrating Guru Parampara - Guru Purnima Message 2016

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

01:05 I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I welcome...all the Sri Mahants, Mahants, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Kotharis, Thanedars, devotees, disciples, visitors, viewers, YouTube subscribers and...viewers, visitors, devotees sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live, Nakshatra TV live, Janata TV live and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world on this auspicious Guru Purnima. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. All the Aadheenams all over the world, Peethas, Gurukuls, Temples, Ashrams,...I welcome all of you on this auspicious Guru Purnima Day with my love and blessings.

02:57 Ma Jnanatmananda: All the Aadheenams, Paduka Mandirs, Temples, Satsang Centers worldwide, with a lot of love and gratitude for Swamiji; they have a lot of offerings on this auspicious day of Guru Purnima. We’ll first start with the offering from the Annalaya of the Bengaluru Aadheenam. Nithyananda Annalaya of Bengaluru Aadheenam is offering 1008 naivedyams on this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. All the 1008 naivedyams that are being offered are prepared as well the Mahadeva’s Bhagashastra, and is being offered out of our devotion, love and gratitude for Swamiji. Next, we have the Singapore Aadheenam offering 165 naivedyams. We have the Dubai Paduka Mandir offering 156 naivedyams. We have St Louis Aadheenam offering 141 naivedyams. Oklahoma Aadheenam offering 138 naivedyams. San Jose Aadheenam offering 128 naivedyams.

05:35 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Aadheenam offering 111 naivedyams. Ohio, Ohio Aadheenam offering 108 naivedyams along with, along with Gurumudi. Puduvai Aadheenam offering 108 naivedyams, and they are starting the public anandhan from today. Seattle Aadheenam offering 108 naivedyams. Phoenix, Phoenix Aadheenam offering 108 naivedyams. Oman Aadheenam offering 54 naivedyams. Sirkali Aadheenam offering 48 naivedyams. Rajapalayam Aadheenam offering 21 naidveyams. Charlotte, Charlotte Aadheenam offering 21 naivedyams. Guade, Guadeloupe Aadheenam offering 21 naivedyams. London Paduka Mandir offering 64 naivedyams. Next, we have Melbourne Aadheenam offering 108 naivedyams. Houston Aadheenam offering 112 naivedyams. With this, overall today we have 2,728 naivedyam offerings from the global Nithyananda Sangha.

08:25 Ma Jnanatmananda: Today also,...we have a very special inauguration of the Klang Aadheenam in Malaysia. Today, we are launching the Klang Aadheenam which will be a powerful space to take Swamiji’s teachings to Malaysians. We plan to have a Gurukul, Mahadeva’s kitchen in the space to enrich Malaysians in all the dimensions. This 10,000 sqft property has been offered by our devotees, Larry and Anne, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans who are passionate about bringing Swamiji’s teachings and energy to Malaysia. This is grand launch today. The Malaysian Sangha is requesting Swamiji’s blessings for a successful running of Klang Aadheenam in Malaysia.

09:42 Swamiji: With this announcement, I formally inaugurate and bless Nithyananda Peetham, Klang Aadheenam. I also...energised and do prana pratishtha to the Mula Devata of Nithyananda Peetham, Klang Aadheenam, Sadashiva, Nithyanandeshwara and Adishakti, Nithyanadeshwari and my deity as Guru Nithyananda, and bless the devotees who donated the property - Larry and Anne, and all the devotees, Kotharis, Mahants who made the Klang Aadheenam possible. My blessings to all of you. Let the Klang Aadheenam successfully take Sadashiva’s message to the whole Malaysia, and enrich the whole Malaysia with authenticity. Larry, Anne, blessings to all of you, and all the devotees who are there. Blessings to all of you, all the Swamis, devotees, Bawani, Shanti, Vasanthi Atchi, Chilaya, everyone. Blessings to all of you for making this Klang Aadheenam happen. My blessings.

11:53 Today, the auspicious Guru Purnima Day, we celebrate the whole Guru Parampara. Sanatana Dharma stands on Guru Parampara, lives on Guru Parampara, flourishes on Guru Parampara, protected by Guru Parampara. The one only thing, which is still keeping the Sanatana Dharma alive is disciples’ loyalty to Guru. There is no strategy why we are still alive. There is no...planning why we are still alive. The one and only thing, which is keeping the whole tradition alive,...the disciples’ loyalty to the Guru, Guru Parampara, Guru-Shishya Sampradaya. That is the only thing still keeping our tradition, our country, our values, whatever is our identity alive! Understand! It is just because of the Guru Parampara, all the best things we are enjoying are still alive. Whether it is...the values we’ve cherished in our inner space, or our life we enjoy in our outer space. The Guru Parampara, loyalty of the disciples to the Guru keeps this whole tradition alive!

14:25 I have seen worst traitors, I have seen the greatest disciples. Understand, it’s not that I have seen only the worst traitors, I have also seen greatest disciples who demonstrate their loyalty much more than their life; who respect, revere, live, keep their loyalty much more than their very life. I tell you as a Guru who has seen both extremes. And I have also seen the greatest disciples whose loyalty, they are ready to put their loyalty above anything, their loyalty to the Guru is above even their life. I have seen both extremes. I tell you, it is just the Guru’s, Guru-Shishya Sampradaya. The loyalty disciples have towards Guru, the loyalty Guru commands from the disciples, that keeps Indian tradition alive. That keeps...Sanatana Hindu Dharma alive! That keeps Bharati or Sanatana Hindu alive!

15:59 On this auspicious day, I remember, honor, salute, revere, respect, all my Gurus and their Gurus, their Gurus, and the whole Guru Parampara from Adiguru Sadashiva. From Adiguru Sadashiva till my own Guru, I remember, respect, honor, revere, give my gratitude and surrender to the whole Guru Parampara. Let’s take this moment to offer ourselves and revere the whole Guru Parampara from Sadashiva till our Guru. It is the loyalty, commitment to the Guru and his teachings, keeps all the greatest thing alive on the planet earth. Understand, if still...the method of enlightenment, the science of Living Enlightenment, and the science of completion and science of the enlightened lifestyle, if it is still available to planet earth, if it is still alive, if we are able still to enjoy it; it is just because of the Guru Parampara.

17:41 It is just because of the Guru Parampara, Guru-Shishya Parampara and thousands and thousands of our Sannyasis, Gurus have given their life. They even died, gave up their body many time just to protect our traditions, knowledge, values, understand. Thousands and thousands of our Sannyasis were killed during the invasions. Thousands and thousands fought to protect our values, our traditions. Today is the day, we remember and honor all the great Masters, Gurus, Sannyasis, Sons, who gave their life, who lived and died for Sanatana Hindu Dharma, to protect Sanatana Hindu Dharma. Understand. As long as we keep this loyalty to Guru alive, no bad can happen to you, no bad can happen to Sanatana Dharma, no bad can happen to the great country, no bad can happen to the whole spiritual tradition.

19:30 I bow down to Guru Parampara from the Adiguru, Sadashiva till my Guru, all the great Masters happened on the planet earth, kept the spiritual traditions alive. <Tamil transliteration 19:48> Even if somebody has reached the divine from far away places, I bow down to all of them also. I bow down to all of them also. Wherever, whoever has reached the divine enlightenment, kept the tradition alive on the planet earth, I bow down to all of them. With this offering, with this gratitude,...I also want to acknowledge, accept, celebrate all the love the disciple shower on me on this day. It’s time for you to remember your Guru. It’s time for me to remember my disciples.

21:13 My message on this auspicious Guru Purnima Day today - Mahadeva Rahasya. Please understand,...an important sacred secret from Mahadeva. You would had, you would heard about Raja Guhyam, means kingly secret, royal secret. You would have heard about Deva Rahasya, the divine secret. This is Mahadeva Rahasya,...secret directly from Mahadeva. Today’s message,...the Mahadeva Rahasya is Veda Agama Anta. It is essence of Vedas and Agamas. Vedas - were the pure science. Agamas were applied science. The essence of Vedagamanta, Shivatvamasi. Shivatvamasi is today’s...message on this auspicious Guru Purnima’s Day.

23:11 Understand,...the inner space of Mahadeva, some of the important secrets you need to know from the inner space of Mahadeva. The most sacred secret from the inner space of Mahadeva, please listen carefully. You need to understand the inner space of Mahadeva, only then you will understand the value of this great teaching, the great truth, the sacred secret. In your inner space, you constantly feel threatened by anybody and everybody. If somebody gets the same amount of money you have, you feel threatened. If somebody gets the same amount of name you have, you feel threatened. If somebody gets the same amount of fame you have, you feel threatened. Understand. In your inner space, you constantly feel threatened by others. If somebody gets the same power you have, you feel threatened by them. Your inner space feels threatened because you have a cognition - resources are limited. Resources are limited. So if somebody has, you can’t have, which is not the reality, which is only a comparative reality, not existential reality. Listen, which is a comparative reality, not existentially reality.

25:31 Sadashiva’s inner space never feels threatened because he knows shakti is endless. Resources are not limited. Shakti is not limited. The logic if you have, I can’t have does not apply there. When...He says, “Shivatvamasi,” He means it, “You are Shiva.” If you listen to His truth and declare, “Shivoham, I am Shiva,” He will not feel threatened, He will not judge you, He will not question you; He will not be asking, “How dare you declare, You are Shiva! Have you qualify you, qualified yourself? Have you done all the tapas? Have you purified yourself?” No! Don’t worry. The moment you declare, He is so happy, He has a one more being through which He can manifest Himself. Declaring, declaring, radiating, manifesting Shivoham does not need any special skill sets. It just needs your decision - Ajna, will.

27:31 You prepare all the skill sets, develop your personality, purify and then, have a glimpse of the ultimate is path of Yogis. Just declare with all your will “Shivoham” and start manifesting the shaktis, purity, experiences and expressions of Sadashiva, and radiate the ultimate is the path of Shaivites. The whole society thinks there is no other path other than Yogis, because the logic Yogis talk, and the logic of the society matches. In society, you have to develop the skill set, prepare yourself to get any post. The same logic Yogis use. So, the yogic logic seems to be very right, apt for the society. That is why the yogic logic is very, very popular, but understand, popularity does not mean it is truth, or that is the only truth. I am not saying yogic logic is lie. And same way, I want, let, I wanted let the Yogis know, it is they cannot continue to tell people theirs is the only right logic. At least, not after 1978.

29:40 Raise your will. Declare with all the authenticity and integrity, “Sadashivoham,” and start manifesting it. Manifest the inner space of Sadashiva. Manifest the experiences of Sadashiva. Manifest the expression of Sadashiva. Manifest the shaktis of Sadashiva. When you start manifesting Sadashiva shaktis, you will naturally manifest the highest purity of Sadashiva’s inner space. Understand, when you, when you declare, Shivoham,” not only Sadashiva does not feel jealous, not only He does not judge you, not only He does not question you; He just rushes into your inner space and says, “Yes, yes! Yes, yes! Let Me manifest.” Understand.

31:21 One of the biggest suffering humanity has created for itself is, whenever something is showered, you ask, “Am I qualified?” The only pattern which stops Sadashiva showering on you is, you think, “Am I qualified? Then if He’s showering on me, is He expecting something from me? He is looking some, is He planning to achieve something through me? Is He looking for something from me?” Prrrrr… That is when the whole thing collapses. Understand. You always know one love only if you are looking for something you will open up, and you will share yourself. If not, you will never open up or share. Understand the most important Mahadeva Rahasya, Sadashiva’s inner space, He has nothing to gain from you. But still, He is passionate about you. He is, He has nothing to gain from you, but still He is passionate about you. Because, He is looking for your being through which He can manifest Himself.

33:14 Whatever you think meaningful in your life - your money, your power, your position, your age, your youth, your beauty, your car, your bungalow, your body, your mind, your skill sets. Nothing is useful for Him! He has no use from all these. It is all the cub giving the grass to lion. Never lion is going to eat and enjoy the grass. He may tell the cub, “Keep it aside. The other cubs like you when they come, let them eat.” At the most He may keep the grass in corner, for the other cubs who are thinking they are sheep; when they come in, they need one or two meal, till they realize they are lion. Sadashiva has no use from you. He has nothing to gain from you, but He is passionate about you, just to manifest Himself through you. Nothing, nothing which you think is useful, is useful for Him. For the sheep, the grass may be life. For the lion, it has no use. Understand.

35:15 Sadashiva has no use...from your skill sets, or the things you value. But He is passionately calling you, waiting for you. He is passionate about you, just to manifest through you. Listen, that is why I am saying whenever you declare, “Shivoham, Sadashivoham,” not only He does not feel jealous, competition, threatened; not only He’s not going to question your qualification, purity; He’s not going to...ask for anything! He is not going to ask for any certification, He is just going to...celebrate your declaration because He feels now, “I have one more inner space through which I can manifest, I can radiate!” Understand, if God is one, He has to be jealous! But God is Oneness, not one!”

36:53 If any of you have suffered by the one God who is jealous, feels threatened by anyone and everyone, please come here, we have a God who is Oneness. God is not one, He is Oneness, that is why when you declare, “Shivoham,” He celebrates you. Now He knows He is, He has one more being through which He can celebrate his Oneness! One God will always feel threatened, because there cannot be second one. The Oneness God will always be celebrating, because He is going to manifest His Oneness through everybody.

37:55 Understand this Mahadeva Rahasya. First, his inner space does not feel threatened like you, because He knows resources are endless. Shakti...shakti is endless! Second, because He does not feel threatened, when you declare, “Shivoham,” He is not going to ask you for your qualification, purity, all the certifications. He is only going to celebrate and start manifesting, radiating, encouraging, enriching, helping, supporting you to manifest the Shivoham completely. Third, He has nothing to gain from you other than fulfilling you by manifesting Himself through your being.

39:20 Mahadeva Rahasya on this auspicious Guru Purnima Day for all of you is Vedanta, Siddhanta, Agamanta, Veda Agamanta, Sara, Shivatvamasi. Shivatvamasi is the initiation from Guru. Shivoham is the declaration from yourself towards the Cosmos. Shivatvamasi is initiation. Shivoham is anubhuti.

40:30 From today...till the Navaratri, the Chaturmasya Vrata starts. From this year, I wanted our whole Sangha...to celebrate, follow, the Chaturmasya Vrata from today till Navaratri, the Chaturmasya ends. I wanted the whole Sangha to meditate, contemplate, declare, manifest, radiate this truth - Shivatvamasi. Take this as a initiation...from Sadashiva, and contemplate everyday, “If I am Sadashiva, then this is the way my life should manifest.” Again and again and again, let your will declare, “You are Shiva,” and decide to manifest your life as you want. When you see life starts manifesting as you want, you will become more and more integrated to this truth of Shivoham. You will become more and more authentic to the truth, Shivoham. You will become more and more responsible to the truth, Shivoham! You will become more and more enriched, you will be enriched and enriching the truth, Shivoham. You will be enriched and enriching...the world with this great truth, Shivoham. Understand.

43:08 Take this message - live it, will it, live it, manifest it, radiate it. Come back for Vijayadasami to celebrate your victory,...to celebrate our victory. Victory is the realization of Shivoham. Victory is the realization of Shivoham. Understand. Contemplate on these great truths again and again. Contemplate on this sacred secret again and again. This is the Mahadeva Rahasya,...which is essence of Vedas, Agamas, Vedanta, Sidhanta, Agamanta, Veda Agamanta, Sara, Shivatvamasi,...Shivatvamasi, Shivatvamasi.

44:56 Emcee: Now, after the performed satsang from our beloved Master, we’ll be moving on to the new releases, the Guru Purnima release. First, we will be announcing the Nithyananda University releases. First of all, we’ll be announcing or releasing the courses from Nithyananda University. Nithya Dhyana Yoga, to know this source of our thoughts and reactions that guide our action is a powerful gift. Vedic sciences provide us with ways to complete with our patterns and powerlessness. Learn about it in Nithyana, Nithya Dhyana Yoga course. Next is the Intro to Hinduism. Hinduism is an ancient lifestyle that has many rich facts. Hear and learn from the practicing Hindus, the significance and meaning of their practices. Learn the sigca, significance of meaning of the lifestyle of the Hindu.

46:06 Next is the introduction to Nithyananda Yoga. Yoga has become a life, lifeline for millions of people. Learn about yoga from the source and learn the whole secret from the experts. Nithya Kriya level 1 - kriya in the series of precise Yogic techniques performed for obtaining relief from situations. Here are some Yogic kriyas gifted by Swamiji to improve your health. Next we are moving on to the next level of Nithyananda University. Nithyananda University now enters iTunes U. We are happy to announce that now Nithyananda University,...Nithyananda University is now available on iTunes U. Nithyananda University joins the community of iTunes U which has hundreds of colleges, universities, schools and cultural institutions to take the teachings of our beloved Swamiji to the Apple community around the world. Now, the Hinduism Now, the e-monthly magazine which is successfully running. Now, Hinduism Now Global Press has a new look and feel. Also global press is now available in Hindi, that is, in Hindi completely everything is available. Also Hinduism Now is now available in Hindi.

47:49 Some more insights, now we move on to books release from Nithyananda Press. The first book is Insights from the Avatar, volume 4. Volume 4 of one of date of divers compilation from the satsangs of His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Now, the second release is Why Tapas? Enlightened inside, insights into the spiritual practice of tapas by His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Avatara Shastra, the 3rd book - The Science of Descent, volume 1, by the editorial team of Nithyananda University Press. Avatara Shastra, The Science of Descent, volume 1 is a masterpiece that presents the scientific study of an Avatar in human form through medical studies, biology and quantum physics. For the first time ever, a real living Avatar, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda collaborates with doctors and permits testing to be done on his very own divine form, proving the validity of superconsciousness, enlightenment and the Vedic sciences such as materialization, levitation, living without food, Third Eye awakening, Kundalini awakening and instantaneous healing.

49:54 Now, we are going on to a new releases...about Swamiji’s vision and mission that is Sarvajnapeetha project. The website of Sarvajnapeetha project is being launched today. Next is Smash Team is releasing the following YouTube, a short video playlists which has subtitles in 13 different languages such as Tamil, Hindi, Spanish, French, Slovak, Croatian, Hungarian, Dutch and more translation team offers at Swamiji’s lotus feet. We are inaugurating a medical camp of Nithyananda Peetham at Bengaluru Aadheenam.

51:11 With this,...I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.

Photos From The Day:

Inauguration of new Aadheenam - Klang Malaysia

Free Medical Camp

Free Medical Camp Free Medical Camp Free Medical Camp Free Medical Camp Free Medical Camp Nithyananda Yoga health session Third Eye Demo by Balasanths Third Eye Demo by Balasanths


http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5381_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5388_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5401_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5421_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5422_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5427_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5431_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5440_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5440_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji_0.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5450_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5482_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5349_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5341_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5334_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0251_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0268_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0283_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0344_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0382_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0427_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_0427_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji_0.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2016-7july-19th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_5816_bengaluru-aadheenam-gurupurnima-rathotsavam-swamiji.jpg



Photos Of The Day:

Welcoming Swamiji

pada puja



New releases and other offerings


bhiksha and culturals


Guru-Poornima_Photo_1000_IMG_0067_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1001_IMG_4142_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1002_IMG_4143_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1003_IMG_4230_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1004_IMG_4231_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1005_IMG_4345_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1006_IMG_4349_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1007_IMG_4385_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1008_IMG_4386_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1009_IMG_4387_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1010_IMG_4388_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1011_IMG_4391_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1012_IMG_4392_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1013_IMG_4586_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1014_IMG_4587_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1015_IMG_4588_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1016_IMG_4607_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1017_IMG_4608_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1018_IMG_4609_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1019_IMG_4610_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1020_IMG_4611_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1021_IMG_4626_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1022_IMG_4629_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1023_IMG_4630_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1024_IMG_4680_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1025_IMG_4681_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1026_IMG_4682_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1027_IMG_4683_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1028_IMG_4694_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1029_IMG_4695_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1030_IMG_4713_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1031_IMG_4714_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1032_IMG_4715_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1033_IMG_4716_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1034_IMG_4717_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1035_IMG_4718_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1036_IMG_4719_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1037_IMG_4798_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1038_IMG_4799_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1039_IMG_4800_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1040_IMG_4807_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1041_IMG_4808_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1042_IMG_4809_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1043_IMG_4810_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1044_IMG_4811_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1045_IMG_4812_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1046_IMG_4813_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1047_IMG_4814_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1048_IMG_4815_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1049_IMG_4817_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1050_IMG_4818_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1051_IMG_4819_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1052_IMG_4820_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1053_IMG_4821_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1054_IMG_4822_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1055_IMG_4869_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1056_IMG_4871_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1057_IMG_4872_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1058_IMG_4873_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1059_IMG_4874_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1060_IMG_4875_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1061_IMG_4876_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1062_IMG_4877_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1063_IMG_4878_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1064_IMG_4879_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1065_IMG_4880_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1066_IMG_4996_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1067_IMG_4997_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1068_IMG_4999_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1069_IMG_5000_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1070_IMG_5002_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1071_IMG_5108_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1072_IMG_5120_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1073_IMG_5149_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1074_IMG_5174_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1075_IMG_5175_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1076_IMG_5176_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1077_IMG_5193_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1078_IMG_5194_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1079_IMG_5195_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1080_IMG_5221_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1081_IMG_5279_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1082_IMG_5281_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1083_IMG_5297_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1084_IMG_5298_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1085_IMG_5299_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1086_IMG_5300_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1087_IMG_5304_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1088_IMG_5311_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1089_IMG_9768_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1090_IMG_9770_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1091_IMG_9771_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1092_IMG_9772_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1093_IMG_9774_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1094_IMG_9775_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1095_IMG_9785_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1096_IMG_9786_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1097_IMG_9787_CMP_WM Guru-Poornima_Photo_1098_IMG_9850_CMP_WM