July 17 2010

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Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Importance of Enlightened Master in Correct Understanding


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles from the Patanjali Yoga Sutras during a Discourse entitled Importance of Enlightened Master in Correct Understanding & What is Mind? A New Revelation. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism spoke about the first sutra: “Yogaha Chitta Vritti Nirodaha,” and how yoga is not cessation or stopping of the mind but it has a deeper, more subtle meaning of “spontaneous disappearance.” Catching a glimpse of this sutra from this understanding, truth is realized and immediately experience is transmitted. He went on in detail about unclutching and not connecting one thought to another thought because the mind is not a linear movement.

He announced a new forty-eight day program called the Living Enlightenment Process to work on different revelations which happened in Him during the R&D – Research & Development where He consciously scanned the Hatha Yoga and Patanjali Yoga methods as well as processes.

Video and Audio

Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: Importance of Enlightened Master in Correct Understanding

Video Audio



I welcome you all with My love and respects. I will continue My discourses on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. As you all may be aware, we have completed first set of sutras. Now we will be entering into the next level. Patanjali is one of the rare happening; the first Master who quantified the unquantifiable, who made enlightenment as a science. Till Patanjali, enlightenment was taken more as a miracle or as an accident. It is Patanjali who made that more as a science and defined it.


Along with the Yoga Sutras, everyday I will spend some time expressing Hatha Yoga Sutras also; Hatha Yoga of Swami Swatmarama. I will try to breathe life into Hatha Yoga Sutras also. Before entering into the sutras, today’s sutra, I just wanted to share with you some of the important truths and revelations I had in the prison 😊 This fifty-three days, I was sitting and continuously reading the Swatmarama’s Hatha Yoga Deepika, his Hatha Yoga Sutras, and consciously scanning all those sutras and experimenting those sutras on My body and how they work. Because, before sharing it with you all, I wanted to see whether that sutra works for today in this body. See, in 2010, I am sharing this wisdom with the world. So, I should be clear that these sutras works today. I am having a same kind of human body which you have; physiologically it is same body. I wanted to scan it, experiment it in this body. Only then I will have the right words to transmit that knowledge to that bodies. Unless it is experienced in this body, in this bio-memory, I will not have the right words to transmit it to your bio-memory.


So, I was continuously scanning. I had one important revelation when I was meditating, contemplating on the first sutra of Patanjali. The first sutra I am revisiting. I have spoken on that sutra already, but I wanted to share with you some of the deeper secrets. Yogaha Chitta Vritti Nirodaha, that is the first sutra. Yoga is cessation of the mind. Unfortunately, the word nirodaha is translated by so many people in different way. Somebody translates ‘yoga is stopping the mind’. Somebody translates ‘yoga is disappearance of the mind’. Based on the person’s consciousness, the consciousness in which the person stays, they perceive the sutra and give translation or commentary. As long as you understand yoga is stopping the mind, you will be only struggling and suffering. A simple misunderstanding is enough to make your whole life hell.


See, when you understand the yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha as ‘yoga is stopping the mind’, we think stopping the mind means almost like a linear movement – ‘some train is moving and we need to stop’. Same way, ‘thoughts are moving, we need to stop’. Unfortunately, all the western systems related to mind teaches us mind is a linear movement. No! Mind is not linear as western psychological systems teaches us. It is not one thought, next one thought, next one thought, next one thought. No! Mind is not linear as we think. Only when you move out of body, you will understand everything about the body. Only when you move out of the mind, you will understand everything about the mind. Unfortunately, in the western system, the people who created the science, declarations, understandings about the mind, never moved out of the mind.


Same way, the western medicine system also, all the research and development and experiments goes on, on the dead human body. The moment you remove the flower from the plant, it is no more a flower; it is the, it is a dead body of the flower. So any experiment done on the flower which is removed from the plant, will not be applicable to the flower which is still connected to the plant. Any experiment done on the body which is already dead, will not be applicable to the body which is alive. That is why, in the… as per the western medicine system, body is a bio-mechanism. It is a machine. Any part is repaired, how to repair that part, that is where they look into. But, in Ayurveda, it is the expression of consciousness. It is the sheath of consciousness. It is the layer around the consciousness. That is the major difference. But this one difference makes everything different.


In whole Ayurveda, not even once they talk about side-effect. Please understand, in the whole Ayurveda, the word ‘side-effect’ does not exist. They talk about everything; they talk about the things still modern science is yet to discover. But they don’t talk about the…..they don’t use the word ‘side-effect’, because there was no side-effect! There was no side-effect! They did… they were not even… they have not even conceived the idea of side-effect! Some of the funny things we should know. In the Sanskrit, in the Vedic tradition, in our social law, the word ‘divorce’ do not exist. We don’t have Sanskrit equivalent word for ‘divorce’. Please understand. Because, in our social system, the very idea ‘divorce’ never existed! You will be surprised, in our Kamasutra, we don’t have word for ‘rape’. Because, that civilization do not know something called ‘rape’! Kamasutra talks about all kinds of perversions which are still not popular even in the western societies, civilizations… all kinds of perversions. But that shastra, that sutra does not have a word for rape; because that very idea never existed. That very understanding never existed.


In our social law, the very idea ‘divorce’ never existed. Same way, in our Ayurvedic tradition the very idea ‘side-effect’ never existed. Because the way in which they looked at the civilization, and the world, and the body, and the society, was totally different. It was totally different. We do not even know some of these concepts.


In western science, the ideas about the body is finalized based on the research and development and experiments done on the dead body. Same way… that is why still they think body as a machinery, and they think, part by part, individually, separately, they can repair it. No! It is not possible! Fortunately, in a living human-being, all organs are inter-connected. Maybe in the dead body it is very easy: remove the heart, replace the heart; remove the liver, replace the liver. They are all independent. But in the living mechanism, body is not a mechanism; when it is living, it is organism, it is a whole, it is not just mechanism. So the ideas developed by the R&D done on the dead body is not useful for the living body. Same way, the ideas developed by a person who has not gone beyond the body, his ideas about the body is not useful. The person who develops ideas about mind, who has not gone beyond the mind, his ideas will not be complete. That is why they have to constantly think mind is a linear movement. As long as you think mind is a linear movement, all your techniques to stop, your struggles to stop, your experiments to stop will end up only in frustration.


I have seen some of the yogis, or the so-called yogis trying to practice yoga for thirty years! Finally, all they had is a flexible body, that’s all! But understand, having a flexible body is not yoga. It is a part of yoga; not the complete yoga. Then the man in the circus can be called as ultimate yogi if the flexible body is the only yoga! No! Flexible body is a part of yoga. The big problem we face is people who superficially tries to… try to understand and try to develop some techniques or practice it. I have seen people…thirty-forty years practicing yoga! Finally having only flexible body; nothing much happens inside the system. Then they lose trust over the very system. Losing trust over the very system is the most dangerous thing can happen to a yogi. The shraddha is lost. Even if a little misunderstanding happens in the translation or in the understanding, you may be wasting years and years of your effort; almost wasting the whole life.


Yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha does not mean ‘yoga is stopping the mind’. No! The word nirodaha should be understood. Please understand. I have a translation, different translations of the word nirodaha, or virodaha. The word arudaha means ‘not hindered’, flowing. Rudaha means ‘stopping’. Virudaha means ‘to obstruct’, ‘hinder’, again different, different levels of meaning. Finally, nirodaha means ‘spontaneous disappearance’. It is a very deep technical thing. But I need to explain, only then you will understand how you can stop the mind, how you can experience yoga. See, if you want to achieve something in the field of money, you need to break your head over money, understanding money at least for few days. If you want to achieve something in the field of politics, you need to break your head on the concepts, the truths, the ideas about politics at least for few days. If you want to achieve something in any field, you need to break your head for few days; that is what I call tapas. When things go above your head, having the patience to digest those ideas is tapas. Now what I am talking will really go above many of your heads. But have little patience, try to digest, because understanding this one sutra can save thirty-forty years of unnecessary efforts. Please understand, understanding this one sutra can avoid thirty-forty years of unnecessary struggle in the wrong direction. The wrong direction, putting your time and energy and struggling is the worst thing can happen to any disciple.


This one word nirodaha, nirodaha means ‘not stopping’; means ‘spontaneous disappearance’. Actually, when Patanjali uttered this sutra, yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha, he did not visualize mind as a linear movement. If he has visualized mind as a linear movement, he would have used the word arudaha, virudaha; because those words only means ‘stopping’. But Patanjali is not using those words like arudaha or virudaha. He is not using those words. He is using the word nirodaha. Then what was in his visualization? What he was thinking when he was delivering this word nirodaha? What was the understanding in his consciousness when he used the word ‘spontaneous disappearance’? If we can get a glimpse of what Patanjali was thinking when he uttered the word ‘yoga is spontaneous disappearance of the mind’, then we will realize the truth. If you think, see, Patanjali says something and you understand something means, you will be struggling, struggling, struggling for years. Nothing can be done. But, if Patanjali’s words are understood as He expressed, then suddenly you will see, immediately that experience is transmitted.


I always tell people, do not learn these great truths from person who has not experienced that consciousness. It is a danger. Person who has not experienced that consciousness, only read the book, he will translate and say ‘yoga is stopping the mind’. Then what you will understand? Alright, like a train something is moving inside you; you need to stop. You go on struggle. You either start doing some japa, or start putting some barricade, you try all your best. Finally you will end up in, land up in frustration; because any barricade you put, that becomes one more train. It is not stopping the train; it becomes one more bogie in the train! And the struggle continues continuously. I have seen people who try to meditate or do japa or something, something, something for thirty-forty years.


One young brahmachari goes to a senior old monk, ninety years, and asks that monk, ‘Sir, how long does it take to control the mind?’ The monk looks around and calls him near and says, ‘How long I do not know, but surely not till ninety!’. 😊 Wrong understandings leads to waste of time, energy, struggle and, finally, frustration - either self-worthlessness - people start feeling that they are not worthy of anything, or losing the trust over the system itself. That is the worst thing happened to India. We India, Indians need to be awakened to the very tradition of India. Around the world, yoga is accepted as a life science and it is a six billion dollar industry only in USA; but unfortunately, still we don’t feel proud about this great science. We don’t even think it is something great we contributed to the humanity. We don’t understand even the economical or touristic value of yoga. Somehow we wanted to discard all our past and we got into the syndrome of feeling shy about our whole tradition. Because British taught us, “You are fools, you are coolies, you have nothing worth in your life!”. We digested the same ideas, same lifestyle, same thinking and we continue to carry the same mental setup and we feel shy about anything our ancestors gifted to the world. We feel shy about that lifestyle, we feel shy about that way of clothing, we feel shy about that way of dress, hmmm, eating, we feel shy about that way of living. Yoga was not just an exercise; it was a lifestyle for us.


Person who translate the sutras and gives the technique to you is a teacher. The person who makes the sutra alive and gives you the savikalpa samadhi is a master. Understand this one sutra, you will straightaway have savikalpa samadhi. Savikalpa means ‘the movement of mind which leads you beyond movements.’ I can say in a way, ‘last movement’, ‘nightmare’. Nightmare will be the last dream, because after that you will wake up! You can’t sleep after that. If it is not waking you up, it cannot be called as nightmare.


Very beautifully, Ramana Maharishi answers. Somebody goes to Bhagawan and says, ‘If this whole world is dream, we see you also in the dream, we see the Satguru also in the dream, how is it going to help us?’ Bhagawan says, ‘If you see a lion chasing you in the dream, you will wake up. Same way, if you see a master even in this dream, you will wake up from this dream.’ Simha swapna! He says Master is a simha swapna. Even if you see the lion, lion in the dream, you will wake up from the dream; you will come to the higher consciousness. So, if you see the master even in this consciousness, ordinary consciousness, you will wake up and come to the superconscious state. Because he makes every sutra alive and gives the savikalpa, means, the thought which leads you to thoughtlessness, vikalpa which leads you to nirvikalpa, the understanding which takes you beyond understanding, the life which takes you beyond life, the consciousness which takes you to super consciousness.



Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: What is Mind? A New Revelation


In this video taken from Yoga Sutra discourse (part 2), Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes what is mind in a never-before-heard manner. With a graphical description of how thoughts happen randomly and how mind is created, you will be seeing a totally new description of the mind.


Nithyananda on Yoga Sutras: What is Mind? A New Revelation

Video Audio



Person who reads this sutra, yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha, yoga is stopping the mind, work for stopping the mind, he is a teacher. Then he will give you the technique how to stop. And the whole life, you and he, both will be struggling to stop the mind. And, finally, either you will lose confidence on you or confidence on him. Land up in a big mess! Master is a person who straightaway makes that very understanding, as Patanjali expressed, and makes the savikalpa happen in you.


Let’s look into the Patanjali’s consciousness, what he felt when he uttered this word, nirodaha - spontaneous disappearance of mind. As I told you, mind is not a linear movement. Don’t think there is one thought, then there is next thought, there is next thought, there is next thought. As long as you think mind is a linear movement, you will only end up in more and more and more struggles and sufferings and, finally, denial mode. You will get into the denial mode of your failures. Mind is not linear. So the word “stopping” will. does not make any sense. If you use the word, if you understand the word nirodaha as a stopping, it makes you feel like mind is linear. That is why Patanjali said, ‘No!’. But virodaha…..the nirodaha word means different. It means spontaneous disappearance. Then what is mind? How spontaneous disappearance can happen? What really Patanjali meant when he used the word nirodaha, yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha? Let us understand that. I will give you a simple diagram, simple drawing for you to understand what is mind.


Mind is not linear like this, so that you can just put a barricade, stop it, you are a yogi! No! Mind… Let Me exactly present the visualization what Patanjali taught when he used the word yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha. Understand this example, this visualization. There is a ocean. Few fishes are jumping randomly spontaneously, for no reason. Those few fishes are the random thoughts you continuously get. Unfortunately, you cannot look at the scene as it is. You want to make, you want to make meaning out of everything. If you see a rose, you want to make a meaning out of it. If you see a moon, you want to make meaning out of it. If you see a light, you want to make a meaning out of it. Please understand, when you see a rose, you just don’t directly enjoy or perceive it. You start thinking, “Oh, it is beautiful! It is a rose.” Then all the roses you received in your life or you gifted in your life - the memories comes. Then the mood associated with the receiving or giving the rose. Then the reactions of receiving or giving the rose. By that time you are out of rose. Same way with the moon, with anything. you do not perceive as it is.


Very beautifully, J Krishnamurthy says, when the perception happens without the interference of the mind, you are free from what you perceive. Freedom from knowing and the knower and the known, is freedom. It is a very important truth, but powerful truth.

Understand, your mind is like a ocean where few fishes are spontaneously jumping, randomly jumping. Because you do not have awareness, patience to look at it as it is, you connect those fishes and try to create a picture. Let Me give you the plan. This is the plan of the mind, means from the top view… the top view of the mind, I am trying to present. Then I will give you the front view and side view. Top view of the mind, ocean. One fish just jumps here. One fish jumps from here. One fish jumps from here. One fish jumps from here. These are the random thoughts. You can look into your mind. If you just sit five minutes with your mind and pen down whatever is happening, you will see it is a random, spontaneous, unconnected, illogical, independent thoughts happening. Suddenly you will see, “Wow! Cold evening! Hot bhajji will be really nice!” “No, no, no! I should go to Madurai and see my parents.” “It will be really nice if I stay in the ashram.” “No, no, no! The families needs to be taken care.”


If you just look inside, the thought which is happening continuously has no logical connection. Just five minutes if you do this experiment, whatever comes inside, pen down as it is. But never show it to others. People will be frightened! Just pen down as it is. You will see it is completely illogical, independent, irrelevant, irresponsible, unconnected and unclutched from each other by its nature. By its very nature, thoughts are not connected because they are happening randomly. There is no logic between why this fish is jumping, why this fish is jumping, what height this fish is jumping, why it immediately went back into the water. But, we don’t feel comfortable looking at anything as it is happening. As we are not established in pure awareness, we somehow want to make meaning out of this. Then we start creating a rectangle. Trying to create the rectangle between the different spontaneous, random movements of the fish is what I call mind. Please understand, mind is not the movements of the fish, random movements of the fish. Mind is you trying to connect something and make something out of it. When you try to make something out of random movements happening inside you, you create mind. It is the second layer illusion.


Please understand. The first layer illusion is this fishes jumping. The second layer illusion is trying to make something concrete out of this random, spontaneous movement. Anybody who understands from this second layer illusion and relaxes himself, he is called udasi, “liberated”, taking things simply: ‘Aah, it is okay!’ Please understand, as long as you trust this diagrams which you make out of this fish movements and make strategy planning, every day you will be making new, new strategy planning and invariably failing. Nobody can win making any strategy out of this rectangle or diagram you try to make. What you do? ‘Oh, it almost looks like rectangle. Why not move this fish point from here to here so that it will become perfect rectangle?’ That is what is your strategy planning. But you don’t understand the funny thing; you are doing all your strategy planning in second layer illusion! First you dream. In your dream, in your…..in a night you dream you have a huge house, and huge property, and lot of workers, and obedient wife - which you can see only in the dream 😊 and you start now doing the strategy planning how to maintain that house beautifully. Understand, suddenly in a moment you wake up, what will happen to your whole strategy planning? The strategy planning happens in the second layer illusion, not even in first layer illusion! If you are making a strategy planning how to have a dream of very pleasing, pleasant, wealthy, you are working with the first level illusion, first layer illusion. But you have the first layer illusion and doing a strategy planning for the second layer illusion! It is illusion on illusion! That is why we miserably fail. The miserably failure…..the miserable failure happens.


Please understand, when you make the strategy planning of correcting this rectangle, even if you are successful, you will feel empty. That is why you do not want to face the emptiness; you go on comparing. “Ay, all the other people also live the same way I am living. This is the way life is.” You try to satisfy yourself by comparing with others. Understand, just because everybody else is in depression or lonely mood or empty feeling, you don’t need to be. If you think, “No, whole society is like this. How can I be separate? I also should be like that only”, then that is what I call social conditioning. Very few courageous people who are bold enough to stand and say, “No! Just because society is constantly feeling lonely and in illusion, I don’t need to be!” When you stand up and reclaim your truth, you are called controversial! 😊 This is the top view of the mind. Let Me give you the side view.


The side view will be - this is the ocean , one fish jumps here, one fish jumps here, one fish jumps here, one fish jumps here, and you try to create rectangle out of it. This is the way you try to create the thought. See, these are all independent movements. Fortunately, the fishes do not have any group meeting, team co-ordination: when you will jump, when I should jump, how much height we should jump and when we should land back. No! It is a random, spontaneous movement. But the mind, the ego, cannot operate on spontaneity. It has the basic necessity to create a kind of an understanding, create a kind of a boxing, dove-holing. See, whatever information comes to you, you try to dove-hole. In the post-office they say, when the… thousands of letters are in front of them, they say, ‘Oh, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai!’; how they dove-hole the letters in the box, pigeon-holing the letters. Same way, anything happens randomly, spontaneously in your inner space, you try to pigeon-hole it. The pigeon-holing happens by creating or feeling this illusory connection. All you need to do to become yogi is just avoid the second layer illusion; means, trying to create this square or rectangle and make it as a perfect geometric figure; that’s all you need. Just stop connecting this random, spontaneous thoughts and trying to create meaning out of it.


Understand, the ocean is a ocean, fish is a fish, they are all completely free beings, and they jump as they want. They fall into the ocean as they want. They live as they want. They dance as they want. Do not try to create the points and make lines. After making lines, “Oh, if this corner is little adjusted, it will become a perfect geomet…..geometrical diagram.” Don’t waste your energy in the second layer illusion of creating perfect geometry or diagrams out of the spontaneous random fish jumping. That is what I call yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha. The moment you stop making this diagrams, taking this fish-points as an important points and making this diagram, the moment you stop, suddenly you will see you are in samadhi; you are in samadhi. This making of the diagram is chitta vritti - trying to constantly make diagrams out of the spontaneous, random things happening in your mind.


Understand, if you just sit and look, see inside, you are getting so many hundreds of unconnected irrelevant thoughts. But you don’t see the whole thing as it is. You pick up, “Oh, this thought is connected to this thought; this thought means this thought. Let me make meaning out of it.” You start making plans, greeds, fears out of random movements of your mind. Very random movements of your mind you somehow pick up this thought, ‘Oh…..’. If you talk to people you will see…I have seen they saying that ‘My whole life is a suffering Swamiji!’ It is not actually! If whole life is a suffering, you will not be alive now. There were enough of joyful movements in-between. But unfortunately, you pick up only those random, suffering fish jumpings and try to make diagram. And the most funny thing is sometime, here, if you see the side view, the height of the fishes jumping varies. Some fish jumps two feet, and some fish jumps only one feet. Some fish jumps three feet, some fish only half a feet. You try to make the diagram with various height fishes and various height experiences. You try to create different figures, means, you try to understand joy-experience as suffering, or suffering experience as joy, or fantasy experience as reality, or reality experience as a dream. That is what I call perversions of the mind. It is the third level illusion.


The first level illusion is thinking that fishes are jumping after a clear, strategy planning meeting; as a team they are working. That is the first illusion. Second illusion: trying to create a logical diagram out of those jumping points. Third level illusion is analyzing that diagram and trying to make it logical, geometrical diagram by altering or correcting or adding. Understand the illusions, the layers of illusions with which we are suffering and struggling. Only when you understand the layers of illusion, layers of struggling, layers of suffering, you will be able to get out of it. It is a very deep but strong truth. Just by understanding, can liberate. Just this understanding can liberate you. Just by understanding, liberation is possible. Because the moment you understand all the thoughts happening in you are irrelevant, independent, illogical, unconnected, irresponsible and unclutched, you will not bother too much to respond to those fish jumpings. You will not try to create a diagram first. Then you will not try to geometrically alter it. You will not try to fit it with what you call as a perfect figure. You will not be wasting your time and energy in the second level or third layer illusions.


Wasting or putting any energy into the second layer illusion or third layer illusion is utter waste. It is like a you doing strategy planning for housekeeping of the house which you have seen and living having in the dream! You can do any amount… you can spend any amount of time doing a strategy planning for housekeeping: for this glass you need that kind of an acid to clean, for this floor you need this kind of an oil to clean, for this rest-room you need this kind of phenyl for cleaning. You can go on doing the strategy planning: for this garden, you need this lawn-mower for maintaining. You can go on doing the strategy planning, ordering for things, buying it. But unfortunately, the house is being seen in dream! The house is experienced in dream! So, the strategy planning done based on the random movements of the mind is what I call second layer illusion.


Now comes so many other questions. Then what really Patanjali means when he says yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha? Please understand. What really Patanjali means? Just understand, whatever is happening in you, the… Your consciousness is the ocean. Any thought which is happening is the fish jumping spontaneously and randomly, and do not try to connect those fishes and make any diagram, meaning, geometrical structure, logical understanding and conclusions out of it. Just relax. Just with this visualization, yes! So anything happening, whether my fear, or greed, or love, or anger, or hatred, or any thought happening is just random fish jumping in my consciousness ocean. Suddenly, the huge weight of necessity to do the strategy planning, and necessity to protect your so-called identity, and necessity to do all the things which you never want to do, but which is forced on you as “you have to do” by that dirty four-letter word ‘duty’


Please understand, you have only one duty towards yourself: to be duty-free, to be a jeevan mukta, nothing else! Everything else follows. The first preference, first priority, I can say not just first priority, the only priority for the human beings is living enlightenment, being a jeevan mukta. Suddenly you will see, the wealth, strategy planning, whatever you think as necessity for existence, is happening around you without even you being involved in it. Just understand this one sutra and relax with it. This one sutra can lead you to samadhi now! You don’t need anything else. Just visualize, just understand. You don’t even need to visualize; just understand. Your consciousness is the ocean, and any thought happening is just random jumping of some fish without any logic, unconnected, independent, illogical, irresponsible and unclutched. Do not try to create a logical, geometrical diagram between the points of this fish jumping. Understand, birds do not leave their foot-print in the sky when they fly. Fishes do not leave the point when they jump in the ocean. So don’t try to create a point, and create a geometrical diagram. Just relax. Birds do not leave foot-print in the sky, fishes do not leave their finger-print when they jump. Don’t try to catch the finger-print of fishes jumping and make a logical diagram. That’s all you need to do. When you understand this, “Oh, god! My being is a consciousness ocean, and any thought which happens is a random jumping of the fish. So I don’t need to connect and make meaning out of it”, immediately you are in samadhi. The restful awareness which happens to you is what Patanjali means by the word yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha. Suddenly you will see the restful awareness, “Oh, god! That’s right!” The spontaneous disappearance of the movements is mentioned or explained, expressed by the word nirodaha. Nirodaha does not mean “stopping”. It is “spontaneous disappearance”. If Patanjali was having the idea mind is linear, he would have used the word arodaha or virodaha which means “stopping”. But he is using the word nirodaha, It means he is very clear mind is not linear. This is what is the exact visualization Patanjali was having in his Consciousness when he expressed the sutra, yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha.


How can we trust or understand this is what Patanjali was having in his inner space when he uttered those sutras? See the result. Just with this visualization, understanding, sit with yourself, see the restful awareness happening. See the nirvikalpa happening. See the settlement happening. See the relaxation happening. See the chitta vritti nirodaha happening. The happening is the proof that sutra or the formula or the equation is truth and rightly understood. Happening, experience is the solid proof that expression has been understood rightly. The end decides and justifies the means used is right. So understand, just sit with this simple understanding of mind and do not create the geometrical figures of suffering or pain or joy or meanings you make out of the random movements of the fish jumping. Just relax from that movements. Just relax from that second layer illusion. Then suddenly, not only you are not doing the second layer illusion, even the first layer illusion of the fish jumping stops. Fishes are encouraged to jump when you create more and more diagrams and struggle with those diagrams trying to correct them. They have fun seeing you jumping and running around them. When they see nobody is jumping, nobody is attending, they just lie down and rest, or go to the deep sea. Only when people enjoy, dolphins jump. When there is nobody they just relax. So stop creating diagrams, creating theorems, (No audio here between 32:57 & 33:01 mins) creating logical conclusions out of the fish jumping. This right understanding (No audio here between 33:15 & 33:32 mins. Have constructed the words shown in red based on Swami’s lip movement) takes you beyond understanding, this right thought takes you beyond thought, this right vikalpa, savikalpa, takes you to nirvikalpa, this right thinking takes you beyond thinking.


Person who makes techniques out of each sutra is a teacher. Person who makes savikalpa experience out of each sutra is a Master. So understand this one sutra properly. Sit for few moments within yourself. You will see the nirvikalpa happening in you; restful awareness settling in you. That is why I always emphasize on the importance of learning, listening the sutras from Masters who experience the same consciousness of Patanjali, same inner space of those great Masters who created the sutras. From ordinary teachers when you learn, you will understand mind as a linear movement, and stopping is the goal of yoga, and struggle with some techniques or method - blowing your nose, or blowing your mind; finally you will blow your life! Thirty-forty years of struggling, ending up in deep frustration, depression and losing trust over yourself, losing trust over the system, finally losing trust over everything. So, find the right source, the right person, right visualization, right understanding. Naturally it will lead you immediately to the right experience.


Buddha says, the first thing, first step is right understanding. J. Krishnamurthy says, right listening is god. Right listening is god. Right listening will lead you to god. You don’t need something extra more than the right listening. So understand, whatever is happening in you is random fishes jumping; just random fishes jumping. You don’t need to connect those diagrams, connect those points and create square, or circle or rectangle, or triangle and feel, “I think this one corner is little disturbed. I think I can complete it. I should complete it.” Having a strategy planning to have a logical, geometrical diagram. No! Relax! Just see fishes jumping randomly in your inner space and do not create diagram out of it. You will see you relax into the restful awareness which Patanjali calls as yogaha chitta vritti nirodaha. I will ponder over the next sutras in the next continuous sessions. So now, spend little time just with this one sutra, this one truth, with this one revelation.


This fifty-three days in prison, constantly I was meditating on the space of unclutching to come up with more and more deeper and deeper understandings and techniques and methods to unclutch different kinds of human beings, different kinds of human problems. Almost I can say, two-hundred new understandings, methods and revelations, techniques happened just like unclutching. I will go on be talking on every revelation, every truth, every deeper method to transmit that experience into you all.


From this Guru Poornima, I am going to spend time with small group of people, disciples, directly transmitting this deep, huge, strong understandings and the process; this two-hundred different process to transmit this living enlightenment. It is not even a technique; it is just transmitting those understandings and transmitting those experiences through the process. Because now, the understanding I gave you, it will work on you for few minutes and give you the restful awareness. Within few minutes, few times you try this method, your mind will master this technique also and will not yield even for this understanding. You may have this understanding, but your mind will continue to think. Then you need another one understanding. You need the next level of understanding. It is almost like a, till your mind is done, more and more and more understanding and revelations need to be added. This is what I call process.


See, anything which gives you the restful awareness immediately is process. Without practice or struggle, which gives the restful awareness immediately, nirvikalpa immediately, is process. But human mind is so cunning, even if it experiences that restful awareness immediately, it will slowly develop methods, technique to beat the techniques. So from Guru Poornima, forty-eight days I am going to work with a small group of disciples, working and transmitting all these great understandings and process and see to that at least that group lives enlightenment. I am very serious. After this whole scandal, even I am not interested in taking My presence for granted in the planet earth. I am not interested in taking My presence and the ability and possibility to teach for granted. Of course, I am going to be in the planet earth for a long time, I am going to be teaching for a long time; that’s different. But I don’t want to take it for granted anymore and delay the great processes which I always want to do. So from this Guru Poornima, forty-eight days I will be doing this process with a small group of people. Anybody who has done LBE or Inner Awakening are welcome to join. The frogra… the program is gift from Me. It is a pure gift from Me. So I am not asking any economical commitment. But I am asking psychological commitment. Psychological commitment. Anybody who has done LBE or Inner awakening are welcome to come and be part of the program for forty-eight days. It will be called as Living Enlightenment process. I am doing this process basically for the ashramites, the chosen few. So I will be happy to have the people who are really sincere and interest…..interested to go through the process. And all the discourses I give during that process will be available in YouTube. All the techniques I express during that process will be available in YouTube for the people who register themselves as Satsang Centers; whoever registers themself as Satsang Centers. Again, for Satsang Center also there is no economical commitment, but the sincerity, the psychological commitment. Whoever registers as Satsang Centers, all the techniques also will be available. See all the intellectual ideas will be available in YouTube free for everybody. All the techniques will be available for free in YouTube whoever registers themself as Satsang Centers. And the presence will be available only here. And the process will be happening here directly for all the people who want to come and directly experience. Whoever has done LBE or Inner Awakening, you can apply, and we will be happy to have you and make you enlightened.


I will continue to express the deeper secrets of Hatha Yoga: Swami Atmarama’s… Swami Swatmarama’s sutras, And Patanjali Sutras. Patanjali Sutras as a public satsang, and the Swatmarama’s sutras as a classes for a close groups. But both will be available to the public freely in the YouTube as I described - Patanjali Yoga Sutras for all the public in YouTube and Hatha Yogas… Hatha Yoga process and techniques, Swata…..Swatmarama Sutras for the people who register themself as Satsang Centers, because it needs little more attention from you to digest those great sutras. They are deeper level lessons.


We will continue in the next sessions. Now just sit with this one understanding. With this one understanding: your whole inner being is a ocean of consciousness. All the thoughts happening are fish jumping randomly and spontaneously for no reason in different spots, in different places, as fear, greed, worry, shy, suffering, pain, as different, different, way it is jumping. Do not try to connect all of them - they are movements - and make any diagram, geometrical diagram, logical understanding out of it. Just sit with whatever is happening and be in restful awareness. Please close your eyes and just sit with this one clarity. Try to sit with this savikalpa which leads you to nirvikalpa, restful awareness, for next few days. It will work on you for few days. Then your mind is so powerful, it will take over this technique also. Then I will give you the another one savikalpa, next savikalpa. No mind can survive more than ten or twenty savikalpas. So I am going to express two hundred savikalpas. So be very clear, no mind can create nuisance more than ten or twenty savikalpas maximum. Even the worst, cunning, intellectual, violent brain cannot handle more than twenty savikalpas. I will go on be giving continuously the different savikalpas, see that you are established in nirvikalpa. So I request all of you to sit with this savikalpa for next three-four days till I give you the next savikalpa.


And I invite all the devotees and disciples from around the world to take whatever I am offering as early as possible, as early as possible. This forty-eight days the Living Enlightenment Process will be unique, one of its kind program, spontaneous. We will be sitting whole day and night and working on different revelations and savikalpas happened in Me during this R&D – Research & Development - and conscious scanning of all the Hatha Yoga, Patanjali Yoga methods and processes.

So I sincerely tell all the devotees not to take Me for granted. Of course, I wanted to live in the body for long time, and I wanted to share this experience with the world for a long time; but the people who are cherishing enmity towards us seems to be more powerful than us. So we do not know how long they will let Me do this job of sharing this enlightenment. Because, for this, so many things are needed. One, My body need to be safe and healthy. Second, the sangha, the place need to be available. So many things are necessary. And the people who cherish enmity towards us have shown their powers. They were able to snatch Me away from you all for no reason. And not only they seems to be powerful, they have proved their power at least once. So don’t take Me or My teachings for granted thinking, “I will do next time. I will do this program later on.” I do not know whether I will do this living enlightenment process one more time. I don’t know whether we will have time. Or even if we have everything, I don’t know whether I will be interested in doing. That is the reason I do not want even the economical barrier. I am giving this as a gift from Me. I just wanted to share it with the world and feel that I delivered what I wanted to deliver; I have shared what I wanted to share. Even when you have the nirvikalpa for few moments with this kind of processes, your mind is so cunning, does not stay there itself. It just comes out. It gets bumped out. So, again and again, using some twenty-thirty process - I think twenty will be more than enough for any intellectual mind to go through the process - it can be established in nirvikalpa. Here I am going to work on two-hundred different process and methods. So, I welcome all of you from around the world to come and experience, live and radiate enlightenment.


Let this great truths, techniques and process work on you. Let you all achieve, live and radiate enlightenment. Let you all achieve, live, express, radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank You.

Thank you!


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