August 02 2003

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Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || ASP


Session on: Muladhara Chakra
Title: The Root Of Sex, Fantasies and Imagination Part 2
Date : 02 August 2003 (Day1)
Venue : Oklahoma City, OK, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam talks about the Muladhara chakra, also known as the Root chakra It is the sex centre, the source of creative energy. Swamiji elucidates: we are both male and female in our energies, but society does not let us express both. Mostly, society represses the feminine energy: the left side of the body and the right side of the brain, which is the abode of beauty, stillness, poetry and art. Until age seven, your energy is total. Notice how children are beautiful in their beings. But beyond seven, children are forced to suppress their other side and thus wound their consciousness. In their search for their other half, girls adore their father and boys their mother. Between ages of seven and 14, the wound can be healed if parents are closely present most of the time. But if the parents are not there, children look in vain in the outside world for that feminine and masculine energy. The effect of this suppressed energy has a detrimental effect that reflects in all phases of life.

The root chakra is a continuous fountain of positive energy while your imagination and expectations are like a huge stone blocking this marvellous energy fountain. When we burn away all our unwanted imaginings and memories and open ourselves to reality the creative energy of this chakra flowers.

Link to Video

'Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || Part 1|| ASP'

Audio: Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || Part 1

Link to Video:

'Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || Part 2 || ASP '

Audio: Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || Part 2

Link to Video:

'Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || Part 3 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003'

Audio: Root of Sex, Fantasies & Imagination || Part 3


Give God a Chance || Part 1 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program: Ananda Spurana Program Part 1
Session on: Give A Chance To God
Date: 2 August 2003
Venue: Oklahoma City, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam prepared the participants of the ASP program to go into meditation. Meditation is essentially an appointment with yourself. Through many small stories, Swamiji illustrated clearly, the common pitfalls in meditation and how the participants can gain the full #experience of meditation. Swamiji also gave the master key to unlock the Anahata chakra.

Link to Video

Audio: Give God a Chance || Part 1


Half Truth Is Worse Than A Lie || Part 2 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program: Ananda Spurana Program Part 2
Session on: Half Truth is Worse than a Lie
Date: 2 August 2003
Venue: Oklahoma City, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam prepared the participants of the ASP program to go into meditation. Meditation is essentially an appointment with yourself. Through many small stories, Swamiji illustrated clearly, the common pitfalls in meditation and how the participants can gain the full experience of meditation. Swamiji also gave the master key to unlock the Anahata chakra.

Link to Video

Audio: Half Truth is Worse than lie || Part 2


Laughter is a Language


Name Of The Program: Ananda Spurana Program Volume 1 Part 3
Session on: Laughter Is A Language You Have Forgotten
Date: 2 August 2003
Venue: Oklahoma City, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam prepared the participants of the ASP program to go into meditation. Meditation is essentially an appointment with yourself. Through many small stories, Swamiji illustrated clearly, the common pitfalls in meditation and how the participants can gain the full experience of meditation. Swamiji also gave the master key to unlock the Anahata chakra.

Link to Video

Audio: Laughter is a Language || Part 3 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Man Is Born To Reach Ultimate || Part 4 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program: Ananda Spurana Program Part 4
Session on: Man Is Born To Reach Ultimate
Date: 2 August 2003
Venue: Oklahoma City, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam prepared the participants of the ASP program to go into meditation. Meditation is essentially an appointment with yourself. Through many small stories, Swamiji illustrated clearly, the common pitfalls in meditation and how the participants can gain the full #experience of meditation. Swamiji also gave the master key to unlock the Anahata chakra.

Link to Video


Master Key To Unlock The Chakras || Part 5 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program: Ananda Spurana Program Part 5
Session on: Master Key To Unlock The Chakras
Date: 2 August 2003
Venue: Oklahoma City, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam prepared the participants of the ASP program to go into meditation. Meditation is essentially an appointment with yourself. Through many small stories, Swamiji illustrated clearly, the common pitfalls in meditation and how the participants can gain the full experience of meditation. Swamiji also gave the master key to unlock the Anahata chakra.

Link to Video

Audio: Master Key to Unlock Chakras || Part 5


Two Steps to Overcome Worry || Part 6 || ASP |


In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam give a technique on how to cleanse the Manipuraka #chakra in order to get rid of our worries and depression. Gibberish (talking in tongues), requires us to speak in a language we do not know, giving full expression to all the pent-up emotions suppressed in our navel centre.

Worries and suppressed emotions sit in the navel centre and fester, blocking this chakra. Worrying is nothing but a constant repetition of certain words in the mind. This drains away your energy and takes you out of the total awareness and #bliss of this moment. Worry is a terrible waste of time, thought and energy. 99 per cent of your worries never come true and the one per cent that do, end up being good for you. ONLY when you understand the circuit of worries and depression, the chakra is realeased and you become free of worries and depression.

Link to Video

Audio: Two Steps to Overcome Worry || Part 6 || ASP |


Secrets about Death Revealed || Part 1 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program : Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) Part 1
Session on: Q & A
Title: Secrets About Death Revealed
Date : 02 August 2003

Venue : Oklahoma City, OK, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashiva answers some questions about what happens to the soul when someone dies and whether DeathRituals are necessary. He also gives an insight about someone who has had a DeathExperience.

Link to Video

Audio: Secrets about Death Revealed || Part 1


Individual Conscience or Social Conscience? || Part 2 || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program : Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) Part 2
Session on: Q & A
Title: Individual Conscience v/s Social Conscience
Date : 02 August 2003
Venue : Oklahoma City, OK, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashiva elucidates about social conscience and individual conscience. He says that by dropping your Guilt, you will be completely centered and be able to follow your individual conscience. Swamiji wants you to come to a state where you will not be disturbed by the social conscience. Only then you will be able to be in Integrity to yourself.

Link to Video

Audio: Individual Conscience or Social Conscience? || Part 2


Accept Your Uniqueness! || Part 3 (1) || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program : Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) Part 3 Session on: Vishuddhi Chakra Title: Accept Your Uniqueness! Part 1 Date : 02 August 2003

Venue : Oklahoma City, OK, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashiva gives insights about the #Vishuddhi Chakra - Throat #Chakra - and how it gets blocked by comparison and jealousy and how it gets unblocked by just accepting your uniqueness. He also talks about the different dimensions of jealousy and how when you have not worked out your complete potential, then only you have the time and the energy to do comparison.

Link to Video


Accept Your Uniqueness! || Part 3 (2) || ASP || 02 Aug 2003


Name Of The Program : Ananda Spurana Program (ASP) Part 3 Session on: Vishuddhi Chakra Title: Accept Your Uniqueness! Part 2 Date : 02 August 2003

Venue : Oklahoma City, OK, USA

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashiva gives insights about the #Vishuddhi Chakra - Throat #Chakra - and how it gets blocked by comparison and jealousy and how it gets unblocked by just accepting your #uniqueness. He also talks about the different dimensions of jealousy and how when you have not worked out your complete potential, then only you have the time and the energy to do comparison.

Link to Video