New Clear Bomb - The Moment You Hear this You Are Initiated into Hinduism

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The Moment You Hear this You Are Initiated into Hinduism


Declare your integrity to Paramashiva consciously and tell Him, i really don’t know how you look, your qualities, qualifications, identities, all that, but i know something superior exists, something ultimate exists which is Source for everything, me, everything, my thoughts, our thought- currents and whatever, whatever, this world or universe or the hills, ocean and nature, planets, for everything, i know the Source exists and i know that Paramashiva, that Source is waiting to manifest itself in us for our conscious decision of choosing Him. Understand, a simple conscious decision can really shift you from natural survival process to conscious decision process and your whole DNA gets upgraded, your whole system gets upgraded, your body, your internal organs, your intra-organs, your consciousness, your will-persistence, your..everything gets upgraded, it is like Paramashiva starts breathing through you, He starts beating your heart, He starts moving your blood, He starts functioning in your Jatharagni -intestine, He starts feeling Prana in your lungs, He starts moving your muscles with energy, He creates thought-currents in your brain, He creates, He operates, He manifests from the methodology of conscious decision not natural selection. This breakthrough is what is initiation. If you experience this breakthrough, you are called Dvija and get initiated into Hinduism

Original Satsang ( 21 Nov 2018 ) : You are Totality of Evolved Body and Descended Consciousness

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