January 23 2020

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Again And Again, You Fall In Love With Paramashiva - That Is Power Manifestation


Paramashiva’s message directly from Shri Kailasa: power manifestation is direct way to connect to Shri Kailasa. Every time you decide consciously to manifest powers, even if it does not manifest as you want immediately, you establish the connection with Shri Kailasa and it becomes tapas, spiritual practice every time. Listen! The seeds you sow, if you put hundred seeds, nine has sprout.

Video Audio



00:16 nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the visitors, viewers, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Karthas, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, devotees, disciples, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Nithyananda Yogam students, Nithyananda Hindu University students, Nithyananda eGurukul students and everyone watching live on Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailasa TV, Hinduism Now TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

01:52 Paramashiva’s message directly from Shri Kailasa: power manifestation is direct way to connect to Shri Kailasa. Every time you decide consciously to manifest powers, even if it does not manifest as you want immediately, you establish the connection with Shri Kailasa and it becomes tapas, spiritual practice every time. Listen! The seeds you sow, if you put hundred seeds, nine has sprout. The remaining ten does not go waste. That ten becomes manure. Hundred times you declare Oneness with will persistence ... and decide to manifest powers. Ninety times you may manifest and ten times even if you don't manifest, that becomes tapas but never goes waste. Like a seed sown never goes waste. Either it becomes tree or it becomes manure. Every time you decide to manifest powers … either you manifest or your attempt, will persistence becomes tapas, understand.

03:49 Understand one more thing. Today, I am going to make sure ... you are all raised to a high frequency where every time I declare something from the Kailasa, Shri Kailasa, the powerful cognition, it becomes just part of you, understand. I tell you one thing. If you really want … the power manifestation science to become reality in you and want to manifest all powers, the moment I declare, “This is the powerful cognition. Hold this, you will manifest this power.” Immediately if you want to manifest without gap, I give you one powerful technique. Read Autobiography of The Avatar. Because my life is really my most secret message, understand. My satsang is the message for all the people who are part of my public life. My life is the real message, gift I give it to everyone who wants to become part of my intimate life, personal life. Understand. Read Autobiography of The Avatar.

05:31 Today I am launching the website formally, officially ... and World Wide Web television. Today, internet TV is launched autobiographyoftheavatar.org/tv. This web television with the grace of Paramashiva, I am launching this to the whole world. It is the web television through which … the huge ton of material related to my life. My own description of various things happened in my life in multi dimension ... which I have revealed at various times last twenty years of my public life from 2000. Whatever is collected and preserved … is getting shared. Spend time in this Autobiography of The Avatar Facebook, web TV. We are also making a Twitter page, Facebook profile and Facebook page and Instagram, everything. Read, spend time on Autobiography of The Avatar, you will understand how the powerful cognition I revealed, how to manifest it immediately, understand. This is the most powerful technique. Most powerful technique. Because ... when you read my life, you literally live me.

08:08 If you read, listen how I lived with Arunagiri Yogishwara, you can literally experience the same with me. Whatever I experienced with Arunagiri Yogishwara even if you hear, listen, you will go through the same with me. That is why I tell you, reading or listening about my tapas is you doing tapas. Understand. My tapas is not inspiration for you to do tapas. It is initiation! Understand. I have not done tapas for myself. I have done it for you. So, when you listen to my tapas, it is not inspiration for you to do tapas. Just listen, that is initiation. It is equivalent to you doing that tapas. If you listen, hear, read about my Pancha Tapas, it is equivalent to you doing that Pancha Tapas. If you listen, hear, read, cherish, cognize how I lived with Arunagiri Yogishwara, it is not just an inspiration to get a Guru and have that same experience. It is initiation. Your, you will be having the same experience with me literally in your inner space.

09:59 Reading an enlightened Master’s biography is inspiration. Reading … Autobiography of The Avatar is initiation, understand. Reading autobiography or biography of an enlightened being is initiation, sorry, it is inspiration. Reading … biography or autobiography of an enlightened being is an inspiration. Reading biography or autobiography of an incarnation, an Avatar is initiation, not just inspiration. Understand. Today I am going to explain the fourth word “axiology.” I was talking about four words in last four day satsang - ontology, eschatology, epistemology, axiology. Axiology of Paramashiva Jnana is power manifestation. Axiology means the branch of philosophy dealing with values, ethics, aesthetics of religion. Listen. Values, ethics, aesthetics, art, science; ... the core axiology of Paramashiva Jnana is power manifestation.

11:53 Eh I tell you, power manifestation is something only unique to Siddhanta Saivam. It is very unfortunate Siddhanta Saivam has been attacked so much … by anti-Hindu forces because that is the most powerful core of Hinduism. Understand. If Kashmir Saivism … is the intellectual treat for the world given by Hindus, Siddhanta Shaivism is the most powerful foundation of Hinduism. Understand. That is why the anti-Hindu forces attack these two - the Kashmiri Shaivism and Kanchi Shaivism, Kanchi Kailasa Parampara and Kashmira Kailasa Parampara. Kashmira Sarvajnapeetham and … Shyamala Peetha Sarvajnapeetham. Shyamala Peetha Sarvajnapeetham is Madurai. And, Sharada Sarvajnapeetham is Kashmir. These two was attacked terribly by the anti-Hindu forces, because of one reason. The Kashmira Shaivism is the most powerful, intellectually satisfying feast. And Siddhanta Saivam, the Shyamala Peetha Sarvajnapeetham … is the most powerful foundation of Hinduism. Understand.

14:12 Listen. Listen intensely. If you had even little understanding about Siddhanta Saivam, Shuddhadvaita Saivam, pazhaiya vaidheega saivam parakkavē (let the ancient Shaivam fly high). Vēdhaneri thazhaithōnga migusaiva thuraivilanga (let the Veda order thrive, let Shaivism flourish). The great Science of Shaktipata and Shaktinipata: just by Shaktinipata … you can be given straight ... experience of Kailasa. The system is such powerful system. I tell you, ... I am born and brought up in a Shaivite family, Adi Shaivite family, Adi Saiva Vellalar, Thondaimandala Adi Saiva Vellalar family. The time I remembered me from that time I am hearing about Sivajnana Bodham, … Siddhanta Shastrangal, Meykanda Sathiram (मेय्कण्ड साथिरम्, Meykaṇḍa Sāthiram). All these words, ... I have seen at least fifty different versions of Shivajnana Bodham … before I was five years old, and it’s not that I have read. I don’t want to say I have read, I have seen means that is the ambience in which I was born and brought up.

16:39 The people who inspired me: the first thing I was taught is Siddhanta Saivam. But still I have not revealed many things about the Siddhanta Saivam because it needs very highly qualified. I am evolving, evolving, evolving all of you … to reveal those great powerful cognitions, and transmit those initiations. Understand I tell you, just if you understand the Shaktipata and Shaktinipata, and … start power manifestation lifestyle, just first thing will happen, you will not have any panic attack. You will have only powerfulness attack. It’ll not be called, it should not be called as attack, like a powerfulness explosion.

17:54 Sometime I get these messages in the Facebook. People put comment, “Swamiji, again and again I fall in love with you.” So again and again you will fall in love with Paramashiva, that is power manifestation. Every time when you manifest powers, you will fall in love with Paramashiva once more. You’ll feel like, “Oh God, once more I am in love with you Swamiji. Once more I have fallen for you.” That is exactly power manifestation. In power manifestation, … again and again you fall in love with Paramashiva, you fall for Paramashiva. And I tell you, … nothing, … nothing ... will be left in you ... untouched by Paramashiva. Even your DNA will become different. I tell you, … that when you inhale and exhale, that air you exhale will have so much power and vibration of Paramashiva, your breathing space will radiate Him. Your blood, ... bone marrow, DNA, the air you exhale will vibrate Paramashiva.

19:50 Decide … my disciple cannot have anxiety attacks. My disciple cannot feel stuck. My disciple can only do power manifestation, and constantly falling in love with Paramashiva again and again with life, with Guru. It’s all one and the same. What do you feel about your life, you will feel the same with Paramashiva. You will feel the same with me. That is why ... when you have problem with your boss, “I have to, Oh God, I have to attend to this first. I don't know what will this girl think now. I have to take care of her. She gets into incompletion.” Understand. What you feel with life is what you will feel with Paramashiva, and that same thing you will feel with me. Whether your business or career or profession ... or … anything in life! Life is ... nothing but breathing space of Paramashiva. That’s it. Especially once you are initiated and you are integrated to initiation, … you live in breathing space of Paramashiva. You live in breathing space of Paramashiva.

22:01 I tell you, … nothing can … shake your being, ... nothing can move your being, … if you decide power manifestation as a lifestyle. Understand one thing. Just one exhale from Paramashiva, He produces millions of Sarabeshwaras. And one exhale from Sarabeshwara, He produces millions of Kalabhairavas. And one exhale from Kalabhairava, all your enemies will be destroyed and all the problems in your life will be destroyed, all negativity will be destroyed. Understand. Listen. One exhale from Paramashiva, thousands of Sarabeshwaras. One exhaling from Sarabeshwara, thousands of Kalabhairavas. One exhaling from Kalabhairava, the one pooofff ... (Swamiji blows towards the audience) from Kalabhairava, that’s it. All the negativity in your life is destroyed.

23:50 Understand, … my disciples cannot have anxiety attack. My disciples will not have anxiety attack. I am there with you. I tell you very simple thing, if you feel like you are having anxiety attack, just stop eating that day. Don't eat. I'll take care. Then you will understand this whole anxiety attack is only simple chemical. It is not factual reality, understand. Whether … see, make this eating as a very difficult thing for yourself. There is no excuse for eating. Don't give excuses, “Oh, I may get gas. I may have acidity problem.” Hundred times more people have died by eating and obesity related disorders, overeating related disorders than people without eating. That is a truth. Go and Google. Go and Google. Do your own research. Thousand times more number of people have died by overeating. I am not saying don't nourish your body. Nourish your body with the liquid like juices. Hydrate, nourish. Take very nutritious juices. Because the difference is too big between juicing and eating. It is like almost … different frequency the system is kept. With juicing the frequency is absolutely different and with eating that frequency is completely different. Listen carefully. My disciple cannot have anxiety attack. They can only have … Kundalini awakening. They can only have … experience of love, experience of Kundalini. Understand. Snake I am wearing today is Kundalini only. Kundalini is in the form of this snake, rudraksha snake, rudraksha naga, ... rudraksha Nagaraja.

27:30 Listen. Power manifestation is too simple ... and really too powerful and too useful for your day to day life. It’s a most useful spiritual practice. It is intense prayer, intense advaitic Oneness, intense yogic samyama and intense Shaktipata and Shaktinipata. All put together, I have given as one method - power manifestation. Just three things. Listen, Paramashiva is inside you - cognize it. And He is endless resource, and He is waiting to manifest for you. And ... you just need to connect with Him, declare your integrity to Him and make Satya Sankalpa. That's it. That’s it! Just watch few satsangs related to power manifestation. See how I had initiation from Arunagiri Yogishwara, from Nerur Sadasiva Brahmendra, from Mahavatar Babaji. All those stories just read. How I had initiation from Annamalai Swamigal, Isakki Swamigal, Raghupati Yogi. Read all these stories, every line will give you a deep understanding about this whole science.

29:42 Axiology of Paramashiva Jnana is Autobiography of The Avatar. Understand. Ontology of Paramashiva Jnana is Nithya Satsang, every day Nithyananda TV. Axiology of Paramashiva Jnana and Vijnana is Autobiography of The Avatar. If you read how I had initiation from my Masters, you will simply have initiation. You will simply have initiation. Nothing ... is more powerful than power manifestation science. Nothing is more powerful than power manifestation science. Power manifestation science … in life … is the most enlightening, … most exciting, most inspiring spiritual practice. When you decide to manifest powers again and again and again, you know Paramashiva is within you and He is manifesting, you fall in love with Paramasiva every minute, understand. If He manifest, you know He is real and He is manifesting. Even if you don't manifest what you declared, you will manifest the jnana and vijnana, knowledge and understanding why it is not manifesting as you want, why it is manifesting much better way than you want as Paramashiva want. That’s a beauty.

32:46 Sometimes Paramashiva gives you as you want. Sometimes when He is too much in love with you, He gives you as He wants. And, He make sure you understand this is what He wants. So, this is the best for you, bestest-test for you. Axiology, the branch of philosophy dealing with values as those of ethics, aesthetics or religion. Axiology of Paramashiva Jnana is param ... power manifestation science. It’s just power manifestation science. Ontology, eschatology, epistemology, axiology. I am trying to map that Paramashiva Jnana to these four major classification and presenting it in every level to all of you. Most of the time ... if you remain in shanta svarupa space, you will understand why Paramashiva did not manifest as you want but manifested as He wants. Because ... He is greater planner than you. He is there intelligence than you.

35:33 Whether you manifest as you want or you, you manifest as He wants - power manifestation is the best way to connect with Paramashiva, talk to Paramashiva. Level by level raise and become one already, achieve the Oneness, … which is the case already, understand. The spiritual practice always starts with duality. Then evolves to little Vishishtadvaita. Then evolves into levels of Advaita, ultimately Shuddhadvaita. Shuddhadvaita becomes your reality through power manifestation step by step by step. We’ll have today a real power manifestation session. Really making all of you to manifest powers as you want, life as you want. After a break, we’ll start the power manifestation session today. I am going to be doing power manifestation session literally for all of you today.

37:05 Listen. This is specially for my disciples and devotees. I am already in a very high samadhi because I am working on Prana Prathistha for Bidadi Kumbhabhishekam. See Bidadi we are going to change the avudaiyar, the base of the Swayambhu Linga. Swayambhu Linga cannot be changed. That is the Mula Murti. That cannot be changed. Even if you build that golden temple, the main deity cannot be changed. The Swayam, Mulavar, … Swayambhu cannot be changed. That is the Paramashiva’s form. But the avudaiyar, the base we are changing. So that base need to be energized, the Prana Prathistha need to happen. So already I am in high samadhi for that Prana Prathistha process. So the energy darshan, the process now, mandala process now is going to be literally like a energy darshan for every individual, understand.

38:12 So pick up your Atma Linga, keep it on your Third Eye. You will experience literally energy darshan now. Pick up your Atma Linga. Keep it on your Third Eye. Listen to this cognition intensely. Paramashiva is inside you now. He is powerfully waking up in you. With the grace of Paramashiva, I’ll connect all of us to Paramashiva and Paramashiva will wake up in us intensely.

Initiation process starts

By the grace of Paramashiva, let Paramshiva manifest through me, through this being, explode … in all of us. Let all of us be connected to Paramashiva intensely, experience Paramashiva. Let all of us be connected to Shri Kailasa intensely, Paramashivoham.

Background devotional songs starts

45:40 Keep the Atma Linga on your Sahasrara Chakra now ... and hold it with both the hands. Keep the Atma Linga on your Sahasrara Chakra, hold with both the hands. Kundalini explode in Sahasrara Chakra. Kundalini manifest in every being. With the grace of Paramashiva, let Paramashiva manifest in all of us.

Initiation process ended

01:02:02 Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. Let’s all start manifesting powers. It’s going to be extraordinary intense power manifestation now. Get ready for the power manifestation.

Now, with this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramshivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:02:51


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