December 26 2010

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Ashramites Day - Nithyananda Jayanthi Morning Satsang 26 Dec '10


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, is the visionary through whom this whole revival of KAILASA is made possible. Today Ashramites Day, and as the celebrations continued leading up to the Jayanti (birthday) of His Divine Holiness, He expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Ashramites. He opened the discourse with this most powerful statement - “But I tell you, you are very Gods. Why should you just be children?” His Divine Holiness defined the meaning of Ashramite - as one who has already achieved that first level of Swalokya Mukti and explained that Swalokya mukti is living in His world; living in his very physical presence where the cosmos is vibrating in the frequency in which you are also vibrating. He went on to explain that out of 6 billion people, only a few hundreds recognize that cosmos is vibrating in the very frequency they are vibrating, and make the decision to be near that vibration. The truth that one no longer has to go to the Himalayas but rather by just simply BEING in His breathing space where the Himalayas has been created, is playing on the verge of huge possibility which HDH defined as the ultimate excitement. His message for the ashramites today was very clear, “keep your body and mind, muscle memory, ready to play with this ultimate possibility continuously. He explained about the tradition called koviloor parampara and the Tamil Nadu Tamil Vedanta Sampradaya, beautifully sharing that for spiritual organizations , how much we can stand is our Power.

Video and Audio:

Ashramites Day - Nithyananda Jayanthi Morning Satsang

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

0:53 I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today is Ashramites Day. The subject ashramites have suggested for today is Children of God. But I tell you, you are very Gods. Why should you just be children? Understand ashramite means you already have achieved that first level of Swalokya mukti, living in his world; living in his very physical presence where the cosmos is vibrating in the frequency in which you are also vibrating.

1:57 Please understand usually either cosmos vibrates in the human frequency, you don’t get to be near that human frequency or you get to be in the human frequency, cosmos does not vibrate in the human frequency. It is very rare, very, very, very rare. In this 6 billion people very few negligible just not even thousand, few hundreds only recognize that cosmos is vibrating in the very frequency, their body, they are vibrating, and get a chance to be near that vibration. It’s a huge process. Don’t think just you saw my photo somewhere and read few words about me and attended some program and you are here. No. That is the way many were here. I don’t want that crowd. Now I don’t have. That is why I made it…..really, really, really…. you need tremendous courage now to be here.

3:23 Understand in those days we used to sit in Himalayas. So it is with lot of difficulty you need to reach there. Now I just created Himalayas around me. Every day the newspaper articles are the Himalayas. You need to cross that to be here. Understand you need to cross that to be here. So unless you have that tremendous stability it’s impossible to be here. For this phenomena to happen cosmos need to come down and vibrate in your frequency you need to raise up and vibrate in the frequency of the cosmos. For you need to vibrate in the frequency of the cosmos, some of the unnecessary load needs to be removed from you.

4:39 I do not teach the physical renunciation means giving up everything. But I do need to make sure at least mentally you are renounced. Insecurity is the best thing to teach mental renunciation; no other way. When you go through the insecurity it is literally acid wash unless you have complete mental renunciation you can’t handle. Osho says in one place. Utter insecurity is living enlightenment. I am literally making you guys live it. One side the extraordinary security, the other side the extraordinary insecurity; you are always on the verge of possibility. One side if you see... wow we have a great future. The other side if you....see, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Playing on the verge of huge possibility, I can say that is the ultimate excitement.

6:10 My message for ashramites today is keep your body and mind, muscle memory, ready to play with this ultimate possibility continuously. Be ready to play with this ultimate possibility continuously. How to keep that excitement to play with these possibilities continuously because sometime it tires….. Oh God!! Can I just forget about everything and rest? No. keep the seeking alive; continuously keep the seeking alive. If you wanted to forget everything and lie down and rest you are already in graveyard. Not just physical graveyard psychological graveyard. I tell you continuously think for life. Play with life.

7:48 So few hundreds, you already became ashramite, my message for you all, keep the seeking alive; keep your decision to update yourself continuously alive. Working inside your inner space and constantly transforming should be there; life. Do not have the goal of enlightenment. If you have the goal of enlightenment, with that scale you may depress yourself. Oh still I have not done that, still I have not done that, still I have not done that. No. Keep the continuous spiritual growth as goal. I am more than yesterday I am more than yesterday. I am more than last hour. Keep the continuous growth as goal. My message to all the people who are already in the ashram vibrating with the frequency of the cosmos, keep the spiritual growth, continuous spiritual growth as the goal. In every thought every word every action see….. Am I growing? Am I going up? Am I going up? Am I going up? Keep that as a goal. Keep that as a goal.

9:41 For all the few billions who are yet to become ashramite, my message for all of you is do it as early as possible. By being ashramite you give the tremendous freedom to the cosmos to play with you; not just with words. See when I talk and you listen I play with you only through words. When you become ashramite and start living I play with you, with your very life. When you listen just to my words, it gives you the completeness in the field of verbalization. See you have many fields’; fields of energies. In the field of verbalization you are feeling filled, overflowing, contented. If you live with your life, with me, your very body your very life feels fulfilled, overflowing, content. You are complete with your very life. It is literally swalokya mukti; means living in his very vibrancy.

11:47 Now practically we became our world; because the way in which the things are understood projected just outside our campus and inside our campus, we have literally become a separate world. I used to visualize that intense energy field of shining light ball and outside an ordinary dullness I used to see. Now I am literally seeing it. This is life, this is life. Feel blessed you are still vibrating in the highest possible frequency of the Master. Understand there is no logic why you are here, except, grace on you. I have seen…. see especially during the scandal it is just the decision of this or that; that’s all. There was no other scale. The negativity was so high practically almost everybody was uprooted whether…..

13:27 See it’s like,, if the flood in the river was less small, small plants only will be uprooted. The flood was so much even the huge trees were uprooted. Then what’s the logic who is in this bank and who is in that bank? Nothing just a simple logic; some trees have decided to move to this corner some have decided to move to that corner; that’s all. Feel blessed you decided to move to the right corner; right corner. Feel blessed you decided to move to the right side because now we know how many plants, trees, moved to the wrong side are dead, crying and feeling missed, unfortunate. And just practically I did aghora tandava of logic less chaos; literal Kalabhairava logic less chaos.

15:05 There a beautiful description of chinna masta in dasa mahavidyas. She just cuts her own head and drinks the blood which comes out. Three stream of blood comes out of her head; she drinks one stream with her own head and two streams she shares with her attendants. All three are having party with her own blood. I can say literally I did the game of chinna masta. Enough, now it is time to play the game of Dakshinamurti. We have ended the Kalabhairava game….. but just to give a taste how it feels. The ordinary superficial emotions and sentiments are not qualification to experience the highest possible frequency of the living master; an incarnation. Understand that is not the qualification to experience the intense energy expression.

16:40 In Tamil Vedanta in Tamil there is a great Vedanta tradition they start with something called chatana chatushtaya sampathi; means if you have to learn vedanta from a living enlightened being, this four thing has to be qualified. The tradition is called koviloor parampara. In Tamil Nadu southern Tamil Nadu there was a...there is a great adheenam. They have this tradition it is called the Tamil Vedanta Sampradaya. In that the first thing they call it chatana chatushtaya sampathi. This four qualification has to be there only then you learn, study and experience it from a living Master. So I saw just with the ordinary flimsy emotions without having the stability of chatana chatushtaya many have started becoming ashramites. And I do not know how to filter how to clutch. I decided come on.... That’s all. I actually did. And now we have a strong, vital, diamond, dynamic, sangha; an ashram.

19:24 So remember you all won the game in that cosmic chaos; its literally cosmic chaos. Of course anything I do, I do it in a grand way. I don’t do it in a small way. We are not habituated for small things; whether it is a creating a positive wave or scandal we are not habituated for small things. We create big things and we frighten too big people for no reason. Just an ordinary 33 year old man…... oh now we have problem whether man or woman or even that there is a big controversy….. ok 33 year old person is going to his native place just to do puja in his temple as usual every year as he goes, who has nothing, he doesn’t have a army or terrorist; nothing. All he has is, he can tell the truth in a very eloquent way where people can understand; nothing else. I am going there just to do my regular puja in the temple. Evening I am going to be just sit in the ashram and whoever comes to listen to my words I am going to talk to them; that’s all.

21:58 I am really surprised when a divine, when the cosmos vibrates in the highest possible frequency, some souls just catch it and raise themselves to that highest frequency. They are enlightened beings. Some at least click with it and gather around that frequency so that they can raise it, raise them self to that highest frequency; ashramites. Some try but unfortunately miss, fallen out, fall outs. So different frequency I am explaining. Some frequencies try to attack and very badly attack them self. No…….. see different frequencies. Some frequencies raise they become enlightened frequency. Some frequencies may not be able to raise but stay around so that they can raise; ashramites frequency. Some frequencies try to raise and unfortunately fall out; fall out frequency. Some try to attack and hurt them self finally; so many different frequencies.

24:18 I don’t have a battalion; police power media power. All I have is just few village boys and girls and I used to have three magazine which is not there now. We neither have media. As far as political power is concerned we are in minus. As far as the some money power is concerned we just raise money to eat, to keep these things alive. We are proving the power of patience and silence. For political organization how many people they can meet, how much they can beat is their power. For spiritual organizations how much we can stand is our power.

26:23 When you keep the seeking alive it creates such a huge inner space anybody try to blow, you can just blow them off. Understand if the inner space is vast no attack can be done on you. Seeking makes your inner space vast. Don’t be frozen. Be always alive. Keep the seeking alive. Keep the spiritual growth; everyday spiritual growth as the goal of life. How much you have transformed, how much you are in peace, how much restful awareness you are creating in you, how much of the bliss vibrations you are living and radiating and sharing; let that be the essence and goal and achievement of your life. 27:39

I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you. 27:57

Photos Of The Day:



















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