New Clear Bomb - Each of Your Cells Becoming Paramashiva is Divya Sharira

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Each of Your Cells Becoming Paramashiva is Divya Sharira


You have two major components in you. One: Superconsciousness. Another one: Body, matter, means Chit and Jata. Matter and consciousness. Every particle of the matter, which is manifested by the Superconsciousness and still in alignment with the Superconsciousness, That parts are called Divya Sarira in you. Every cell still continues to be in tune with Paramashiva, Every muscle, every part of your biology, internal organ or body, Jnanendriya or Karmendriya still in tune with Paramashiva comfortably, with the powerful cognition comfortably without any struggle, as a natural flow of life is Divya Sarira. Every cell which is ready to reverberate and radiate the powerful cognitions of Paramashiva is part of your Divya Sarira. Please understand, whichever part of you comfortably manifests the powerful cognitions is your Divya Sarira. More and more powerful cognition manifestation means more and more you are becoming Divya Sarira; if your hands can manifest the highest powerful cognitions you are Paramashiva, your hands are become parts of the Divya Sarira. Your eyes can manifest the truth you are Paramashiva , your eyes have become part of Divya Sarira. Every cell in your body, if it can comfortably manifest powerful cognitions it has become part of Divya Sarira. Pain does not exist, is one of the powerful cognition because you are soul, you are consciousness, you are Paramashiva. If your hand is fractured and it does not have pain, means it is manifesting as a natural flow the powerful cognition you are Paramashiva. Understand, you cannot act when there is a compound fracture, you can act as long as everything is well, not when there is a compound fracture. You can be crying, untill : "I’m OK Mmmmm!" Understand, it’s a natural flow, if powerful cognitions naturally flow in your system, you are Divya Sariri. You became Divya Sarira.

Original Satsang ( 18 Nov 2018 ) : Divya Sharira - Secrets to create a Divine Body

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